Four Suppers

Gospel—John Kemp
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O blessed Gospel sound.
Yet there is room tells to all around.
Yet there is room number 15.
They held to all the ground he had, one that never reached her own.
Love and crying, what do you think?
Yeah, that's right.
All things are ready to come and have better mixed rooms.
9/7 Three, 8-9.
Well, I'm just will be now time. Yes, yes and restroom.
Call Ben Shrums bang Bros on the hill, paddles from home and I don't think I've got any grace no more. Well, I'll say.
Yes, yes.
Shall we pray? Our loving God and our Father, we thank Thee for the words of this hymn, which brings before us the heart of God.
Who desires that all men be saved? Come unto the knowledge of the truth.
Long-suffering and not willing that any should perish. Here we are in the last meeting of the conference of the day.
And this may be the last invitation.
That the God of all grace will offer to man.
For surely, Lord Jesus, we are on the threshold of thy return.
But if thou dost tarry a little longer.
We know that it is salvation, and we know that tonight.
Souls can pass from death unto life. Lord we.
Seek Thy help and Thy blessing on the Word here.
To give a message for each soul that is present for those of us who belong to thee, for the unsaved, for the message of the gospel is presented to man.
In His deep need so help us our God, for He acknowledge our weakness and dependence upon Thee.
That Christ may be lifted up, souls might be attracted to him, not to anyone else, and that we might be refreshed as we hear and we tell that wondrous story.
Of the love of God.
To perishing man we ask it all. We give thanks for our time of fellowship these few days. My goodness to us in the name and for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
And we sing another hymn.
23 Behold, behold, the Lamb of God. We have this verse before us this afternoon on the cross for us. He shed his precious blood on the cross.
And so on. What a beautiful hymn to remind us of the foundation of all our blessings #23.
3238, 697615.
Oh, Oh my God.
I'm not wrong.
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One 10-4 1.
Umm, no problem.
10 Two 1101 Thousand and grand.
Dear friends, we invite, we are welcoming you to the Gospel message tonight.
The last meeting of our conference.
We're glad to see any who may not be regular attenders of the Assembly. You are most welcome to, uh, come to the meetings.
Uh, on a regular basis.
Here in Vestal, well, we have a message.
Of salvation tonight, not really any different from last night's faithful word that went forth.
We want to again present the word.
Souls to everyone here in the, uh, audience. We don't know the names of every person I know. Many by name, some by face.
Most, I think, already belong to Christ.
Which is a wonderful thing.
But I cannot say for sure if everyone in the company tonight is a believer born again names written in the Lamb's book of life. I could not say that God's eye searches the room tonight. All things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.
It's not someone here in the meeting you have to do with, but it is the eternal God.
The one who created you, formed you, and the one whom you must meet.
In either the day of grace or the day of judgment, that is certain an appointment that you cannot cancel. It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment. So the gospel is presented to you tonight. It may be feebly, but it's presented to you.
For obedience of faith, not for reasoning.
Canst thou by searching find out God the Almighty unto perfection? No man with all his wisdom and knowledge. Look at the Greeks that we read of in First Corinthians. They reached a pinnacle of human wisdom and philosophy that has not been.
But the moral condition in Greece was so terrible, it's better not to read about it. So education has its place, but does it change the heart of man? In no way. And you may be an educated person.
You may be one of the Princess of this world.
High in the estimation of your fellow workers. Respectable. I'm not speaking against that. But that is not salvation, we read in the book of Job.
Umm, it speaks in the 33rd chapter.
Umm, I have found a ransom. God has found a ransom in the work of His beloved Son. You cannot find that ransom.
But if we turn to the 33rd chapter of God just to get the, uh, the correct words there.
Gets the.
In the 33rd chapter of Job, yet verse 24, then he is gracious unto him.
And saith, behold, deliver him from going down to the pit. I have found a ransom. Isn't that a wonderful announcement from the heart of God? Deliver that person from going down to the pit. I have found a ransom that which will meet their need, a payment for the enormous guilt that they have accumulated. You cannot find the ransom. You're not asked to do so. You're.
Completely unable to do that, God's claims of holiness are far too great for you to meet.
You're condemned. You can't answer God, it tells us in this same book. You can't answer him. One in 1000.
That is, there's 1000 charges against you and you can't even clear yourself of one, let alone 999. So you are condemned before God. But God says, listen, I want to be gracious, if only you will repent of those sins. I don't want you to go down to the pit. I have found a ransom, isn't that?
A wonderful music to the ear.
Of the center that God has found a ransom. You could never do it.
Your guilt and sin is so large that it's beyond your power to cancel it with anything you do or offer to God. But God has found the ransom and you know.
And I think everyone here would, would know that, uh, Christ is the ransom he's given a ransom for us.
He went to the cross to pay that enormous debt.
That you could never liquidate in 1000 years, but God has provided that ransom for you in the person and in the work of His beloved Son. That's the one we want to present to you tonight, the verse in first John chapter 4.
Verse 14.
It says the father sent the son.
To be the savior of the world. Here's the ransom that we were speaking about.
Chapter 4.
Verse 14 We have seen and do testify that the Father.
Sent the Son to be the savior of the world. Marvelous the Father.
Sent not an Angel.
But his own beloved son, we've been Speaking of him. We've been enjoying a meditation about him these last few days. Our hearts have been, uh.
Encouraged and.
Lifted up as we have contemplated the Son of God leaving the glory, becoming a man, the Creator of the universe, He could put his hand on all the treasures of the universe.
They were at His command. He spake and it was done. He commanded and it stood fast. Your Creator upholds all things by the word of His power. The very breath that you breathed tonight, like we read in the book of Daniel, Belshazzar, the God in whose hand thy breath is, Thou hast not glorified the one who holds your breath, Belshazzar, and he was defying the living God.
He was living in.
Open rebellion against God, though he knew better and he had a godly guess. It was Grandfather, but he was a careless.
Soul that had no respect for the.
Jehovah, the true God, and that night, that very night, he had the warning, the.
The writing was on the wall. He trembled as he saw thou art wade in the balances and found wanting. He knew that God was speaking to him. He knew his life.
He trembled in view of judgment that was coming. He had the opportunity, but he missed it, died in his sins. The Father sent the son.
To be the savior of the world. To be your savior, my friend.
God wants you to come to a knowledge of him. We've been Speaking of this at this conference, that the only way we can come to a knowledge of this of God is through His beloved Son. God wants to have you near to himself. Not only does he want to save you from that load of sin and guilt that you have and give you pardon, forgiveness, righteousness, He wants.
To bring you near to himself.
He wants to have you as his companion for all eternity. I've just got back from the country of Malawi. My wife Eleanor, who is from Brazil, and I had a month in Africa from the 22nd of May to the 22nd of June. We had a very interesting visit in three countries, Malawi, Mozambique and South Africa.
I've been to Malawi before. My wife Eleanor had never been there before, and we, uh, arrived at a place called Bland Tire.
If you know anything of your missionary background biography, you know that one of the greatest missionaries of the world.
Umm was born in Blantyre, Scotland.
Blantyre is called after David Livingstone.
David Livingstone did quite a lot of exploration right in Malawi, the Shire River. He discovered Lake Malawi, which is a gigantic body of water there bordering on Mozambique and he went up and down the country. They still Revere his memory. A number of places are called after him. Livingstonia is a quite a famous educational center in the north of Malawi.
So he is well known and respected in that country. I'm sure that every boy and girl here has read the life of Livingston. He was a true Christian. His desire was to bring the gospel.
Although he spent a lot of his time toward the end of his life in the exploration, but I think his heart was always in the gospel and he visited many savage tribes in uh, Africa and the story is told of him approaching UH.
The land, a village area where he had never been before. He was in the boat with his wife and the baby and some other workers, and as he looked ahead of him there to the shore, he saw all these black men standing there stoically with long Spears. He didn't know what their response would be. Shall I make an attempt to land or?
Forget it, because, uh, they're well armed and I don't know what their attitude will be.
So he hesitated for a while.
Perhaps he was almost ready to turn back, but he wanted to bring the gospel to those people.
He knew they were savage and in spiritual darkness and uh, he said, how will I bring the gospel to these people?
Because they could dispatch me very quickly. So he turned to his wife.
And he said to her, give me the baby. So he took the baby from the arms of his wife. As they got near the shore, he stepped out of the boat, holding the baby in his arms. And he walked toward those black men standing on the seashore. You know, there was a immediate change in their attitude. They dropped their Spears. Their face lit up with smiles.
They were ready to receive him.
Any man who is willing to offer his son to us must be a good man. He must have a message for us of kindness and love. The door was open for David Livingstone to present the gospel.
To that tribe, I'm sure there was blessing.
Well, we found the door still open in Malawi and when we were able to enter many schools and to speak to large numbers of black children, high school level, primary level. And uh, we thank God for the opportunities the father sent the son to be the savior of the world. That's what God has done.
He gave the dearest object of heaven. He sent him. He is offering him to you this afternoon, this evening.
He is pointing you.
To Christ, who is the one who paid the ransom, who loved you and died for you on the cross, can bring you peace, forgiveness, redemption. But the day of salvation, my friend, is today.
This is an urgent message. It's not something you can accept or forget about. It doesn't. It doesn't really matter. There's a little poem that says the clock of light is wound but once, and no man has the power to tell just when the hands will stop at late or early hour to lose one's wealth is.
Sad indeed, to lose one's health is more.
To lose 1 soul is such a loss as no man can restore.
So we are before God tonight, and time is passing on.
They say that in the next in the hour that will transpire will say from 6:30 to 730 / 5000 souls have gone into eternity 5400.
The statistics say I don't know how accurate that is. Well, I've gone into eternity in this one hour.
Are you sure of having another opportunity?
To to hear the Gos gospel message. God doesn't promise you. He may give you another chance.
And he's probably given you many opportunities and you have neglected your salvation. Uh, you have, uh, put it off Procrastination, the thief of time, but more correctly, procrastination, the thief of souls. Procrastination means putting off to another time what you should do today.
Roland Hill, the great evangelist, he said procrastination is the recruiting officer of hell, and it has been said that there are.
More people in a lost eternity through procrastination than any other reason. If God is speaking to you tonight to be saved, whether you're young or old, listen to His voice.
Listen to the pleading of the grace of God.
With you and close in tonight with the offer of mercy you need.
The word of God you need.
A passport to heaven. You need to have the fair paid. When I travel around the world, I carry my passport. See it?
Many things that I can do without as I travel.
Sometimes I might forget my toothpaste or like I did on this trip, or I might forget a shirt or something.
Usually my wife looks after those things for me, but there's three things that I must have at all time. BTT One, my Bible that's essential the word of God as I travel to different countries #2 I need.
A passport.
The only way I can get into these various countries where we go share the word of God and three, I need a ticket. Someone has to pay for the ticket.
And you need that, my friend, boys and girls, You need the Word of God that shows you the way of salvation. Like Timothy from a child, He knew the Holy Scriptures. You need to know Christ. He's the passport to heaven and He's paid the fare at the cross of Calvary. He paid the price to put your sins away.
And to give you entrance into the glory.
So remember.
The work was done and it's offered to you as a finished work tonight.
Years of gold. There were three.
Very famous Chinese statesman.
That's that thing I think was one of them. He was well known.
Umm, another one was by the name of Admiral Shen and I think the third one was Mr. Fung. They were all eminent men in the Chinese government, but there was a preacher of the Gospel, Doctor Eddie, and he gave a heart searching message one night in China to those people.
The hall was full, I suppose, with dignitaries, and they were moved by the message.
As I hope you will be moved by the word of God so much so that, uh, Doctor Chen, he said, uh, I'd like to have a, uh, decision card. I want to think about this matter seriously tonight. So as he was taking it and looking it over his friend Mr. Fong, I think it was he said, listen, think it over uh, tomorrow you will have time. Well, the evangelist saw that it wasn't much point in the.
Pursuing it that the door seemed to be closed, so he said, can I see you tomorrow? Admiral Chen at 11:00.
Yes, that would be all right. Well, we'll make that appointment. But you know by as he was leaving the building. Admiral Chen.
Was assassinated as he left the building. His life was taken next morning at 11:00. Doctor Chen, uh, Admiral Chen passed into eternity just at the time when he was going to have that interview.
He put it off whether he accepted Christ as Savior.
We do not know, but you have an opportunity tonight to receive the Lord. I was going to speak on 4 suppers. Time is going. We'll have to be very brief. Luke, Chapter uh, 14.
These scriptures are probably familiar to us, so we won't dwell on them too long.
But there are 4 suppers in the scriptures.
We can call them the Supper of Salvation.
The Supper of Communion.
The Supper of Joy and the Supper of Judgment.
Now, if you partake of the first Supper, the Supper of salvation, you will never partake of the supper of judgment.
You may partake of the second supper.
Umm, in an external way, the Lord's Supper and.
Not be saved at all, because uh, the Lord said thou hast eaten and drunk in my presence. And yet, uh, they did not know the Lord. They received uh, judgment. What they had eaten and drunken in the Lord's presence. They had gone through the external umm.
Motions of uh.
Of partaking in a religious exercise.
But they were not saved. Let's turn here and just look at the chapter 15, verse 15, chapter 14 and when one of them that sat at meet with him.
Heard these things he said unto him, Blessed is he that shall eat bread.
In the Kingdom of God, well, this man was a religious person.
He thought it would be a very nice thing to eat bread in the Kingdom of God.
He was playing paying the Lord a compliment here.
But I don't believe that this man ever had eaten the bread of the Kingdom himself. But the Lord puts him to the test. So we go on in verse.
Then said he unto him, a certain man made a great supper.
And bade many.
And sent his servants at supper time to say to them that were bidden come, for all things are now ready.
Well, God is reaching out in grace. This is a picture to us.
Of the wondrous grace of God. Why was that supper called great? Because of the one who provided it. Because of the elements that were on the table. There you have reconciliation, forgiveness of sins, eternal life, pardon. Look at what God has spread on the table for you to partake of great supper. And it was great also.
Because of the cost of that supper.
This rich man opened the door and the invitation went out.
But it's strange, the response his servant was sent out at supper time to say to them that were bidden. Come, for all things are now ready. And we say the same thing to you tonight. Come, for all things are now ready.
The work has been completed on the Cross of Calvary.
There is nothing left for you to do Come, The Lord has paid the ransom price. He is offering salvation. Come just as you are. Supper, the last meal of the day. After that comes the midnight of judgment. Not going to have another meal here tonight.
The Supper, the last dealing of God in grace with man.
And we are in that day now. We're just at the end of the day of grace. And what comes after that judgment, the midnight of judgment. Someone has said the morning is the time of innocence.
You remember that Adam and Eve were created in innocence. That was the morning of God's ways. They fell into sin and spoiled the whole creation.
And ruined their own lives. That was the fall of man. And then someone has said that the noonday was the testing of man under law. We had that this afternoon. The law was given by Moses. Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. For several thousand years man was tested under the law, but he failed miserably.
You haven't kept the 10 commandments. You are, you cannot fit yourself for God's presence through keeping the 10 commandments. No, you have broken them, broken the law of God. You have sinned against your Creator. You are poor, you are maimed, you are halt and you are blind, blind to.
The beauties of the Lord Jesus as our brother.
So clearly presented to us last night Excuses. What excuse are you using for not coming to Christ? You are forging the chains that will hold you in a lost eternity by those.
Devilish excuses that you might bring forward for not coming to the Lord Jesus tonight. You're forging the chains. The devil has lots of excuses to offer you. You haven't got time. You're good enough. My friends will laugh at me and 100 more dear friends, those excuses will not hold when you stand before the the Lord in the light of God's counter.
Countenance in his presence. Will those excuses mean anything? No. We read in another gospel the parallel passage of the man who entered the the uh, wedding feast without a garment on, without the wedding garment on. And uh, the host said to him, friend, how camest thou in hit her not having a wedding garment?
Did he have anything to say? Did he have any excuse to offer to him? Not a word. He was speechless. And what was the outcome? Bind him hand and foot and take him away and cast him into outer darkness. I have people that tell me, oh, I'm going to have my friends in hell and we'll have a good time. You're bound hand and foot in a lost eternity. In the blackness of darkness you won't see anyone.
You won't be able to practice the sins that perhaps you can do down here.
But uh, not in a lost eternity. And so they made these excuses, were familiar with the passage, uh, and all they all with one consent began to make excuse. The first said unto him, I have bought a piece of ground and I must needs go and see it. I pray they have me excused. Another said I have bought 5 yoke of oxen and I go to prove them. I pray they have me excused.
I don't know what it is that is being put between you and God that is hindering you from coming to Christ tonight. I do not know. There could be 100 things here is the possessions or it's the business or some social relationship, as in the wife that is keeping you. Is that keeping you from coming to Christ? Whatever it is, cast it aside.
And, uh, receive the invitation.
That the Lord has for you tonight.
These were externally polite. They didn't come out and say I don't want to come. That really was the truth. So man, this is a picture of man's heart. God reaches out in all the fullness of his grace.
He offers man a full, free and eternal salvation.
Uh, to be blessed, to be saved, man says. I pray thee, have me excused.
Isn't that an awful display of what is in the heart of of math when God offers him such a full salvation and his responses, I pray thee, have me excused. Well, God's health is going to be filled. Those souls that we met there in Africa, they're hungry as we distributed the word.
Never would you see a well, very seldom you see attracted, discarded.
Those poor halt names, those poor souls there in Mozambique.
Have an opened ear for the gospel. While many in these favored lands of Christendom where we live, where there's gospel hardening on every side, they've heard the message so often that it's like the hammer coming down.
Down like that place in Wales, the hammer came down continually, day and and night, for months if not years, until the people got so accustomed to it they could sleep through the thunderous roar. One day there was a mechanical problem and the hammer stopped. Everyone in the village woke up.
And that's what's gonna happen in Christendom. They wanted the hammers to be go on again. But someday, the hammer of God's grace, the gospel that comes down year after year. Here we are 2009 and it's going to come to an end. We don't know when God is long-suffering. He's waited here another year for the vestibule brethren to have a conference in gospel meetings. But.
It's not going to go on forever.
God's patience is going to come to an end, and one thing I will say before we go on that if you miss the opportunity of salvation in the day of grace, you will not have another one after you leave this world. That idea of a second chance is totally foreign to the Word of God, that they all might be damned who believe not the truth, but at pleasure in unrighteousness.
Well, these people here, they made their excuses. Then the servant came and showed his Lord these things. Then the master of the house being angry, said to his servant, go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, bringing hit her the poor and the maimed, the poor and the poor have the gospel preached to them. There were a lot of rich people in this area, but if they don't know Christ, they're poor and.
Whatever your condition may be without the Lord Jesus.
You are poor.
Money, the universal provider of everything except happiness, the passport to every place except heaven. And in these foreign lands that my wife and I have been visiting, the doors open. They're poor. They're, uh, in the, in, in the real poverty. Sometimes not enough money to, to buy food for their families.
But they're open to the message of the gospel.
The poor, the halt, that's the lane.
You can't get to heaven lame. You know you can't get in there if you're a a lame person. And that's what sin has brought into our lives. We're wounded, we're crippled, we're helpless. We can't get to heaven that way. The Lord wants to give you a new life and save you for eternity. The blind well, our brother developed this thought very well last night.
It was once a reporter.
Who worked for the Chicago newspaper and uh, he heard Mr. Moody about Mr. Moody, but he didn't believe in it in the message he was giving. He thought this, this man is just working on the emotions and there's not much substance reality to it, but I'll go to one of his meetings and so he sat up at the front with his.
Uh, pad of paper, he was going to make notes for the, uh, newspaper and.
And Mr. Moody said I read an account, he said.
An interesting, uh, story.
About a man in this town who was walking around looking for stories for the newspaper and he saw three little girls looking in a window, a shop window.
The shop was filled with beautiful toys and nicely dressed dolls and so on, and they were all excited as they looked there at the, uh, wonderful.
Gifts that they wanted to have. But one little girl, there was a complete blank on her face. She made no response at all, he said. I wonder why the other girls are describing to her all the beauties there in the shop and she's making no response. So I went over a little closer and looked and there I saw that she was blind. She couldn't see.
Anything that they were describing and.
He wrote that up in the newspaper. Mr. Moody told that story, and he said to illustrate about how people are blind spiritually. We do so much to present the glories of Christ as Savior and Redeemer.
And there doesn't seem to be a response.
Uh, they, they just go on as if it didn't mean anything. They can't see any beauty in the Lord.
The, uh, reporter sitting there on the front seat, he jumped up and he said, where did you read that story? Mr. Moody says. I read it in the newspaper the other day. Well, he says I was the man that wrote that story.
I was the one that saw those 3 little girls looking in the shop window.
And he says, I see that I am just like that little blind lady there, that I cannot, I have not seen any beauty in Christ. The gospel hasn't meant anything to me. But tonight I see.
That I am spiritually blind in darkness, a blind person. You can describe the beautiful landscape to them, but it doesn't mean anything. And the Lord can open the eyes of the blind, and he was saved that night. That reporter. Well, we're blind spiritually. But the servant said, Lord, it is done as thou hast commanded, and yet there is room. And the Lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.
And for I say unto you, that none of those men which were bidden shall taste of my supper.
Umm, guess we missed uh.
Passage there.
The Lord said.
That there was still, yeah, verse 22 And the servant said, Lord, it is done as thou hast commanded, and yet there is room. Yet there is room. I just want to dwell on that for a moment, that tonight there is room in the heart of God for you. There was no room for the Lord when He entered this world.
The religious leaders didn't know he had come. The heavens went into ecstasy As for the first time they looked down and saw their Creator.
Born in a Manger.
Cradle there.
Among the cattle, the Son of God, the Creator entering man's world. No room for him. But there's room in the House of God for you. Room in the heart of God for you tonight.
Though, uh, man, with all his pleasure and business and entertainment, how many have room for the Lord Jesus, but he has room for you. We were all that way at one time ourselves. We must hasten on just a few remarks. First Corinthians Chapter 11.
There we have the uh.
The Lord's Supper.
Chapter 11 Verse.
I have received of the Lord.
That which also I delivered unto you, that the Lord Jesus, the same knight in which he was betrayed, took bread, took bread. We had that privilege this morning. You know, the breaking of bread is just like a photograph.
You might have a photograph of your mother that has passed away on the wall.
Whenever you look at it.
You are reminded of your mother as she was when she was living with you. That's like the remembrance of the Lord. It's not the Lord as He is now in the glory that we remember. It is as He was on the cross of Calvary. Keep that in mind, young people, when you remember the Lord. I know we often get occupied with the glories of Christ. Good, but the primary?
Purpose of the remembrance is to bring our thoughts back to the cross, to the sufferings and death of the Lord, to put away our guilty sins. The cost of our redemption is like that photograph. You look there and you remember what your mother was like. You look at those emblems and you remember what the Lord Jesus suffered for you, the blood that put away your sins.
And separate you from the world too. So this wonderful privilege, but those who partake of the Lord's Supper and are not saved, or they say the minister tells me this is a means of grace. It's not. It's a means of judgment. If you're not saved and you partake of the Lord's Supper, you're really drinking damnation to yourself. Don't do it.
Because you're saying that you belong to Christ, you're eating and drinking in His presence, as it were, and you don't know Him as your Savior and your Lord. Don't partake. That's the supper of communion. That's where believers who truly are saved. It's not for unbelievers. But if you are belonging to the Lord, then that is your place to be there at the Lord's table, and you'll be missed when you get to glory the Lord.
May ask you that question, why didn't you Remember Me and my dad?
You won't be able to do it in the glory, the only time you can remember the Lord.
Is down here now and share his rejection. But if you're not saved, it's not a supper for you. Coming on to Revelation chapter.
Uh, 19.
Read a few verses there The third supper.
This is, you might call this the supper of joy and uh, it's the marriage supper of the Lamb. Verse seven. Let us be glad and rejoice.
And give honor to him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his wife has made herself ready to her. Was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen.
Clean and white for the fine linen is the righteousnesses of Saints it should read. And he saith unto me, write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb.
And he said unto me, These are the true sayings of God. Well, heaven breaks out into joy here. Why?
The hosts of heaven.
Unite in Thanksgiving because the marriage of the lamb has come. His wife. Who is that?
Believers in this room are part of the bride of Christ and we are preparing our wedding dress. It may be a young lady is getting married in a few months.
Night after night, she works on her wedding dress.
Stitch by stitch and no one sees anything of it.
No one knows what's going on, but at the wedding day it is all displayed for everyone to see.
We, brethren, are preparing our wedding dress now there's going to be a public appearance and, uh.
Every little act of service, every loving deed that we have done, our godly conduct in our pathway down here in this world, amidst all the rejection that we encounter as we walk down here, so we will be up there. The Lord will reward those things in our lives which pleased Him which had His approval.
It may not be seen by other people, but it is seen by the Lord and it comes out here.
Righteousnesses of Saints, That's the conduct. The, uh, garment is something that is external, that can be seen by everyone.
And everyone up there will see what you and I have been down here for the Lord. That's a solemn thought. It's an encouragement, but it should.
It should constrain us to walk carefully down here because our lives will be reviewed at the judgment seat of Christ. The rewards will be given and they'll be displayed publicly.
At the marriage supper of the lamb, the practical life and conduct of the believer will then come out.
How we should want to live for the Lord now so that we can hear His.
Commendation. Well done, thou good and faithful servant. One more supper. I think it's in the same chapter.
Verse 17 and I saw an Angel standing in the sun.
And he cried with a loud voice, saying, To all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven.
Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God, that she may eat the flesh of kings and the flesh of captains.
And the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them.
In the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great. Well, the Lord is come back here now. No longer is he wearing a crown of thorns.
But many crowns are upon his brow.
No longer is he.
Dealing with men in grace. But here he is. The whole picture has changed. He is dealing in judgment here, and maybe with many of those who have heard the gospel. Now he is treading the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. Now is the time of retribution.
Man has trifled too often with God's grace and, uh, at this place here now we read about.
Not one gospel rejector.
We'll have another opportunity.
Many of these people that will come under judgment at the return of the Lord will maybe have heard the gospel of the grace of God. Uh, this is.
Umm, at the appearing of the Lord Jesus, not at the rapture.
And the Lord here is has his rightful place. The last time the world saw him he was on the cross nailed there between 2 Thieves.
Scourge crowned with thorns, spit upon, mocked and uh, uh, gazed upon. But when he comes again, it won't be in that character. He will come as the, uh, the, the, uh, executor of God's judgment, as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. And this supper here will be for those who have rejected the message of the gospel.
Well, may the Lord bless the message to us tonight.
Because God gives you a warning and he points you to the way of escape, the way of salvation. I remember sitting in, uh, Mozambique.
Conclude I was sitting in the restaurant in Mozambique, Maputo, the capital.
We were buying some pizza for the brethren. That night we had a nice time of fellowship with the assembly in Maputo, the capital of Mozambique. It's the city of 1.7 million people. Portuguese speaking city. As we were sitting there waiting to receive our order, some terrible gunshots went off.
I've never heard such loud.
Noises, I didn't know it, it was like 911 to me and people were rushing out and.
Trying to.
Hide underneath the tables and I made my way to the washroom. I thought what has happened here?
Is this an attack upon us? It happened to be.
A A policeman who were there.
Chasing a robber and their, uh, their practice there in, uh, Mozambique is to shoot into the air. But it, it just sounded as if it was coming through the, the restaurant there and we were for a few moments terrified, but it passed over. But you know, the judgment that is coming from God will not be a false alarm. It will be, uh, the wrath of God administered by.
The Lamb, the one who had been slain, Oh, May God bless his word. And if you haven't received the Lord Jesus.
As your Savior, yet his arms are wide open. The invitation is for you tonight. It would be the joy of the brethren in Vestal and each one of us to hear that you had closed in with God's offer of mercy.
Bowed the knee in repentance. Repentance and faith in the finished work of Christ. That's all that is required in the blood that he shed in the sacrifice that he made on Calvary's cross.
When he bore the.
Awful penalty of our sins when he exhausted the judgment of God. May God bless His word as we sing in closing.
One or two verses of.
#20 Behold the Savior at the door, He gently knocks, says Knock before shall we stand and sing the first and last verses of #20.
Shall we pray? Our loving God and Father, we thank thee to Wendess him which tell us of thy longing desire to have fellowship with thy creature.
To bring us near to Thyself, to deliver us from the awful burden of sin and the guilt which we have by nature. We thank Thee for that wondrous grace that has spread the Gospel supper for whosoever and the invitation that is still going out here in Vestal and uh, throughout the world, for God is long-suffering impatience, we thank Thee.
For these happy days of meetings over Thy word, we pray that we may.
Walk in the good of the truth that has been ministered to us and that to us ambassadors for Christ. We may redeem the time because we are rubbing shoulders with those who are not prepared for eternity every day. So we thank the our God for Thy rich provision for us, and we ask thy blessing on the brethren here, on the young people and the children, any who are.
Unsaved in the company that they may feel their need this very night and turned to Christ. For those who are traveling, we pray for journeying mercies either tonight or tomorrow. If thou dost tarry, we ask. We give thanks and praise in the worthy and precious name.
Of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.