Articles on

Daniel 11

Dn. 11:2 KJV (With Strong’s)

And now will I show
nagad (Hebrew #5046)
properly, to front, i.e. stand boldly out opposite; by implication (causatively), to manifest; figuratively, to announce (always by word of mouth to one present); specifically, to expose, predict, explain, praise
KJV usage: bewray, X certainly, certify, declare(-ing), denounce, expound, X fully, messenger, plainly, profess, rehearse, report, shew (forth), speak, X surely, tell, utter.
Pronounce: naw-gad'
Origin: a primitive root
o thee the truth
'emeth (Hebrew #571)
stability; (figuratively) certainty, truth, trustworthiness
KJV usage: assured(-ly), establishment, faithful, right, sure, true (-ly, -th), verity.
Pronounce: eh'-meth
Origin: contracted from 539
. Behold, there shall stand up
`amad (Hebrew #5975)
to stand, in various relations (literal and figurative, intransitive and transitive)
KJV usage: abide (behind), appoint, arise, cease, confirm, continue, dwell, be employed, endure, establish, leave, make, ordain, be (over), place, (be) present (self), raise up, remain, repair, + serve, set (forth, over, -tle, up), (make to, make to be at a, with-)stand (by, fast, firm, still, up), (be at a) stay (up), tarry.
Pronounce: aw-mad'
Origin: a primitive root
yet three
shalowsh (Hebrew #7969)
masculine shlowshah {shel-o-shaw'}; or shloshah {shel-o-shaw'}; a primitive number; three; occasionally (ordinal) third, or (multipl.) thrice
KJV usage: + fork, + often(-times), third, thir(-teen, -teenth), three, + thrice. Compare 7991.
Pronounce: shaw-loshe'
Origin: or shalosh {shaw-loshe'}
melek (Hebrew #4428)
a king
KJV usage: king, royal.
Pronounce: meh'-lek
Origin: from 4427
in Persia
Parac (Hebrew #6539)
Paras (i.e. Persia), an Eastern country, including its inhabitants
KJV usage: Persia, Persians.
Pronounce: paw-ras'
Origin: of foreign origin
; and the fourth
rbiy`iy (Hebrew #7243)
from 7251; fourth; also (fractionally) a fourth
KJV usage: foursquare, fourth (part).
Pronounce: reb-ee-ee'
Origin: or rbiiy {reb-ee-ee'}
shall be far
`osher (Hebrew #6239)
KJV usage: X far (richer), riches.
Pronounce: o'-sher
Origin: from 6238
`ashar (Hebrew #6238)
properly, to accumulate; chiefly (specifically) to grow (causatively, make) rich
KJV usage: be(-come, en-, make, make self, wax) rich, make (1 Kings 22:48 marg). See 6240.
Pronounce: aw-shar'
Origin: a primitive root
than they all
gadowl (Hebrew #1419)
from 1431; great (in any sense); hence, older; also insolent
KJV usage: + aloud, elder(-est), + exceeding(-ly), + far, (man of) great (man, matter, thing,-er,-ness), high, long, loud, mighty, more, much, noble, proud thing, X sore, (X ) very.
Pronounce: gaw-dole'
Origin: or (shortened) gadol {gaw-dole'}
: and by his strength
chezqah (Hebrew #2393)
prevailing power
KJV usage: strength(- en self), (was) strong.
Pronounce: khez-kaw'
Origin: feminine of 2391
through his riches
`osher (Hebrew #6239)
KJV usage: X far (richer), riches.
Pronounce: o'-sher
Origin: from 6238
he shall stir up
`uwr (Hebrew #5782)
to wake (literally or figuratively)
KJV usage: (a- )wake(-n, up), lift up (self), X master, raise (up), stir up (self).
Pronounce: oor
Origin: a primitive root (rather identical with 5783 through the idea of opening the eyes)
all against the realm
malkuwth (Hebrew #4438)
or (in plural) malkuyah {mal-koo-yah'}; from 4427; a rule; concretely, a dominion
KJV usage: empire, kingdom, realm, reign, royal.
Pronounce: mal-kooth'
Origin: or malkuth {mal-kooth'}
of Grecia
Yavan (Hebrew #3120)
effervescing (i.e. hot and active); Javan, the name of a son of Joktan, and of the race (Ionians, i.e. Greeks) descended from him, with their territory; also of a place in Arabia
KJV usage: Javan.
Pronounce: yaw-vawn'
Origin: probably from the same as 3196

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Ministry on This Verse

will I.
Dn. 8:26• 26Y la visión de la tarde y la mañana que está dicha, es verdadera: y tú guarda la visión, porque es para muchos días. (Dn. 8:26)
Dn. 10:1,21• 1En el tercer año de Ciro rey de Persia, fué revelada palabra á Daniel, cuyo nombre era Beltsasar; y la palabra era verdadera, mas el tiempo fijado era largo: él empero comprendió la palabra, y tuvo inteligencia en la visión.
21Empero yo te declararé lo que está escrito en la escritura de verdad: y ninguno hay que se esfuerce conmigo en estas cosas, sino Miguel vuestro príncipe.
(Dn. 10:1,21)
Pr. 22:21• 21Para hacerte saber la certidumbre de las razones verdaderas, Para que puedas responder razones de verdad á los que á ti enviaren? (Pr. 22:21)
Am. 3:7• 7Porque no hará nada el Señor Jehová, sin que revele su secreto á sus siervos los profetas. (Am. 3:7)
Jn. 10:35• 35Si dijo, dioses, á aquellos á los cuales fué hecha palabra de Dios (y la Escritura no puede ser quebrantada); (Jn. 10:35)
Jn. 18:37‑38• 37Díjole entonces Pilato: ¿Luego rey eres tu? Respondió Jesús: Tu dices que yo soy rey. Yo para esto he nacido, y para esto he venido al mundo, para dar testimonio á la verdad. Todo aquél que es de la verdad, oye mi voz.
38Dícele Pilato: ¿Qué cosa es verdad? Y como hubo dicho esto, salió otra vez á los Judíos, y díceles: Yo no hallo en él ningún crimen.
(Jn. 18:37‑38)
Ap. 21:5• 5Y el que estaba sentado en el trono dijo: He aquí, yo hago nuevas todas las cosas. Y me dijo: Escribe; porque estas palabras son fieles y verdaderas. (Ap. 21:5)
three.These were, Cambyses, son of Cyrus; Smerdis the Magian imposter; and Darius Hystaspes.
stir.Herodotus says the army of Xerxes consisted of 5,283,220 men, besides the Carthaginians, consisting of 300,000 men, and 200 ships.
 Four kings of Persia were yet to arise; “the fourth shall be far richer than they all.” Three of these (the first three) are mentioned in Ezra 4, Ahasuerus, Artaxerxes, and Darius. The fourth was the famous Xerxes, who, “by his strength through his riches,” stirred up “all against the realm of Grecia.” (Daniel 11 by E. Dennett)

J. N. Darby Translation

And now will I declare unto thee the truth. Behold, there shall stand up yet three kings in Persia; and the fourth shall enrich himself with great riches more than all; and when he hath become strong through his riches, he shall stir up all against the realm of Greece.