With a sense of urgency regarding the very short time parents have to be with their beloved children, bringing them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, we share the following poem. We urge dads and moms—especially those with little ones still at home—to read it prayerfully.
A little girl with shining eyes,
Her sweet little face aglow,
Said, “Daddy, it’s almost time for
Sunday school. Come on! Please, let’s go!
They teach us there of Jesus’ love,
Of how He died for all,
To save all people from their sins,
Each one on Him who call.”
“Oh, no!” said Daddy. “Not today.
I’ve worked hard the whole long week.
This is my day to have some fun;
I’m going to the creek.
For there I can relax and rest;
The fishing’s fine they say.
Run along, dear; don’t bother me;
We’ll go to church someday.”
The months and years have passed away;
Now Daddy hears that plea no more—
“Let’s go to Sunday school”;
Those days of childhood are o’er.
And now Daddy’s growing old;
His parenting work is nearly through,
When He finally finds time to go to church,
But what does his daughter do?
She says, “O Daddy, not today;
I stayed up almost all the night;
I’ve just got to get some sleep;
Besides, I look a fright.”
Then Daddy lifts a trembling hand
To brush away the tears,
As again he hears the pleading voice,
Come distinctly from past years.
Again He sees a small girl’s shining face,
Upturned with eyes aglow,
As she says, “It’s time for Sunday school,
Please, Daddy, won’t you go?”
Beloved dad and mom! You only have now with your little ones—only the present moment to teach them of the blessed Lord Jesus, to give them an appetite for His lovely Person. You have only today to win their hearts for Jesus, so that when they grow older (as they quickly will), He and His assembly will be increasingly precious to them. Is Jesus Christ precious to you? Is His assembly precious to you? Let your actions first bear witness—then your words!