Life Is Short - Eternity Is Long

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 7
"Life is but a moment, and eternity is a long time." These were the last reported words of an earnest Christian young man who, in his thirty-third year, met his death in a sudden and tragic way.
He had come to the great metropolis to spend the winter in special studies. Happily converted as he was, he was deeply impressed with the need of the many lost souls perishing around him, and longed to bring before them the solemn question of their eternal destiny. Towards this end he went out one Saturday night to distribute gospel tracts telling the story of the love of God and of the Savior He has provided for lost sinners.
On his way home he stopped at a drug store to make a needed purchase. In the course of a conversation with the owner of the store, he spoke these solemn words: "Life is but a moment, and eternity is a long time."
Just then the door opened and a man entered. Holding an automatic revolver in his hand, he smiled as he spun it round on his index finger. The storekeeper instantly recognized him as the "Wolf"— a desperate bandit who had entered his store, only ten days before. At that time he had compelled the merchant, at gun-point, to go to a private room at the back. Then, having bound and gagged him, the bandit had robbed his store and departed.
Now, fearing for the young Christian's safety, the storekeeper whispered hurriedly to him to do whatever the bandit might ask; but, either not hearing or not understanding the whispered advice, the young man began to walk towards the robber.
Instantly a shot rang out. The glass showcase and fittings flew in splinters. The Christian dashed to the door and into the street. A second and a third shot were fired after him, and he fell mortally wounded. Hit in a vital spot, his death came in a few short hours.
And this time the bandit did not escape. His shots had drawn a crowd, some of whom disarmed him, and he was turned over to the authorities, later to pay the penalty for his evil deeds. How blessed if the intervening time was used of God to draw him to Himself! "The Lord is... not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." 1 Peter 3: 9.
The young Christian's last words to the storekeeper bore fruit shortly in having awakened him to his own need to prepare for that long eternity. In relating the incident, he exclaimed: "Those bullets were meant for me! Thank God that in His mercy my time is extended, and my eternal salvation now made sure."
Friend, time is short and uncertain; eternity is long and sure. Would you, like the young Christian, be ready to meet God if your call came today? Are your sins forgiven and your lost, guilty soul washed white in the blood of God's dear Son, the Lord Jesus Christ? This is the most important question ever put before you, for on it hinges your destiny—heaven or hell—for a long eternity.
"The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin." 1 John 1: 7.