Gone Away and Thirsty

Gospel—A. Barry
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Chapter of Isaiah.
Oh, everyone that says, come into the water, and he that hath no money.
Come ye by, and he comes by. Wine, milk, without money and without pride. Therefore do we spend money for that? If you do not swear, and your labor will happen.
Parking diligence we have, and eat that which is good and let your soul delight itself in fact.
Incline your ear and come on the knees.
Here and your soul to live. And I will make an everlasting covenant with you. You the explorers. Behold, I have given him for a witness to the people, a leader and commander to the people.
Behold, thou shalt call the nation that thou knowest not, and nations that know not thee shall run unto thee, because of the Lord thy God, and for the Holy One of Israel, for he hath glorified thee. Seek ye the Lord, what he may be found.
Holy upon employees, he was here.
Awakened frustrating ways and the other righteous man was thought and let him return of the Lord, and he will have mercy on him.
Log off or he will abundantly.
Heart, For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your wings, my wings of the Lord.
While the heavens are higher than the years, higher than the earth, so are my weeds higher than your ways.
And my thoughts and your thoughts, while the rain cometh down in the snow heaven, and returneth not thither, but water the earth, and make it bring forth and flood. And they give peace to the sower, and bread to the eater. So tell my word, be that goeth, or out of my mouth it shall not.
Return to me, boys, but it shall accompany.
And it shall offer in the same world, for he shall go out with joy, and he led forces.
And all the trees of the field shall sweep them.
Therefore come up to 3rd St. and instead of a dryer some of the motor streets, and it shall be to the Lord for a name for an everlasting time that shall be.
Now we have a wonderful conversation.
And this staff will be read to every woman's person.
We find why the Spirit of God and give such an implication.
When we read down the.
53rd chapter of Isaiah.
And in that chapter we have an account of the lowly life of our blessed Lord, whom with all that He was despised, and rejected His name.
A man falls and 26 weeks.
And then we are told that.
That he was wounded for our transgressions. He was for our initiatives.
After one of our people on him and with his stripes we are healed and all. It's remarkable.
That hardware reading in these verses was written 700 years before tonight, and yet you could not find even in the New Testament.
A war grabbing restrictions of the largest atoning works on the Cross of Calvary.
So we're told that he was wounded and we need about that.
With his Christ we are here now. Those were not the losers that were explicitly crowned in the storm struck him over the cage as a disease, and those strikes were an office strikes and islands and lifted and encouraged easily.
That was the price that you overdrawn.
But we were not healed by pilots. Oh, thank God, beloved, when we are healed by trust and God is fully God.
Just there's only for many things I put through here. No granddaughters of holy God. He was a thin hating God. He cannot have sinned in his presence.
Then cannot go unfurled. God received to be a God of righteousness and truth, and there were only two ways that God forced the justice and that was by either judging his son that those dark hours of Calvin or else judging you and me.
In the length of fire for all the Princess, all the lovers, God shows, and then it comes over you and I. Why never have weeded out to a judgment in our city so righteously deserve. So how will this language here just touch our arms as we read that all we like to eat as all the strength.
We have turned everyone who is own way, and the Lord and His hope will have laid on him the iniquity of the soul.
How long again we mentioned before it actually took place in the common Isaiah portfolio of the Oval laying on the ego, it was just taking place.
And he was heavily he was knowing how God has that worthless Calvary ever before and then when his holy son was defended there by those or who's on Calvary as of when you're overly my sister, I'll get the love. You know, the language is very definite.
Scriptures and reactor doesn't say he lazy things of everybody and he it says here.
That the whole house laid on him, the attic with the.
Can you put yourself among those?
That he speaks of as.
You say in the language that is given us here, he was wounded for my construction.
We were good for my.
Well, it ends. You trust him. If you come to him as a poor, lost and guilty Sir, and accept him as your fingers, then you will be among that number upon whom you're over laid all those things.
Well, no, we find having presented the workable price so clearly as you've got free no person in the 53rd chapter, we get this invitation.
To any person told, but we need to remember friends that while we have the 63rd of IPL rings.
And the invitation to count against him and the 56th factory we have a capture between.
And that has an important factor that should not be.
Omitted or passed over.
For here we find.
And the 6th works of the 54th chapter For the Lord has to call thee as a woman for his favour, and leave in spirit and a voice of youth, when thou was refused that the Lord 711 to verse all our flickers causes temples and not comfortable.
Now let's describe the.
Exercise the soul has passed through before he listens to the invitation of the 56 actors for everyone that faces how many to the wall and all time God has to deal with his own way and very severely with there before you'll even with.
Through the method of these ways, when we first moved to, Caroline often visited an old crippled man in the hospital named Gibson. She was a dear child. He had many unhappy visits together.
We were paralyzed from his waist down, the bottom is wheelchair. So all the same thing, all the pain and weakness.
To the failure that he lost.
I said one day to him, I believe that you can thanks off someday for the child and suffering to improve.
Well, he smiled, he says. I thank him now, he says.
For his friend and he took this to bring me to the Lord. He said God has spoken to me many times and I wouldn't listen. And one day he said I fell through a cap door in the farm down to the floor to go and that's all about this injury. So he never could walk again. But he said that brought me to Christ. Well then this dog has to deal so strongly from time with spirit to bring him to himself.
Hey, listen may not be like this this Mr. Gibson that wouldn't listen until God there are ladies and spy. There are helpless patients for the rest of the of the anti young people here that haven't yet and there are accepted crimes accepting now before our evil days come from years ago my when you say I have no pleasure in you.
Listen why this general voice is called?
It says everyone has 30.
They say that travelers through the desert like the crazy Arab desert.
Or sometimes travelers are lost and water supplies exhausted and their Harry King whispers.
And then someone finds the water. Now that is the word that shattered at the top of the voice. Oh, just as loud as they can found it out. Oh.
To other.
Paradigms for 30. Here's warm for your first.
Oh, everyone that searches.
Focus on the 1St that we're speaking about. The lowest friend is full first.
You ever felt that whole third?
I trust you have if you have a job, give you to have.
This long in your heart.
To enjoy something you have never enjoyed before.
I live through God, through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Wonderful living as well in search and one has found out that nothing here in this world really satisfies.
And the craving so long, the desired sleep to have something that is satisfied with these long of the human heart. Then the word comes for everyone. That's right.
Hungry with goodness at the Hungry 7th song.
Come into the water.
And Park will truly satisfy the troubleshoot.
Your your sister apart. If it's about your medicines, you whipped over those fins found no relief for your troubled conscience. It says here you'll find release.
And he will have no money.
Call me why? And he gave by wine and milk without money and without price, consent by another, that God is too rich to sell and we're too poor to buy, so his terms are without money.
And now only God can put up curves like that.
Before the storekeeper flips off the fine and all his goods will be sold without money and without price, how long would he be in bed?
Well, they asked the question to answer the question. No man who can carry out his business on those terms.
But friends, dogs, and And there he's offering the greatest blessing, eternal happiness.
And yours for all his fantasies, and he's not part of the one thing for what you offer indeed that eternal life soul possesses at the last two weeks early ages.
Is is offered as a prehistoric well if you want wages.
The devil has wages for those that listen to him.
His advice?
For the wages of sin is dead. All things are considered. That happens today. Suggestions.
So he says coming by and he may come by wine and milk not only offers water to satisfy the first of the first incentive, but that with will sustain the life that he possesses.
His Lord family from the Lord friends are thrown out of the Sinner comes to the Savior and trust him as the one that died for his things on the cross. He instantly the letters and in nature.
And you like it. Some people seem afraid to come to Christ or hear them all pulled out.
And they'll go back to their old ways where they need to remember that the one that saved you is the one that that will keep you and allow it to pray when you get back. As they say, you get Christ for all orders. Certain expansion after you get a full movie.
For every as long as you're here this season, but all you must receive is the way that he plays here to come to come to bless the Lord as a poor law Sinner, then come to him as the one that will.
Give you a happiness and fill your life with joy and peace to something like what the blessed Lord says in the 11Th chapter of Matthew. First he said, come unto me all, even labor and earth, heavy labor, and I will give you rest as the senators can receive, and the virgin lair is a virgin of speech.
And when he comes, he finds the burden taken away, because the blessed Lord on the cross took that person when he was forsaken of God, and he takes that burden of sin away. And then Bell was the blessed Lord. Hate my yoke upon you, and learn thee for me and Lord in heart.
And we shall find rest on your soul.
Then come and take his yoke. Well, so many people think that would be a heavy you, a hard body. But he says I will confuse and my urgent life. I'm told I thought he was preaching in New York one time he sent it. He said suppose we go out.
Find the centers in the slums that serve the devil for 50 years, and put him on this side, and then we go out in the city, and we find the car of the dog that follows the Lord. Serve Christ for 50 years, putting on this time. See that would there be any trouble whatever of describing whose yoke was evening and whose birth was life?
And then there was not.
With our friends, go in here, that milk of the word and wine, and all of the figure of joy. And when the Good Samaritan picked up the poor man on the road, and Jerry called before in oil.
And wine or the prices of spirits. And why the type of joy?
For the moment you have Christ as your Savior, you enter the joy that will last for lasers down here are totally short and go soon over to there are places in this world.
The more the gold rather the suffer of affliction with the people of God, and to enjoy the plagues of sin for peace going over every slager this world has to offer is written these words so plain that he that runeth Navy, but for us peace and then.
A living heart.
An empty Lord is next, with nothing that matters my soul.
Wherefore do you spend your money for less which is not winning, and your labor was at which satisfies now talking diligently underneath and eat me that which is good, and let your soul in life in fact.
Could be taken as a commentary on.
Everything that's going on in this world.
Men are laboring, satisfied, spending their money.
For that which only drowns the soul, and destruction and relation. Money being spent for liquor, money being spent for drugs.
A night of useless by earning practice so soon all over with nothing but disappointment. All our world to be living in.
And yet they believe we have found.
Prove your own. There are the things of God.
Of Fair return back to this week and figure the elements yeah every tribe who is satisfied these parts with these favors.
That has caused our blessed Lords and stuff in this healthy.
So he says, incline your ear and come on the knees here, and your soul shall live.
No, the soul is the most important part of our being because the cold live for all intentions.
And only the Lord would give the true values of an immoral soul. And he said vascular power of the man, if he gave the whole world that could lose no problem.
Here to come to him as he invites you there's no.
When you know that soul of yours is.
There comes either the heaven or hell.
And what a solid thing. And find your soul cast out into our darkness.
Here, that is the way that the soul can hinder into the divine light, Yes. So listen to the voice of the season, and speaking so much, you think how long he has been inviting lost sinners to himself.
And climb your ears.
I will come up and leave you.
Many thirds and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, even the your mercy of faith one of the store mercy the doors. Well the Apostles promo tells us when he was preaching in the Benedog and Antioch.
The city of the 13th chapter of Acts. He quotes this very passion about the pure.
Nor yourself.
The very fourth version of Acts 13.
Concerning that you raised him up from the dead, now no more returns corruption, he said. On this slide I will give you the your. Mercifully all the sure mercury of David are found in a risen Christ.
God raised him from the dead. Friendly if you have a rhythm, glorified Christ.
As your Savior and your Lord, you have no mercy, or you know where the object of mercy, or we have been against the holy God. You didn't learn nothing but His wrath, but God is offering mercy.
Whole and scream the God who is rich in mercy for his great love. We're really loved it, even when we were dead in Preston, to have raised us up together and made us sit together.
In heavenly faces in Christ Jesus isn't that long way to see how everything is certain as we consider the gospel.
No one. No question about the secure.
Nurses of David.
And they are offered.
You're the one who explains his ears.
Come live with all unwilling to listen to his voice like this poor old man I was telling you about.
That wouldn't listen till God had to speak so strongly to it.
Then we get down the.
Water. Behold, I have given him for a witness to the people, a leader and commander to the people.
How you know, friends, that we turn to strong leader and Capital One independent of any leadership?
You're having Christ water and he'll choose the devil or song as well. Agents follow and wonderful to have Christ as our leaders. He likes our friends. So we've been here. I will give him more wisdom. Oh yes, He has a witness within us by the Spirit that we are the children of God.
And then we have the leadership of the leader and commander to the people.
Hopefully is that we have the wisdom of Christ.
All our faith, all our circumstances.
So that the commandment of rising with the impossible John Hills are not pleasant.
Family fixed first think he is a Lord. While he may be profound, all the upon inquiry is included.
Thing is this and the day is coming when the master will rise up and just the door and those that are left outside will save Lord Lord.
You have to say then I know, you know, it's hard for me. You work with me.
So are they worried? Surgeons speaking, The Lord, what? He may be found. And you can find the Lord. You can find him here tonight if you've never found him before, because he's waiting with open arms to his feet.
A little back here, lined up in the tree to see Jesus.
By Jesus came to the very Creed where he had found, called him down, and brought salvation right through his door.
All the appliance while he was here.
I heard a minor that went through a gospel meeting.
On Sunday night.
And they are very much on the conviction of sin last night.
And after the gospel meeting was over, some of the Lord service were speaking to giving the way of life going how he could be saved, but the more man he was so troubled and seen he couldn't find.
Any peace to him for his soul.
And no one was finally suggested. Maybe they should.
Just continue the fall return to their home, but he inspected he says it must be better than that. All the remains were long time as he struggled about this matter.
Finally he knew that the Christ after him and his failure. On Monday morning he went into the mind to work.
And there's one of these terrible explosions.
And when they were bringing up the the dead and the injured, laying them out and they had the mouth of the mind, someone noticed this Cortella and he was brought up.
Lying there almost uncomfortable, and it's always with weakness. Someone went up to listen, or maybe there was a message they could take to his father's wife.
Here's one of you said thank God it was several last night.
Thank God it was.
Last night.
So he carried out this Speaking of the Lord.
All the time.
And then we read in the seventh verse, Let the wicked frustration we and the unrighteous man thought, and let him return on the Lord.
That is true repentance.
When one has lost to descend towards God.
He turned from his old and regardless mental weight.
We think of all their drying seeds.
And we think of how.
How he has way along the Lord?
He's a man.
And misery Adam is companion on another cross while the other beach isn't turning on his confidence. And reel on him, did he? But he did not bless him or such as the awful heart.
I'll spend your life railed on and another golf was there, he took the strain in his feet, but as soon as that man whichever of his feet and said we indeed, justly, for we receive the due reward of heart.
As Elvis here says, I will of bore he will abundantly.
All because the grace of the Lord Jesus. But we need the grilling and ready to pardon someone that suffered us in all our suffering. And this is hello.
Funds that rendered man and took him to the Paradise of God as the first trophy of redeemed grace and made him a companion in the scene of joy and delight. The day shall thou be as the blessed Savior, whoever needs not only in paradise, but with me.
And he will have mercy upon him, and you are God, for he will of thunderstorms on one revolution to the dream of what he has.
Forgiven and all, all those things.
That there were so long as we may as good as lead for as far as God. So instead of spending on these and mourning and and.
About our affairs, our sinful past as we think of them. They're all partners, hardened because of His love.
Pardon because of his work establishment.
Now we read for as the for. My thoughts are not your thoughts.
Neither are your ways my way, except more. Whereas the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your weight and my fault and your fault.
Will man have his thoughts and ideas? Oh, he has his ideas of religion, and he rest on them.
But it all gospel.
False, I'm very familiar and we thank you. The height of the heaven and have gone up to the moon, but beyond whether the starry heaven, but all is vastness and stretches on endlessly.
So our God thought just that much higher, and all the wisdom of all that man has ever conceived and followed his connection. 12 health needs.
Or as man thinks that if there's a good life and that's the best he can, so that will be.
Where we can get to heaven.
And we say, well, we find out everything, I thought.
To a Buddhist one time, and you know, I have been, Do you believe there's a heritage there? I think you believe there's some hell.
I said tell me, man, how you can be paid health, how you can go to hell. You have to be good.
He said, and he began to tell all this good things to do, but I said here we are traveling on this train in the Caribbean.
Train leaves the class. We're all dancing to eternity. What good would your religion do for a man that has committed all these sins? You say that he couldn't.
Have no answer.
All right, so let me tell you about my team. Didn't say what poor elder deserving center in a moment of time because of the work of Calvin.
What? I talked to Jews.
Things for a moment and they're much interested, but became right back every time to this world. If you do the best you can, if you're kind to everybody, well, I think you'll have a pretty good chance.
A plan for food. It all looks higher than all.
The man for poultry fault. I heard your brother father tell this. He said that he was walking across the park sometime and he came up on two and that were in Cedar Gardens. One was an inch ago and the other was a Christian and the Christian had unwisely understated to get into an argument with this incident and as the incident was.
A far cougar man.
Now the first two knees off the left of the argument and the 4th person was twice the friend over his predicament and seeing this variable gentleman walk up, he looked at him. He's healthy.
Here's my brother, Father says to him, he said to this influence, he said if you don't hold your tongue and open your ears because God will put you in hell. So that's as he can well understand and the whole argument.
Here are your goals to live. God doesn't want our arguments, our reasons or articles. He wants us to hear what He has faith.
And so we have about the rain coming down. So shall my word be that goes out of my mouth.
Shall not return to any boy, but it shall accomplish that with our sleep, and it shall prosper into the things where unto our slender.
Of delightful thought. You and me realize that we have the word of the living God in our hands.
And the work is through that word, that we have been brought to a knowledge of Christ.
And it's big fellas here, so shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth.
When the blessed Lord was tempted faith in the wilderness, when the devil came to him, and had command these stones to be made praise.
His reply was to a man. So not me by bread alone, but by every word that proceeded off of the mountain God.
Well, when we read this book, unlike reading any other book.
It's just for the goal. We were actually and as friends, as visible friends of God, and listening to His message comes right out of his mouth.
So here we have the Word of God.
And the Lord says whenever there is the work of God in the soul, it doesn't the elephant all the speaker, although God may bring here something to the ears of a lost Sinner, to awaken him to his knees and to his danger, but what will bring results is just fact that what he said.
But from the word of God.
I was told of a case in Long St. for an auto years ago where my brother gave a very absolute fault for leaders, but there was a lady in the audience that wasn't safe.
And after the meeting, a brother jumped up because because the article has been sufficiently.
Blown out gave them gospel message and they found that it goes to the meeting at this place would stay.
That's all they ask your mother don't throw that gave the gospel and couldn't satisfied with the word of the being secret given was efficient for the evening point. It wasn't possible. He said in the court. We met me this brother called it John 316 and that there's everything up to me and I saw the way of penalty isn't just the word of God.
But isn't it wonderful, Bill Donald, such a foundation?
The Word of the living God. When we think of our soul foundation and of our eternal happiness, it's all groundedness founded on the eternal Word of God that lived on a pilot forever.
Now it says, For ye shall go out with joy, and be less force.
We have a beautiful description in these flowers and two verses of the millennial scene we have to remember all through the Old Testament.
The Millennium becoming reign of Christ is before the Prophet.
But we can, happily and rightly.
Lean from the very bottom prophecies.
For the joys that belong to the believer now, at this time.
All that is coming at times, the lovers, Francis, when the knowledge of the glory of the Lord shall fill the earth, as the waters cover the sea, for the coming in time of unparalleled blessings.
To live for the United world. But it's only after judgment have been poured out.
On this scene and also time, accibulation troubles the head. But then the Lord comes and we set up the Kingdom righteousness.
But we can apply these thoughts of joy as a presence.
Plot for ourselves.
How to?
The lounds and the girls breaking forth, and the singing, and all the trees of the field shall scrap their hands.
Well, when you get Christ as your Savior and Lord your answer into the truth, you're always emphasis, but I want to say love is thanks to God that if we neglect his precious words, do we allow the affairs of life to crowd out.
To lose that word upon which the new nature deeds, or Peter tells us that newborn babes desire.
Mess from the world you may grow therefore.
We neglect the word of God. They're going to become a reminder and lose the true secret of joy and happiness in our souls. Love young people all here don't reflect the daily of the word of God. And then you'll find happiness and then not only to read it, but as the apostle tells Timothy to meditate on these things.
Be like they have one in the first round. Blessed is a man.
That walketh not in the council of the ungodly. There's better standard in the way of sinners. There's sinners in the seat of this contest, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord and in his law. Does he meditate day of night? So it says. He shall be of a creed planet by the river, the wall that brings forth his truth in his season. His leave also shall not sell women whatsoever He's doing some prosperous.
And saw this beautiful description ends in this way instead of.
Instead of the form shall come up fir tree and a bit of the briar will come up and perfectly.
All we do on the face on that we threw our pathway with cold Friday.
But if we give the word of God, please.
Gravel joy deserve in our lives we will be figured many of those forms and rise.
I'm not obeying, do not care your testing and your trial break for the awful sense that everyone that liveth God, they shall suffer persecution, still have a trial. But oh, how wonderful it was a hand with the joy of the joy of the Lord in the midst of the midst of the trials.
All this crab world that is getting only darker and more corrupt so we can have the joy of success. The wrong learning more is great as we go on, as the scene grows darker. So while we're not in that, being lifted for a higher steam of glory in this world.
Mechanism of Christ we can already be in the adjournment.
All that which there will be our eternal force, and their width and light.
All the love is.
I was just thinking of the danger again. Anyone losing their precious goals. I heard this illustration one time.
Oh, someone that is going to move to another country.
Going to a foreign country.
And so he felt all its relations and I have a very costly back so that he can make his wealth portable and one day on the on the deck of English down into the air, yes.
Part of that just carelessly in the end. 45 at the time, he says. All our success.
Well, he said. Don't you think that you're running a terrible rest? You toss it around that way. Only said that you've been talking there for the last 10 minutes.
But he talks with us once, and the 5th mercy, he reaches our home to the dead, but it's beyond disease. And flash rolls of iron into the ocean and he cries out too long lost.
All the night in there.
And never lived do that and I agree with you just in the church.
But then everybody has risking his precious children is doing that very soon.
And someday he is strong warrior for the last time.
Two players.
#26 all out of faith with Jesus Lord. Well may his name He have redeemed him from hell by the blood they do forever. And welcome to God.
World Water.
Dangerous of all living his name by his name created across.
300 and thousand from hell by his love.
And brought them to God.
Beginning of the time from ourselves and the rain.