Follow the Lord, You Won't Regret It

Open—Benj Roossinck
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I'll be brief, uh.
There's a prior here in this book.
And I'm just going to read it.
And then it says here day by day, dear Lord of the UMM.
Three things I pray to see thee more clearly, to love thee more dearly.
To follow thee more nearly day by day. Amen.
Some people Have you made a decision to follow the Lord?
And if you have made a decision to follow the Lord, you won't regret it.
Lord is here with us, and He'll be with us till they take this hold of glory. To follow the word nearly that means to follow the Lord. Wherever you are in your life, follow Him. You won't regret it.
You know when I was a kid.
I didn't know right from wrong. I didn't know God. God didn't matter to me. But now God does matter to me. Thank God this matters to you.
So, uh, I say again people, if you make a decision to follow the Lord, you won't regret it. The Lord doesn't promise an easy life, but He does promise to go with us. And I mean that for all the brethren here. You won't regret if you follow the Lord and do what he asked.
So I have followed the Lord, and you won't regret it.
That's all I have to say. And then clothing with this. I wanna sing a chorus that we all know.
And it has to do with price. Maybe we'll just sing that.
Uh, the last verse of the hymn. I think we all know it, but.
Don't forget, make your decision to follow the Lord. Very important.
All the love that drew salvation.
Went Oh, my grace, I brought it down here and now.
It's raining.
Over it.
The young people and older ones don't forget. Make your decision to follow the Lord. You won't regret it.
Let's pray so, Oh Father, we thank thee.
For this time that we can come here together to express our need of thee and Father, we pray for the young people and the older ones too. Lord, we pray that they might make a decision. To all thee, Lord Jesus, we know that we'll never regret following Thee, Lord Jesus, after all dollars done all that is possible.
So we ask thy blessing on the rest of this day, and pray that blessed the gospel.
We are. God bless you Father, and give thanks.
For the meal that we will eat later on, we pray to bless our time and fellowship together. Thank you for this time, for Jesus. In thy name, Lord Jesus, we pray. Amen. Amen.