For Me!

 •  1 min. read
1. Lord Jesus, Thou hast died for me,
Did'st bear my sins on Calv'ry's tree;
For me Thou liv'st in Heav'n above:
Oh, how unsearchable Thy love!
2. For me, the vilest, Thou hast died;
Mine were the sins that pierced Thy side;
For me, Lord, Thou wast sore distressed:
In Thee my heart has found its rest.
3. For me was shed Thy precious blood,
Which brought a sinner home to God;
For me thou layest in the grave
I was the lost Thou cam'st to save.
4. And when, Lord, Thou shalt come for me,
And when Thy glorious face I see,
Then shall I know, with Thee above,
The depth and fullness of Thy love!