God Gathers, Satan Scatters

Duration: 38min
Open—Derek Mollon
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I'm not sure. OK.
I was encouraged much of all I earlier and John read Make that long walk.
Paul talked about, uh, the purpose of the Old Testament.
That all of God's people would come together, not just Israel, not just you, but all of Israel. And we got that one center and we joined together. And I think that's the purpose of that in the Old Testament and in the New. It's also, I believe, what we have before us in our reading meetings. I'm going to try to bring that together a little bit within the sun.
Former teacher so I I'm used to summarizing things so I just like to do it still.
Well, you judge that any case. Umm.
Oh, it was interesting what I said that it was. The sanctifying of the Lord in the heart was by far more important.
The desire to bring the Lord's people together more so than the order.
So have a great weekend.
Greatly. And we're in a time of great weakness. Everyone sitting in this room, every single person is fixed.
The moment I think I'm a straight stick.
We wanna straighten you out. We're in trouble.
And so I believe this is sort of the theme almost of the weekend because it starts off with this letter. We have the Ephesians.
So God telling us what he has already done, and what he has already done, no one can touch.
Both and large by any charge against it is God who justifies we're already in. So it's we never got really through the practical side, but I'm going to read a verse. I'm going to read the end of my little talk first.
And I'm going back to Ephesians chapter 4 and read the last closing statement first.
And it's the last verse.
And be kind one to another, tender hearted for giving one another even as God's sake after giving you, everyone of them should know that words and follow that verse and make it essential to our hearts because.
That's something.
What would be visions is a letter.
And a letter was written.
And if you receive a letter and you walk into the house with a letter?
Are you holding up? There's gonna be 3 questions. I mean that left if you don't say anything, three questions and you all move to three questions. First one being.
Who's it from? Who's it from? Second, who is it?
Good. Is it too insert 1?
What does it say? Like I said, it's not.
And that's why increases business. So three, when we look at that in a little different way, and I trust that every single one of you here will give me some leniency because I'm going to go back and come forward to why this letter was written, who wrote it, why it was written and when it was written, and what's behind it because it's so important to know these things.
We sent the letter and they sent it to. What's it about?
We've had some of the lot already, OK, in the two reading meetings and we know, for example, uh, rose product. Well, when it's a mystery of price, this reveals a mystery of price. God in Christ, but God has done in Christ.
And uh, someone that said long time ago, I never forgot it, that if you were to find one verse in the Bible.
That would give you the purpose of God in a single verse. It's in this book, in this chapter, they say it's first hand. This reason together because this is the whole purpose of God that in the dispensation of the fullness of times.
That's the millennial data coming when price will range for 1000 years.
He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on earth. Even in the end, I believe that takes in the heavenly citizens, which are every believer in this room, and the earthly Saints as well. In that day it's gonna be two rules and they're gonna join in one. I believe it's just one testimony.
One solid testimony has a personal price.
Drive together in one but.
In this portion, I believe here it's joining two others. Yeah, groups. I'll come back to that. Now I gotta go back.
I'll go back to the very beginning, but just by mentioning something and that is the enemy of our souls.
In the very beginning.
As some scattered our God wants to bring together as in who God has joined together after the sun was meant to be a permanent thing. It is meant to be that landscape and I bring us all the it's always that way but the enemy came in and he he divorced he scanned.
And that desire and that theme and that.
Is still a steam today as it was back in evening. It's still the same as he wants, even though he cannot touch. My God is not here. We're all one. That one buys something yet the practical silence.
Right. We know, for example, that we want we could take everyone, every single individual, this person is wrong and turn you into a Baptist one.
That's true and it'll be everyone would be a different denomination right, all paying to be Christians and all watching a different path to a certain degree. Is that is that a lot of together or is it up to the enemy separate? I mean they say something, you know what it is.
Because he's, uh, clever.
The first scattering we might save again.
And even because.
I mean there population would have been all one altogether living forever on the earth. I've seen you spoil.
Spoiled separation from God. Man driven out of the apparently out of paradise. No way back. Flaming sword down.
But not at a plan.
It's some would come.
The shepherd, a great shepherd of sheep, would come, and he goes to the cross, as we know. We know that stories are part of the story right here. And what did he do?
You open the way that.
The enemy thought.
Ah, spite the shepherd.
She's standard.
We gained, he put his forces to work in Calvary, and when the king came into Jerusalem, we will not have this man crucifying him, crucify him. So the shepherd was smitten and so.
The sheep, according to the enemy, would have been scattered, except three days later very soon happened like.
He's back again.
And they tell us those are faithful ones, He says, I'm gonna go back and follow Acts a little bit now. Acts chapter two, he says, I want you to be in UMM.
The upper room.
Ten days after I had sinned to heaven, I must go back because my work is finished. But there's another coming. The Holy Spirit, the brother mentioned coming down to join you all together.
He's gonna come. He's gonna join in one body by the Holy Spirit. And so we read those reverses because I wanna.
Mention again we get into Ephesians 1.
So I'm just going to be opening verses of chapter 2 of X.
And whether they are Pentecostals who become they were all one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as I'm rushing mighty winds, and it filled the house where they were sitting, and there appeared on the enclosing tongues like as a fire, and sat up on each of them. They're all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak at other times as the Spirit gave them.
Told us that I sealed the Holy Spirit.
But these are all Jews.
One room all joined together. Is that one body God is joining together? Yes, that's his purpose is to unite in one.
So let's go on to.
Uh-huh. Let's go to Chapter 8.
So chapter 8.
First of all.
And injector rate, we have this group now joined together and uh, what do we have? 3 verse one you need a man named Saul.
And Saul was a man named Steven and just preached for the power of the Holy Spirit, asking that they would just believe.
The resurrection of leaving Jesus Christ and enjoying themselves at the end. And they picked up stones and these stones in the desk.
He calling on God, saying forgive me.
For the Mona plastic too.
Anyway, there's a young man there.
They were tired or warm or hot stoning Steven it's they took off their clothes and put their clothes in the young man's feet compared to my clothes. I hit young man. It's a man named stop. And so we read first one of chapter 8 and Saul was contending unto his death. And at that time it was a great persecution against the church which was at Jerusalem and.
They were all scattered abroad.
Through the reaches of Julia, Samaria, except the apostles.
First three. And As for Saul, he made havoc of the church, hindering into every house, healing men and women, committing them to prison.
It's gonna be safe to say.
But they're each gatherer chief instrument used gathering in those early days.
This is remarkable. YouTube Ephesians 1 The Gatherer.
Paul, same person is my name.
Or, it says, scattered by sheep.
Forgot and he's gonna find is a lot tougher.
Yeah, there's a step.
Got pillow in the wind?
Sorry, you're up on the single yesterday, right? We took one of those feathered pillows and opened up there. These are scattered and feathers back today.
It's a tough assignment and Paul was given the toughest time. This is what he's I mean we're coming up to because the mantle that came off steel is gonna be put next chapter himself. So it's gonna be a converted man. He is converted just to not and he'll take up the championship now gathering.
To the little.
So it's not it's not a loan as others computers wouldn't go. So let's go now because there's other people too. There's other sometimes we're full Chapter 10.
See the chapter 10. Yeah, a man named Peter who gets a message from a man named Cornelius who was Peter is a Jew. Arnelius is a Gentile. The people with him are Gentiles. Come down. So he goes down even though he says.
Another day it was stretches on the door. Some of the Gentile is defiling and I showed them I've made cleans of what you call them call comma as we goes and when he gets there, he hears what carnivorous has to say. So verse 34 Peter says this that Peter opened his mouth and said father truth. I perceive that God has no respect for persons, but in every nation he that feareth.
And work in places this is accepted with you, Donny, that wasn't so.
So I'm another There's a few questions. Of course. It was an epiphany.
As long as we're open and then he well that was taking place in verse 44 Paul Peter yet spake these words holy clothes fell on all them heard the word and they at the circumstances believed were astonished as many as came with Peter because that on the Gentiles also was poured out gifts of the Holy Ghost.
When they heard them speak tongues.
And thank you my God, same as the 1St time.
Now they had a big part together, but the Jewish contingent, another magenta one, Peter has used the key. It's almost 10,000, but it'll be Paul will go through that door to bring them in. Paul's going to be used as a messenger to the Gentiles. That's what we're going to follow along a little bit. So let's go chapter 13. We're going to go as far as 21 with a couple of jumps and then we're going to.
Complete patient. Chapter 13.
Bruce who?
And as they ministered.
To the Lord and fastest, the Holy Ghost said. Separate the Barnabas.
Installed for the work or until I have called him and when they have faster than prayed and laser ants on them they sent them away. Paul and Vernon's first missionary turned 24 of them. This is the Brady first one and they're leaving now from the call the Gentile center. OK, there's two centers.
In Jerusalem as well as were James and the apostles are leaving them and the group around them, of course, is scattered. Love them are scattered or Ivy. But then the genitals come in after Peter there we need open the door right. And the place called me. Yeah.
Right. And it's from Antioch that all goes out in these journeys, visiting all the Gentiles for the service.
So in this chapter, as this one is, he goes to the Gentiles, yes, the Jews first, some people in pieces of them. First one is called 1344.
And the next Sabbath day came almost the whole city together to hear the word of God.
But when the Jews saw the multitude, they were filled with envy and escape against those things, woken up by Paul contradicting and blast, meaning then falling around this wax bowls and said it was necessary that the word of God should first have been spoken to you, by seeing you put it from you, and judge yourself unworthy of everlasting life.
While we try and gentiles.
That's just how really it was raised up, and I was coming into it. For so hath the Lord commanded us, saying, I have set thee to be a light to the Gentiles, that thou shouldest be for salvation unto the ends of the earth. And when the Gentiles were this glad and word of the word, as many were again to eternal life.
There it is. It's set up now.
He's going more to the Gentiles.
How we have first problem?
First issue between two centers.
Right, chapter 15. Just read verse one.
This first one, so in certain language, came down from Judea, that's from Jerusalem, that's the Jewish contingent.
Taught the brethren and said, this is the brethren. Here's the gentleman.
They're saying 70 be circumcised after the matter of Moses, you cannot be saved.
See you all of a sudden something different. I mean, they kind of put the Gentiles back under the law. You got to be circumcised. People called Moses. So they go back up all of our must go up and get this big meeting at the end of the meeting, basically saying no, no, no, no, we're we're James says it's OK. We just don't need to keep the law until you find your way. But he didn't tell them.
That us Jews are going to do it, though.
We're going to circumcise our children and we're going to continue to keep the law.
Until now, we find out that in chapter 21.
Now you have to see them.
So what? How long coming here?
Hold on. Good.
Could be division, could be a real problem here too. You don't have two centers because us bringing them together. But the forces are going to try to look at the idea. And so we get to chapter 21 That's over there because now we're jumping over all of Paul's missionary journeys. And in chapter 21, he wants to get back to Jerusalem.
Because in the meantime.
We're in the back of Jerusalem. All is already written Romans.
In Galatians, First and 2nd Corinthians, and maybe some others.
You know, we said, Aloha, those books.
Give me the one now he gets back and when he gets back, the first thing there is there's James who is the main leader there in the Jerusalem and the apologist report, of course, right. So let's just look at the verse 19/21/19 and when he has saluted them.
Small he declared particularly what things God and rob among the Gentiles by his ministry.
And when they heard it, they glorified the Lord, and said unto him, This is lost foremost in their mind.
Thou see his brother, how many thousands of Jews there are, was believed.
And they are all zealous of the law.
Salt was a very devout man before it was converted.
He thought he was doing his last work.
There was none more zealous than me. He had a seal that was not according to knowledge.
A little later on, in Romans 10, he said the very same thing of his people as nations, but they have a zeal of God, he says, but not according to knowledge. You think that was himself? I was like, that is that I was persecuting the church and dragging them off the prison and medicine, death penalty. He had a real zeal.
So can we?
It's not just zeal alone, in other words.
It has to be other things.
So now when Paul is converted, he realized all of a sudden this scales fall from his eyes and in three days he's preaching Christ. You go back to chapter 8 again at 9, he's preaching Christ. Two things he preaches. Christ is the Son of God is the first thing. And the second thing is that he is the Christ in this life. That's his first two things he preaches.
So there, he says.
They are all zealous alone, these Jews.
November 21.
And they are informed of thee, that thou teaches all the Jews, which are among the Gentiles, to forsake Moses, saying that they ought not to circumcise their children, neither to long after investment.
It's kind of dirty, says what is it there? Football. Multitudes are going to each come together. You want to hear you?
And James won't give him a chance to answer.
Because that's exactly what I'm telling you.
You can't believe it.
And so.
At most the same as the Lord did not want Paul to go there for that great reason supposed to be seen. Next thing we know, Paul's a prisoner. He has no more liberty to to.
Give this message.
I've taken and it becomes a prisoner and he's after wrong. He's imprisoned in Rome and in Rome he gets a family and he likes the weather.
The main center of magenta.
He is a circumstantial.
Around all and you want to tell me something?
I think later, possibly before they'll sit down to me.
Because it is accepted too much. This calling is not to the circumcision, but the way he knows he wants like.
That's not his copy because my he doesn't tell him. I'll always thought it must have another thing.
I don't believe I'm keeping my understand.
So let's go now to.
Field second one.
So after the question.
Who's the letter from?
Please speak to you and please from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ.
It's a heavenly message. The Lord Jesus is now back in glory. This message coming through the apostles falls from God the Father and.
Lord Jesus Christ, who is the letter Q.
We have opening doors, the same press emphasis.
Faithfully Christ Jesus. Now I've read this one Jonathan. I'm some reader. I don't know. It was maybe double started, but it wasn't they see he put two of them together. It's just like to the to the umm.
To the science and faithful, you link them together.
So not two groups, but one. I don't know. Like holy and beloved brethren have two different groups, but holy and beloved descriptions of the same group, it doesn't matter.
But the thing I believe is that it's too Ephesians. It's the Gentiles.
I don't. I wanna show you this and you feel free to write me afterwards. It's not a major point.
Important. I mean, that means you're.
If I'm wrong, please correct me. I don't see this opening book.
As a letter to individuals.
I think it's a letter to Ephesians.
We in the eat as the Jews and the Gentiles. I believe you're speaking about bringing the two groups because they're at dangers. They're trying to bring them together, but they're pulling apart and He wants to put them on the same base where God has done for all of them.
I want to show them that my God asks for the Judean brethren in Jerusalem. He has done for you.
Absolutely no difference whatsoever.
Because he says, for example.
Justice 3. Personal.
For this 'cause I called the prisoner of Jesus Christ for you Gentiles, he's saying that's why I'm in Rome. I'm in Rome because I'm a prisoner for you. The Jews took me and sent me away to Rome, but shut me up.
I'm running to you then he tells in the Chapter 2 is to prove to me that it's a.
It's not Illinois, we're single. It's the it's the group, for example, on USB brick and they were dead and trespasses and sins. It's the Gentiles we read this morning our meeting right verse 12 Harold, at that time you were without Christ. It's the Gentiles, the aliens in the Commonwealth of Israel, strangers from the covenants of promise, no hope.
This is now in Christ Jesus.
You are so much far off. I may die by the flood of Christ in verse 14.
For ease, RFP's that made both one and have broken down the middle of the wall of partition between us. You know what it means.
The wall in the temple.
You know the Gentiles go to the temple.
There was a memo's court, man's court, over the other place for the holy and most holy.
In front of all there was a wall. It was called a Gentile wall. It was a wall of partition, and the Gentiles could not go beyond that wall in the temple.
And so this is what I was talking about, that Christ has removed that wall of partition, so now the Jews and the Gentiles can come together.
It's removed in Christ by the blood of Christ it's gone. That's what he's telling them so those that were far off took Gentiles are are as nice so he says that he entered he said verse 16 and he might reconcile both unto God in one body either cross.
Had explained the empathy they're buying and came and preached peace to you which were a follow up and to them which were nine.
It's the two groups.
The Jewel of Gentile is bringing together, I believe here. I've enjoyed this.
I've been just as well.
Thank you.
Is it in the first chapter?
I believe it is.
Show to you you probably know how to say something in chapter one he comes down through and all the things that God has done. Don't go over those things beautiful. It's what God has done through Jesus Christ and he is the operative 1. Even the Lord Christ is the one that was who is using and he raises Christopher's office. It's all our stuff every minute.
And then when Paul speaks, he speaks these two things.
He says that we.
In verse 12 and in 13 that ye.
Paul, is it you?
He's part of the way, so we're saying that we should be to the praise of His glory, who first trusted in Christ.
The most humorous, I'm about to say.
It's, it's Darby, I think says are you trusted?
Pre chosen, pre trusted. See what do you mean pre trusted thing? What he means is before the Spirit came down, when the Lord Minister was finished, there were those.
We said to you also go away.
Mm-hmm. Goat, you have to watch eternal life. They had already trusted. So in the spirit, you know those who have pre trusted the other 20 in the room were joined together in that one body.
And after that, as we spread the Gentles have gone in you got these tests in whom you also as Gentiles, right? Ye also trusted. After that he heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation in him also after that he believed that Acts 10 beginning that's 10.
He were sealed, but the Holy Spirit accomplished. He sprained the two groups together, telling them you have exactly the same history.
Once again, your beginning is their beginning. Just move the space and time apart. Your boss feels the Holy Spirit. There are one body, so it says.
Verse seven of chapter 2 And in the ages sitcom he might show the exceeding riches of His grace and his kindness toward us through crisis.
The purpose between, as we said verse 10 of the day coming all one testimony heaven and earth, it would be witness of Christ explorer.
But it's it's not. Let's start right here, from the earth before it calls. I want to renew all believers, all Jews and Gentiles, when they're coming into one body, no separation. I'm joining together. The enemy don't want sex.
And we just look around the world today and we see how successful he is at preventing that.
No, no. All right. I'll be two minutes. Do I have two minutes?
I've already refunded.
444, yeah, I thought Microsoft. Yeah, OK.
All right, give me two minutes.
All right.
Here's the conclusion because I it's a spirit of things I said this is the the tie us all together. It's the spirit of the thing that the Lord brought in this chapter for us that he wants us for shown that he has done every misery to believe.
All believers, we have this, we are having a citizen, we are blessed about a lot of things. We are in Christ. Nothing can touch us. We belong to him. We're all the same, all from the six, but yet straighten this.
And now he said, you know what manner of living? How should we live? Let's go to Chapter 4 now and.
The spirit which we deal with each other. For example, verse 31 That all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor, evil speaking and put away. I knew it all malice. Be kind one to another, tender hearted, forgiving one another even as God for Christ's sake and forgiving you those who are sitting in a place.
Goes into one at the end.
We can't stress that enough.
And here it talks about have you go to chapter 4 and verse 16, the end of the course. I'm going to umm.
Making increase of the body on the edifying of itself and love. Love covers a multitude of standards. It doesn't mean to pass low, doesn't say compromise, but there has to be that level.
That's unconditional because God loved us unconditionally. None of us in this room merit salvation.
No, no, every listener's been a year, but now the last thing I wanna say is a minute. Is not? Is that in the verses before?
It's a finger at me and that is, for example, speaks for itself. Whoever.
Umm, put on the verse 2324. Put on the Newman. That's a practical question.
Around the new man and then put off the old verse 22 off the old man the old things. Therefore verse 25 put away lines beat every man through his neighbor yes, that's.
My son I have a truthful I appreciate the job this morning don't have story about how we lost that job because my own heart I don't want to tell that right I must be able to tell you how I got the job you know a little bit although I lost it that's speaking the truth that's good we need that kind of thing it opens and then the stores steal no more don't get placed to the devil so anyway these are the things your practical side because.
Because we do live on.
And this is how we should conduct yourself. So I thought it was.