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Ezra 6

Esd. 6:6 KJV (With Strong’s)

k`an (Hebrew #3705)
KJV usage: now.
Pronounce: keh-an'
Origin: (Aramaic) probably from 3652
therefore, Tatnaih, governor
pechah (Hebrew #6347)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 6346
KJV usage: captain, governor.
Pronounce: peh-khaw'
`abar (Hebrew #5675)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 5676
KJV usage: beyond, this side.
Pronounce: ab-ar'
the river
nhar (Hebrew #5103)
a river, especially the Euphrates
KJV usage: river, stream.
Pronounce: neh-har'
Origin: (Aramaic) from a root corresponding to 5102
, Shethar-boznai
Shthar (Hebrew #8370)
Shethar-Bozenai, a Persian officer
KJV usage: Shethar-boznai.
Pronounce: Bowznay
Origin: of foreign derivation
, and your ηcompanions
knath (Hebrew #3675)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 3674
KJV usage: companion.
Pronounce: ken-awth'
the Apharsachites
'Apharckay (Hebrew #671)
of foreign origin (only in the plural); an Apharsekite or Apharsathkite, an unknown Assyrian tribe
KJV usage: Apharsachites, Apharasthchites.
Pronounce: af-ar-sek-ah'ee
Origin: (Aramaic) or fApharcathkay (Aramaic) {af-ar-sath-kah'ee}
, which are beyond
`abar (Hebrew #5675)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 5676
KJV usage: beyond, this side.
Pronounce: ab-ar'
the river
nhar (Hebrew #5103)
a river, especially the Euphrates
KJV usage: river, stream.
Pronounce: neh-har'
Origin: (Aramaic) from a root corresponding to 5102
, be ye
hava' (Hebrew #1934)
corresponding to 1933; to exist; used in a great variety of applications (especially in connection with other words)
KJV usage: be, become, + behold, + came (to pass), + cease, + cleave, + consider, + do, + give, + have, + judge, + keep, + labour, + mingle (self), + put, + see, + seek, + set, + slay, + take heed, tremble, + walk, + would.
Pronounce: hav-aw'
Origin: (Aramaic) orhavah (Aramaic) {hav-aw'}
rachiyq (Hebrew #7352)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 7350
KJV usage: far.
Pronounce: rakh-eek'
min (Hebrew #4481)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 4480
KJV usage: according, after, + because, + before, by, for, from, X him, X more than, (out) of, part, since, X these, to, upon, + when.
Pronounce: min
tam (Hebrew #8536)
KJV usage: X thence, there, X where.
Pronounce: tawm
Origin: (Aramaic) corresponding to 8033

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your companions.
Chal. their societies.
be ye far.
Gn. 32:28• 28Y él dijo: No se dirá más tu nombre Jacob, sino Israel: porque has peleado con Dios y con los hombres, y has vencido. (Gn. 32:28)
Gn. 43:14• 14Y el Dios Omnipotente os dé misericordias delante de aquel varón, y os suelte al otro vuestro hermano, y á este Benjamín. Y si he de ser privado de mis hijos, séalo. (Gn. 43:14)
Neh. 1:11• 11Ruégote, oh Jehová, esté ahora atento tu oído á la oración de tu siervo, y la oración de tus siervos, quienes desean temer tu nombre: y ahora concede hoy próspero suceso á tu siervo, y dale gracia delante de aquel varón. Porque yo servía de copero al rey. (Neh. 1:11)
Sal. 76:10• 10Ciertamente la ira del hombre te acarreará alabanza: Tú reprimirás el resto de las iras. (Sal. 76:10)
Pr. 21:1,30• 1Como los repartimientos de las aguas, así está el corazón del rey en la mano de Jehová: A todo lo que quiere lo inclina.
30No hay sabiduría, ni inteligencia, Ni consejo, contra Jehová.
(Pr. 21:1,30)
Is. 27:8• 8Con medida la castigarás en sus vástagos. El reprime su recio viento en el día del aire solano. (Is. 27:8)
Hch. 4:26‑28• 26Asistieron los reyes de la tierra, Y los príncipes se juntaron en uno Contra el Señor, y contra su Cristo.
27Porque verdaderamente se juntaron en esta ciudad contra tu santo Hijo Jesús, al cual ungiste, Herodes y Poncio Pilato, con los Gentiles y los pueblos de Israel,
28Para hacer lo que tu mano y tu consejo habían antes determinado que había de ser hecho.
(Hch. 4:26‑28)
Ro. 8:31• 31¿Pues qué diremos á esto? Si Dios por nosotros, ¿quién contra nosotros? (Ro. 8:31)
 The enemy, who had hoped to stop the work of the Jews, is now compelled by the king to assist them in their efforts. Darius decreed that they were to leave the work alone (Ezra 6:7), that the expenses for the building were to be taken from the tribute exacted from that side of the river (v. 8), and that they were to provide for the daily sacrifices, day by day without fail (v. 9)! This theme is to be found often in Scripture: the enemy seeks to overthrow only to find himself overthrown. (The Enemies Thwarted - Ezra 6:1-13 by N. Simon)

J. N. Darby Translation

Therefore Tatnai, governor beyond the river, Shethar-boznai, and your companions the Apharsachites, who are beyond the river, be ye far from thence: