The Hymn of the Child.

At a revival meeting, one man in testimony told the story of a Sunday school teacher, who was anxious to get the children to learn a chorus to sing at home. One little boy said he could manage it. On arriving home, he found his father and mother quarreling. Turning to his mother, he began to sing:
“There’s somebody here needs Jesus,
There’s somebody here, I know;
There’s somebody here needs Jesus,
To wash them white as snow.”
Both broke down and wept, and kneeling on the hearthrug confessed their sins, and sought the Jesus the boy had sung about. Mr. Bennett also told the story of how, when General Allenby’s army marched into Jerusalem, the men of a Yorkshire regiment were anxious to find the place of Calvary.
After enquiries, the spot was pointed out, and those who knew how to sing, sang that well-known hymn:
“Jesus shall reign where’er the sun
Doth his successive journeys run;
His kingdom stretch from shore to shore,
Till moons shall wax and wane no more,”
showing that, though crucified nearly two thousand years ago, the men of Yorkshire believed in a living Christ, reigning in the lives of millions all over the world.
One word in closing these pieces—we want 30,000 Testaments to send to children and to adults all over the world. Please read the end of this number.
Yours for Christ’s sake,
Heyman Wreford.