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Deuteronomy 13

Dt. 13:16 KJV (With Strong’s)

And thou shalt gather
qabats (Hebrew #6908)
to grasp, i.e. collect
KJV usage: assemble (selves), gather (bring) (together, selves together, up), heap, resort, X surely, take up.
Pronounce: kaw-bats'
Origin: a primitive root
all the spoil
shalal (Hebrew #7998)
KJV usage: prey, spoil.
Pronounce: shaw-lawl'
Origin: from 7997
of it into the midst
tavek (Hebrew #8432)
a bisection, i.e. (by implication) the centre
KJV usage: among(-st), X between, half, X (there- ,where-), in(-to), middle, mid(-night), midst (among), X out (of), X through, X with(-in).
Pronounce: taw'-vek
Origin: from an unused root meaning to sever
of the street
rchob (Hebrew #7339)
from 7337; a width, i.e. (concretely) avenue or area
KJV usage: broad place (way), street. See also 1050.
Pronounce: rekh-obe'
Origin: or rchowb {rekh-obe'}
thereof, and shalt burn
saraph (Hebrew #8313)
to be (causatively, set) on fire
KJV usage: (cause to, make a) burn((-ing), up) kindle, X utterly.
Pronounce: saw-raf'
Origin: a primitive root
with fire
'esh (Hebrew #784)
fire (literally or figuratively)
KJV usage: burning, fiery, fire, flaming, hot.
Pronounce: aysh
Origin: a primitive word
the city
`iyr (Hebrew #5892)
or ayar (Judges 10:4) {aw-yar'}; from 5782 a city (a place guarded by waking or a watch) in the widest sense (even of a mere encampment or post)
KJV usage: Ai (from margin), city, court (from margin), town.
Pronounce: eer
Origin: or (in the plural) par {awr}
, and all the spoil
shalal (Hebrew #7998)
KJV usage: prey, spoil.
Pronounce: shaw-lawl'
Origin: from 7997
thereof every whit
kaliyl (Hebrew #3632)
complete; as noun, the whole (specifically, a sacrifice entirely consumed); as adverb, fully
KJV usage: all, every whit, flame, perfect(-ion), utterly, whole burnt offering (sacrifice), wholly.
Pronounce: kaw-leel'
Origin: from 3634
, for the Lord
Yhovah (Hebrew #3068)
(the) self-Existent or Eternal; Jehovah, Jewish national name of God
KJV usage: Jehovah, the Lord. Compare 3050, 3069.
Pronounce: yeh-ho-vaw'
Origin: from 1961
thy God
'elohiym (Hebrew #430)
gods in the ordinary sense; but specifically used (in the plural thus, especially with the article) of the supreme God; occasionally applied by way of deference to magistrates; and sometimes as a superlative
KJV usage: angels, X exceeding, God (gods)(-dess, -ly), X (very) great, judges, X mighty.
Pronounce: el-o-heem'
Origin: plural of 433
: andf it shall be an heap
tel (Hebrew #8510)
a mound
KJV usage: heap, X strength.
Pronounce: tale
Origin: by contraction from 8524
for ever
`owlam (Hebrew #5769)
from 5956; properly, concealed, i.e. the vanishing point; generally, time out of mind (past or future), i.e. (practically) eternity; frequentatively, adverbial (especially with prepositional prefix) always
KJV usage: alway(-s), ancient (time), any more, continuance, eternal, (for, (n-))ever(-lasting, -more, of old), lasting, long (time), (of) old (time), perpetual, at any time, (beginning of the) world (+ without end). Compare 5331, 5703.
Pronounce: o-lawm'
Origin: or lolam {o-lawm'}
; it shall not be built again
banah (Hebrew #1129)
to build (literally and figuratively)
KJV usage: (begin to) build(-er), obtain children, make, repair, set (up), X surely.
Pronounce: baw-naw'
Origin: a primitive root

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Cross References

burn with.
an heap.

J. N. Darby Translation

And all the spoil of it shalt thou gather into the midst of the open place thereof, and shalt burn the city with fire, and all the spoil thereof, wholly to Jehovah thy God; and it shall be a heap for ever; it shall not be built again.