
Duration: 49min
Children—Francois Leger
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Maybe we could start our Sunday school time by singing a few hymns.
Now who would like to choose the first one?
Do we have some volunteer?
Which number?
Christ is the Savior of sinners. Christ is a Savior for me.
Long I was chained, and since darkness. Now by his grace I am free. Can someone raise a tune please?
Save my my glass and breathe me. Merthyr's the savior for me.
Save your concern.
Save your own standards like me.
Shedding his blood for my random.
Now there is no condemnation.
This is a failure for me.
Neurons and there's like a.
Blood for my grandson.
This is a figure for me.
Love with a lot that's unchanged.
Sagittarius one for my grandson.
This is the savior for me.
Suppose we have time for another one. Yes.
Uh, British name to die in prayer.
No, no, no. OK.
And it is a lot of large impression.
Well, we'll find out. Stolen Center.
The Lord Jesus is a wonderful Savior.
And he's a wonderful friend.
Let's pray.
Our God and Father would like to thank you for this time that we can have together, opening your word.
And learning about the Lord Jesus.
About this great salvation that He offers. Well, Father, we just come before you now and ask for your blessing. Upon your word, the name of Christ, we pray.
You know, it was so pleasant to be here yesterday afternoon and to consider the Lord Jesus.
In the Gospel of John, to see his beauty, his glory.
And you know.
I was thinking about the character of the Lord Jesus.
As a meek one. So today we will talk a bit about meekness.
And here we have an ice plant here.
It's a Lily and I'd like to baptize it. Meekness.
So we're going to call it today meekness.
And we'll come back to it a little bit later. But first of all.
We will look at the Lord Jesus as a person with meek. Let's turn to the Gospel of John chapter 6.
And verse 14.
That's the Gospel of John chapter 6.
And verse 14.
Now, before we read the word.
We're talking about meekness here.
I have a definition for meekness that would say.
It's a character of a person who will not insist on his own right.
A person will not insist on his own right? So uh, we will read umm John chapter 6 and verse verse 14 and 15.
Than those men when they had seen the miracle that Jesus did.
This is of a truth, that prophet that should come into the world. When Jesus therefore perceived that they would come and take him by force to make him a king, he departed again to a mountain, himself alone.
You know, this is after the multiplication of the bread and some of the people they said, Oh my, this is the prophet. This is the Messiah.
We should, we should make him king now. We'll have bread all the time. You know he will provide for us if we wonderful.
The Messiah has arrived.
So when the Lord perceived that.
What he did, he just went alone to a mountain.
You know the government of this world will belong to the Lord Jesus one day.
But it was not the time, so the Lord Jesus did not insist.
On his right as to be the king.
It just went alone. It was not the time. First of all, they had to go to the cross.
In order for you and me to be saved.
Let's turn to another scripture now, in Chapter 7 and verse 53.
I guess we'll read 52 also.
No, reverse it. It is said here verse 53, and every man went on to his own house. And verse verse one of chapter 8, Jesus went unto the mount of Olives.
You know, in this chapter we see that Jesus is the temple.
And the artists richest people that are arguing with him.
And this is a chapter where Jesus said, you know, if any mentors, let him come unto me and drink.
So after that day of long discussion, these people, there they go, everyone to his own house.
And you know, when you come into your own house at night, maybe you have your own slippers there and your favorite chair, and you have your own bed.
But for the Lord.
Where did he go? He went to the Mount of Olives.
He had no place to rest his head. You know, he had created the whole world. You know, sometimes we we sing. It was a homeless stranger in the world he had made.
You know, last night it was very pleasant to be at the Henson.
But you know, it was cold.
Uh, I didn't have a long sleeve last night.
Oh my. I was very happy to stay inside, you know?
But for the Lord Jesus, I'm sure there were many Knights.
When he was outside in the cold.
You know, in Israel it could be cold at night also sometimes.
You know the Lord could have snapped the finger.
And have a big blanket, you know, and I have big house, you know, no.
You went to sleep there on the mountain.
Let's turn to another scripture now in the Gospel of John again, chapter 8.
And verse 48.
Then answer the Jews, and said unto him.
Save we not well that thou heart a Samaritan, and as a devil Jesus censored. I have not a devil, but I honor my father, and ye do dishonor me.
You know, these, these people, they, they try to put the Lord Jesus down.
And they said to him, you're US American. You were trying to despise him.
The Lord answered.
I have not a devil, but I honor my father.
You know, when it was an attack to himself.
It was on repetition.
You know, you could have said, well, no, no, I you know, I was born in Israel, here, my parents are Jews. Why do you say that? No. No.
It did not defend his own right.
We are so much unlike the Lord Jesus, you know.
Or sometime if somebody will say something against us, we'll try to to defend ourselves. We try to win.
But the Lord Jesus was not like that.
It was the IT was the meek one meek.
He says I am big and lowly in heart.
Beautiful character of the Lord Jesus, but you know you would say to them.
I honor my Father, so it would bring honor to God. It would bring honor to His Father.
Perfect life of the Lord Jesus. Let's turn now to another scripture and again the Gospel of John chapter 18.
You know the Lord Jesus is in the garden again. It's beautiful to see the Lord a few times in the garden, the Gospel of John.
There are different gardens there, but just beautiful to see. The Lord is that the garden that gets him any there and they come to arrest him.
So the.
There are people coming there with lanterns at night and the soldier come to to capture him. And uh, we read in verse 4, Jesus therefore, knowing all things that should come upon him, went forth and said unto them, Umm Sikhi, they answer him, Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus said unto them, I am he. And Jesus also betrayed him, stood with them as soon then as he said.
Unto them I am.
He they went backward and fell to the ground.
Then as, then again.
Whom seek ye, and they said, Jesus of Nazareth.
You know, by one word the Lord just said the soldier fell down.
You know, he could have said, well, you have no reason to arrest me. I did nothing wrong.
No, no, He just said one word and they all fell out. You know the power of the Lord Jesus.
Incredible. You know, in Luke the Lord says to Peter, didn't you know, Peter, that I could have called?
My father and he would have sent me 12 legions of angels.
Now it was good in math. Here it would seem like if an allegion would have about 3000 to 5000 soldiers.
Now 3000 * 12 here. How many does it make?
Who has the answer here? In the front row? Yes.
Thank you, Thank you. Now I have a harder one now for maybe older young people.
You know we read in the book of a chronicle in chapter 1929.1 Angel slew 85,000 people.
Now 36,000 by 85,000.
We'll give you time to calculate now.
You know the power of the Lord Jesus Christ had at his disposal there.
He did not insist on his own right.
He committed himself to him that judges righteously.
What a beautiful character of the Lord Jesus.
Now let's turn to another one in chapter 19 and verse 4.
The Lord is before Pilate.
Pilate therefore went forth again, and said unto them, Behold, I bring him forth to you, that you may know that I find no fault in him.
Then came Jesus Fort, wearing the crown of thorn and the purple robe, and powered unto them, Behold the man.
You know, they brought Pilate, brought the Lord Jesus.
In front of the people said, behold a man.
What struck me here is that.
You know the Lord Jesus Christ again.
Could have called the father and he would have been delivered from this situation.
But we read in on the gospel that he opened not his mouth.
It was led as a sheet.
You know Pilates said them to him. Don't you know I have power over you, to release you or to crucify you? The Lord said You have no power, if it came, can come from God.
You know the government of the world would be on the shoulder of the Lord Jesus one day.
And this man here, Pilot started. He has power over the Lord Jesus. But the Lord did not insist.
On his own right, it was. It was a big one.
Now you see, we have seen now the Lord Jesus. A perfect example.
But let's come today to the ground here.
You know, in our lives we must say that.
We don't know much about that.
We often want to fight for our own rights.
We must win.
And sometimes, you know, instead of being meek.
We become bitter sometimes we.
We defend so much our own right that it turns bad. Have another plant here.
Where is Francis?
I'm sure Francis would recognize that one here.
It's a Poison Ivy.
What a contrast between the two.
It's not good to touch that one.
And my wife told me that if you touch it and you rub your eyes, you may lose your sight.
So, uh.
We'll be busy with that one.
It's it's, I think it's more beautiful and it's less dangerous.
But you know, Poison Ivy reminds me of bitterness.
Bitterness is a poison.
And we will consider bitterness a little bit as a contrast, as a contrast.
We're going to turn to a verse in Hebrew chapter 12.
And verse 5.
Now it's verse 15. Sorry, uh, Hebrew 12/15.
Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God.
Last, any route of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled.
So we are encouraged there not to lock up the grace of God, because otherwise.
There will be some roots of bitterness, just like this plant here, Poison Ivy.
And you don't want that in your garden.
Admire the courage of the brother who brought it to me this morning at the risk of being infected.
But uh, you know, bitterness is not good.
We're going to turn to an example of the Old Testament.
Concerning these two contrast here, let's turn to the Book of Judges.
Chapter 8.
Excuse me, can you run with the cord?
Good. Thank you.
Thank you very much.
OK, Judges Chapter 8, we're going to talk about Gideon.
You know the story about Gideon, how that the Lord brought a wonderful victory? Travidian, Gideon.
It started with a 22,000 man and the Lord reduced it to 10,000 and then to 300.
And the Lord wrought a big victory.
You know, they had this, the Lantern and the trumpet, and at night they blew the trumpet and.
They broke the, uh, the Lantern. The light came out anyway, so we know that Midianites fled. They killed one another.
And then after that Gideon sent a different tribes to capture the rest of the people. But in chapter 8.
We will see there an example of bitterness.
An example of meekness. So let's start with verse one. And a man of Ephraim said unto him, Why as thou served? Why as thou served us, doth thou call us? Dost not when thou wentest?
To fight with the Midianites. And they did chide with him sharply.
And he said unto them, What have I done now in comparison with you? It's not the gleaning of the grapes of Abraham better than the vintage of Ibiza.
God had delivered into your your hands, the Prince of Midian. Oh, Reb and Ziab, and what about and what was I able to do in caparism with you of you? Then their anger was abated toward him when he had said that.
You see, now you have Ephraim coming and say hey.
What have you done to her?
They were, he was really mad. He was from, they were better. Why didn't you call us to fight with the Midianite? You know they wanted to have the 1St place.
You know, in Proverbs it says that contention comes by pride.
Now what is the middle letter of the word pride?
Hi, that's the root of many problems in our life I.
So here Ephraim is proud, Here I want to be first.
And you know one thing? Gideon said. Well.
You're glaring me. Look, what have I done? You want to capture the Prince? You know, like you're great people.
You know, Gideon was a humble person. He was a meek person. He did not insist on his own way. He could have said, well, the Lord told me to take 300 men. You know, it's not me, it's the Lord. No, it just took a low profile.
Now we're going to do something here. I want these five young men here to go on the other side, please.
And we're going to pull the cord here.
I'm in good shape this morning. I had a good breakfast.
No, I wouldn't need a a rafter. I need someone with Greer. I think I'm called David could do it for me.
Could you come home collaborate please?
You can stand there, please.
You can hold the core voice.
It's got a little closer.
You feel strong voice.
Hey, come a little closer. Come, come, come here.
OK, now.
No, you'd be a fair judge, OK.
Just a minute now. Just a minute now.
OK, just a minute.
Whoa, just a minute now.
OK, now.
It's just not goes this way. Understand the rule now and this one is to go the other way. OK now.
You know what you have to do, boys? Hey.
Let's go.
Oh my. OK, OK, come back.
Come back.
Thank you, Uncle David.
Who won?
One Uncle David, thank you.
You know, in the argument that we have here with Ephraim and Gideon, who won, you know, Ibrahim came a big number of people there and they pulled on the court. Do you know what?
See what Gideon did? He just let the rope go.
You said I won't fight with these people, I'll just let them win.
And you know.
I believe that Gideon won. I admit I have lost guys here.
But in the story we have here, I believe Gideon won. You won the battle.
You won the battle with a millionaire, but you won the battle with Ephraim also.
By being just like the Lord Jesus, not insisting on his own right.
You know.
Couple weeks ago we were uh.
In the country there and there was a trampoline and there were some young people playing on the trampoline and, and the rule is that there should be only one at the time. You know, we need almost a secret di secret security guard all the time there because soon enough there's two or three jumping in the same time. And then I would come and say 01 at a time and then you would hear it's my turn. No, it's my turn. Does it happen with you sometime, guys? Yes.
Everybody's insisting on his own, right? It's my turn. And then they start. Oh my.
Can turn bad sometimes.
And that's human nature.
But you know, Gideon was not like that. So you want to go, go.
Now let's turn to another situation when you have two person.
Who are better? Better Like, you know, very sad.
And, uh, we don't see meekness and it's, it's not very nice. Let's turn to the Book of Judges.
In chapter 12.
Again, the people of Ephraim now come to Jeste, or just out here.
And the men of Jesta gathered themselves together.
And went northward and said on to Jephthah, wherefore passed out over to fight against the children of Amman.
And it did not call us to go with thee. We will burn thine house upon thee with fire.
You know, it would seem like if Ephraim now does not judge their bad attitude in front of that meekness, but things are getting worse now.
They go through Ephraim many years after and they said to him, hey, what have you done to us now? Now you're in trouble Now, Jeff, we're going to we're going to burn your house and you're going to burn yourself. We're going to burn yourself also, so you know.
You know that little plant here?
If we let it grow, it would be bad.
Don't make babies and it will be everywhere.
And you know.
We see here that umm.
Ephraim is not getting better.
Getting worse, but you know, Jesse said. Helen Hallway. I'm gonna pull the cord. Also, you won't win. And sure enough, that time Jeff won.
And you know, sad to say, but 40,042 Thousand people died from Ephraim in that civil war.
Who won?
It was a big loss for the people of God. Big loss. You know, when there is a strife, very often nobody wins. Nobody wins. It's very sad. The Lord is dishonored above all.
And it's it's not good.
You know.
If we were to.
To look at this table here.
And say like this is my soul here.
In my garden.
I think that this plan doesn't belong there.
We should let that plant grow alone.
But some time in our lives we let bitterness come in.
And it's not good.
Do you have a hard feeling against somebody?
Well, sometimes we say, well, I.
I don't have our feeling at.
I'm not hungry, I just want to get even.
Oh, so good.
The Lord wants to get out the root of bitterness in our lives so that they would be meekness, they would be grace.
Now I need the two volunteers here.
Yes, come here.
You missed it there.
I need another one. Yes, yes, come.
You may sit here.
Now I have two $0.25 here, OK.
I'd like you to present your right hand.
I want you to hold it very tight. Tight.
Four My, my, the time is flying here.
For maybe 5 minutes but.
OK, can you do it? OK, we're watching you, eh?
We'll come back to you shortly.
So we said that, you know, bitterness is not good. It's not good to have that in our garden. What we need is, is meekness. Now let's turn to a verse in umm.
In Colossian.
Verse three, chapter 3. I'm sorry, in verse 13.
Forbearing one another and forgiving one another. And if any man have a quarrel against any, even as Christ forgave you, ye also ye also do ye.
You know, if there is a reason of bitterness, reason of being having a quarrel with somebody, the Lord says here, or you know, like the Holy Spirit by Peter would say.
You just forgive.
Just forgive.
And you might say, how can I forget? It hurt me. Well, we read here.
Why should I forgive even as Christ forgave you? How much did the Lord Jesus Christ forgive you?
It may be that there is someone here, a child.
Or maybe somebody a bit older you could say.
Keep that grudge and I wanna get rid of it, but I have a hard time. Could it be because you don't know the Lord Jesus Christ as your savior?
It could very well be that if you can't forgive, it may be that you don't realize the forgiveness that you have received from Christ and He is offering to you.
Oh my friend.
Open your heart to the Lord Jesus.
Let him take away that bitterness out of your heart.
You know, when Jesus was on the cross, they took a sponge there with vinegar, and they presented to him to his mouth.
Could you give your bitterness to the Lord?
He will take it from you. It will bring you meekness and joy in your heart.
It does that into my life when I was 1717 years old.
Most beautiful day of my life. You know, I read a biography a couple years ago about Ben Carson. He's, uh, he's, he's a brain surgeon in the, in the States.
A man who has been a blessing to many in the medical field. And, uh, you know, the story of Ben Carson is very interesting. When he was a young boy, he was a very bitter boy, very bitter boy.
He would get mad and.
But at some point, you know, he turned to Christ and he got saved, and the Lord delivered him from his bitterness.
There may be some Christians here, young people Christian and young adult two and.
And we realize that now bitterness is no good. We want meekness.
But it's hard. It doesn't come naturally.
There is a verse that is a big encouragement as far as Christian graces are concerned. Let's turn to 2nd Corinthians chapter 3.
And verse 18.
Are you still holding it tight?
You know, show me that you're.
Thank you.
2nd Corinthian because you're working hard, eh? But you'll be recompensed. Oh yes.
Chapter 3. Verse 18.
But we all with open face, beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, our change into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord you know what it means. As we are occupied with the Lord Jesus, as we, as we consider him, as we think of him, as we talk to Him, as we praise Him.
Our life will change.
You know.
From a better person, we can become big person.
But you know.
There are some days in our lives when whoop, bitterness must have come out. Why? Is it because sometimes we don't look to the Lord? Some days, you know, it happens to me sometime and I'm humbled about that. I get impatient about something and I realize, no, that's not right. And I turn to the Lord, you know, and I said, Lord, you're the meek one, you know?
I'm missing out on something.
But the Lord is gracious, always ready to restore, to encourage, and to remove those roots. Sometimes, you know, it could be that you're better against someone who said something wrong to you, maybe against your parents.
Over something that happened or.
Maybe an older brother in the assembly that said something one day they didn't like, I don't know.
But you know, I look at those boys there, they're holding it very, very tight. They have a $0.25 on their hands and they're holding it very tight.
You know, actually I think I want to give it to you that $0.25.
Would you accept it?
Sure. OK, it's yours. OK now.
I want to offer you something here.
I have a dollar.
Would you drop it?
And take it.
It's your choice.
This one no, no, no with the writer. Don't try to be tricky now.
This is yours now, it's $0.25 is yours, but I'm offering you $1.00 if you want to drop it and leave it there.
What do you choose?
What do you want to do?
I'm offering you $1.00 if you drop that $0.25 there on the ground.
Now how many $0.25 are there in the dollar?
For my.
What do you do?
Pardon me, you hold it.
I'm making good business here.
What would you do?
Hey, Timmy, what would you do? You would drive, Sure.
Well, listen, if you drop it, you have four times the amount.
It's yours now.
What do you do?
OK, what's your name?
What do you do?
Pardon me, You want to keep just a minute now? Just a minute.
Our time is almost Oh my, it won't be long.
We try to convince that boy to make a good deal here.
Which argument shall we find here?
How much you have on your on your hand now?
Is it better than the $0.25?
If you go to the dollar store, will you get something with that?
If you go with $0.25 at the dollar store, will you get something?
So what do you choose?
Just a minute, what do you want to hear about that?
I think I could be a good salesman, eh?
You made a good choice guys.
You know when we forgive. You know what we do? We release.
We release the Lord has so much more than a dollar to give this to us. But you know what we do sometimes we keep a grudge and we hold it and we don't want to let it go. But the Lord said, hey, come on, drop it. Have something so much better for you. You did a good choice, boy. I think it's great. No, no, no, no. You leave it there. You don't even look at it.
It's no more yours. You dropped it.
So in our lives, you know, that's the way it goes sometimes.
We need just to forgive, to release it.
Then the Lord can fill our hearts with His love and His good. But as long as we keep a grudge, the Lord cannot fill our hearts with His spirit. The Lord will have to show to us to confess it.
Now I will just conclude with a last verse.
In the Songs of Solomon.
Chapter 2 and verse 16.
My beloved is mine, and I am his. He sees it among the lilies.
You know, the Lord said in Luke 12.
You know it was a common flower.
The Lord says, you know, even Solomon was not dressed in all.
No, it was not dressed like one of these. You know the Lord is showing that the wonders of His creation.
But the Lord.
It says here.
He feed it among the lilies, you know.
The Lord.
Doesn't feed.
Among the bitterness.
But with what is a character of humility, of meekness, the Lord delights.
So to enjoy the company of the Lord in our lives.
Let us judge bitterness.
Let us appreciate the Lord Jesus Christ as the meek one.
And we'll be happy Christians. God the Father will be glorified. And you know.
There will be a witness for the Lord. There is a lady that worked with us.
And you know, one day.
I was talking with the secretary and I.
About the Lord and.
And then that that Lady came and she said.
Are you at the same religion as Francois? She said yes.
She never talked a word, but that Lady is so kind. Her name is Muriel. She's so meek. She's she's ready to help everybody. And you know, she had heard from me the message of secretary, but she had seen it in the life of Muriel. And I believe that there is a powerful testimony when we let the Lord live his life in US.
Even for children, you know, because I understand this meeting is addressed for children.
So may the Lord help, help each one of us that in the garden of our soul there will be a flower of meekness. Let's pray.
O our God and Father, again we thank you for your precious word. We thank you for the Lord Jesus Christ, the perfect one, the meek one.
Oh, Father, give us to be occupied with him. Give us to love him.
So that father.
You would be glorified, there would be happiness in our lives and it would radiate around and would be witness for you.
We ask his Father name of Christ, Amen.