WHY is little Willie such a bright and happy boy? The secret is, he is obedient. A child determined to have his own way is always miserable, and the more he gets of his own way the more miserable he becomes.
It is not God’s way that young or old should find happiness in self-will. Now while this is true as to the affairs of your homes, and with your parents or instructors, it is true in the fullest sense amongst the children of God. The obedient child is the happy one. There is a pleasure to be had from obedience, which tastes sweeter than anything else on earth.
Do you love the will of God? Then how sweet it is to do what He bids you. You see a little boy running to do what his mother bids him, and skipping and singing as he goes. He loves his mother’s will, and is happy in doing it.
Jesus was full of joy when on this earth, and He tells us of “His” joy. A cross-looking Christian child does dishonor to the Lord by his very looks. How strange it seems that when upon a sickbed many a fretful face becomes gentle and peaceful! The reason is, that the little invalid has given up his own will, and lies patient and submissive.
We do very earnestly ask you, our dear young readers, who love the Lord, to seek in obedience to Him true Christian happiness.