The Officer's Mistake

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An officer was one day accosted by an artillery-man, who asked to speak with him.
The officer granted him his request. After a few words the man, with evident earnestness, asked,
“Are you ‘saved?’”
“Well,” replied the officer, who was a doubting believer, “I hardly know what you mean, but if you had asked me if I am going to heaven, I should have said,
‘I hope, so.’
The man looked straight at the officer, who, not being in uniform, supposed himself unrecognized, and said, “If I were to ask you if you were an officer in His Majesty’s army would you say, ‘I hope so?’”
From that day the officer never had a doubt as to his salvation; he took the Word of God just as it stands,
Dear reader, if you are a true believer, you belong to Christ, and God, and heaven, as much as that officer belonged to the British Army, and it is your privilege to be certain of it, for
ML 03/27/1938