Isaiah 55

Duration: 36min
Gospel—Derek Mollon
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#14 Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing power?
Are you washed in the blood flow?
MMM, something to Jesus.
Why did you call me?
In the world and let's go and I can take the dog alive.
How is your garden of look like a wine? And that's no harder to understand. While I'm just going to blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.
All right.
President singing I I can involve in the blah blah blah.
Are you all in the world, in the soul, when they fly across the land?
There's a lot of questions in that little ham, isn't there? Repeat questions. Good questions. I think maybe one answer could satisfy all of them. Yes, I'd like to hear. Yes, yes I am. Let's ask the Lord's help in prayer. Our God, our Father, how good it is for us to be here.
What a privilege it is.
Bother just to be under the sound of thy word, to come apart a while to sit to be have food for our bodies and food for our souls. And Father, we do think too without of grace and love it that would have not won perish. Not one would answer no to these questions. And we've been just singing. Everyone in the room would say yes, I'm washed in the blood of the lamb. I belong to thee. My garments are made white.
In His most priceless blood, Father, we help ask Thy health this evening by Thy Spirit to direct our path into the portion as to what's being said, that above all, Thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ might be glorified and I will be pleased Lord Jesus and soul would turn to Thee in faith. We ask this giving thanks and the precious name for Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
Well, I talk kind of slow, so I gotta get going. Really. That's bad.
Uh, my text for tonight.
Uh, is Isaiah 55?
He was there. I always mentioned this quickly. I said thanks to my brother Cecil. He had given me a sum of money, a dollar bill.
Sometime before, some months before, he went home and I had stuck it into my Bible study, Bible at home. And the morning after Jonathan called me, I opened my Bible and there was a favorite chapter of Cecil's. Oh, I heard him speak on it a number of times. And they're not going to try to emulate policies again. But I'm going to use this as my text today. So let's just read. It's a short chapter. Let's read it.
And we'll try to see where we go with it. It's this whole everyone that thirsted.
Coming into the waters, and neither that no money. Come ye buy and eat. Yay. Come buy wine and money, wine and milk without money and without price. Wherefore do you spend money for that which is not bread, and your labor for that would satisfyeth not. Hearken diligently unto me and eat that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness. Incline your ear and come on to me.
Here, and your soul shall live, and I will make you.
I will make an everlasting covenant with you. Even the short mercies of David the old I have given him for a witness to the people, a leader and commander to the people. Behold, thou shalt call the nation that thou knowest not, and nations that know not thee shall run unto thee, because the Lord thy God, because of the Lord thy God, and for the Holy One of Israel, for he hath glorified thee. Seek ye the Lord while he may be found. Call ye upon him while he is near him. Let.
Wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts, let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him unto our God, and he will abundantly pardon. From My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts, and your thoughts. For as the rain cometh down, and snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and make it the 4th.
For but, uh, making it bring forth in bud, then it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater. So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth. It shall not return unto me void, and but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereunto ascend it. For he shall go out with joy, and be LED forth with peace. The mountains and the hills shall bring forth. Break forth before you into singing, and all the trees.
Field shall clap their hands, instead of the thorn shall come up the fir tree, and instead of the briar shall come up the Myrtle tree, and it shall be to the Lord for a name, for an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off.
We may not get back to all of those verses, but that's the background I like to speak from.
And, uh, what it brings before us is the, the situation of this day in which Isaiah's faith is really no different from the day which we live. There are things going on of a difficult nature. It wasn't an easy time. And so when Isaiah speaks and says whole here, he's seeking to draw attention to something. And so.
What we find in this chapter, we find something that the Lord, I think, is 800 years into the future.
When speaking to a multitude during the plane, I believe he tells him the same thing about you know, if they're concerned about buying and selling, you know why you spend all your money on and that was not bread and why you labor for that was doesn't satisfy and the Lord picked up and said.
As they say it, don't worry, I'll put it this way. What you shall eat, what you shall drink, what you shall put on. Don't worry about these things, but.
As you say, shaky first, the Kingdom of God.
Seek ye first the Kingdom of God. In other words, in that day, as it is in the Lord's day and as it is in our day, our activity is primarily taken up with those things, those material things, temporal things. And then they may be important, and they are important, but they ought not to be first. Seek thee first the Kingdom of God. The Newfoundland coat of arms, that is. It's on there. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God.
And thus Isaiah, I believe, was really saying the same thing. So I'm going to set the scene there a little bit.
And sort of go back and like, I'm gonna paint a picture. I don't think it's a strange picture when Isaiah is speaking here.
It's he normally was set up in the gate. There's a walled city and the gates are open in the daytime and in from outside with all the all kinds of people that could come into the city and people in inside the city would go out to the marketplace and generally the marketplace was in the gate of the city. In some cases there were streets.
Hello, father and Jeremiah. Jeremiah, that says there's Baker Street, for example. And there were streets that were set up for these things, but they generally were found together. So when a camel caravan, for example, came into town, that was a big event. People from other places came in. There was the silversmiths and the coppersmiths and all their things that they have made. There was the, you know, the the foods, the spices and they had their tables. There was a fabrics of all sorts you could purchase. So, you know, that was bizarre.
And so this is the setting that we see here with Isaiah also there, the picture in there, what he's got, it's a kiosk that got nothing in it.
Nothing to attract, nothing that's going to cause people to stop and say what are you selling?
But he's there much like this little thing, and all he has is singing out. Oh, won't we hear that? You know, that's that means stop, right? I mean, someone is trying to get our attention. Stop. I want to speak to you for a moment, but most of these people are so busy. They got things to do with purchase and get back home. There's meals to be done, there's children. It's the same as the day and they have no time.
So he says, oh, you are thirsty, stop. Come here.
I thought that if there's only one one thing that is that is a key area. Sorry, Isaiah might have had there was this.
If there's one thing that he added, this kiosk would be this.
A stone pot filled with water, Oh yeah, that thirst. As the Lord later says, anyone gives a cup of cold water will lose a reward. These people are coming in from a long way sometimes. And I wouldn't be past past Isaiah that he had a cool pot and there are some pots he put in the shade. Keeps the water cool for a long period of time and a couple of cold water to someone say, oh.
Step aside, you are thirsty.
Come you to the waters, you'd have no money. Come buy and eat. Come buy wine and milk without money, without price. Well, there was an empty kiosk. Or not. This is the message going forward.
And I want to imagine for a minute now, who's coming in?
OK, by this time it's the land of milk and onions. Cease to be a land of milk and onion. It was a promise that something has gone wrong. One of the kings just before this is erupted. Of course I know you'll have you have a schism in the family. You have 10 tribes on one side, 2 on the other. And and the tennis attacked the two and carried away 100,000 people. And then the Lord says I'll bring them back, let them go and go. Golly goes and sets them free.
So there's not, there's not a happy time. The politics are not right. The leaders are not right. But city comes someone and here's this old man saying, oh, come you to the waters.
Come here, you buy a meat.
Why spend your money on that which is not bread, your labor for that which doesn't satisfy and can't give you some of them? Don't you recognize me?
I'm a faster. I'm Dan. I'm Nathalie.
We're already chilling off Israel. We're already children of God. We don't. We don't need what you have. We don't need it. We're already in.
This 55th chapter is late in the story because he didn't start there. I'll read your verse in the first chapter of Isaiah that tells where, why the nation is not in a land of milk and honey. This is the situation here. He says in verse four of chapter one. Ah, sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity.
A seed of evil doers, children that are corrupters. They have forsaken the Lord.
They have provoked the Holy One of Israel into anger, and they have gone away backward.
Verse six from the sole of the foot, even under the head, there is no soundness in it but wounds and bruises and putrefying sores, for they have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified enlightenment. Your country is desolate, your cities are burned with fire, your land strangers devour in your presence, and it is desolate and overthrown by strangers. That's the real situation. And So what does he say to him?
Verse 18 to the nation, Come now, let us reason together, saith the Lord.
So your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as wool, though they be red like Crimson, they shall be as wool. Purse of snow they wool. This was the cry that began it.
He prophesied in the time of four kings, Isaiah, Jotham, Hayaz, and Hezekiah.
And as in the year and Hezekiah and Uziah dies since the last year of his reign and Ozaiah reigned long matter of fact the second longest region. I believe in the whole king of 52 years and you study him as a time of blessing. He started out serving the Lord and everything he taught you might say was a king Midas touch. The whole lamb was blossoming.
He had a a a military.
That was 300 and five 307,000 strong 500.
He had wall cities, he had inventors in Israel. They had invented, uh, uh, these inventions that could throw stones and arrows great distances. He's a very first one that practiced long term warfare or long range warfare. The enemies couldn't come close to that place when he was defending it. The, the rocks and the arrows were rained down from beyond slated scenes.
And he loved husbandry. He turned a place into an Eden. It was beautiful.
And then he went in to the temple and sacrificed and the Lord Smotam with leprosy.
So the rest of his life he lived in a separate house. He's a picture of the nation. There's a little help. I thought we wanted to enjoy you Bereans. I've enjoyed.
Uzziah Jotham.
Hey, as first three, Hezekiah, Heyman, Manasseh, next three and Josiah those seven.
Declare speak to us clearly of the nation of Israel from its inception 1948 to when the Lord comes. These seven is beautiful.
And so with, with uh, Uziah Israel as the nation has, has prospered. He was, he watched the Scud missiles about the attacks. You know what happened in 6748. They couldn't touch him. The Lord was there. But what has happened, they left the Lord out of it. And so leprosy is what characterizes it. And so this man was leprosy. So Isaiah comes in and Isaiah of his death, the earth is death. This is what he proclaims has what's the king? So are you.
So for those in that next chapter are passing by and saying, oh, I'm off Israel, I'm off day and I'm off.
You're saying come aside?
During their judgment.
You're under judgment. Are you thirsty? Are you looking for something else? Why are you talking to us? Because you're the very ones I need to speak to. Recess. They're the very ones.
I'm gonna switch a little bit.
Because this hole is for everyone in this room too, this speech.
If if I were having this gospel meeting tonight in some Muslim country, chances are I would be speaking about.
The lip of God himself, the person of God who he was, who made the world. Because they don't believe that God did so right. They have a different one if I were having this gospel meeting tonight in the land of Israel.
I may not be Speaking of the might of God, but the power of the Lord Jesus and His resurrection that He was the One. That's my message, that they reject the Lord Jesus Christ as their Messiah. So I had to start there and speak about convince them about Jesus being the One.
I don't have to speak that here.
Why? Because I'm speaking, I truly believe, to a room full of Christians.
Don't walk here. Yeah, I'm speaking to our room full of Christians.
Which means you, we could say.
WH why me? If I draw my attention, if I'll give you an example, one of my first excursions with Bethany's father seats up to New Orleans Gospel 10. I was going around passing in invitations. I went to one of the stores and the lady at the store and I gave her a gospel track and I told her about the meeting tonight and she came back with or it, it came back.
Why don't you bring this to be even? We're all Christians here.
Stumble a little bit of that.
Yeah, both of Israel could say, look, there's an Ethiopian over here and this man of Egypt call in there. They're the ones you got to call. We got, we got the oracles of God. We are the chosen people of God. You see how they are in and so it is here.
So I asked. Now the words being spoken to all of us, that would be fast. You put your hand up. But I bet you almost everybody in the room, probably everybody would say I'm already baptized.
Does baptism save you?
It does. And that's the mistake. You see when in Luke 12 you have the Gentiles guilty of crucifying the Lord Jesus Christ. You go to an Acts, it's the Jews crucified Lord Jesus Christ. You go to Romans where Paul picks up the Jew and a Gentile. He says that they all might become guilty. And so it was. All men are guilty of the crucifixion of God, of thinking God's Son and crucifying him.
And so he tells his disciples.
Begin at Jerusalem, go into all the world to the nations and begin there, and baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son of the Holy Ghost. Make disciples of them, bring them in, bring them under the banner.
Of Christianity under the banner of Christ. And so they did. That's why in Acts we have so many. 4005 thousand, 6000. And now Simon Magus could come in and all the others were in because some weren't real, but they all came in.
Like those who went out of Egypt, when all is right is the lights, there's a mixed month or two. So there's a mixed multitude. It's the great house. I was one of those. I came in the system. My parents were Christians.
They brought me as a child, I was baptized when I was just an infant, I was christened, given my Christian name, Christian name. Wish they hadn't didn't like it, but anyway they gave it to me and held it good to appreciate it and when I.
Passed my 12 years, joined with other 12 and 15 year olds. Big day. We're in the catechism, learned the 10 commandments, brought before the priest, knelt down before the priest. That is answered on my head and I was confirmed into the church. I was confirmed.
And then I could first day I could have all the communion.
And I did expecting something.
Expecting something special and that will convenient. That's gonna change me.
I like that was a bitter taste.
What happened?
What happened?
Didn't understand them what Peter was saying. Peter was saying we're by baptism, thus save us.
First Corinthians, First Peter 3 baptism does save us, but in brackets. Let's read that in brackets, not the putting away of the fulfill the flesh. Because I found out that after that, from age 12 when I was baptized, confirmed to the church, until I was 14 years later, he's 26, I discovered that there was no putting away of the filth of the flesh.
By that baptism, by that confirmation.
So I was in salvation.
How is the salvation? Well, we come out because when Satan got the world and crucified the Lord Jesus Christ, the kingdoms of the world became his.
And so crisis bring them out from His Kingdom, bring them into mind, baptize them in the false unto Holy Ghost. And so they came. They came in multitudes.
And some are followers, some are true, some are followers, but they all came in.
But that's the great oaks, and now we have to go to work in the great oaks. Within the great oaks. Out of the greyhounds comes the spiritual house. It isn't baptism that brings me into the church. It isn't baptism that takes away the filth of the flesh. I've found I have the filth of the flesh all these years and at night time when I go to bed.
I've scared kids. Every night a scared kid went into that pet bedroom. Pray. Yeah, on my knees. I prayed. Probably just Lord's Prayer. Repeatedly. I pray. I was afraid. Not only that, I'll give you the credit now to the person. How much? My time for me. Someone. I have no time. I can't see the clock. I have a person that I didn't realize.
Was having the biggest effect on my life. I didn't know it until he was dead, my father. I found out afterwards my father, through his younger sister, was now in her 80s as I sat with her.
She was passing away, going home. Told me about my father and his twin brother and and how they spent their nights with math. Math tell us Bible stories. Math tell us stories over and over over again. My father was a real believer. Would never say that. I don't know a difference because I grew up in this little small town and in that town is, you know, the homes were homemade. There was no electricity.
Great big kitchen because this is where we lived. Potbelly stove, table, kerosene lamp and so I spent my nights there here.
School work reluctantly, or puzzle or something more pleasingly and off The kitchen is my father's room, mother's room, and because there's only one source of heat, the door stayed open, stayed the jar.
And I could see, night after night, my father's feet sticking out beyond, beyond that door.
And on Sundays, we had a radio at one or two stations maximum. Yeah, I didn't like Sundays. My father had the radio after a big, big dinner, you go in and I see him now going in. The door would be wider open, this orange radio. He'd lie on the bed and he'd put it on his chest and and he'd listen to religious broadcasts all day long.
I had no such appetite.
I didn't want any of that. I wanted the music.
I knew then, without knowing it then, that he had something that I didn't have. He had baptism, he had confirmation, and so did I. We both had Holy Communion, but it didn't mean a thing to me. He didn't do anything for me. Why? Because I never had a relationship.
I never had a relationship. I was in the great house, but I had not come into the Kingdom of God. I found myself later. We won't turn to take a time I'll tell you about because you know well in Nicodemus, Nicodemus. It was like those Israelites just read about and like me, he came to the Lord by night and he came.
In his own strength, you might say he was a Jew. Not only a Jew, a Pharisee, responsible one, a teacher himself.
So he was gonna come for a discussion, and what does the Lord tell him in that discussion? Twice. He says you must be born again. You must be born again, he tells Nicodemus. I'm gonna turn to because I'm reading verse.
He tells him that why does war enough? Flesh is flesh that was born of spirit, the spirit. What he says to him, he says unless you.
Chapter Yeah.
He says.
Marble knot that I said unto thee, must be born again. That was born on flesh is flesh, and that was born of the spirit of Spirit.
Master in Israel don't know these things.
And then he says to him, Verily, verily, I say unto they, accept a man of men be born of water and of the Spirit. He cannot enter the Kingdom of God. The Lord came by water and by spirit. There's two salvations, you see. There's a salvation that we have that comes from baptism. Christianity is that.
What I want to say you're going to identify with if I ask you, what other nation, what other culture would you want to be born under in this world?
Other than under Christian nation?
Look at the, the, the world that's been produced, the world we grew up in. Look at our, our social system, our health systems. Look at the care we take for our, our elder, our younger. Is there a better system when there's things going on? When disaster strikes Haiti, who is it that runs down with all kinds of of help sending doctors and they don't even name or even in the foreign kind of like Syria and there's millions that got to flee from Syria.
Whose doors are open? We take them in.
You haven't see it the other way around.
Because there is a salvation, there's a there's a blessing.
By being under the banner of Christ. And the world has benefited and everyone under that banner has benefited. But you know, it doesn't stop there. That's OK for life. But now he says Nicodemus. Nicodemus.
Seek ye first the Kingdom of God. But you must be born again. You must be born again. My son came to die on the cross of Calvary. He perished, he was hung up, he died. He bled and died, shed his blood. And now?
That's the offering. Have you accepted Him as your savior?
Have you accepted him as you're saving you coming in and received him?
Here it says.
If you're.
Not washed.
It says, except you'd be born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God. Except you'll be born again, you cannot enter the Kingdom of God.
Paul picks it up in First Corinthians 15 and says flesh and blood cannot inherit inherit the Kingdom of God.
So my question is to all of us Christians.
Have we been born again?
And we accept that Chrysler is our savior. Are we a new creation in Christ? Have we? Are we now part of the spiritual house? I think everybody here is part of the great house. Been baptized into this. Only way you get into it.
There's only one way to get into the spiritual house too. It's accepting the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ. He laid down His life for us. We have to believe it. It's as spiritual as He says. They're in that same portion.
It's a spiritual.
You talk about the mercy of David here.
Umm, am I out of time?
Yeah, OK. I was going to mention the second king. King. Hey, as give an example of where we are, I could turn to Laodicea to tell us that we're much like this situation, right? We think we're rich. This world is. We have need of nothing, but we're poor, naked. And the Lord is standing by the door saying I'll be all right. I'm not at the door knocking. Open the door. That's what he's saying to us. He's saying I want to come in. I want a relationship with you.
I wanna do that.
Hey, as you know what AIS did.
Idolatrous king, he went, he went with the Syria, and in Syria, Damascus, he saw an altar, beautiful altar.
At the end I only would pictured it, but he didn't have one, so he took the measurements of it. He had a measurements down to every detail and he gave it to an invoice and bring it back to Jerusalem and tell the Chamberlain to get back there. I want that built by the time I get back.
And he did. When he got back, it was completely done and no doubt a beautiful altar. Next, he said, lay old on the brazen altar, picked it up and take it away.
And you put the new one in place.
First thing you did.
What did he do?
Sprays and alter is where all the lambs were killed, the blood was shed. It was the approach to God. So why does it speak of the brazen altar? It's the cross of Christ. The cross of Christ was taken away by King as a new altar put in, and that reflects our day, right? Let's go to God by some other way, not the cross.
Social gospel type thing. We don't need to cross anymore. God is love. You forget about the light. New altar. Hey, as did that one other thing he did. He sacrificed his children on the altar. Veil, sacrifice his children.
Do you know where the greatest serial killer is in the world today?
His name is Kermit Gosmo.
And over 30 years has performed thousands and thousands of abortions and he has killed hundreds of babies born alive on the table.
America, Canada, we have sacrificed our children. That's the age we live in. This is why it's so close. Judgment is coming. That's why the Lord is saying please, saying whoa, why spend your money on these things that satisfies money. You're thirsty for real things, real life. You'll find it here. You'll find that they'll come and drink of this. I'll give you the Lord said it to the woman at the well. Remember that give me the drink, he says, and she gave him the drink and I.
I'm like this. I think the Lord took it and took a sip and when he put it down, because she was watching him, because you do, you pass him a glass of water, you watch him take him, you watch him drink it. And as he was putting it back down, he said to her, if you knew the gift of God and who it is speaking to you, you would have asked of him and He would have given you living water.
That's when Isaiah was offering living water, seeking, seeking, seeking, now seeking the Lord. While he may be found, he's knocking at the door. This may be the last opportunity. Those Israelites were going into that village that night.
But even if the soldier wears, they might never see Isaiah again. But here he was singing out to him. Oh, you'd have passed by, come by water, milk, without money, without price.
That which you have lost in terms of the land of milk and honey, it's now yours, free, no price whatsoever. That's what is offering you an eye to night. Let's not think we're protected and safe because I've been baptized, I've been christened, I've been confirmed. I was there, but I had no peace until age 26, so I knew it. I knew there was no relationship and I feared great and I knew my father had something I didn't have.
And thanks to the Lord, he was so faithful to me.
He brought it.
To me, time is up, isn't it?
The closing period.
Our gracious God, our Father, how we thank thee for our Lord Jesus Christ. Bless the Lord Jesus that would seek to arrest us where we are. Sometimes we trust in things. We trust in performances, rituals, universal salvation. We feel that we've we're in because we've been baptized, we've had the rights read over us and all we have no relationship.
You know how many young people here? Lord Jesus, we have grown up in houses where there's prayer every day and where the Word is read.
And they read it repeatedly, yet more than no different than I was being baptized or confirmed, I had no relationship. All they need to make a relationship to realize that the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin and nothing else. And so we pray indeed we bless Thy word in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ Father, we ask it Amen.