Do It Now

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 4
"Do it now" is a thoroughly good business maxim. Whatever has to be done and can be done, should be done immediately. Have you something to do? Then do it well, but do it NOW.
Many a merchant has "put off" attending to a matter until later, and has proved that time and tide wait for no man. He has lost a golden opportunity.
So the poet has said:
There is a tide in the affairs of men
Which taken at the flood leads on to fortune:
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries."
DO IT NOW! Write that letter—pay that call—secure that interview—conclude that contract— complete that bargain.
DO IT NOW. If this holds good in the professional and business worlds, and in connection with matters of time, it is of still greater importance in matters of eternity.
YOU HAVE A SOUL. Its salvation is of more consequence than any question of business. You mean to be saved some time. You mean to give heed as to your future. Then DO IT NOW. Take your place as a sinner. Own your true condition before God. "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved."
YOU ARE A SINNER. God has opened up one way of blessing and forgiveness—but only one. Christ is that way. He came into the world to save sinners.
In His name forgiveness is preached and by Him all that believe are cleared from every charge in the sight of God. You mean to tread that way. DO IT NOW.
YOU MUST MEET GOD. You may shrink from it. You may put from you the thought. You may occupy yourself with pursuits for profit and pleasure, and refuse to face the fact.
But hour by hour you are being urged forward irresistibly and sooner or later you must meet God. If you die in your sins you will be raised in your sins, to stand before Him, for "every one of us shall give account of himself to God." You cannot escape it.
Go to Him at once. DO IT NOW. Today He is a "God of all grace." A Savior-God is waiting to welcome you. If you bow before Him in true repentance, owning your need, He will clear you of all your guilt and give you eternal life. Then you will know that you will never come into judgment and that your sins and iniquities God will remember no more.
YOU HAVE ETERNITY BEFORE YOU. You are a responsible being and know it to be true. You are not like a beetle, or a bird, or a beast "made to be taken and destroyed." You are intelligent, and accountable as no mere animal is; and you have a God-given consciousness of it. "That unknown bourne from which no traveler returns" lies before you.
You are nearing eternity. You may be gone out of "time" before a week—before a day has passed.
Are you ready for eternity? You intend to get ready. DO IT NOW.
Receive Christ as Savior and Lord, and eternity with Him will be your portion.