The Lord is Coming

Gospel—E. Wakefield
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General Meetings, Des Moines, May 1973. Gospel by Brother Wakefield.
Like we sing together #10.
There is a Savior on high in the glory, the Savior who suffered on Calvary St. The Savior is willing to save now as ever. His arm is almighty, His love great and free. Some brothers started pleased.
High in the glory.
I'll read to you the 2nd and the 3rd verses, and then we'll sing the 1St and the last verses.
Daily near draws his coming. This makes all his own rejoice. Who are they that fear to meet him such as now? Love not his voice.
When the Savior at his coming shall his own and glory bring.
Will you be among the number? Will you?
Two his praises sing the first and last verses #8.
Matthew Matthews Gospel chapter 25 and verse one.
Then shall the King of heaven be likened under 10 versions, which took their lamps and went forth to meet the bridegroom.
And five of them were wise and five were foolish.
They that were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them.
But the Wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.
While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.
And at midnight there was a cry made. Behold the bridegroom.
Go ye out to meet him. Then all those versions arose, and trimmed their lamps, And the fuller said unto the wise, Give us of your oil, for our lamps are gone out.
But the wise answer saying not so, lest it be not enough for us and you, but go ye rather to them that sell and buy for yourselves.
And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came.
And they that were ready went in with them to the marriage.
And the door was shut. Afterward came also the other version, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.
In the 14th chapter of John's Gospel.
The first three verses.
Let not your heart be troubled. Ye believe in God, believe also in me.
In my father's house are many mansions. If it were not so, I would have told you I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again.
And receive you unto myself, that where I am, there he may be also.
Then in First Thessalonians chapter 4.
And the 16th verse.
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with a voice of the Archangel, and with the trump of God, and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds.
To meet the Lord in the air, and so shall we ever be with the Lord, wherefore comfort one another.
With these words, just one more passage please, in First Corinthians chapter 15.
And the third verse.
For I delivered unto you first of all.
That which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, and that he was buried, and that he rose again.
The third day, according to the Scriptures, on Saturday evening our brother preached to us. I believe in a very solemn way, the need of repentance.
And last night our brother spoke to us on the precious blood of Christ.
Tonight I wish to speak on the coming again of the Lord Jesus.
And I've noticed, beloved brother, and you know the Lord Jesus that we've had brought before us in the meetings and in the hymns we sang and in the prayers today, the coming of Christ. And we believe, dear friends, of that event may take place tonight.
Before this meeting ever closes, we may have seen the face of the Lord Jesus Christ. And I suppose there's some in this room tonight that are not saved. Some young people who say, well, I'm young and I'm strong, why should I worry? I've got a long life ahead of me. I may not die for another 50 years, but the Lord may come tonight and you'll be left behind.
We've had first of all, and before we turn back to Matthew 25 and the 14th chapter of John, the person himself, all that blessed Savior, the 1St I believe to announce that coming in the air himself. He said I will, this is one of God's I will and there's nobody can stop us. There's no power in heaven or earth or under the earth can stop.
That has been taking place. Jesus said, I will come again and receive you unto myself, that where I am, there you may be also. My friends, that Advent has never been as near as it is at this very moment. Never before in the history of the Church has that event been as near as it is at this very moment.
The coming of gain of the Lord Jesus Christ, then in First Thessalonians chapter 4.
God tells us how that event will take place.
The one who was nailed, the Calvary's cross, the one who whom he read, who died for our sins.
According to the scriptures, who was buried and was raised again from the dead the third day.
That blessed One is the one who's coming in the air to give that shout, and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Oh, think of it my friends. All the dead in Christ, the 10s of thousands of graves will be empty.
And together with we who are alive.
Shall be caught up to meet the Lord in the air. And my friends, what a solemn day it will be for this great nation when God takes out of this world every born again Christian.
And you, my unsaved friend, will be left behind to face eternal judgments under the judgment of God, the cause you've rejected the grace of God.
Because you rejected God's love and God's beloved Son. And I want to warn you, my friends at this meeting opens that I know as I stand here, I believe that the devil himself would come right to this room and he would seek by his power to take away the seed of the word of God from your heart. And I just pray that during this next half hour together that you may be.
Deeply concerned about your soul, young man, young lady.
Boys and girls, men and women, who are yet in your sins without God and without Christ, and without, without, without hope in this world, that you will be deeply concerned under the power of the Holy Spirit, that you may not trifle with your soul. All friends think of it. Take away hope from a man, and he has nothing left.
He just drops and I want to tell you, if you leave this world without Christ, you will be in a place where the word hope will never be heard.
We're never again you will ever smile, We're never again you'll ever laugh. Never again will you enjoy pleasure. But under the wrath of God you will spend eternity. Now I know this is not popular. I know that man like to hear.
What they call a social gospel. Everybody is eventually going to get to heaven, but that's not what the book says. And we dare not preach what the book doesn't say. The book tells us. The word of God tells us that man is a Sinner born that way.
Born with his back turned against God and with his face turned towards hell and going down the broad road to destruction. And we stand here tonight, by the grace of God, a poor Sinner, saved by the grace of God, washed from our many sins with the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. We stand here, I say by the grace of God, and tell you tonight of a Savior's love, that God loves you.
Oh, what a message. God so loved the world, we've often said, and preaching the gospel, I would have loved to have heard the Lord Jesus say those marvelous words. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish, but have everlasting eternal life.
My dear friend, tonight you can be saved. You haven't got to go to hell. God loves you.
Often we said these blessed words that God has blocked the road to hell with a cross of Christ, and a man goes to hell, he must leap over the cross, for God has blocked the road to hell with the cross of Christ.
God loves you. God loves you, the God who made this world.
Loves you and he sent his son to be a savior. Now let's look at the 25th chapter of Matthew. Just a few moments.
And see here.
These solemn words, these are the very words that came out of the mouth of the Son of God.
How blessed we can stand here tonight and read to you, and you can read the very words that came out of that blessed mouth of God manifest in the flesh.
Or her blessed yet how solemn He tells us here about these 10 virgins.
And I believe that the good subject the preach in the United States and in Canada.
Because there are millions of people tonight in this country and in the country to the north.
Who say why? We believe this, we believe this, We believe that Jesus died on the cross and all. Of course we're not heathens. We believe this, but we don't just take it seriously like you do. We don't believe and always be reading the Bible and praying. We just like the coastal longer. Enjoy ourselves.
Believe this, my friends, are multitudes who believe it in their heads. Just like you read the history of Napoleon, but you believe that it's in the history books. But it means nothing to you.
Means nothing to you or to me that a man named Napoleon lived here. We don't. That doesn't change our lives and my friends to believe that a man named Jesus Christ.
Lived in this world and died on the cross means nothing unless you receive him personally into your very life and your very heart. And Christ lives in here and you're saved by the grace of God. I say it means nothing. It's only world history that will never save your soul.
Here we have these 10 virgins. The whole 10 of them had lamps.
We speak of profession. They had their lamps, each one of the whole 10 of them. There was nothing different between them. If you looked at these 10 versions as they marched along to the wedding, there was nothing different. They all had their lamps. You say they're all the same. And so it is tonight with 200 a million Americans, so or more.
And most of them have their lamps.
Most of them, my friends have their lamps. Most of them say I'm a Christian.
Most of them say, of course I have my own religion, but I'm a Christian too. They all have their lamps. But you know, there was a difference.
And a great difference it was too.
For the five wise virgins had oil in their lamps with their vessels, oil in their vessels with their lamps, and this oil is the Holy Spirit of God, a divine person, who tonight is in this world. For when the Son of God is a man, went back to heaven as a man with a nail Prince in his hands and feet.
And the spear mark and his side as he stepped over the portals of glory. The angels, I believe, bowed and worshipped is the man Christ. Jesus went into the very presence of God.
And there tonight, my friends, is a man in the glory.
Is that man your Savior? Well, he sat down. The Holy Spirit of God, a person.
Who is in this world tonight? Some of us here, I suppose the vast majority tonight have that divine person dwelling in here, and he has united us to Christ in the glory, and we're saved on the way to glory by the grace of God more than conquerors through him that loved us with a certain glorious future that will never end.
Not only with Christ, but like Christ for all eternity.
My friends, you have a profession tonight. Have you got this oil? Have you been born again? Now I know it's not popular. I know, man. Today these great men with their great education say, oh, what nonsense, this is born again. What do you mean born again?
I mean what God means. We go by the Scriptures. We don't go by man's ideas or man's thoughts or man's reasonings.
But Jesus said.
To Nicodemus the man or religion, he said he must.
Be born from above. You must have a brand new life for this life that we have from Adam, from our father and mother, will never enter the Kingdom of God unless we're born from above with a brand new life from God, the very life of God put into the soul.
Have you been born again? Boys and girls with Christian mothers and fathers, have you been born?
Above have you got this new life from God?
If you haven't your numbered with these foolish virgins with an empty lamp and no oil, but I want you to notice here.
In our fifth verse, that the bridegroom tarried, the bridegroom tarried, and while he tarried they all slumbered and slept.
That is to say, the five wise and the five foolish virgins, they all fell asleep. And isn't it true of you and me tonight, dear Christian believer in Christ, how often we fall asleep while the bridegroom tarries. But notice now what happened in the sixth verse. And at midnight there was a cry made. Behold the bridegroom, all that Listen, my friends, God presents Christ.
Tonight, my friends, God presents Christ. There's no other gospel, no other message.
No other message with the all gospel of the cross. Jesus died for sinners. Nailed to the froth of Calvary between 2 Thieves.
The Son of God in the hours of darkness for my sins, in his own body in the tree.
And receive from God the judgment that I deserved. He died for me. He suffered for my sins. He died the just for the unjust. To bring me to God, A poor Sinner who deserves to go to eternal hell. Jesus is my hope.
My Lord, my Savior, is he yours tonight? My friends, do you love the Savior? People say you know we shouldn't be occupied with our love for Christ.
But rather his love for us. And I Amen that. But I want to ask you tonight, the love, the Savior.
For to know the Savior is to love him. You have to love him. Not only does he save the soul, my friend, not only did he take our sins away, but he captures the heart. He captures the heart so that forever you're spoiled for this world, for the Christian, you may be here tonight, backslider. I want to say you're not happy and God won't let you be happy in this world.
You who know the Lord Jesus Christ, how often we have got away from the Lord and we have to pray and say, Lord, when we get away from thee, please don't let us be happy. How sad to meet Christians who say, why I'm a happy man, I'm away from the Lord, but I'm happiness the same. Let me say this, You make that statement either you're not a Christian at all.
Or you're telling a lie. You cannot be happy if you have tasted of the love of God, of the love of Christ.
Have you seen by the grace of God that coming scene of glory? I say, you can never be happy in this world again if you get away from the Lord, for God won't let you be happy.
How blessed, how glorious.
But the bridegroom, Harry bananas, the bridegroom. The whole the bridegroom.
What we believe, beloved friends, to some 150 to 175 years ago that the Spirit of God restored to God's people this glorious truth that Jesus was coming again to take out of this world. All his blood bought people. Now we know tonight in Christendom.
It generally believed that the Lord is coming back to judge this world. They talk about the last day, the end of the world and so on.
But there are many Christians who have no idea that Jesus is coming again in the air to take out of this world every born again Christian. You won't find a born again Christian under heaven when that happens.
What a solemn thing, all friends. What an awful thing to think of being left behind. Can you think of it? Left behind? I remember one night dreaming that the Lord came. I saw him come down into the air and give the shout, and I saw people. They lifted up and I was left on the ground and I was left behind.
All her song. What a terrible dream that was to be left behind.
And there's boys and girls, young men, young women, fathers and mothers, husbands and wives who are going to be left behind. Left behind to face judgment. No second chance, no getting down your knees and crying to God to save you. Then left behind.
Left behind, friend, the Lord may come tonight, the Lord may come tonight. What good will your health be and your strength be of Jesus comes tonight and takes out of this room supposedly came now.
In one minute from now a shout was heard and suddenly you'll found the room empty and you found yourself sitting in this seat, these seats with two or three people and all the rest were gone, not out of the doors.
Not out of the windows, but suddenly gone. Gone.
You'll never see that mother again.
You will never see your father again. You will never see that boy of yours again. If he goes, you'll never see that daughter of yours again. Left behind. I can't think of any more terrible, more awful than to be left behind.
Why? Because you rejected Christ. You rejected Christ. God says, how shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation? This is God's salvation.
It's God's salvation, friends, if the Queen sends to one of her subjects an invitation to appear at Buckingham Palace, I understand that that invitation is really a command. When the Queen sends the invitation, it's really a command. You have to go because the Queen has ordered you to go, even though it's an invitation. And yet, my friends, the God of heaven tonight has asked you to come.
To Christ. It's a command, my friends. Are you going to turn down the offer of salvation?
You can't buy it, you can't earn it, you can't work for it.
No, the word of God is very clear. By grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves. It is the gift of God, not a worse, lest any man should boast. How about you, maybe the knight who come into this room?
Sent by God into this room, allowed to come into this room by God himself, the God of grace who say well.
You know I keep the 10 commandments. You don't. You don't. My friends, there's never been a man ever lived in this world except the Lord Jesus Christ.
Who kept the 10 commandments? And you know it's true. And the 10 commandments, what do they do? They condemn you. They condemn you.
We've often said, speaking to the children, if a man needs a shave and looks into the mirror and says, well I see I need a shave, the mirror won't shave them. And if a girl looks into the looking glass and sees the dirt on her face.
The looking glass will never wash your face. It has no power to wash your face. She has to go elsewhere. And the 10 commandments, just like that looking glass, say you're a Sinner. You're a Sinner, but the 10 commandments only condemn you. They have no power to say you have to go someplace else. And that's the Jesus. Jesus, He's the Savior. He's the one who died on the cross.
He's the one who shed his precious blood. He's the one that man nailed to the cross the spies and rejected the Son of God. You must take size with that Savior. And I want to say tonight, my friends, we live in a careless age where men are beaten around the Bush and trying to deceive men all around us. I want to say this, and I say it without fear of contradiction.
That tonight, every man in this room and every woman.
Every boy and every girl.
Is either on the side of Christ or on the side of the devil. Now I know that's not popular, but that's the truth.
Jesus said.
A man cannot serve 2 masters. He didn't say 3 masters because there's not three. There's two. One is the Christ of God, the other is the devil.
Whose side are you on? Thank God, by his grace I'm on the Lord's side. Whose side are you on? Would you like to be on the Lords side? Then you must take the despise Nazarene as your savior. Oh, you won't get popular.
The world won't clap its hands and say what a wonderful man he is. He's taken Christ. They laugh at you. You know the world can laugh you into hell.
But they can't laugh you out. And I want to say tonight that the blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanseth us from all sins. And Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father, but by me is the only way to God, the only way to heaven. The way of the cross leads home. And so now we have the Bridegroom.
Presented I want you to notice in the.
And the.
Eight verse. The Fuller sat under the wise, Givethe your oil, for our lamps are going out or gone out. The margin says going out, which I believe is right. But the Wise answered, saying Not so, lest there be not enough for us and you, but go ye rather than themselves, and buy for yourselves. And while they went to buy.
The bridegroom came. The bridegroom came. While they went to bride, the bridegroom came. I noticed what it says.
And they that were ready went in with them to the marriage. Oh, what a wonderful thing is to be ready to be able to lay your head upon your pillow and go to sleep and say, thank God I'm ready if my heart stops beating in the night.
And I wake up, I'll be with the Lord, and if the Lord Jesus comes during the night, I'll be caught up out of my bed to meet the Lord in the air. It's a grand thing to be ready. Maybe somebody says, but how can I be ready? How can I know I'm ready? Well, I could.
I could quote you many, many verses how you know it could be ready, but I'm going to tell you this, my friends, tonight. There's a wonderful verse and Romans 10 and 9. I'd like to tell you a little story about that verse.
Where God says, If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus.
And believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead. Thou shalt be saved. There was a boy came to the gospel tent down in Sackville, NB. He had a mother who was a Christian who was at home praying for her boy. And after the meeting was over we spoke to that young man and said, are you saved? He said, no Sir, I'm not. Would you like to be saved now? He said, yes, I would.
I'd like to be saved right now. Then I gave them that wonderful verse and I asked them first, do you believe in the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ from among the dead? He said, I do. I said, Are you sure you believe that? He said, I believe that with all my heart. I said, you believe that God raised the Lord Jesus Christ from the dead. He said, yes, Sir, I believe that with all my heart.
Then I said to him, Let us read the first part of that verse. If thou shalt confess with thy mouth, the Lord Jesus, will you confess with your mouth, young man, the Lord Jesus? He said, yes, Sir, I will. I believe that Jesus is Lord.
Well, we said to him, now we're going to ask you to do something, if you will.
Would you be willing to go to somebody else and tell them when he walked across the tent to an older man and he said, Sir, I want to tell you something. Jesus is Lord and I believe that God is raising from the dead. Now the Bible says thou shalt be saved. All men may say, but I can't believe that, but I believe it because God says it. Thou shalt no question about it.
Doubt God has spoken. Thou shalt be saved. Thou shalt be saved. May God grant so that verse may go into the heart of some boy, some girl, some young man, some young woman in this room tonight. May God give you the courage tonight.
To open your mouth and confess that Jesus is Lord. Oh it's wonderful isn't it? To think that the man who this world said is worthy of a cross a criminals cross and nail them between 2 criminals. That's the kind of a world we live in tonight that God is going to judge.
This world has murdered the Son of God. God allowed us, we know by his grace, but this world's responsible.
My friend.
Are you willing to say that that man, this world crucified as Lord God, hath made that same Jesus, whom he crucified, both Lord and Christ? Well, as a test came. Now notice what happened.
They were ready.
And notice the end of the tenth verse. The door was shut. Isn't that a saw, old friend? May these words go into your heart and sink down into your heart, down into your conscience. The door, the door, the door was shut. God's door tonight is wide open. Up above there in the glory. Heaven's door is wide open. And God says, whosoever will.
May come and take the water of life freely. I think of that verse often, preaching the gospel, how the beloved John on the Isle separated from the world around the Isle called Patmos. As it gets near the end of the Book of Revelation. We love to say these words again and again. Beloved friends, I believe that God said John's stuff. Stop writing. I want to give man his last invitation.
And this is the last of these three days of happy meetings.
God's last invitation. Whosoever will may come and take the water of life freely, I believe it's worthy of God. I believe it's worthy of the God of the Bible to give man his last invitation.
My friend, this may be your last invitation, your last chance. Don't throw it away. Don't listen to the devil. He's a liar. My friend, the Lord Jesus said not only is he a liar, but he's the father of lies. And he's lied to you. He's fooled you, young man. He's betrayed you young ladies. He's told you to be a Christian. You have to go along with a long face.
So unhappy, like an undertaker walking around crying and weeping and.
No more fun, no more joy. I tell you the devil is a liar.
I want to say this tonight, my friend, the only people in this world that are really happy.
Are God's children. The unsaved man is not really happy, and I think he is, but he's not. He has to have something, some new toy, something, something to amuse them, something interest to me. Can't find happiness. Put them into a room alone with nothing in the room.
But the chair to sit on. He will be the most miserable man in creation. He has to have something.
To hold his attention. But the Christian in a room by himself can get down on his knees like they do in Russia and the dungeons and prisons. And they can praise God and they can sing with joy in their hearts of the saviors. Love, I want to tell you tonight again, the devil's a liar.
Don't believe them. The Christian life is the happy life and I live both lives and I know what I'm talking about. The Christian life is the happy life. To have Christ, to make you happy, but to have the devil will land you in hell.
All friends, there is a hell. The only man who never told a lie warned of that place. There shall be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth who set up the only man who never told a lie.
The Lord Jesus Christ, I believe what he said.
I don't believe what the modernist preacher is saying. I don't believe what the college professors say. I believe what Jesus said because he told the truth and he warns man to flee. And I warn you tonight, my friends, there's salvation only in Christ. There's no salvation at any religion, any church, any gospel meetings, any gospel hall. There's only salvation in one.
And that's God's beloved, eternal Son, the Lord of glory.
Died for poor sinners on the cross of Calvary. I noticed this 11Th verse because it's very solemn afterwards. All friends, isn't that a solemn word?
Wouldn't man pay a fortune to be able to block that word out of the book?
Wouldn't man all over the world love to be able to get rid of that word afterward? They don't want an afterward, but there's an afterward. My friend, you've got to leave this world. You can't stay here.
I believe it was John D Rockefeller who said.
If any doctor can cure me of my stomach trouble, I'll give him $1,000,000 immediately.
But he they couldn't do it. He had to leave this world and leave behind him hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars.
There's no use, you have to leave this world. Afterward notice came also the other virgins saying Lord, Lord open to us. These words. Lord Lord bring before us only profession empty, no reality.
Lord, Lord, open to us. But the door was shut, my friends. You know, they came too late. And I believe there will be many, many people in the United States of America and Canada and the British Isles, other parts of the world who've heard the Gospel hundreds of times, who when the Lord comes, they're going to come, but too late. They're going to say, Lord, I believe now I know it's true.
I know it's true. My mother's gone and my father's gone. I know it's true. Won't you save me now? But notice the answer.
He says I know you not, I know you not. Too late my friends, too late. This is the day. This is the only day that God promises to save you. He said, Behold, now is the acceptor time.
The whole now is the day of salvation. You know the devil's words tomorrow.
When Moses asked Pharaoh when he would like to have the frogs taken away, Pharaoh the devil's man said tomorrow. Because the devil always says tomorrow, but God says today. This is the day the Lord Jesus said to the thief on the cross. As our brother mentioned, Lord's day morning today.
Thou shalt be with me in paradise. But I want to warn you, young man.
You're saying maybe down in your heart. Well, you know, I heard this. I heard this last week. Why a year ago I was at the Des Moines conference, you may say. And I, I sat in this very room and here I am tonight. I'm saved. I'll come back a year from now.
And I'll get saved next year. That God doesn't promise to save you next year. And God doesn't promise to save you tomorrow morning, but he does promise to save you now.
You want to come to Christ tonight?
You will receive the Lord Jesus and take your place before God is a lost not only a Sinner, but a guilty Sinner and a lost Sinner.
You can be saved tonight. Maybe there's a believer in this room who says, well, I hope my sins are forgiven. Oh, my friends, dear Christian, if you're here tonight, maybe you've come into this room and you say, well, Sir, I honestly and truly like a lady told me the other day.
We were visiting outside Philadelphia, she said. Sir, but I believe that with all my heart, and I do love Jesus. I feel so unworthy. I'm so unworthy, I said. My dear friend, you're insulting the Savior.
You really are insulting the Savior. He's finished the work. He's paid the price. He offers you life eternal. He offers you the forgiveness of sins. And why do you say I'm so unworthy? Of course you are. But He's worthy. And we're accepted not in ourselves. We're accepted in the beloved. And every born again Christian tonight stands in God's presence.
Accepted in Christ, can we get a better place? Adam in the Garden of Eden, innocent before he fell, didn't have the place we have tonight. Accepted in the beloved, standing before God. Rest in Christ, in God's righteousness, forgiven clan save. Oh how blessed. My friends, this conference is over.
Once again, you've heard the gospel.
There's a Savior tonight on high in the glory. He's my Savior. He died for me, a poor Sinner. I recommend to you God's Christ, the only Savior there is. He doesn't want your money. He doesn't want your money. He owns everything. He's too rich to sell his salvation.
Then you're too poor to buy his salvation. He offers you free.
Full salvation. Will you receive Christ now? Is there somebody in this room?
Just as I bow my head in prayer, will you tonight, my friends, receive.
Receive Christ, there is a man.
In the Maritimes.
Who is a great drunkard?
He was a terrible drunkard. God saved his precious song. And I was visiting with our brother here, a man who employed this man, and he said, you gentlemen come from the Gospel tent. And we said, yes, we do, Sir. He said, you know a man named David McKay, and we said we certainly do. He said he was an awful drunkard. You know my he says to pay him on Friday night and I wouldn't see him until Thursday the next week. He was drunk, he said, for four or five days.
But he got religion and our brother here tonight said, no, he didn't serve. No he didn't. He said, well, I know something. He got something because he sure is a change man. And he said he got Christ and he said in man, you're a respectable man of macadam, well dressed, own your own business here, but you are a Sinner and you need Christ and you respectable people tonight in the United States.
And Des Moines here respectable. Pay your bills.
Do the best you can. You're lost. You're lost unless you have Christ. You need Christ. The man on the street, the drunkard reeling down the street. You say that poor fellow, he needs a Savior, but so do you. You are a Sinner and so am I.
I must save Sinner.
May God bless His word.
For the glory of His.