Towards the 50,000 Testaments
Dear Brother in the Lord, — I am again sending a mite towards the Testaments—50,000. What a lovely lot! ―but it’s sure. The silver and gold is really His, though given into the care of some of His own children to distribute. What an honor! And then to think of the prayer that will be following them as they speed on their way, and the precious souls to be won, for HE says it shall NOT return void, but SHALL accomplish. How wonderful-fellow laborers with Himself! At the present time I am not able to do but very little writing; but I do pray you may be strengthened day by day to go forward in this glorious work of sowing the good seed of God’s Word. The harvest will be sure, and what rejoicing there will be. All praise to Him! Yours in His loving service, M. E. S. W.
Towards the 50,000 Testaments
Blackheath, S.E.13.
Dear Dr. Wreford, ―Please accept the enclosed £1 to help towards the 50,000 Testaments. ―Yours in our Lord, E. A. G.
A Shout from the Watchman
South Hackney.
Dear Sir, — I do think the “MESSAGE FROM GOD” is a shout to this darkened world by the Watchman on the Tower, to man to be-ready for Christ’s coming. May God bless it to all who read, and make them obedient to the call, for in such an hour as they think not He will come.
That dream, or vision of “THE MISSING ONES,” is the most striking and clear description of that day I have ever read, and I pray God He will use it mightily among His own children to awaken them out of the midnight sleep they have fallen into. I am sending £2 of the Lord’s money to you to be used by His direction by you, to and for His glory. May the Lord bless you and keep you, and make His way always plain to you, that you may consecrate every power to His glory. This is the prayer of yours in Christ,
E. V.
A Bugle Call from India
My beloved Brother,.. I call upon our all-sufficient Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to give you this message: ― “Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses; that thou keep this commandment without spot, unrebukable until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Tim. 6:1212Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses. (1 Timothy 6:12) and 14). May God be with you till we meet in His glorious kingdom. ―J.R.
“I Love Your Work”
Co. Donegal.
My dear Brother, ―Please find enclosed P.O. for 19/6. It is to show you that I love your work for Jesus... May God bless you and your work. ―Yours in Jesus, T.S.L.
Conversions through the “Message”
From a Christian lady―
I feel I ought to tell you that my maid has had such wonderful conversions with your “Message from God.” She got at a man about three weeks ago, and he made fun of her and the magazine. He is now working hard for God, and so is his brother. She finds them in the market place, every Saturday evening, when she gives away the “Messages,” and so do they. It is quite wonderful what work they are doing with your magazines, and many soldiers from the camp are being converted too by them. May God continue to bless you mightily in this work. You must be very much His own ... I do hope your health is better; I have been praying for you. ―E.C.
Thank God for these letters―they cheer my heart and speak of blessing still to come. Emptying shelves, increasing requests for Testaments, many signs of God’s blessing-all these things make us “trust in the Lord and wait patiently for Him.”
We want 50,000 Testaments, and God can send them. If any child of God wishes to help us in our work, kindly send to― Dr. Heyman Wreford,
The Firs, Denmark Road, Exeter.
Publishers’ Note. ―Volumes of “A Message from God” for 1922 can be sent to any address. Post free for 2/3 a volume.