Open Mtg. 6

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Open—C. Roberts, T. Porter
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Our loving God and our Father, we thank you for the confidence that we can have addressing thee and thy beloved Son.
Thou as shown and demonstrated thy love so much at Calvary's cross that we're assured, as this hymn has told us, that that all will be well. All must be well. We thank Thee for this confidence. We have both for time.
And for eternity. And now, as we commence this meeting, we pray that through Thy Holy Spirit, Thou will lead.
Brothers who have a burden on their heart to step forward to the podium and to give Thy message for us during this hour. We pray, Lord Jesus, for a real rich blessing upon us that we might be drawn near Thee.
Our precious Savior. And so we asked this Lord Jesus in the most precious name in it.
Something on my heart today I might want to share with folks.
I want to read a passage from Romans chapter 8.
And I'll tell you what is on my heart. It's the sufferings that we as the people of God.
Sometimes half the past through in Romans the 8th chapter and verse 18 says, For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in US.
Now, I'm not talking about the sufferings that we received from the chasing of the Lord.
Now the word of God tells us very clearly that God chastens everyone he receives.
And he also says he scourges every sun.
Have you had something of the chastening of God upon you? Have you been scourged by the Lord? I have. I've been to the woodshed many times, but that's not really what's on my heart this afternoon. I don't wanna have to run the whole gamut from Dan to Bathsheba on the subject of suffering. I just like to focus in basically upon the sufferings that we as a people of God have to pass through.
And there's not one person.
In this audience today, including me and everyone else.
Is sometime or another is not going to be called upon to pass through a trial. Sometimes those trials are are are hard and harsh. You know, someone has well said that we're either coming out of a trial.
We're in a trial.
Or we're going into a trial.
And it's not simply because the fact that we are being punished now, that's another fact in itself. I just mentioned that, but I'm not focusing in on that. And that's for true. We don't have to look at that so much. I'm basically thinking of people who have suffered because the Lord just puts them through that suffering and and obviously.
Last night when our brother Paul brought us that nice word on the gospel, when I got home last night, I opened up the Bible and I wanted to read Chapter 9 of, of John again, just enjoy it. And I did. And you know, the first part of that chapter, of course he was preaching the gospel on it and he, he wasn't focused in on the, the aspect that I am going to right now. But you know, they asked the question who sinned this man or his parents?
And the Lord said neither this man has sinned.
But this happened for the glory of God. Now the Lord wasn't saying this man was sinless. No, that wasn't the point. But he was just simply saying that actually there was no particular sin in this man's life or his parents, that God inflicted the the, the, the burden of being blind upon him. So the Lord allows us to go through different sufferings. Have you ever thought of it about Adam? Adam was the 1St man.
Born into this world or or really into the world, the Lord has created him. Adam had a life of sorrow. He saw his beloved son Abel, who was a dedicated man of God, following the ways of God.
He saw his brother Cain rise up and kill him.
Adam had a sadness to bear the rest of his life, didn't he?
Uh, he, he had a son who was a murderer, had another son who had, had they gotten killed. So suffering is something that we all have to contend with. It doesn't matter. Uh, uh, sooner or later, you know, I told my doctor this, he was sitting there and I have a number of doctors, but this is a female doctor and we're, we're pretty good friends. And I said, you know, I said, one of these days, I said.
All of us will have to be, uh, subject to suffering, I said. We'll probably be in a wheelchair someplace and probably decrepit, probably can't walk. Maybe somebody will have to feed us. Oh, she said, no, no, no, no, not me. But let me tell you something. If you live long enough, you'll be there. If you live long enough, if you get to be 100, maybe 105, I don't know what time it'll be, but if you live long enough, you're going to be subject to suffering. We all are subject to suffering.
The Lord has allowed these things.
Now we are studying, I would we were just going through the book of Proverbs, my wife and I, but I have noticed that in the book of Proverbs, there's a number of isolated verses there that tell us that God factors himself right into the very lifestyle and our our our domestic life. You can look for this if you would like it, but the fact is that the circumstances of life are ordered by God.
You know, there's a little verse that we've enjoyed so much and they had it on the the.
Invitation down at Nashville one time. But listen, this is very true, you and me. My life is butter weaving between my Lord and me. I cannot choose the colors. He workers steadily off times. He weave a sorrow and I and foolish pride forget. He sees the upper and I the underside. Not till the loom is silent and the shuttle cease to fly, shall God unfold the canvas and explain the reason why.
Those dark threads are as needful and we were skillful hands as the threads of gold and silver and the pattern he has planned. Suffering is a part of our experience. What did the Lord tell Atanias to tell Saul, or when he when he was coming in from the road of Damascus?
The Lord told of the great things that He must suffer for my sake. Suffering is a part of our life now. I don't have the time. We can't take the time to go into the various ones that we look in Scripture, but we know that Abraham had it, Isaac had it, Jacob had it. Look at their lives. Their lives is full of suffering.
Job suffered. Listen, Job was a righteous man. He didn't suffer because he had done sin.
I'm, I'm not saying Joe, Joe didn't didn't have a, the proper understanding of of God and so forth, but Joe was a righteous man. God put Job through terrible times of suffering and he put the apostle Paul. Look, Apostle Paul, you think we've suffered. The Scripture tells us this. Thou therefore endure hardness as a good soldier.
Of Jesus Christ, are you willing to endure?
The hardness Paul did, What did he say? Five times?
He was beaten with the whips, 40 stripes, saved 139 times. They brought that whip across his back. They used to put him on a pillar. I understand. He said three times I was beaten with rods. Can you imagine that? A rod, you know, it's a stiff, whatever it is. And he was beaten three times with that. And then he says, he said, I was stoned one time. The apostle Paul suffered all of God's people.
Sooner or later.
We'll face trial and face suffering. You think that John the Baptist, you know, John the Baptist was a great, great prophet, yet God allowed him to pass through sufferings. It doesn't mean that God didn't love him. The Lord spoke highly of John the Baptist. There was never been a prophet like John the Baptist, so forth. And he spoke very highly of him.
What did you, John the Baptist, have to do?
Because if he was preaching the righteousness, he was sown into prison and because of a a situation with Herod's he had, he took his head off. Can you imagine that? Well, you know, John the Baptist actually sent word to Jesus. He said, look, he said he's in prison. He didn't know what to think. The Lord was supposed to be the Messiah to come along and deliver them.
And, and, and John sent some messenger said Jesus. And they said, Lord, are you him or the one that come or are we going to look for another? And what did Jesus tell him? He said he just said, go back and tell him what you have seen and heard. He said the blind see, the deep hear, the lame walk, the lumpers are clean, the dead people are raised again the light. So John had to suffer, but he had the assurance that the Lord knew all about it.
And I imagine that was a, a terrible time to lose one's head. You know, back in those days, they, they decapitated people. How would you like to be decapitated? You don't know how you're gonna die. Neither do I. And we don't know the future. But that that's a pretty, pretty bad thing to be had taken off. Now, the Apostle Paul was the same way. Not only did was he shipwrecked, not only was he in pearls of, of robbers and so forth. Not only did he suffer all these things.
For the name of the Lord and that's what we should do. We should realize the fact that we were called to suffer in this world. You shall have tribulations. Can you imagine the apostle Paul and I, I enjoy that that that verse where he says I am now ready to be offered. The time of my departure is at hand. I have bought the good fight. I have finished the course. I have kept the faith.
But that night?
The day they come to get him out of that, probably that Roman prison, because they tell us now that they've just, archaeologists have just discovered what they think may have been the Apostle Paul's bones. And there's no doubt that's where they kept people that they were going to kill.
In that prison it was a hole in the ground with a great honor, I suppose, and that they still have it now as a tourist attraction. But I will I will often thought here is the Apostle Paul.
Is down at our prison hungry?
Probably thirsty, no sanitation. The ranks of the smell of it was Bobby would just overwhelm you. And that fatal day they came and they said come on old man, let's go.
Let's see now.
Here he wasn't hungry and emaciated. No sanitation down there.
Let him to the block to take his head off. And I've said just last week I was thinking about it and I had not mentioned it, but you know, this day and age we live in, they usually ask the prisoner, do you have any last words to say?
I need a possible in my mind would have said, I believe he would have quoted that Scripture. He would say, yes, I have something to say. And I believe he would say as he looked at that executioner or that blistering sword or whatever it was the broad act that was going to take his head off, He probably could see the places where the blood had been spilled and heads had rolled. And if fossil Paul said, I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him.
Against that day.
Well, I tell you.
The Lord will be with us when we pass through these these sorrows. And the Lord actually orchestrates a lot of these things. Do you remember when the Lord told them to get into the boat and go to the other side? And you know that it uses a word there. It says He constrained them. Now that is a very strong Greek expression. That means He more or less pushed Him into it.
Apparently they wasn't already to jump in to go to the other side, because being fishermen, they could probably see that there was a storm brewing perhaps.
But the Lord told them to get into that boat and go to the other side. And you know, when they got out there, they reached that fierce storm and there were the lives were in jeopardy. The Lord allowed it to happen. Take your circumstances from the Lord, our old brother used to say, and your difficulties to the Lord. And the Lord came to them.
Dire situation and you know the story.
He came to them and he calmed the sea, and you know the Lord can calm the sea.
There's nothing too hard for the Lord. You know, I, we had a brother in our meeting and maybe somebody are recognizing if I may, if I mentioned this, uh, but one of his favorite hymns were green pastures are before me, which yet I have not seen. Bright skies will soon be over me where the dark clouds have been. My hope I cannot measure my path to life is free.
For my Savior has my treasure, and He will walk with me. The Lord will be with us in the trial, and that's precious. Let me tell you, it's precious. I realize this afresh.
The last, I think the last episode that we were fishing commercially and I was at that time, well, I don't know what an 80 year old man is doing out in the fishing boat with 1200 foot of net over. But that's what the situation was. And Ruth Ann was with me and a storm came up, a wind came up, I suppose maybe it was 25 or 30 mph.
And there's no way that we could have got those nuts on the boat, not with the wind blowing when you're pulling 600 foot Nets and the wind just blowing you. You can pull it at the time if you're strong. But the two friends of ours.
Saw us out there in the middle of that situation and they got their boat and came out. They jumped on the boat and very muscular men and they were able to get the nuts on our boat. But you know what I really valued about that?
They thought enough of me.
And Ruth had come out and let me tell you, that's the most wonderful thing. The Lord will come and comfort us and sustain us in all of our troubles, you know, and we learned something from that. You know, I, I, I was through a fierce amount of suffering for 50 years. I was in a relationship that caused me with an unbelieving wife. I married before I was a Christian. I didn't do it after I was a Christian.
I'm not going to get the devil from the father-in-law.
But be be that as it may.
Actually, I, I went through, I, I wouldn't relate to you for 50 years. I, I know what it is to suffer and I'm not gonna brag about it. I'm not gonna tell you about it, but I can tell you one thing that the Lord has, was near me all that time. You know, there's a, a verse that I like so much and it has meant so much to me over the years. Uh, and, and it's the first hell of that, that, you know.
Oh, I'll think of it in a second, but the the point is that that the Lord comes for many a raptured menstrual among the sons of light will say of his sweetest music. I learned it in the night and many are rolling at them that fills the father's home sobbed out his first rehearsal in the shades of a darkened room. Let me tell you, we go through sufferings there isn't there There's a Christian life is not a better roses and the Lord is going to be there.
And he's going to be there to sustain us and as a precious verse that I like it so much and and and first Peter, where it tells us there casting all your care upon him for he careth for you. I like it in the in the original language of that verse, I believe it says rolling all of your anxiety over on him for it matters to him.
Concerning you now, our translators of the King James Version, that is not something that you could put into English language. They have to change it a little bit and they put it casting all your burdens on him. But the literal, uh, translation of that word would be, would be actually, it matters to him concerning you. And we do not have to worry or we do not have to, uh, fret.
Sufferings that uh, and and for us.
And I could multiply stories that would substantiate that. I remember a story of a man, he had just inherited the form that West and he was.
Converted and he thought, he said I'd like to be a missionary. He was a Christian. I got, he got converted. He sold his farm and had planned, I guess gone to the Moody Bible Institute. He wanted to get some kind of theological education. He wanted to go out in the mission field.
But before he even got there, he had a serious accident.
Within the hospital over a year.
Took all of the money that he had from the farm to pay the bill and it didn't quite pay at all. He was a cripple of the rest of his life and he owed thousands of dollars to the hospital.
That's some of the sufferings that we don't know why God allows people to go through their sufferings like that. And we, we, you know, you know, many cases, I suppose you can probably think of many cases. You can think of people who are going through sufferings, maybe some little child or maybe someone. And, and it's not the fact that that they've done anything to earn this. And I remem, remember now I'm focusing in on just the, the sufferings that we go through that God allows for some reason.
And I remember the story of Iris Sankey. I think I've told this story before, Iris. Thank you. Was DL Moody's, uh, song person in his great crusades and he sang some beautiful hymns. I think he was the one that put to the tomb. Uh, there was 90 and nine that safely lay. And he was a, a, a very instrumental and, and all the campaigns of DL Moody, But you know, he wound up.
A very sad, disillusioned person with health Health had escaped him.
Dale Moody died and passed away one of his 58 and Ira sank. He lived up until his 70s and the end of his life. He glaucoma left him illegally blind. He would found himself in a room an apartment in New York City. They said that he became very bitter. He became very.
Sad and some of the brother at that time, I don't know who it was, nobody can actually remember the name. Two brothers went around the scene and they they they they found he was that way. He was he was bitter. He was sad had no joy in his heart blind sitting in an apartment to spend the rest of his days. And before they left, they said that.
Mr. Sankey.
Would you say 1 Heaven before us before we go? And he didn't want to do it, but they prevailed upon him. So finally he drugged out old Melodia now, and it took the wrappings off of it. And those all theoretic fingers.
Found the keys and this is what he's saying. There'll be no dark valleys.
When Jesus comes, there'll be no dark valleys when Jesus comes to carry his loved ones home.
Oh, he looked up. They say that after he thought of that in that home above where the Lord was.
They said tears rolled down his cheeks.
What do you mean with Charlie? He realized the fact that there was a bright future for him. So my all my heart actually is the fact that we do suffer. And one of the things that we do not do, please or, and and, and if you remember nothing like this, if people who make you suffer, you don't retaliate to them, please. I mean, that's one of the things we don't do. We're so tempted.
Tooth for tooth and eye for eye. If you do me wrong, I want to do you wrong, you know, But that's, that's not what we want to do because Scripture is very clear. It tells us this. It says, dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath, for vengeance is mine. I will repay, saith the Lord. You know, I told her brother this not so long ago. I said to him, he thought he was being done wrong and he was done wrong.
But I said, I tell you what we have to do.
I said don't get, don't get in God's way. God says this is my business, don't you, don't, don't you dare intervene. I I intervene between the Lord. Let the Lord take care of this thing. Vengeance is mine, I will repay saith the Lord. So then if I find enemy of hunger feeding, if he thirsts, give him drink for so doing now so he calls a fire up on his head, Be not overcome of evil.
But overcome evil with good. And it tells us also when Hebrews there it it, it gives us a a real strong warning.
And Hebrews, uh, where it says that, uh, he had been often re uh, no, I'm sorry, uh, he's at despise Moses law died without mercy under two or three witnesses of how much sewer punishment suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who had trodden under foot the Son of God, handled the blood of the covenant as an unclean thing, and have done despite unto the spirit of grace. For we know him who saith vengeance is mine.
I will recompense, saith the Lord.
And again, the Lord shall judge his people. What do you think the next verse says? It's a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Oh, that's a that's a powerful verse. But let me tell you something. Please listen and see if I'm right. If I'm wrong, you tell me. But God is sovereign. He is in control. He's never one minute ahead of time or one minute behind time. God is in.
Full control.
What God does when God does it and how God does it, it's in his sovereign control. We don't have to worry about it not a bit. If I just made give you a personal story here and I can't help but mention this because I had to deal with the a person when I gave up my commercial license because it's a limited entry and people.
Are desperate to buy a license so I had it sold for a very astronomical fee.
And this uh, man that wanted to buy it begged me. He said please. He said I will, I will be qualified in a year. He said if you will wait. He said uh, I, I'd like to buy your license. He said I'll give you a down payment. I'll give you $4000 right now down payment. I said no, it's not only have down payment. He said, well we'll shake him a man of my word. We shook hands and when it comes to buy the license, he didn't buy him. He ain't found another cheaper a license.
But here's the thing, I didn't hate him. In fact, you can check with my wife. I gave him a lot of material after that. I gave him a lot of things pertaining to commercial fishery. But you know what happened to him.
About a two months later, they called him illegally with illegal equipment on his boat and they fined him $2500. Now I cost him maybe $10,000 more than he was going to pay me.
But the point is that God will take care of your problems for you. And I, I, I don't like to mention personal things, but I, I do want to just, I had mentioned that for to you, because take heart. If somebody has stepped on your toes, somebody has hurt you and somebody hasn't mistreated you, leave it with the Lord. Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there. And I think if we do that.
We will find that God will be there to strengthen us. And now there is an old verse that I never have quoted this person and I have known this little verse for about 60 years, but I want to give it to you the first time that I have ever mentioned this publicly. But there's a little verse that says does the road wind up hill all the way? The answer came back, yes, my friend from all all the way. Will the journey take the whole long day?
From Bourne to night, my friend, Listen.
Let's look to the Lord when the trials come, thus realize one thing, that God is there and there's another, Him that you we all love. Through waves, through storms, through clouds, God gently clears away. We wait his time, so shall the night soon. In a blissful day, let's take heart. The blessed Lord himself is there to up uphold us, to sustain us.
And the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. I can tell you, even though I'm just going to read this one verse before we close.
Because it it really pertains to to what we're talking about and it tells us in Isaiah the 30th chapter. I just want to read these in closing.
Isaiah 30.
Uh, yeah. Let's just look at please at verse 18.
And therefore will the Lord wait, that he may be gracious unto you.
Therefore will he be exalted, that he may have mercy upon you.
For the Lord is a God of judgment. Blessed are all they that wait for him. You know the keyword here is wait. So wait for the Lord. Now look down at verse 20. And though the Lord give you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, yet shall not thy teachers be removed into a corner anymore. But thine eyes shall see thy teacher. So the bread of adversity, the waters of affliction, they're gonna be there for you. They're gonna be there for me. But I can tell you one thing.
Being on this earth a little over 80 years.
I can tell you one thing, that the Lord has never failed me. The Lord has been there to sustain me.
And that's what he he'll, he'll do the same thing for you. And let us just close with that verse, casting all your care upon him for he careth for you or rolling all of your anxiety over on him. It matters to him.
Concerning you.
Second Samuel, I believe, chapter 6.
This is a portion where the Ark was brought back.
Because of the time, I want to shorten how much we read.
Let's begin at verse 12.
Second Samuel, chapter 6, verse 12.
And it was told King David, saying, The Lord had blessed the House of Obed Edom, and all that pertaineth unto him, because of the ark of God. So David went and brought up the ark of God from the House of Obed Edom unto the city of David.
With gladness.
And it was so that when they had bare the ark of the Lord, they that bare the ark of the Lord had gone 6 paces. He sacrificed oxen and fatlings.
And David danced before the Lord with all his might, and David was girded with a linen epod. So David and all the House of Israel brought up. The ark of the Lord was shouting, and with the sound of the trumpet.
And as the ark of the Lord came into the city of David, Michael Saul's daughter looked through a window and saw King David leaping and dancing before the Lord.
And she despised him.
In her heart.
And they brought in the ark of the Lord and set it in his place in the midst of the Tabernacle that David had pitched for David offered burnt offerings and peace offerings before the Lord.
And as soon as David had made an end of offering burnt offerings and peace offerings, he blessed the people in the name of the Lord of hosts.
Down to verse 20.
Then David returned to bless his household.
And Michael, the daughter of Saul.
Came out to meet David and said how glorious was the king of Israel today, who uncovered himself today in the eyes of the handmaids of his servants, as one of the vain fellows shamelessly uncovered themselves.
And David said unto Michael.
Listen carefully.
It was before the Lord.
It was before the Lord.
It was before the Lord which chose me before thy father, and before all his house, to appoint me ruler over the people of the Lord over Israel. Therefore will I play before the Lord, and I will yet be more vile than thus, and will be base in my own sight. And of the maid servants which thou has spoken of, of them shall I be had in honor. Therefore Michael, the daughter of Saul, had no child.
Unto the day of her death.
Want to speak a little about worship?
I have read in some writings of the older brethren, I believe particularly Mr. Darby.
That those that often take part in meetings, in ministry, when it comes to the Lord's Table, they should be hesitant to participate.
And after all, it's their habit to speak. Perhaps it's easy for them to speak.
But the Lord's Table is not a time for gift to be displayed.
Or exercise. It's a time for worship.
And that's a beautiful thing when at the Lord's Table, those who are quiet in other meetings and you never hear from, but you hear them OfferUp worship. It's a very blessed experience when that happens.
But it could be that many times those who do OfferUp worship may make mistakes and things they say.
Or perhaps their manner is.
Not so eloquent or.
Perhaps not even pleasant to look at. Maybe they get emotional, shed tears, their voice breaks, and so on.
But it is heartwarming, isn't it?
To hear people offer worship. I don't want to exalt our brother Ben. I really appreciate it.
The offering of thanks this morning at the Lord's Table.
I wish I heard it more often.
But this is my point in reading you this story.
You have to be very careful about criticizing worship.
What we have here is we have David.
He said I will be more base in my own sight. Didn't care about himself.
He forgot all about himself, his love for the Lord, his excitement.
For having the ark back.
Caused him to just forget about himself, forget about what he looked like, forget about what people think.
It was before the Lord.
And I'm sure before the Lord it was a beautiful thing.
She was his wife. Perhaps she was embarrassed.
But she criticized him, and it says she had no child unto the day of her death.
There are a lot of things which.
Think for oneself. The fear of saying something wrong or embarrassing oneself is probably a primary reason for being quiet and not offering up worship.
That really is based in pride.
It seems here David had completely abandoned pride.
And his love and his appreciation and excitement for the Lord.
No pride.
But if you criticize others worship.
Think about it. You sit there and you evaluate and you criticize worship.
How easy is it gonna be for you to worship?
Indeed, you may end up bearing.
You'll end up faring when it comes to worship.
You'll notice that Michael was Saul's daughter.
And I think those particularly.
Inclined or in danger of criticizing worship.
Maybe those who come from households that have been amongst the gathered Saints for more than one generation.
Her father had been king.
I just want to encourage.
The Saints, especially those who don't feel they have any gift or are not eloquent.
To worship to OfferUp, though it may be simple.
OfferUp What is due to the Lord?
I think the wisdom in advising those that minister in meetings.
To hesitate at the Lord's Table.
It's not just for them.
Because I fear that.
Those that are used to ministering and offer up some very nice worship.
Eloquent, perhaps, full of scriptures, almost ministering in their worship because it's their gift and it's their habit.
But it might lead our children to think that it has to be that way.
So they can't worship unless they can do that good.
They can't worship unless they can come up with something that good.
But wouldn't you agree, as you read about the Lord Jesus, And I don't mean to say that those who OfferUp such worship in the gifted brothers that may OfferUp worship are in any way, uh, displaying, putting on a religious show. I don't intend to say that at all, and I'm not.
But if you think about the Lord Jesus, the one that we worship, and you read about Him when he walked here, if one thing is clear, he had no tolerance for religious show, did He?
He had no tolerance whatsoever for hypocrisy, for religious show.
Clearly it was distasteful to him and it still is. He hasn't changed.
So I just say this by way of encouragement, especially to the younger ones, and not just to the younger ones, but to older ones too. Who, uh.
Who tend not to feel that they're capable of taking part in meetings when it comes time for us to remember the Lord.
And you have appreciation in your heart and you just have that, that urge, if I could put it that way, to give thanks. Don't wait till you have it right.
Don't wait till you got it right.
The Lord is going to listen to your heart.
And you should be like David.
And say it's before the Lord. I don't care about what people think of me. I don't care about myself. I just want to offer him the praise and the worship that he deserves. It is before the Lord.
Just say that to yourself. It is before the Lord.
Can you say #173?
We have no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no problems. Right now. I'm going to call my mom.
Or near my bride how everything I want.
854 Wednesday, today kilograms Stone.
2002 indicating forever.
Spray together.
Our God and Father, just thank Dave for another opportunity to have thy word opened and just thank Thee for thy working in our lives.
We're good, we just pray that as we would deal with the sufferings, trials of everyday life, that.
We might look to Thee for help and that Thou it's have the glory as a result of our lives. We just pray to You that we might know Thee. We might feel free to worship Thee and not be ashamed of our weakness or whatever it is. We just thank Thee for Thy love to us that we can have confidence in. We would just thank Thee again for this time and pray in the name of the Lord Jesus, Amen.