
How pretty they are, with their heads thrown up, and the big gazelle-like eyes are wide open and luminous.
They live among the woods, and shrubbery, but they are timid creatures, sleek, and ever on the alert.
They dread wild beasts, and still more, dangerous man, and they quickly run away from them.
Boys and girls should have greater intelligence than the deer of the field, for God has given them a never dying soul, and yet we see them running straight into all sorts of danger, but the deer run away from it.
Satan is the enemy of boys and girls, and he wishes to hold them in his grasp. The word is,
“Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” James 4:77Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. (James 4:7). Listen, dear ones,
“There’s a Friend for little children,
Above the bright blue sky.”
Now, you all know that a friend is one who loves you, and is just the opposite to an enemy. This Friend came down from heaven to suffer, bleed, and die on the cross for all who have sinned. He went to the cross, and there laid down His life, because He loved you. There was no other way by which you could be saved,— there had to be a sacrificed life.
Now, He is sitting at God’s right hand in heaven, and from there He is inviting you to come. to Him, and know that your sins are washed away in His precious blood.
ML 04/03/1938