Open—Derek Mollon
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The minutes of my name.
Matthew 13.
We have the story here parables and I was just thinking of this the brothers were speaking and vote for Lord coming forth as the.
Is this solar going forth the soul?
I'll try to be brief about it.
In Matthews Gospel, of course we have.
The introduction of the Kingdom of heaven and we have this preaching going forth so before we get to 13, let's just touch on a couple of verses. In chapter 3 there's a verse and it's John the Baptist introducing here and.
And he says, verse two, he's coming forth preaching in the wilderness and saying, repent he for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand.
And then the 4th chapter I believe.
We have verse 17, the Lord Jesus himself taking up the same preaching. This is chapter four of four and verse 17 of Matthew. From that time Jesus began to preach and to say repent, for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand.
To Dolores has come into the into the world and he has come into his own and it's strictly, strictly his own. The Jewish people are the field of Israel here, as we see in the 10th chapter, he jumped there for one verse or a couple of verses actually.
Before these.
The 1204 to preach the gospel. This is what the Lord tells them in verse.
Verse five these 12 Jesus sent forth and commanded them, saying, go not into the way of the Gentiles and into any city of the Samaritans entering ye not go rather to the lost sheep of the House of Israel and actually go preach saying the Kingdom of heaven is at hand.
And so on. So we're Laura has come back and he's preaching that the Kingdom would be set up if they would receive them. So he's he's coming, as it were to.
To arm this.
And he set up his Kingdom and to rule.
Deliver his own and to rule for a millennial period. Anyway, in the 12Th chapter we get the.
You might say the fruit and that there's a turning away from him. We know that story well. And so in the verse 24, you might say it says, but when the Pharisees heard it, they said this fellow does not cast the devil's reply Beelzebub, the Prince of the devils. So all the Lord Jesus has done by the Spirit of God.
They're now accrediting to the elves and not that he's operating by the Prince of the Devils.
So you might say it's a closing chapter in that way, the nation of Israel, but it's not over. We know that. And so we see this, I believe pictured at the end of the chapter before the parables are brought up. We have this little scene that's good to see it because it sort of.
Allows us to understand the nature, you might say, of Matthew's Gospel. So when verse 46.
Well, they get talked to the people. Behold, his mother and his brethren stood without desiring to speak with him.
And one said to unto him, Be all thy mother, and thy brethren stand without desiring to speak with me. And the answer then said unto him, That told him, Who is my mother?
I know where are my brethren.
And he stretched forth his hand toward the disciples, and said, The old, my mother and my brethren.
And whosoever shall do the will of my father, which is in heaven, the same as my brother and my sisters and my mother. So these were his natural family who were coming to him and my relationship. So they represent the people, the people of Israel. And so now there's no natural claim. He came, came onto his own and someone received them not.
They charged him instead of being the the.
The servant of the Elizabeth. So now he says, who are my, who is my mother, who are my sisters and my brothers? And he points to his disciples, those who did receive pain.
The disciples are those I believe you might stay on the those who for the sea flying to good ground. And so now in the next chapter, he brings up this parable and the first one. We won't spend much time in it all and simply say that what we have here in the first three, at the end of it, the only sore went forth to sow, and as he sold, some fell by the wayside.
And then we have verse 5. Some fell in Stony places.
And then there's others that fell among thorns in verse seven and verse 8. Some fall down but ground to me this first parable.
Is a.
Synopsis of what had just taken place, that John the Baptist, his disciples himself, had gone forth sowing the good seed.
And most of it fell Iran and waste places around Stony ground. And there was no production, no response, no fruit is a word except for those of his disciples. A few mentioned this morning about the 120 that were in the upper room, for example. These were some of the the good, the good seed. Now there's other three other parables there and I believe they go together and I won't speak with them at all except to say I believe.
Parables up to terrors and the.
A Mustard Seed and 11 To me, it's characteristic of the story that will be finished with Israel, the remnant that will be saved and brought in. I think it's it's it's it's.
Storage for it's.
Of Judaism character and I like to finish with the galactic variables, which to me I've enjoyed this being strictly Christian in nature. So I like to go to the last three parallels and bring this in. We met we had that verse earlier in in Genesis the let us make man now Remy's so we see the Trinity.
At work in in the first field, we might say in Eden.
Believe here in Christianity in verse 44 and 45 and 47. I believe we see the Trinity at work at the the end. So so now the the Kingdom of heaven will take on a a change as after 12Th chapter with Israel and the picture for a while and they'll switch now to those who are beyond Israel, they'll say the Gentiles of the nations and so on. And so here we have very briefly.
Again verse 44 Let's say again the Kingdom of heaven.
Is like unto a treasure hidden the field, the witch when a man has found, he eyed it, and for joy thereof loweth. And so all that heath, and by that field I really see that as as the Father, This is God the Father. I work here who is purchasing the field. And I almost heard thoughts on these. I've enjoyed them all and I see that as that.
That the treasure is, you might say, the good seed that's in the field.
And so the Father wanted this good seed, and so he asked to Princess the whole field. And what a cost to himself He has to give his only begotten Son before Jesus Christ to buy that field. That's the price of the Father. And.
We say we cannot limit that price in any way in our minds because we know ourselves and our own children just in natural ways that what we would pay to rescue our children.
Keep them from the internal harm and so on. We we give our lives, most of us would certainly for that reason. Here's the Father. He pays that price of giving his only begotten Son to buy the field, because there is a treasure in the field now. 45.
Is different the game the Kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man seeking could be pearls, but when he had found one Pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it. This I believe is a picture of the Lord Jesus Christ himself.
We had come into this world seeking goodly pearls as the first 12 Chapters.
That's his red.
But it could not find us. It were the Gridley pearls. But he finds 1A Pearl of freight price which we know collectively. It's the church, it's the born again believers, the bride of Christ. And So what does he do? He says he went and sold all that he had and bought it. The Lord Jesus Christ laying down his life.
He so loved the church. I so loved the church. They gave us life for it.
Had a portion this is this is their topic of course, in these meetings is by the Lord Jesus Christ has done and when he has brought us into this heard about the first Adam first creation and we it was mentioned too about the the last atom right and some of you may realize why they're called Adams because it's two creations. Adam is the head of the first creation and the last time that was the Lord Jesus. He's the head of the last creation.
Creation so we are now heavenly people. So there's an earthly people and there's an heavenly people and we should not get the two confused in Scripture. So anyway, I've enjoyed these things and now we have last 147 and again the Kingdom of heaven is like unto enhanced that is cast into the sea and gather them every kind which when it was when it was full, they drew it to shore and sat down and gathered the good into vessels, but cast the bad away.
Social would be at the end of the age and so on. Well, this to me is the parable of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit has gone forth and then as we know, as we see in the book of last, for example, many are gathered in, some are real believers, not all are. There are the Simon Magnus and those that come in as well able to be baptized. What have you? So the net is asked why then many are drawn in.
But in the end, there will be a separation and there will be the good. You might say the good.
Good seed.
And they'll be gathered in and the rest, which we know will be lost each other 20 away. I thought I would just mention that accordingly. It's a beautiful topic there. I enjoy that. And we shouldn't be able to say. That's why I'm going to say it because it's one of the things I enjoy when I first heard that topic before. And that is with the plants. There's no, there's no God recognition whatsoever.
You're with the animals are conscious of each other.
You know, go out there and step on a flower and kill it. The other flowers won't gather around moreover, but the animals do. They think they have a sense of of identity and they have a sense of group as well that they gather together.
But there's no God consciousness in the sense they can respond. They will respond.
To the Lord, you have that in Scripture, but there's not, there's no worship. You'll say the animals were banned, there isn't. He has a spirit, there's a God consciousness.
With men, none of the others in the mineral Kingdom.
Vegetable Kingdom, Northern animal Kingdom ads, right? So instead of. Anyway, it's a beautiful topic, I think.
Thank you.
And you can see #4.
There God had built a mountain or race of fruitful health.
Well, my.
Name is friend Thorstein.
And from about the swelling of oceans might take flight.
In my way tonight.
So the Father's pleasure and mindless.
I consolidated.
With creatures such as we.
Do when we start this world and they'll be through a tree.
Outside the Mall of the World.
I'd just like to clarify something that may have been confusing that I said in the.
The address.
Concerning meeting on the ground of the one body.
If I could put her in another way it might be clearer.
Our desire should be to meet.
To meet on the ground of the one body.
But I believe that depends.
Not on how correctly or scripturally we need ourselves, but it depends on being gathered by the Spirit God. If we are gathered by the Spirit of God it will be on the ground of my body and not smoking church being.
One other thing, I got a text from my daughter Melita this afternoon and the doctors have discovered that.
Micah has a double ear infection.
And that is probably what's causing the problem.
Which was a great relief to me.
We thank your loving God and Father for the time together here. We thank you for the our brethren here Newfoundland to invite us.
To be with them.
Enjoy thoughts of the Lord Jesus together.
We thank you, blessed Savior, for.
With thousands accomplished on the cross of Calvary.
Remember our benefit?
We thank you that you can come together.
In this way to enjoy the.
You give me praise and Thanksgiving, who thou art all the dolphins.
It's done for us, Blessed Savior, and those ages to come to enjoy Thy presence.
We look forward to a time when I will have Thy rightful place rule over this scene of righteousness.
And so we do thank you for the thoughts that have been brought before us. We pray that Thou might keep our hearts minds indeed. Blessed Lord, Thou provide grace for us, each one, young and old, for the pathway to encourage the hearts of each one to go on to need these last days. Soon we know that shall begin, perhaps this very day.
We will leave the scene forever.
So we just.
Met these things today, we asked all Thanksgiving and I worthy and precious name, Lord Jesus.