Too Late

 •  4 min. read  •  grade level: 5
I happened to be at a large railway station in the country. The train was expected, and great was the bustle among the passengers, on the platform. Suddenly the bell rang and the long train drew slowly in. My friends were waving their hands— "Goodbye, good—bye" and I was slowly walking away, when in a moment a man rushed in at the door, breathless and excited.
"Just too late, sir," said the porter.
The man walked up and down, and drew his hand over his brow, as if to rub off some unpleasant weight.
I left the station, pondering these words,
"Too late.”
My walk took me past the post office, where many people were thronging, in three minutes more the door would be closed. Poor and rich, masters and servants, hurried to get their letters. But the time was up, the door closed, and then stared me in the face two words, "Too late!”
The same afternoon I went into a cottage near my home to visit a child who was dangerously ill. I found the family in deep distress, for the little one was suddenly worse and dying. I went up stairs, stood by the bed, and saw that even then the hand of death was upon her. In a few minutes the doctor, having been sent for, came hastily into the house. I heard the mother say, as he came softly up the stairs, "I am afraid it is too late, sir." He went into the room, touched the child's wrist, shook his head, and said in a whisper, "I can do nothing; it is too late.”
Can you wonder that during the day, and for many a day after, those words, "Too late," seemed to be ever ringing in my ears, and that many solemn thoughts filled my mind?
Reader, how is it with your soul? It is bad to be "too late" in earthly matters; many a man has thus been ruined as far as worldly things go. It is possible to be "too late" in reference to your soul. Look in the 25th chapter of Matthew, and read this: "They that were ready went in with Him to the marriage: and the door was shut.
Afterward came also the other virgins saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not." It was too late.
For you, reader, it is not too late yet. Still the voice of mercy sounds in your ear; still Christ as the Savior of lost sinners is preached to you; still the calls to repent and believe the gospel are addressed to you; still the precious promises of God's Word are before you; still God waits to be gracious. But what if you should be surprised in the midst of your indifference by death? May God's Spirit lay the commandment of the New Testament on your heart which says, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved." Acts 16:3131And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. (Acts 16:31).
Ho! all ye heavy-laden, come!
Here's pardon, comfort, rest, and home;
Ye wanderers from a Father's face,
Return, accept His proffered grace;
Ye tempted ones, there's refuge nigh,
"Jesus of Nazareth passeth by.”
But if you still His call refuse,
And all His wondrous love abuse,
Soon will He sadly from you turn,
Your bitter prayer for pardon spurn—
"Too late! too late!" will be the cry—
"Jesus of Nazareth has passed by.”
Are any of my readers halting between two opinions, not yet decided between Christ and the world? O, I beseech you halt no longer. Decide at once, and decide for Christ. Life or death, depends on the decision.
The time is short. Life so uncertain. Death busy everywhere. Satan is seeking careless, thoughtless souls to drag them into perdition. Eternity is very near. The Savior, the loving Savior is calling you to Himself. He waits to be gracious.