God Commands Repentance

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Gospel—P. Glading
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General Meetings, Des Moines, May 1973. Jasper Byrd. Brother Gladding.
Shall we gather at his coming?
When the dead in Christ arise.
Shall we hear the Savior to God's home beyond the skies?
I trust we can all sing this with truth tonight, dear friends.
Says yes, yes, we will gather at his coming.
His glorious, His glorious coming.
Gather with his Saints that is coming.
If if washed in the Savior's blood #8.
Shall we gather up with God?
I love all of that.
May we turn first of all to Romans 3, Romans chapter 3.
This third chapter of Romans.
Tells of universal ruin.
The whole world has incurred the penalty of sin, which is death.
And after death, the judgment sin has wrought ruin. But thank God there's redemption in Christ Jesus. Verse 24.
But in the end of verse 22 we have the solemn words, and these are the words of God, for there is no difference, for all have sinned.
In Psalm 51 we read Behold, I was shaped and iniquity.
And in sin did my mother conceive me. So do your friends. God has declared that all have sinned.
By nature, we're sinners away from God and we need to be brought back to God.
And the only way this can be done is through the person and work of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Who came down from that scene of glory to Calvary's cross?
There to lay down his precious sinless life, a sacrifice for sin and for sinners such as you and me.
And that Blessed One has accomplished the work of redemption, the glory of God, and for our eternal salvation.
And now he offers salvation to whosoever will may come.
So we find by one man's sin entered into the world, and death by sin, and so death passed upon all men, for they all have sinned.
Friends is now disputing this fact. You know we cannot get around it.
And say there are some exceptions. God says for there is no difference, for all have sinned, all including the speaker. Yes, we've all sinned grievously against the Holy God. By nature we are away from Him, dead in trespasses and sins, and sad to say on the Broad Rd. leading to destruction.
On the road to hell, through eternal ruin.
And we need to be brought back to God, and the only way is through Christ, the Lord Jesus. For he says I am the way, not a way, but the way.
The truth and the life no man cometh unto the Father bunk by me.
So here in this chapter we find a race, culture, Conformity to to religion makes no difference, for all have sinned.
Man is by nature spiritually and morally, just like creation was physically.
Before that commanding our utterance fell from the lips of the Almighty Creator. Let there be light. All is dark and chaotic. All have sinned away from God.
And says in.
For the God of this world has blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.
Man's mind has been blinded by the God of this world to his need of a Savior, to the love of Christ, to the work of Christ, to the love of God. Yes, man's eyes are being blinded. Man is in total darkness by nature.
And the only way he can be brought into the light is through the one who could say I am the light of the world. He then follows me, shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.
If you an idea sin, a friend ought to be brought into the light, it must be through one person, the Lord Jesus Christ. Who could say when down here I am the light of the world? But that blessed One as we now have been rejected and cast out crucified.
Man says away with him, crucify him. We will not have this man to reign over us. They are the heart of man in general.
Is brought before us, yes, your heart and mind, your friends by nature.
Have joined in the cry away with Him. Crucify him if you haven't received him.
That's the attitude of your heart right now. Dear Sinner friend, if you have not received Christ as your Savior, you are against Him. What a solemn thing to be against the only Savior of sinners, the Lord Jesus Christ. There's no other Savior.
We read in Acts 412. Neither is there salvation in any other. For as none of the name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved, no, none of the name, friends.
Search the world throughout. You'll never find any other person who can save your soul. The person who can save your soul is not in this world at all. He's been here but being rejected.
He is now in the glory of glorified man living on the high forest.
And thank God we have one living in us down here. The Spirit of God, protect of the things of Christ and reveal unto us to occupy our hearts. Let man in the glory. That's where he is tonight. He's no longer Macross and yet in the grave, thank God he has risen. Our brother mentioned his prayer tonight. Christ died throughout sins according to the scriptures and that he was buried, not burned, buried.
And then he rose again the 3rd day according to the scriptures.
That's the precious gospel, and the gospel we have to pronounce tonight is the gospel of God concerning His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. We preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord, and there's no other Savior but he.
May return now to Acts 17.
The 17th chapter of Acts.
Verse 30.
And the times of this ignorance God winked at. But now?
All men everywhere.
To repent.
Here we have friends, the divine command God, now Commander.
A divine command, and that puts you and me as sinners under a solemn responsibility.
To obey his voice.
God now commander? When does he command now?
God now commanded all men.
All men everywhere.
He gives a specified time to do it. It's now, Now God, now come on all men everywhere to repent.
Because we have all sinned and sinned against the holy God.
David could say against thee, and the only have I sinned and done this evil in thy sight? Yes, friends, all sins against the holy God, and that makes you and me very responsible. And we are responsible beings, every one of us.
We read in Genesis through God breathed into man's nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul, a living soul.
The fall of man in noise touched the question of the souls immortality. Never the soul must live forever, friends, in one of two places, either in heaven or in hell.
So there we have the fall of man brought before us.
And the solemn consequences.
Here in this chapter we have God commanding something.
There you disregard the command of God, a divine command.
Dear friends, do you think you will get away with it?
To refuse or neglect or reject or ignore a divine command.
No, you'll not get away with it if you do.
God won't hold you responsible. This is something He commands now, this very moment.
God now Commander 4 men everywhere to repent.
In connection with this may return to.
Ezekiel, chapter 18.
Ezekiel, chapter 18.
We read just a few odd verses beginning at verse 4.
Behold, All Souls are mine. As the soul of the Father, so also the soul of the Son is mine.
The soul that sinneth it shall die.
These are the solemn words of the law. The soul that sinneth it shall die.
Now we'll go a little further down the chapter.
Verse 20.
The soul and Sinner it shall die.
The sun shall not bear the iniquity of the Father, neither shall the Father bear the iniquity of the Son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.
But if the wicked will turn from his sin, all his sins that he hath committed.
And keep all my statutes, and do that which is lawful and right. He shall surely live, he shall not die.
All the transgressions that he has committed, they shall not be mentioned unto him. In his righteousness that He have done, he shall live.
Now here we find the Lord raises a question in the next verse.
Have I any pleasure?
And all that the wicked should die.
Have I any pleasure at all that the wicked should die, saith the Lord God, and not that he shall return from his ways and live? Here we have a solemn question raised by the Lord.
He says, Do I have any pleasure in the death of the wicked? We know the answer. He gives the answer further down the chapter.
Verse 32.
For I have no pleasure in the death of him, that diocese, the Lord God.
Wherefore turn yourselves and live ye.
Now let's read verse.
The middle of the verse.
Saith the Lord God. Repent.
Repent and turn yourselves from all your transgressions, so iniquity shall not be your ruin.
The end of verse 31 for why will he die? Why will he die?
Well, it's appointed under man once to die, but after death the judgment. But the question is raised here by the Lord, Have I any pleasure at all in the death of the wicked, that he should die?
And he gives the answer, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked. Now it gives the Lord no pleasure to see a Sinner dying. And he sins. It grieves his heart. He died to say that dear soul. And he has offered salvation to every Sinner. Many of us here, thank God, have received his salvation. We reminded today in our Bible reading.
The grace of God that bringeth salvation. I was impressed by those words. That bringeth salvation. What he going to do about it, friends? He bringeth salvation. You're going to receive it. Are you going to reject it? Are you going to despise this great salvation? If you despise it, my friend, you'll die in your sins and you'll spend an eternity in hell. There's no other hope for you.
You may be highly religious, you may be a church member so-called, you may say your prayers regularly, you may give to the poor. But if you're having Christ, my friend, you have nothing.
Nothing to your account at all, only your sins. We hear today so much about religion being religious. My dear friends, it's not religion we need, it's Christ.
A divine person, a savior, and there's only one, and it's the Lord Jesus Christ, my Savior. Friends, is he your savior? Have you received him as your Savior?
If not, he'll be your judge in the coming day.
He must either be your savior now or your judge later.
It's a must.
Yes, in John three we get two months there and two men mansion two months.
As Moses lifted up the servant and the wilderness, Even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, and the Nicodemus. She must be born again, two men, two months, Nicodemus and the Lord, and the two must concern them both.
Yes, friends, if you haven't Christ, you may be religious like Nicodemus. He was highly religious. And where would you find a better sample of human religious nature than in Nicodemus?
And that well he would. But what did the Lord say to Nicodemus? Well done, Nicodemus, find specimen of religion. You will do fine. No, he says, you must be born again.
Born from a bomb, friends, Not born the second time by entering the mother's womb, being born from above, and how we born again. It's by simple faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.
It's brought out so clearly and simply in the First Epistle of John, chapter 5, the first verse. May we just read it, please?
For any who are in doubt about the new birth.
First John 5 the first verse, whosoever.
That Jesus is the Christ is born of God.
Is born of God. How blessedly simple.
Have we all been born of God? Have we all been born again? We read in Job, I think it's.
11 of I remember correctly, man that was born of a woman is a few days and full of trouble.
Are you contented to be merely born of a woman?
To be a few days and full of trouble.
Do you spot a nothing higher than that?
Oh friends, you need another birth. You need the new birth, the new life imparted by Christ to those who believe on Him, to those who receive Him as their Lord and Savior. He gives you new life, a new nature, a nature which can enjoy God and His things, a new nature which delights to please God.
The old nature does not and never did.
It's contrary to the mind of God, absolutely.
So here we have in this verse in Acts 17, God now commandeth all men everywhere to repent. And we read in Ezekiel, Repent ye and live ye. Why will he die, dear friend? Why will you die in your sins? Is it because you have to? Is there no hope for you? Yes, there is hope for you.
Christ died for your sins. He died the put them away.
But you might have the joy and the shores of forgiveness of sins and peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. He came down in this world at the bidding of His Father. In John 638 he says I came down from heaven. Do you believe it? Of course you do. We've been taught that from our babyhood. The Lord Jesus came down from heaven. He said I came down from heaven not to do mine own will.
But the will of him that sent me, well to stop there. We've been darkness as to what the will of the Father is, but thank God He does not leave us there. In verse 14, the Lord says, and this is the will of him that sent me, that everyone which seeth the sun and believeth on Him may have everlasting life, and I will raise him up against the last day. What a precious, glorious statement.
I will raise him up again at the last day.
This is the world in that sent me. Now we know what the will of the Father is. It's the will of the Father, God the Father, that you and your sin of friends should be saved and when.
God now commandeth all men everywhere to repent and believe the gospel. So we have in this verse God commanding and then we have another verses Christ calls.
God commands and Christ calls.
May return to Matthew.
Chapter 9.
Verse 13. Matthew 913.
Toward the end of the verse.
For I have not come to call the righteous.
But sinners to repentance.
Here is a call call of Christ, he says. I came not to call the righteous, the good people so-called.
They profess that they do not need a Savior. They're too good for that. He said. I did not come to call that. I came to call sinners to repentance. And we have an adverse in Acts 17. God now commandeth all men everywhere to repent. And I warn you, dear Sinner friend, if you disregard God's command, you'll perish. You'll perish in your sins and land in hell.
There's no other hope for you.
I plead with you to repent tonight. If you've never repented before, the Lord commands you to do it. And it's now, friends, now, Not tomorrow, not when you get outside on the Miranda here talking perhaps about everything except the gospel and what you've heard. God now commanded all men everywhere to repent and believe the gospel.
Many prayers went up tonight in the room down there for the Gospel.
And many dear brothers have pleaded for the children of the Saints, and there are lots of the night.
Or perhaps you, dear children, think, well, Daddy's a Christian, so I must be.
May I turn you to chapter in Ezekiel again to confirm the solemn fact that if your daddy and mother are Christians is not to say that you are, and they cannot save you either.
In the 14th chapter of Ezekiel.
We have a four fold testimony here.
Beginning at verse 14.
Though these three men know Daniel and Job were in it, they should deliver but their own souls.
By their righteousness, saith the Lord God.
Now verse 16, though these three men were in it as I lived, saith the Lord God, they shall deliver neither sons nor daughters. No, it's not in their power to save or deliver, and it's not in the parents power to save or deliver their children either.
They only shall be delivered, but the land shall be desolate. Verse 18. Though these three men were in it as I lived, since the Lord God, they shall deliver neither sons nor daughters, but they only shall be delivered themselves. Verse 20.
Though nor Daniel and Joe were in it as I lived, saith the Lord God, they shall deliver neither son nor daughter.
They shall but deliver their own souls by their own righteousness. A fourfold testimony to the solemn fact that these three men could not deliver their own sons and daughters and their fathers and mothers. You cannot save your own children.
I can almost hear my dear precious father now. He had his son on knees around the breakfast table every morning.
Lord, may we be an undivided family to dwell with thee forever.
Lord, may we be an undivided family. I can hear him pleading with the Lord now. And the Lord answered his prayer. He couldn't deliver us, My dear precious Father, He couldn't save us. He cried to one who could. Dear fathers and mothers, do not think that you can save your children. You cannot deliver them. But do not forget to pray for them. Cry to the Lord on their behalf constantly.
That the Lord will save the household. He is able and he answers prayer. He did mighty Father's case.
When my dear mother was just before she passed away, my dear brother, who was a very wayward boy been the Navy been dabbling with sin, came up to my mother's bedroom and I was there at the time.
He said, Mother, I'm going to meet you in heaven.
Christ, as my Savior lost the mighty Mother wept for joy.
We all did the prayers rounds of the vast mothers gathered in. The father couldn't do it. Mother couldn't do it. The blessed Lord could, and he did praise His name. Fathers and mothers, plead to God for your children. I can tell you that, dear brothers. And I've been pleading to God for them themselves, that they might be saved tonight. Tonight It's now that God commands repentance.
Not tomorrow, now.
And it's now that Jesus calls.
Will return to Proverbs chapter 8 please, we find that.
Their promise 8.
Verse 4. Proverbs 84.
Unto you, O men, I call.
God commands. Christ calls and is calling you to send a friend right now. Are you going to respond? You're going to close your heart against the person of Christ. You're going to say no to him.
You're going to shut him out and perish in your sins. Boy, plead with you. He says unto you, Oh man, I call. God commands and Christ is calling, is calling you, dear children, the children of the Saints tonight. Maybe you have heard the gospel here many times and in your own assemblies, and perhaps as yet you have not yet received Christ as your Savior. Well, it's calling now.
Now unto you, O men, I call. And in the first chapter of Isaiah, he says.
Come now, another call now, right now, now, friends, not tomorrow.
Not at 8:30, not at 8:00, but now Christ calls. We have no promise in the Scripture that he'll call tomorrow. Now He's calling now. And out of the love of his loving heart, he says, come now. Let us reason together. Come now.
The whole now is the accepted time. Oh dear sin a friend, do not go out of that door tonight in your sins without Christ.
You're in danger of perishing in hell if you do.
God commands that you should repent, and it's now. Christ calls you now to come to him. Come now, he says, let us reason together. Come on to me, all either weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest I will.
If you'll only come. Come now, for all things are now ready. Yes, come, for all things are now ready. They're ready now. The precious blood of Christ is ready. Salvation is ready. The Lord is ready to receive you with open arms, to embrace you with all the love of his heart and forgive you. Forgive you because of what he has accomplished at Calvary through the shedding of his precious blood.
Yes, He's been down here, friends, and he's been to the cross to express his love to you. He gave his life for you, dear Sinner friend. He loves you, He wants you. He died to save you. He calls you, He invites you to come now, but God commands now that you should repent.
Yes, he does. I say again, are you going to ignore a divine command of God? I dare not.
And I trust you will not, not one of you here tonight.
Oh, I trust you'll not go out of that door tonight in your sins without bowing to this command and without responding to Christ call. Come now, let us reason together. Think of it. The eternal Son of God, the Lord of glory, my precious Savior, saying, the Sinner, come now, let us reason together. Let us talk this matter over.
You are a Sinner. I want to be your Savior. I died to save you. I gave my life for you. My blood was shed for you to wash your sins away. Won't you come to me? Oh dear sin, a friend. Do come to him tonight. This may be your last opportunity. We've been reminded this afternoon throughout the day of the nearness of the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and we as believers know it's true.
We feel that the Lord is just about as a door friend. The day of grace will soon be gone forever.
The door of mercy will be shut forever on I trust you will not be shut out.
When Noah had completed the ark, the Lord said.
Come thou and all my house into the Ark.
He didn't say the nor let's go and admire the Ark Noir. You've made a fine job of that. No, he said, come thou and all thy house into the ark. The Ark was a type of Christ, the only face of safety from coming judgment.
And friends, judgment is coming this shores. You're sitting there. This world is doomed. It's rejected God's beloved son. The whole world is guilty of the rejection and murder of the Son of God. And let me warn you, dear sin, a friend, if you have not repented and have not received Christ as your Savior, you're part and parcel of this world. You're just as guilty as the world is.
If you haven't received Christ, you've rejected Him. You've shut Him out of your heart, you've said no to Him. He invites you to come to Him now, and God commands now that you should repent now. What are you going to do about it?
What are you going to do about a dear Sinner, friend? Are there any sinners here tonight in their sins? Let me plead with you in the name of Christ.
Not to go out in your sins tonight or you saw. I wish I could get rid of them. They're a burden to me. Well, Christ died for you to bear that burden. He's borne the judgment due to my sins on the cross of Calvary and I could never thank him enough for it. He died for your sins, dear Sin. A friend. Yes he did. He gave his all his life.
He answered all God's holy requirements.
He satisfied God's holy claims as the question of sin and our sins, and we as believers have the joy of knowing that our sins had been atoned for. They've been put away forever.
And we will never have to answer for one of them. They are gone. Christ has borne them away. He's gone back to glory without them. They were laid upon Him. Yes, our sins and iniquities were laid upon Jesus. Mine were. And there were many too.
But he's gone back without them.
A glorified Christ, my Savior. Oh friends, is he your savior? Is he? Would you like to have him as your Savior tonight? You dear young people?
How can you live without him?
How can you turn him down and say no to him when He offers you forgiveness of sins and the gift of eternal life?
An eternal joy and the hope of eternal glory to be with Him up there in the Father's house forever. Whether his fullness of joy and his right hand pleasures forevermore. You find that down here pleasures forevermore.
I believe the Spirit of God has placed Ecclesiastes and the Song of Solomon side by side to show us that.
In Ecclesiastes, we find there Solomon tried everything out under the sun. He was in a position to do so, and he did. He said. I withheld not my heart from any joy.
But what did he say at the end?
All is vanity, all is vanity. The Chinese version of that is vanity of vanities. All is vanity, all is vanity. If I remember correctly, that word is mentioned there about 30 times.
In Ecclesiastes vanity, but in the Song of Solomon, so in Ecclesiastes we find there.
The human heart is far too big to be satisfied with anything under the sun. There's nothing under the sun to satisfy the human heart. Nothing. I've tried lots of things and you young people have too. And you know very well Islamic here to satisfy your heart. But on the other hand, the Song of Solomon we have there, the Spirit of God brings before us the divine person, Christ.
There we find the heart is not big enough to contain the object. We cannot take them all in. It's too great, too wonderful. And so the Spirit of God placed those two books side by side, one to show us the emptiness, the vanity of everything down here under the sun. We have to go above the standing of satisfaction, peace and joy and salvation is found in Christ who is up there.
Solemn, solemn. We have the object. There is not everything under the sun, but Christ above the sun. I think I've told you this before. When we're going out to China, we met some well to do people on board ship.
And I got in the conversation with the gentleman and he said we're on a world tour. I said, well, what is the object of this friend? Well, he said, to find something that satisfy my heart.
I said, friend, pardon me, you're going the wrong direction. What do you mean he said wrong direction? I said, dear friend, you'll never find an entire and complete satisfaction in the world tour. It's not fair. And there's found in Christ. You have to go above the sun. You have to go to Christ to find it. You go in the wrong direction.
He was going around the world. You want to go up there and get it through Christ. You'll find satisfaction in Him and Him alone. Well, he said we haven't finished our journey yet. I said you might just as well finish it now because you'll not find satisfaction in it. You'll never find satisfaction in the world too. Of my friends, whoever you may be, for all the pleasures you may try out, there's no satisfaction and no pleasure, no joy except Christ.
The Son of God, my Savior. Oh dear young people, is he your Savior? God commands that you should repent. He says unto you rather.
The Lord sending Ezekiel, have I any pleasure at all, that the wicked should die? And he answers the question himself. I have no pleasure, he said, in the death of the wicked. No pleasure at all, but rather that he should live.
Now just a verse in Deuteronomy 30.
Verse 19. Deuteronomy 30. Well, we should read verse 15 first.
See, I have set before thee this day life and good, death and evil. Verse 19.
I call heaven and earth to recall this day against you that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing. Therefore choose life.
Then both thou and I seed may live, choose life. Thou may return to Romans 6.
Romans 6.
So God commands and Christ calls.
Romans 6 and verse 23.
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Notice what we have here.
Sin. Death.
Gift eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord wages death. Gift life.
We have to work for wages, do we not? And the wages of sin is death, and after death of judgment, we do not have to work for gifts.
Gifts of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Dear friends, God offers you a gift tonight. Will you take it? The gift of God is eternal life. Think of it, the gifts of God.
You cannot earn it. You cannot merit it, You cannot buy it. It's a gift.
But the wages of sin is death, and after death of judgment.
Dear friends, which you're going to have tonight, the wages of sin or the gift of God, wages, death, gift, life, eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord, which you're going to have. Friends, challenge your own heart right now, this minute, what am I going to have? The wages of sin, which is death and after death, the judgment, is that your portion or are you going to receive the gift of God?
Which is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. That's the only way you can have the gift.
He offers you a gift. Christ calls.
He calls out of a loving heart to you, dear sin, a friend. He wants to give you a gift.
The gift of God's eternal life, something you could never lose. We might lose the enjoyment of salvation, but thank God we can never, never, never lose the salvation.
We went into a restaurant coming down here this time.
And my wife, of course, is wearing a hat. All the other ladies have had no hats on.
The young lady brought three pancakes with a pose and my wife said ask the young lady's gone. She said I really didn't need these pancakes, I'm not keen on pancakes, I think I have the back. But we couldn't find the girl who served us in the 1St place. But another young girl came along and my wife said pardon me.
Will you kindly take these pancakes back? I didn't order them and I'm not fond of pancakes. Yes, she said, I'll take them back. She looked at my wife, looked at the hat. She said, are you Christians? We said, yes, thank God we are. She said, so am I. She said, I know the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior. And she said, dear friends, I'm going to meet you in heaven. Think of it. What a precious testimony. How bright from a young girl.
Said it out loud in the restaurant. Yes, she said, I know Christ as my Savior. I have received in my faith as my Savior and I'm going to meet you, dear Christians, in heaven. I said pray the Lord for that. How sweet and precious that is. Dear young people, can you say that tonight I have received the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior. He's calling you. You're going to turn a deaf ear to him. If you do. You're going to meet him in the coming days. A judge.
He's been appointed as the judge, you know, on the coming day, and God has given him the authority to execute the judgment to.
If you want the word of God for it's in John 5 verse 22 and verse 27. But though I thank God for this verse which comes in between verse 24.
The one who is appointed to be the judge, he says, Verily, verily, I say unto you to the Sinner, he that heareth my word, and believeth on him the God that sent me Jesus.
Half, half everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment.
But is passed from death under life.
I asked the children in Bermuda Sunday School some time ago what that word meant. Half my little boy promptly tsunami says I know what that means, Sir, I said what does that mean? He said I've got it, I've got it. I said you're right, it's just what it does to me and I've got it. Half means I've got it. Present possession he that believeth on the sun half everlasting life.
But dear friends, the important thing is to repent. God now commands that you should repent and believe the gospel, and we cannot improve on Apostolic methods of preaching repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ. Anything other than that is not the true gospel. No, it isn't repentance toward God. We hear very little of that today.
But we've heard it tonight from God's Word, and he commands a divine command. And friends, you dare not and must not ignore it. He commands you, dear young people, to repent. You people on the back row there, some of you grinning. God commands that you should repent and believe the gospel.
And not go out in a sense and be in dangerous.
Spending the eternity in hell for that will be your portion if you reject that Blessed One, if you ignore divine command of God, and if you refuse to listen to the call of Christ.
I repeat again, God commands, Christ calls, and he's calling you, dear young people tonight, and will you come to him?
Will you come to him now? Have you got the courage to make that confession of that dear girl in the restaurant and the presence of many people? I know Christ as my Savior, she said. I have believed on him, I received him, and I'll meet you in heaven.
And with a lovely smile on her face, she was so happy about it. Can you, dear young people, say that with truth? Dare you say it?
All you're saying I might get a little persecution. What if you do?
The Lord Jesus Christ was persecuted, was enough for your sake. He came down here to honor His Father, to do the will of His Father, And we've heard what the will of His Father is. And was that everyone which seeth the Son and believeth on Him may have everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment. Think of it not come into judgment, but it is passed from death unto life.
How wonderful and precious these words are.
How comforting for us who know the Lord as our Savior shall not come into judgment. There is therefore no judgment to them which are in Christ Jesus. Are you in Christ Jesus, dear friends, or in your sins? It's one or the other.
There's no middle ground, you know, no neutral ground before a holy God. You're either saved or you're lost. You're either a believer or an unbeliever. And if you're an unbeliever, you're condemned already.
Condemned now and judged later at the great White Throne. How solemn. Well now, dear friends, is up to you. You've heard the word of God. These are not my words. I didn't make this up as I came along the road. Here we have the Word of God, His living Word, which abides forever. And God now commands that you should repent. Christ calls you in love to your soul to come to Him now and receive Him as your Savior.
Before it's forever too late.
Him #30.
The first verse.
And the last verse of hymn 30. Weeping will not save me.
Though my face were bathed in tears that could not allay my fears, could not wash the sins of years, Weeping will not save me. Verse 4 Faith in Christ.
Will save me.
Trust in him, the Risen 1.
Trust the work that he has done.
To his arms I now may run. Faith in Christ will save me.
Winking will not be.