The Schoolboy's Prayer

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A brave schoolboy, a true follower of Christ, who never feared to own his Lord before his fellows, and who was used in leading many of them to the Saviour, passed away to be with Christ.
Two of his companions returning from his burial, were overheard conversing together about their departed comrade.
“I wonder what was the secret of his fearless confession of Christ?” said one.
“I never seem to have courage to own the Lord among my schoolmates at all, unless anyone asks me if I am a Christian, and even then I often give them a muffled answer.”
“I don’t know,” replied his companion; “but I wish I knew. Jack was an out-and-out Christian: everybody knew he was saved, and his life as well as his lips showed it. I only wish that I could witness for Christ as he did.”
A friend who overheard the boys’ conversation said,
“Would you like to know what was the secret of Jack’s decided testimony for Christ?
“Yes, very much,” replied the two boys.
“Well, I think we have it in a small slip of paper which was found yesterday in his Bible, with several verses written on it, ‘On confessing Christ’,” and under them the following lines,
My Daily Prayer.
“O God, give me courage to own my Lord always, and everywhere, and to fear none but Thee.”
The boys looked at each other and nodded their assent. No doubt this was the secret of Jack’s constant and consistent life and testimony for his Lord. He walked before God in His fear, and was not disturbed or put to silence by “the fear of man which bringeth a snare.”
I daresay many who are saved know what the fear of man is, and what it does. Has it closed the lips and put a stop to all true testimony for Jesus? The best, yea, the only cure for it is, to walk in the fear of the Lord, and as dear Jack’s daily prayer put it, “to fear none” but the Lord.
To maintain a bright and steady confession of Christ, you must have your soul fed on the Word, and strengthened by the grace of God. You cannot do it by mere determination, or by good resolutions. If your soul is kept happy in the love of Christ, then you will find no difficulty in speaking forth to others the praises of His Name.
You will find joy in telling others of what gladdens your own soul, and yields you true satisfaction and delight.
“Whosoever therefore shall confess Me before men, him will I confess also before My Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny Me before men, him will I also deny before My Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 10:32,3332Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. 33But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven. (Matthew 10:32‑33).
ML 03/20/1938