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What bridge? Eternal person?
Who has been playing?
What is my Chelsea to be?
Proud of no children.
I can't breathe. You wanna join the world?
Where the world comes all the way.
Over once when you come back in the day of the last two days.
We can see from your red light.
Thank you loving God and Father privilege of being here today and I believe that we had to.
Be before thee and thy precious word, a word and those precious things that uh.
We have received freely from the loving God and Father through the work thy beloved Son and Calvary's cross.
And we've been singing to remind us of that coming day when we won't be with the air or changes of lightly.
Love, Father's house, time will cease to be. We will give thee the praise and the worship thou art worthy of while we're here in this scene, we learn that song to raise. So we looked at the air, Father, as we open thy precious word once more to feed us, uh.
Quite nice spirit, those things that I would have for us that would encourage us to go on for thee in the dark day in which we live, that we might honor thee. And all we do say where we go, we pleasing.
As fast I help you be. Thanks, my worthy and precious day, Lord Jesus. Amen.
Dropped one verse four. Maybe we leave the rest of the chapter.
And is this comment on those next few versions?
Ephesians chapter one, verse 4.
According as He has chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without place before Him. And look, having predestinated us under the adoption of sun by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will, to the praise of the glory of His grace, wherein He has made us accepted in the Beloved, in whom we have redemption through His blood.
And forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace, wherein He is abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence.
Having made no enough loss or mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He has purchased himself, but in the dispensation of the fullness of times, He might gather together in one all things in the Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on earth, even in Him in whom also we have obtained and inherited, being predestinated according to the purpose of Him.
To work with all things after the council of His will, that we should be to the phrase of his Lord, who first trusted in Christ.
And whom he also trusted after that he heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. And whom also after ye believe you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, which is the earnest of our inheritance, until the redemption of the purchased possession under the praise of his Lord. Wherefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus, and love unto all the Saints, seeks not to give thanks for you.
Making mention of you in my prayers.
That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation for the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding or heart being enlightened, that he may know what is the whole of His calling, and what the riches of the glory of His inheritance do. The things and one of the exceeding greatness of His power to us were to beliefs according to the working of His mighty power.
Which He brought in price, when He raised him from the dead, and sent him at His own right hand from the heavenly place, far above all principality, and power, and license, and dominion, and every name That His name, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come. And put all things under his feet, and gave Him to be the head over all things to the Church, which is his body, the fullness of him.
All you know.
The first four begins with this term that were chosen all uses as he's chosen us in him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and without laying before him in love and predestinated us unto it should say the sonship on the sonship.
By Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will. So he mentioned two things. One is elections.
The choosing of persons and then the next thing is the predestination, and so He chooses individuals for blessings, the sovereignty of God.
The law school is the grace of God is presented to all men and those of us that know the Lord Jesus the Savior come to the knowledge of the Lord and we acknowledge his love, his grace, his favor, and we recognize after we're saved that he chose us. We thought that we chose him. We thought that we chose to have our sins forgiven. We talked that it was an act of our own will, but that's the line of things taken up and the free will doctrine and it's not the truth of God. You and I were dead in sin, dead in trespasses, in sin. We would never choose God. We would never choose if we were given, if it was left to us.
And so Paul takes this, uh, truth up in chapter two. He tells us what kind of material that he was working with in connection with those that were Gentiles particularly. He says we were dead in trespasses and sins. He said we needed to be quickened. We needed to be given a new life.
John's Gospel and he says you must be born again.
John takes up the truth of being born again or quickened. It's really the same thought, but John takes it up from the point of view that you have a corrupted life and you have a corrupted nature and now you need a new life, one that isn't corruption, and so you need to be born again. But Paul, he in his ministry, he says your death trespasses and sins. You're absolutely dead. You need life itself.
And so you need to quicken them. So Paul takes that line of things up.
And so here he says that for chose in him before the foundation of the world. So God created the whole world full of people. He knew all about something before they were, uh, ever alive. You might say you knew all those things. He knew that none of us would come, but he chose individuals to come and to be blessed. And so you are one of those if you know Christ is savior that has been chosen.
Elect and we might just turn to First Peter, Chapter 5.
Because they're a little expression that is not quite accurately translated into Hingping version, it's more accurately translated into the new translation.
First Peter, chapter 5.
And verse 13 it says, and you'll notice there's italics in this verse. The church that is traveling elected together with you, saluted you and so department, my son. Well, it's not a correct translation what it should say.
Is that he that is elected with you in Babylon salutes you?
Election and accusing by God has to do with incidences and so God in the past eternity chose you for blessing. They are a wonderful thought.
The wisdom of God, the grace of God, and the sovereignty of God. You chose a few bark you out for blessings. You had a purpose that you accomplished a purpose.
Someone might ask the question, well if this is true what you're saying, why bother preaching the gospel? No, people have to make a choice. And it says, if thou shalt confess by no idea, and believe in your heart that God is racing from the dead, thou shall be saved. Why, umm why then are we asked to make a choice in this regard?
Because man is responsible.
And God always pulled man responsible for the life that he has. And so the two lines of truth, as we say, go through Scriptures, the Scriptures, the sovereignty of God and responsibility of man. Mr. Kelly made comment more than once in his writing. And he says apart from the sovereignty of God, this whole world would have been a total loss.
And you know if there would be any blessing in your life or mind.
We have to thank God for we have to thank the Lord that he intervened in our lives and he intervened in your life. You didn't know that he was going to intervene, but he intervened and chose you out for blessing. And so we don't preach that from the pulpit to it. We preach the gospel of the grace of God. Man is responsible 1000 years and to receive Christ as Savior.
But the sovereignty of God comes in and.
The truth given in the Old Testament that he speaks of hell and destruction never being full in both properties, but in the New Testament the Lord Jesus says that compelled them to come in, that my house may be full, heaven is going to be full because of the sovereignty of God and the love of God.
My brother said one time.
Uh, it says.
Over the door of salvation I am the door by me. If any man ever in, he shall be saved. But when we entered the door and looked back, we see another verse chosen in him before the foundation of the world. So we don't know who the Lord has chosen. And when we preach the gospel, the gospel goes out to everyone, and then those whom the Spirit of God is working with will respond to the to the message. Would you say yes?
Believe that's why we have a predestination after election.
If predestination was before election rather than an argument, but it's put after election, that is, an election takes up, we're selected, but predestination takes up, we're selected for, and so it doesn't, uh, omit our responsibility.
Because all men are responsible, but because none would come to God, God has selected something.
But then predestination takes up what we've been selected for, but it doesn't bypass the responsibility that, that I should have come to God on my own. I should have repented on my own. I should have come to him on my own court. But it tells the snowman coming under the father to my father, drawing it. So we've been drawn by the Spirit of God to the Father and uh, we've been given life, eternal life in Christ.
But it started from the point where we will look at his head. We're dead and trespassing. So what can a dead person do for himself? Not a thing. And they're lying there for somebody is the illustration the other day. But the dead dog and the poor lying there, and you put weight on that dog, he'd never owe anything. But he did give the dog light.
That immediately he wants to.
Go to his master and he wants to get rid of that weight. That's on. Well, that's a picture of us. When the Lord, when the Lord quickened us, immediately one realizes, well, there's something from place. There's a change in my life. All of a sudden. I have a nature now that I agree with what God says, but I have this terrible weight. All of all these sins are on me. What can I do? Well, Holy Spirit points us to the cross.
It's only through Christ, but that weight would be taken away from that burden of sin to be removed.
But it's, uh, it's the truth of Scripture. The, the train tracks are unparalleled one another and responsibility and God's thoughts. It is a humbling thing when we think about God's creation that nobody in the whole creation since that can turn to God on their own. They would come to him. Umm, no man come, Father, all have sinned.
Uh, so it is very positive when we realize that, that everyone here today is safe and saved solely by the grace of God, by grace. Are you saying nothing to do with any works? Works with green is something that I can host up, something that I have done, but we teach God teaches us something to do works. We're saved solely by the grace of God.
By grace that you stayed through faith without yourselves. If not of works lest any manual.
So you're not bothered We're here because of God's softened grace.
It's important to remember that while God elected in front of us the salvation.
Didn't elect me for condemnation.
Umm man has earned that his own actions or him condemn us and God mistrace chose to elect on the salvation and you get in Romans 3 already for all of sin toward the glory of God. It's honestly not only fallen short. There's not that seat belt. None of us would turn your eyes to God and I've always I've heard the illustration that helped me to think about this that this can be hard to understand how something chosen elected for glory others not.
Important. Another man's heart. So I've, I've heard the analogy of, uh, a boat has half size, umm, upriver, I mean Niagara Falls.
It's 20 people sleeping down there to work with that.
None of them are aware that there's a fall. I'm not aware of your condition and God doesn't work with you fair to heaven and to save them. And not one of them reach for his hand and even pop that hand away, getting his grades and chose to choose to say something. All are condemned among his first hand, all of them rebellious that he is grace selected to save and so he's grace. All the best. And because of our own actions and internal punishment, we can get love and grace. Not that we should agree, but we don't earn.
Our way to heaven. But even kind of selective yes umm, all of the VR and and.
First paid the debt for us so that we so that we're stating about this job seems OK for me.
Things are mentioned that in Romans Chapter 9.
Romans Chapter 9 it says.
Verse 21 has not taught our power over the faith of the same love to make one vessel and to honor another on dishonor. What if God willing to show His wrath to make His power known with sword with much longer suffering the vessels of raw fitted disruption?
Well, we were all we all fit ourselves in construction.
You also did, I'm sure it was boring. It wasn't in a place of condemnation. Every, everyone is born in this world, in that place, before God works in the soul. So we fit ourselves for that destruction. But then it says, and that he might think on the riches of His glory, on the vessels of mercy which He has before prepared.
And so.
He has good as usual, glory. But we were done.
Why was bad responsibility? We failed in it because we didn't turn from our way, because it entertained the sovereign grace and brought some of us in himself.
So we have a lot of solving and possibilities mentioned quite a few times in scriptures. Another place for attention.
A person might say how do I know it while a monkey lick?
Well, it's a very easy task.
Ask that person simply, uh, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you'll be saved. Do you accept that?
And they have to make a choice.
If they do.
If there you go.
And they're, they're lost, they don't change their way so.
Uh, there's no excuse for anyone who is a Sinner. And, uh, years ago.
And, uh, and would, uh, put the blame elsewhere.
It is a responsibility and it's a simple turning to God and believing this word.
So, uh, it wants to say yes to God or no to God.
And if you say yes.
You say no.
You look at Acts Chapter 9, you have an example in the apostle Paul salvation. He was Saul at that time, but the Spirit of God uses that word in connection with his own salvation in verse 15 when he was speaking to Ananias. So that's Chapter 9, verse 15. And the Lord said unto him, though thy way, for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the gunpowder, and kings and children of Israel.
Well, Paul's the one that teaches us that we need to be quickened, and he was quickened by the Spirit of God. He never heard the voice of the Lord before the last day. I believe he umm.
Heard the voice, a great voice from heaven, and then he saw that great light. Never had seen the light of the glory of Christ before. He never acknowledged him as Lord. And so he arose, and he obeyed the voice of the Lord, and he went into the city. And then when he heard from Ananias the details of salvation, and the Christ died for him, the blood was shed for him.
She believes it.
God gave him a faith to believe and I think it was already quoted here today in that umm, Ephesians chapter 2 That umm in connection with salvation. This again involves Speaking of this and he says in verse 8, Ephesians chapter 2, verse eight, provide grace. Are you saying true faith and that none of yourself. It is the gifts of God and so God gives us the faith to believe otherwise we would vote and say I have the faith to believe none of us.
You're worried about when we see the Lord Jesus will ever hope about anything because we'll recognize that our salvation to work on the process of Calvary, the love of God, the source of all the blessings before the foundation of the earth. We were chosen. We'll recognize that it was all of him and the only thing that we had to offer was our sin, our rebellion, our disobedience.
But we were responsible.
And so there are those two lines of things.
There's a question that, uh, I'd like to have an answer to.
Umm, I'll preface it this way. We have this chapter, we are chosen and beloved eventually. Apostle Paul is a chosen vessel, as Lord said. And have I not chosen the 12 and one of you as a devil?
Umm, how do we relate the scriptures as it's not willing that any should have reached that all should come through events. If I'm to understand what you said, not one of us would come because our will not come. Is that correct? So I might have to say then that and he has overcome my will that I came that that's so why does he overcome everyone's way?
My last year, I think it's uh, I can't remember which one that God is God, man is man.
I think we got to recognize that we deal with the divine person and we've got in in the 1St place too. Elect according to the form of God.
To accept that God would be surprised that any one of us would accept Christ as Savior would be to deny.
We deal with the divine person. We see a conflict between elections and social levels.
We have to leave it there because if God was to save every everyone on the earth, it wouldn't be anything to answer to that responsibility. Sure.
That is possible being and he made us all responsible. But uh, because nobody would come.
Because nobody will come. Who's the question? My sovereign will if I take something out of this world. We had that enrollment school, read it earlier there, almost nine says uh.
A Reaper 17 in connection scripture says on the Pharaoh. Even for the same purpose of I raise the up, I might show my power that my day might be declared through of all the curves.
Therefore has diversity, of whom he will have mercy, on whom he will be hardened.
I will say then on to the why does the equine fall for who has resistance as well?
A an old man who art thou that you suck?
Reply Reply us against God, shall the thing form say to him that formed it not quite as how may be thus hence not the modern power over the place of the save loft to make one vessel on to honor and another vessel on dishonor. We know that we're all we're all vessels.
Uh, fitted, fitted ourselves for instruction and uh, none of us have any excuse.
For not coming to the Lord and.
And, uh, repenting, we are all guilty for God, all his sins, he said. I'm short of his glory. And uh, because nobody would come to God, God, he takes liberty to take some soul to himself.
Umm and I when I be able to save my God chose me. Now I don't think anyone here today can say well why did God choose me instead of somebody else? All we know is that God is love and if you could have chosen 1.
Very good you guys love and they had chosen for the vessel pitted for a glory. There's nothing I suppose in about it. That's all God's word. It's all his doing so he doesn't leave any room of scripture or any anyone that he has crossed himself. The votes are only votes in the Christ be false and false that he could only boast in the cross and that's.
The only thing we can post it is what has been done for us. We can't take any credit for anything ourselves. All has been done. This chapter here that we're reading today is all what God has done for us outside of it. And uh, all these blessings that we're reading about, we have received them not because we did one thing to deserve them, but because God has been pleased to give them to us because Christ the Son has made it possible.
Thought not any man born under Adam's name that they could cause cold because of all of sin.
Lomax, the racist citizens of another, but Christ, the head of a new creation, God's only son. He had the power and he had the will to go to the cross and to be a substitute for us. And it's in him we are enjoying all the blessings that we have. We have to take ourselves out of the whole picture here. We're reading this chapter, something to do with us.
I uh, I think it's fair to say that.
There are many in this room in the world always struggle with this subject and.
Umm, I would like to suggest that we not spend too much of the meeting on it, but there has been something that has been practically very helpful to me. Less to do with this subset, but related to what Dave mentioned earlier about the one we deal with is behind God in their Bible reading. This morning you read the daily calendar and you know this verse, so like you just quote it. We know that all things work together for good.
And then a little later in that same chapter, we have gone before us. Who could be against us? I work in a company of 55,000 people.
I happen to manage a very very small subset of that company, 75 people.
And the people who?
Say our new employees, very often they have absolutely no understanding of some of the decisions that I make. They may be upset with me for those decisions either.
Frankly, it can be very upsetting to me that people don't understand why I may do something the way I do. But I've had to learn too, that if you go all the way up to the top of the company, the decisions that they make may be completely.
I may not understand it either, but what I need to get a hold of is that there's a bigger picture of you and I just have to trust.
That's the one who is and and it's difficult in the world.
Publicly traded company and the decision to be made correctly. So for us it's different. We will not be able to understand.
But can we not fall on the fact that God is for us and he gave his own Son to die in the crosshairs and that all things work together for good?
Do we need to always understand it relative to our time in the corner? No, because the picture is far bigger than me, far, far bigger than me. And it's great to fall on the heart of the one who we know gave his own son for us and not necessarily always be able to understand. And I just think that that would cover not just with respect to this topic, but for all things in life.
We can trust the heart of the one who needs his own son who is there.
Could I give all yours love you right?
The second chapter he tells us what kind of material he had to work with and it wasn't very good material. And he says he tells us the position that we were in that in verse 12. And then at that time he were without Christ being aliens from the Commonwealth of Israel, strangers from the covenants of promise. God didn't know us anything. He did not owe us anything. He never made a promise to the gentleman.
Having no hope without God in the world, but now in Christ Jesus you sometimes he who sometimes were far off from 8-9, but by the blood of Christ for the last. So the last part of the first four that we're reading that we should be holy and without blame it for a bit of love.
So we don't find that our standing before Him is as those that are saved sinners, or even saved Gentiles or save Jews.
Whereas though He saved us, He brought us into favor before Him as those that could be holy and without blame before Him in life. And then He tells us to proceed to tell him how He can look at us as those that are holy, and look at us as those that are without blame before Him.
I want to see no, so I'd like to cover up anything.
This is the wonder that heaven is going to be filmed with praise. We're going to reconcile the work of Christ. The value of that work is a magnitude. We wish that we understood or even enjoyed it now and in the future. They were going to understand a little more of the place of blessing that he chose for us. But these are things now He didn't choose us to be the core Him as those that are safe considered, but as those that are holy without blame it for him in love and so predestinated us to the destination. What destination do we have?
The sun gets.
Who's your son?
Profound, you see, and he had the choice, he made the choice and he has the power to implement that choice in your life before the foundation deserve for me.
In the in the Greek.
Uh, children. They, uh, some place.
So well, so I just brought us into His presence in the very place that His Son occupies for Him. We are looked at as already being there in Christ. We've gone into that favorite position.
And the sun. But in the place that our Savior has won for us, Lord God, we are here, Him in that place.
I'd like to make a comment too that I have enjoyed. We have two expressions here. 1 The riches of his grace in verse 7.
And in verse six, to the praise of the glory of his grace. And it's often been said that God could have just sent his Son to die on the clock to keep from going up to a lost eternity.
And that would have been wonderful. That would be to the richest of his grace. But he wasn't content to just rescue us from a lost eternity and to put away our sins. He actually brought us into a relationship with himself.
As his sons, and that's to the glory of hers. I sort of enjoyed that thought, the difference between those two expressions.
The characteristic of Christianity that we know the heart of God, we know that the Father, and we're brought into the intelligence of what he has done in the past and what he is doing now and what he will do in the future.
And so those that were servants never knew those things, not even David or Solomon or we think of Moses.
On various esteemed servant of God use of God to write the first five books of the Bible. We know about the creation of the world because Moses told us he wrote it by inspiration.
It's a magnificent work that was given to Moses. He was a tremendous servant of God.
But he didn't know his father says God is his father. He wasn't as well with the Spirit of God and he wasn't, he didn't find himself before. God is the Son of God. Yes, he's a child of God. All those Old Testament Saints were children of God here, Saints of God, but you're a son.
My daughter, you have a place of favor before God and you understand that place to favor and look full piece of his prayers at the end of this chapter that we might know it and that and then phrase a little bit later on in chapter 3 that you might enjoy it. The enjoyment of the glory that is Christ and the enjoyment of what we have in Christ.
So what characterizes your skin? Enjoyment of it and the null exhibit and you tell your son secrets that you have observance.
Sometimes and sometimes he can go to employees and really they occupy the place of the servant. You really don't unburden your heart in connection with your family matters to the servants, so to speak. The employees in your in your company, you just wouldn't feel comfortable that way.
And it's really put you out of character, but if you have a son, you can tell your son, if you have your confidence, He walks in communion with yourself, you can just unburden your heart. And God has unburdened his heart. Wednesday to us in the day of the living, that we might understand and enjoy the future aspects of what He is going to do in connection with the glorification of the sun. But He wants us to know what He's going now.
What our standing is before Him and what He has done for His own glory and for our blessing.
But his brother and he doesn't reminded us that not all about us. This chapter is not about us, it's about what God has done for his own enjoyment for his own.
As you said earlier, probably in reverse four, it's not really our responsibility there. It's a bit. It's the state that we should be holding our blame. That's true. We should be. That's practical side of the third chapter and beyond. This is the actual situation because.
We are predestinated as on the sun here, and we're going to be given a success in verse 13 about the OR 14 the earnest of the inheritance. The Holy Spirit must come.
So there has to be a body that would be suitable for the earnest to come to the Holy Spirit as well. So the last verse in chapter 2 is the conclusion of the work in this scene. He also are built together for an obitation of God through the Spirit. God did not come in and the Spirit did not come in as well unless the work was completed and finished and perfect.
And so this is what what God is doing in this chapter.
OK, what he has done so that can do with our practical side of the process completed so that the Spirit can come as well and and he could be in the scene as he is right now involving each believer and collectively the church until shall be correct.
My brother Dave brought a note. Brother Dave Burns. But maybe it was yesterday and connected with, uh, her. It was this morning in connection with numbers.
He has not beheld iniquity in Israel.
And so God has placed us in a position of favor and blessings before him in love, and He looks at us as those in that Newton. There's that new standing before him, and it's impossible. There's nothing that you can do to alter that standard. Isn't that wonderful? There's nothing that you can do about it. Change it. And so He's done it according to His will, for his good pleasure, the pleasure of his will, and to the praise of his, the glory of his grace, where He had made his accepted in the beloved.
You're accepted of God. You have a place of acceptance before Him.
And you know.
You know the Old Testament Saints never had a courage conscience.
They had been making offering for Sid. Every time they sinned, they had to offer a sacrifice for sin.
Have they only got me that one sacrifice, 1 Sacrifice at a time, one sin at a time with government, but our sins were dealt with that one sacrifice for sin?
It is at John's Gospel.
It is a spirit that quicken it. The flesh crosses nothing.
The more that, uh.
The more that we can learn by grace above beyond worth enough on worthiness of ourselves.
More more clear.
But we haven't tried what we brought before us. That is, we all enjoy spiritual things in a lot greater capacity.
If we judge ourselves, keep flesh out of our lives and uh, one of those aspects is giving ourselves credit for things we really have to now see they are worthy of anything, anything of oneness, unworthy. But we have it because that's the place to give it to us.
In the second chapter we have, uh, I think of the remembrance of the Lord and the death we ask, we are asked to remember the Lord and His death over here to refresh our memories of what it costs God to give His Son and have us redeemed at such a price. He paid to help all that He went through there on our behalf to redeem us so fast. I remember that.
Well, Chapter 2 he's also asked us to remember what we were.
Why is that it it brains who are memory are the terrible condition?
That we were in it says there umm verse 11 of chapter 2.
Work or remember that evening and time past entitled to the flesh who are called on circumcision by that which is called the circumcision in the blood. They lay hands at that sign He will without Christ being aliens from the Commonwealth of Israel.
Which claims any blessing that God's earthly people had been given.
And with Rangers, Rangers and the covenants were promised having no hope and without God in the world. What a terrible uh, condition that we were in were to remember that and but now it says in Christ Jesus, ye who are sometimes far off, are they gnaw your dear by the blood of Christ.
So I I like to think of this also.
When we come together, remember the Lord, remember what a class Christ to redeem us, but then remember what we were we were poor nothings. 7 any hope without God in the world run side all the covenants and promises Israel and God was pleased to pick us up from nothing and look where he is at all to this to.
And and the place in the sun, and his place and glory.
Sunshine Price, what a position that he has brought us into. We feel that we're deserved nothing from God and what God has been pleased to.
Give us all these blessings that we have in Christ.
We were inside earlier, we were just discussing the faithful and we mentioned that life was distinguished. The difference between.
And you know, Paul brought this up to both Saints and the faithful because.
They both needed it to be reminded of these things. Sometimes we get a little bit of a head of ourselves and, you know, we're hearing these words chosen. And he laughs. And media starts to allow us to think that we're something a little more than what we are innocent, bringing that out very clearly.
Things we think of simple verses such as John 15 that says that we can do nothing without again and but in listings. I think it is that we can do all things through God, but strengthen me.
And so it shows us these things. And I was reading a little booklet just the other day, and it was on. If I had it, I read it. But Mr. Harry Hayhoe, it was all his little thing. And I can't probably quote it exactly right, but he said something to the effect of this sort of goes with Mr. Boulayer's talking with all the praise of heaven and our thankfulness. But he said something to the effect of.
We should be humble.
Because we know what we are and what we were, but be thankful for what he has brought us into or what he has made us. And we know in flash and he has made us meet our papers and the inheritance of the things in life and and that, you know, we're holy and unblameable and unreprovable in his sight. All these things he has done for us.
And so, you know, I think he was 13 tells us that yes, Sir, that phrase is gonna be in the glory continuum. But it should be the fruit of our lips now too. It should be continued. It should be because of what he has made on.
OK, I just want to, uh, suggest your thought and, uh, have some help on it. But, uh.
I would uh, suggest that maybe at the end of first floor where it says we should be fully and without rain before in the morning without neither of specifications.
From verse 7 to talk about the forgiveness of sins.
So I believe there's a difference between those two things. In fact, if we go over to Romans chapter 4, there's a, an expression there that, uh, from a natural standpoint.
Would be an impossibility.
And I'm looking at verse 5.
To Him as to God that worketh not, or to I'm sorry, to a person that doesn't work, but believe it from him, that's God that justifies beyond God. His faith is counted to righteousness.
You know, in, uh, natural terms, you can't justify the ungodly or the guilty. And, uh, maybe to help illustrate what I have on in mind, suppose that a person is charged with a crime and brought before the judge in a courtroom.
And the witnesses give their testimony and it's, there's no question about it. This person did react. They're guilty.
But because of circumstances or because the person they built themselves with the mercy of the 4th or whatever they might be forgiven. They were guilty. So the guilty person can be forgiven.
But let's suppose back up and these charges were brought against a person, but witnesses are brought to show that that person was nowhere near the scene of the crime. It was impossible that they were guilty of.
In that case they are justified.
Because they never did.
It says here just to find the console for the guilty man. Can't do that. It's one or the other. You're either forgiven or you're justified. But when it comes to God, he can do it.
And I wondered about that and perhaps there's a couple of reasons, uh, that I mean to mind. And again, I'll just share it and, uh, perhaps I'll just have comments on it and maybe corrections. But it seems to me it's based on the fact that we are given, uh, to be partakers of the, uh, divine life.
And as a result, uh, God looked upon us as in that particular aspect has never hadn't seen.
The other possibility, uh, for a way of looking at it, is God sees us in Christ.
You never seen?
And that's what we have in our captive over here.
So only God justified my blood.
This is what it says in Romans chapter 8. It says in verse 33.
Romans chapter 8 verse 33. Who shall play anything to the charge of God's elect? It is God to justify it. So when He speaks of justification, he speaks of the new legal standings before God. You were sinners. You were.
Umm, an enmity with God. You were, umm, haters of God. All those things. But, uh, God never erases the fact that we did it. You might say we did sin. He doesn't pretend that we didn't sin, but he gives us a new legal standing.
Before him, as those that are accepted before him, it's a legal expression, justification. And so he, he redeems us, he forgives us and umm, he gives, he uses all these terms and there's reason why they're given. So redemption has the thought of liberty. Purchase and redemption are very similar, but the purchase, there's a new master you now have a new master you were serving.
Unrighteousness. You were serving the devil, you were living apart from God. But now you have a new master, You have a new Lord. But when it comes to rejection, there's the thought of being purchased and set at liberty. So now you're at liberty before God. He set you free from the power of sin and safety, and then He brings in forgiveness. You were guilty before God, but Christ shed his precious blood.
And on a righteous basis.
You no longer guilty before God, someone else pays the penalty, someone else paid the price. And so we have these little expressions, redemption, forgiveness, they're all connected to the work of Christ and justify God justified Sinner because of the work of Christ. He can place him in a new legal position before God. So perhaps may say it's not that God looks at us as never having sinned, he did sin.
You know, to pretend we didn't. But he does place us in a new legal standing before him on a righteous basis. He doesn't sweep anything on his heart.
That's what we did in Roman St. and I've got to get a little bit far away from our chocolate, but uh, we have the end of this whole week and again to the easing Christ Jesus and God to be appreciation through faith in his life to declare his rights and our initial things that are passed with experience where I say at this time is righteousness. He might be just as God just.
Now if God if the Lord Jesus Christ I need the Christ of my sins on Calvin regarding just and decline with anything from me.
It would be just because you're on the subject only and the Lord Jesus Christ to pay the full Christmas to declare this time his righteousness. He might be just and then he becomes adjusted for our students and Jesus. So we've had the importance of the court of law that Gerald mentioned and what happened. The judge picked up the bench comes in six months to meet, he says.
This man has accepted the old Jesus Christ of heaven, and John, you're caught by a child against Jesus.
Just himself.
Used to become adjustable.
Faith is what justified before God, isn't it says there in that chapter of Romans chapter 4. It says there verse three. The one says the scripture Abraham believed God, it was not counted on to him for righteousness.
And so the base is really taking God as it were Old Testament saying they had light, they believe what God said and and they desire to please God in the walk importance to the will of God. He had a new nature there. He desired that. And so God justified because they had faith in him. But it's often, as said, like an Old Testament, the sacred was saved. Brilliant credit.
Uh, the work of Christ hasn't yet been. Christ hasn't come.
The work of redemption on the cross was not completed, so they could not have faith in that. And so they were under the law for their righteousness as well. And so when they send they, they still have to pay them sacrifice and, uh, and so on. But, uh, an Old Testament saying because he believed God, God counted that as he was a righteous person. After Christ died in the cross, we have enrolled those areas also died from the sediments in her past. The Old Testament Saints who.
Both sinned recovered, then it could not have been covered before Christ came. But will Christ items across you not only covered my sins, but he covered the sins of all the Old Testament things as well and uh.
Scissor chapter 5 or the first verse. Therefore, being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. The Old Testament St. get a certain amount of peace that he followed the law and he did God's goal they never really had.
Peace before God is to ascend being covered like you and I have. We have peace with God and tells the Father after the blood of the cross.
That work is completed now once for all, and we have a saddle piece within our soul that our sins are gone, removed from God's sight forever. Never do you come up again. An Old Testament saying didn't have that. He didn't have that subtle piece of those sins because the sins were still on his conscience. He didn't have a courage conscience until after Christ died on the cross.
Then Christ, God reveals the guilt that was associated with those sins from us. That guilt was born by Christ on the cross. He took her. And so we have a full and pretty deliveries from our sins, which in Old Testament say didn't wasn't any enjoyment of we are today, but still an Old Testament saying we're just typing for God.
Place a space nestled, God justified.
One of the most difficult aspects of being a a believer is to give up.
Our own will.
You know, my own selfish will be beautiful weather on Monday and I think the Lord might have something different in mind. I don't know. It's a very difficult thing to give up what we want and our will. It's beautiful to see in this chapter that three times we have God's will mentioned in verse five, the good pleasure of his will. There's nine having made known unto us the mystery of his will, verse 11 after the council of his own will.
He drove to Hebrews chapter 10. We would read there in the 10th verse of that chapter. By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.
What distinguishes my will from God's will? My will is focused on me and what I want and my self desires, and it separates me from God. But in this chapter here you learn something beautiful. God's will look out at others. It gives it purposes to bless.
What a beautiful and glorious thing that is. Do we want our own will? The hard thing to give up. When we submit ourselves to the will of God, we come into that giving that outward look on others and great, great life.
Chemical thing to consider, uh, our condition with respect to our sins and to how it was in August and as we mentioned, as we mentioned, uh, there seems to recover because there was a given sacrifice God made that provision, uh, for a person to sin, however.
Ignore the Hebrews for a moment. Hebrew is just a chance.
And it says.
In verse 4.
It is in it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away.
You're given.
And you might say put into an account which, uh, the Lord Jesus paid.
Eventually when he came into the world notice in the 9th chapter.
It says at the end of verse 26.
Now once in the end of the world, happy Christ appeared to put away sin.
What's the difference put away by the sacrifice of himself?
Again, in chapter 10 into verse 11, it says that every priest in the Old Testament they offered the same sacrifices that could never take the wedding to see.
But this day, after he had one sacrifice since whatever sat down on the right hand of God, signifying the finishwork.
Thank you, Bye bye. One offering he has perfect.
Whatever them instead of saying what a wonderful expression perfectly for him.
Best could read the verses there in Romans chapter 3 connection with the Old Testament Saints. I think it clears it up somewhat. But yeah dude.
Chapter 3 and verse 23.
Mentioned there that all have said I'm sure the glory of God.
Their inventions being justified really by his grace through the redemption that is in right She's that redemption price was so perfect, so great.
That God could come out freely with His grace, and forgive us every sin because of God. That does not say when God has set forth to be of appreciation and officiation being the moment not bad, we have officiation through faith and blood to declare his righteousness and remission of sins that are better through the preparance of God.
A lot of their patients, Old Testament Saints and their sins.
Looking onwards at the time when those sins would also be covered by the blood of Christ with health, and so God for bear with them up until Christ died, and when Christ died, it says.
Whom God had set forth to be an appreciation through the faith of the blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are passed, speaking Arab in Old Testament Saints, and their sins forever cleansed by the blood of Christ when he died of the cross. And so there is no guilt attached whatsoever with an Old Testament saying their sins are covered in the same precious blood as ours sins are covered in.
Perhaps it goes a little beyond that. I wonder if, uh, it really our sins are gone. And uh, he gives a little illustration. The Spirit of God gives a little illustration in the Old Testament. He says our sins are cast into the depths of the sea. He uses the another illustration of songs as far as the east is from the West, so far as the put our sins away in the future day, the nation of Israel is going to rejoice because their sins, their natural sins as well as their sins individually.
Those who have come to faith were dealt with on a righteous basis. Their sins were forgiven, but their sins are gone. Your sins in mind were placed on the Lord at the cross of Calvary, and God who knew them laid them on him. And believing we were free, we have that little hymn that we often sing. But our sins were placed upon him, and God judged His Son.
God is the judge of sin, who judged his Son, who punished his Son for those sins. Those sins were laid upon him. And then the example is given to us in the Old Testament, where the let's just read it in Leviticus chapter 4 so that we get the point of it. Leviticus chapter 4.
And there's all kinds of different examples there, but we'll look at the last one.
Uh, first, uh 27 Leviticus 4 verse 27. If any one of the common people through sin, sin through ignorance, while he knew it somewhat against any of the commandments of the Lord, and turning things which ought not to be done and be guilty, or of this sin which he has sinned come to his knowledge, then he shall bring his offering and kid of the goat female without blemish for his sin which he has sinned. He shall lay his hand upon the head of the sin offering and slay the sin offering in the place of the burnt offering. And just the last part of verse 31.
And it shall be forgiven him. 1/5 He put his hand on the head of the goat. And it's a little picture of our sin being transferred to Christ. And Christ died for our sins. He was punished for our sins and our death. And so our sins were laid on him.
And then?
After the work was done, he said, it is finished.
He really He has dismissed his spirit.
You would bury rose again, rose again, and rose again. He's in resurrection lightning. His body is glorified, and he ascended into the right hand to the right hand of majesty on how you feed it in the presence of God.
Where are? Where are your kids? Where are my sins? Where are the Old Testament sins? To think the sins are the same, they're gone.
They're gone. God will never ever remind you or I of a sin in the future.
You will never obstruct the seat of Christ. You review our lives, those things that we did in the body, but he's never going to remind you of a sin and say that one was really, really something that was difficult to bear. No, He will judge our lives, review our lives and we will reward those things, but our sins are gone and on a righteous basis. And so that word atonement and brother Darryl bring up is the word means a covering.
So the Old Testament Saints had their sins covered with the blood.
So just a little picture of the bloodshed and the skin covered, the blood covered, it was sprinkled on the mercy seat.
That was on credit, so they didn't recover.
But your sins are covered, they're gone. God has dealt with your sins on the righteous basis, they're gone. And Christ that's on high, seated on the right hand of the majesty, on my evidence that their sins are gone and that God has drugged them. And on a righteous basis, that man speaks on the right hand. They're wonderful. Thank you.
And to have that third client to know that God will never remind you, never hold you accountable for any of those cities house depression or future they've gone. And so that's what it means to have forgiveness of sin or remission. The old, the King James translators, they use those two words really the same word, permission or forgiveness. You're no longer guilty before God. Someone else bore the penalty.
And you can never be charged with the crime.
Yes, I think that's important. And unfortunately we mislead ourselves sometimes by the way that we use the word for chunky.
I'll let this, uh, my brother go through that this may cover.
But in all custom times they benefited from the home. It was God's best deal for the hotel in protest by by offering making an offering that was in the greater opponent, the sins were covered.
Now the high priest, all, all the sins of the people, and on the basis of that and the death of that animal, the sins were covered. What does that mean? They were put out of sight. And because the things have been put out of sight, God.
Mm-hmm. Could you switch? So it's, it's, it's continuing to run the dispatch. We're learning about the New Testament.
I think it's in the second moment, but then the the, uh, the, uh, small.
Now, I know we speak of the Italian depth of Christ, but we're really speaking these types.
The reality is, as we get in Hebrews 9, where we get an illusion to the high freestyle of going into the question during the proceed question. What did he say?
Neither by the blood thousand of cogs, but by his own blood is the Lord Jesus Christ. He entered once ignorance into the Holy Grail. He didn't have what I thought the libraries the high priestess had seen with his own sin church.
But he he went into the holy place having a time to decide farming, redemption, eternal redemption is far better than the truth. And, and, and so we have to be safe and we have a new flat work. We, I think we tend to mislead ourselves, but sometimes when we use the word development when we should be talking about the country.
So verse 26 of that Chapter 9 in Hebrews.
The Hebrews Chapter 9 verse 26, it says now once in the end of the world, or should say at the end of the age of the ages, happy appeared to put away.
By the sacrifice of himself. Isn't that lovely to see the scripture so accurate, isn't it? Can't you just enjoy that phrase to put away?
Sin by the sacrifice of yourself. God wanted you and I to have a conscience that was perfectly at peace.
With him even now in the day that we live here. And so he tells us to do things. So the sacrifice of Christ has dealt with the putting away of our sins and then it says a little bit further on in verse 28. You might just read it. So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many.
He died for all. The work of Christ is sufficient that all couldn't have their sins forgiven if all would come. But as we already said, none would come. But in the sovereignty of God He is chosen, elected, and some have come by grace.
That he bore the sins of many. And so that's why when he preached the gospel of the grace of God, it's good for us to recognize that he died for all.
Make the way open, but only the menu before the sins of many.
Well, in verse nine he said he speaks of the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he had purpose in himself.
And so we have read these things, some of them here, and they have to do with the secrets that God had in his heart. He had the secrets in the past eternity. He has a secret. He had a plan, He had purpose that he would have those that were from among the Jews and Gentiles brought in the blessing and made sons, made part of the bride of Christ. He had these secrets.
That he would.
Have Christ glorified and have a bride alongside with them, and that's what He's Speaking of, of the mystery of His will according to his good pleasure, which He's purpose in himself, that in the dispensation.
For the future administration of the fullness of times and, Speaking of the Millennium, the fullness of mind.
Price is going to be glorified, Christ will be seen by this world and beside the Lord Jesus with him will be his bride. They're going to see you and I put Christ.
It's astounding to think that those that have rejected strikes in this world.
Are going to bow the knee to him, but those during the millennial scene that have found them even are believers and those that are in the gentile nations.
They're going to see the Lord Jesus and they're going to see His glory, and they're going to see you and I with them. And so God had this secret, this mystery, this secret in his heart.
And he wanted to tell the believers in the day that we live in all about the family. So there are many secrets that he had. This is one of the secrets that he had.
Mentioned in the revelation there chapter uh chapter 4 verse 11.
Thou art worthy, O Lord, receive glory and honor. Power without hast created all things and.
For like pleasure they are and we're created. And so we see here that, uh.
He's revealed this mystery to us of His will according to His good pleasure, which is purpose.
In itself.
God created man for his pleasure. God is going to have that pleasure of having us before Him.
As sons think of God, well, pleasant beloved son, so my soul he desired as a whole family in heaven, just like my son. We've been brought into that, uh, place.
Through God's pleasure.
His will, he has brought us in and so even though creation got might say, uh.
Satan, uh.
Upset things for a period of time because sin came in, yet in the end.
In Revelation, God is going to have his pleasure. He's his will is going to be final. And uh, we can just be thankful that that we will be.
Part of that which God has determined, uh, even before he in creation, he determined that things would be made for His pleasure. And uh, we are part of that right here.
That'd be good, just to look at the end of Roman 16 where Paul speaks of this, uh, industry.
Invert 25 chapter 16 of Romans verse 25. Now to him that is of power to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ. These were two works that Paul was given to do. One was to preach the gospel of the grace of God and to teach the gospel. And that's what he does in Romans. He teaches the gospel. He was preaching it in the book of the Acts and he was defending the gospel in relation, but here in Romans he's teaching it.
And then he says the second part of the work that God gave him to do was to reveal the mystery according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began, but now is named manifest by the scriptures of prophecy. Pathetic scriptures really call both writings according to the commandment of the everlasting God made known for all nations for the obedience of faith. And so we have.
All used of God.
It was revealed in him these revelations, great revelations who said in in chapter 5 in connecting with church. It says in chapter 5 verse 31 right at the end of day two shall be one. This is a great mystery that I speak concerning Christ in the church. So Paul God revealed to Paul the secrets.
That were not known to the truth they were not known to the Old Testament Saints, but they are made known to you. You're brought in your relationship with him because you know him you're a son, you're a daughter you're in relationship with him. He wanted you to know all of the secrets and so God has revealed the truth to his people in the epistles and fall the heavenly truth of the Christ in the church. Other things and.
He wanted you to know it.
And you enjoy it now. Not legal.
Same #319.
Her sins were borne by Jesus.
The only man of God took them all in freedom.
And that's OK. So you also born by the pieces. We watched the criminal change and waited quite long. Distractions from not a spot in China.
Our sins were borne by.
And all night breathing from God, from everyone.
Let's see our godfather.
Redeemed us into.
Sunshine, the praise of my glory.
Run into this.
We're here to marvelous. Thank goodness to us.
My goodness, trust this thing some other place.
Thanks. How about Jesus Christ?