These words were the last ones a young man nineteen years said just before leaving this world. Raised by Christian parents, he had heard gospel truths very early; though he had never yet decided for Christ, but God found a way to bring him to Himself.
He became sick, and as he had to be doctored away from home, he missed his parents, especially his mother's tender care, more than anything else. He could only be with his parents for very few moments, which made the partings that much more painful. It was the hope of all, however, that he would get well rapidly, but "God's ways are not our ways," yet all He does is well done.
Sometimes we reach this conclusion after a painful experience, but most of the time we have to wait until we get to heaven to understand. So instead of the young man getting well, his case became aggravated, and when he realized that there was no hope for him to prolong his life, he was brought to see the necessity of accepting the Lord Jesus as his Savior.
In surrendering his heart to Him, he found Him also to be a good Shepherd and a Faithful Friend. He felt wonderfully sustained and encouraged by His divine Presence, and peace in his heart with the joy of his salvation showed in his happy face, especially when Jesus' Name was mentioned.
After six months of patient suffering God took him away, but just before leaving this earth he said simply:
"Forever with the Lord.”
No doubt he had reached the conclusion that the main attraction in his heavenly Home would be the presence of his dear Savior.
So may it be with you, dear reader, may you come to the Lord Jesus, and accept Him as your Savior and Friend, while you are young.