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Deuteronomy 5

Deut. 5:2 KJV (With Strong’s)

The Lord
Yhovah (Hebrew #3068)
(the) self-Existent or Eternal; Jehovah, Jewish national name of God
KJV usage: Jehovah, the Lord. Compare 3050, 3069.
Pronounce: yeh-ho-vaw'
Origin: from 1961
our God
'elohiym (Hebrew #430)
gods in the ordinary sense; but specifically used (in the plural thus, especially with the article) of the supreme God; occasionally applied by way of deference to magistrates; and sometimes as a superlative
KJV usage: angels, X exceeding, God (gods)(-dess, -ly), X (very) great, judges, X mighty.
Pronounce: el-o-heem'
Origin: plural of 433
karath (Hebrew #3772)
to cut (off, down or asunder); by implication, to destroy or consume; specifically, to covenant (i.e. make an alliance or bargain, originally by cutting flesh and passing between the pieces)
KJV usage: be chewed, be con-(feder-)ate, covenant, cut (down, off), destroy, fail, feller, be freed, hew (down), make a league ((covenant)), X lose, perish, X utterly, X want.
Pronounce: kaw-rath'
Origin: a primitive root
ak covenant
briyth (Hebrew #1285)
a compact (because made by passing between pieces of flesh)
KJV usage: confederacy, (con-)feder(-ate), covenant, league.
Pronounce: ber-eeth'
Origin: from 1262 (in the sense of cutting (like 1254))
with us in Horeb
Choreb (Hebrew #2722)
desolate; Choreb, a (generic) name for the Sinaitic mountains
KJV usage: Horeb.
Pronounce: kho-rabe'
Origin: from 2717

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Cross References

Deut. 4:23• 23Take heed to yourselves lest ye forget the covenant of Jehovah your God, which he made with you, and make yourselves a graven image, the form of anything which Jehovah thy God hath forbidden thee. (Deut. 4:23)
Ex. 19:5‑8• 5And now, if ye will hearken to my voice indeed and keep my covenant, then shall ye be my own possession out of all the peoples--for all the earth is mine--
6and ye shall be to me a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation. These are the words which thou shalt speak to the children of Israel.
7And Moses came and called the elders of the people, and laid before the mall these words which Jehovah had commanded him.
8And all the people answered together, and said, All that Jehovah has spoken will we do! And Moses brought the words of the people back to Jehovah.
(Ex. 19:5‑8)
Ex. 24:8• 8And Moses took the blood, and sprinkled it on the people, and said, Behold the blood of the covenant that Jehovah has made with you concerning all these words. (Ex. 24:8)
Heb. 8:6‑13• 6But now he has got a more excellent ministry, by so much as he is mediator of a better covenant, which is established on the footing of better promises.
7For if that first was faultless, place had not been sought for a second.
8For finding fault, he says to them, Behold, days come, saith the Lord, and I will consummate a new covenant as regards the house of Israel, and as regards the house of Juda;
9not according to the covenant which I made to their fathers in the day of my taking their hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; because *they* did not continue in my covenant, and *I* did not regard them, saith the Lord.
10Because this is the covenant that I will covenant to the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord: Giving my laws into their mind, I will write them also upon their hearts; and I will be to them for God, and *they* shall be to me for people.
11And they shall not teach each his fellow-citizen, and each his brother, saying, Know the Lord; because all shall know me in themselves, from the little one among them unto the great among them.
12Because I will be merciful to their unrighteousnesses, and their sins and their lawlessnesses I will never remember any more.
13In that he says New, he has made the first old; but that which grows old and aged is near disappearing.
(Heb. 8:6‑13)
Heb. 9:19‑23• 19For every commandment having been spoken according to the law by Moses to all the people; having taken the blood of calves and goats, with water and scarlet wool and hyssop, he sprinkled both the book itself and all the people,
20saying, This is the blood of the covenant which God has enjoined to you.
21And the tabernacle too and all the vessels of service he sprinkled in like manner with blood;
22and almost all things are purified with blood according to the law, and without blood-shedding there is no remission.
23It was necessary then that the figurative representations of the things in the heavens should be purified with these; but the heavenly things themselves with sacrifices better than these.
(Heb. 9:19‑23)

J. N. Darby Translation

Jehovah our God made a covenant with us in Horeb.