When my wife and I were in Canton, our guide took us to the execution ground. When we got there we found a large place covered with all kinds of earthenware. It was used by a pottery merchant to display his goods when not wanted for executions. As we walked around the place, I saw a large deal box with the cover a little on one side. Going closer I lifted the cover and found the box was full of newly-decapitated heads covered with blood. Horrified, 1 passed on and came to a wooden cross leaning against the wall; the cross-bars and shaft were stained with blood. I said to our guide, “Is this cross often used?” “Yes,” he replied, “people are crucified on it.” He went on to say that if we would stay another day he would enable us to see a crucifixion. I said, “who is to be crucified?” he replied, “A young lad of seventeen.” “What crime has he committed?” I said. “He struck his mother,” was the answer. Needless to say I did not stay to see the execution, but I thought of the high estimation in which parents were held in that land.
To fall under the judgment of man is terrible, but the judgment of God will fall upon children and others who mock the people of God today, as in the days of Elisha, and who are disobedient to the parents God has given them.
It is our bounden duty to help the children. We wish to do it by sending thousands of Testaments to the teachers of the young to distribute among them. We are constantly getting applications of this kind. We pray earnestly for the Sunday school teachers. Go on, dear workers, in this way; lead the children to Jesus, and by example and precept seek to make them love the commands of God to the young.