God's Warning and Way of Escape

Duration: 46min
Romans 10:13
Children—Bobby Woods
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Be neat. Look at your schedule card here. Lord's Day, October 13th. Look at the very first meeting. It's a children's meeting. I think that's really neat.
I think that's really neat that there's a meeting scheduled just for boys and girls. So I was hoping when I got here that there would be folks sitting here on the front row because I want you to help me. And also it's pretty neat because we can talk if you're in the back. It's very difficult to to talk when you're in the back. So I want your help and it's good to see you. So if there's any.
Boys and girls that would like to come up to the front, come come right up to the front.
How about it's a little bit early, but let's let's start singing. Yes, thank you.
3535 somebody please start them for me #35.
Don't want to save you that he died for me.
From combination he had saved.
Us from the Sun's everything.
Whatever was in life.
They're a label.
I say unto you.
Merrily, merrily, message. Never do.
Give us believers on the Sun is true, whatever lasting life.
Oh my iniquities on your birthday.
Oh my God, greatness by him blood.
The Lord, I said.
However lasting life.
Verily, verily, I say unto you.
Verily, verily.
Message ever knew?
I say unto you.
Verily verily message ever do.
You love to live upon the sun is true.
I've everlasting life.
Yep, here, let me you tell us what it is.
You say it because I want you to hear your voice. Say it. 45 Oh, that's tremendous. 45 Thank you very much.
Oh, that's pretty funny. That's great. That's great. I don't know what 45 is, didn't really know what it is.
You want to sing another one?
Oh, that's tremendous.
Wide. Wide as the ocean.
By Sweet, it's my savior's song.
We have a lot of folks at home that love to sing that, and it's especially because of that last part where we can do this. So thank you. Who else has one? Yes.
Say it again.
On his blessing.
On Christ the soul, and Christ and all the ground is sinking sun.
All other grounded sinking sand.
The darkness.
Unchanges Grace.
And every time I saw me down, a Sanger holds red in the bell.
On priceless solid rock, Christian all.
Sinking sand.
Eternal business. My name is graven on his hands.
When all around.
Sink inside.
All of your ground in the sinking sand.
It's great. Anybody else have a? Yep.
#32 Great 32.
Nothing but the blood of Jesus, so that not one spot remains. Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Oh, preciousness of oh God makes me white and snow.
No, nothing but the blood of Jesus.
For thy heart, and thus I see nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Or my cleansing this lightly. Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Oh right, makes me light a soul.
No wonder from Dino. Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Nothing and poor sins are told nothing but the one of Jesus.
Nothing good that I have done, nothing but the blood on Jesus.
Oh, Christ shall serve.
No other fountain, no nothing but the blood of Jesus.
This is all my whole bank is nothing but the blood of Jesus.
River of my righteousness, nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Oh, preciousness of love.
Makes me white and snow.
I know nothing but the blood.
Listen, if there's somebody that's just gotten here and you want to sit up here on the front, please do you know we said it at the very beginning, it's nice to have a a meeting that's specially set aside for the children, boys and girls. It's really nice, isn't it? So somewhere along the way we're going to count and find out how many we have up here. But let's don't do it until.
Until we get everybody up here. We might even do it after we say our verse. So yes, you have a song.
Say it right here.
I like that song, thank you. Let's sing #33.
Nothing either.
Greater. No, it's a standard.
Yes, it's just sending.
Let's start.
Stage you're doing all the sun.
Go ascending.
And it's a great job.
Sir, this is all you need. Tell me, is it hot?
Go to Jesus, work the way I assemble, OK.
Let me just start everything.
Doing and.
It's just indeed.
Let me start bringing joy.
Say the lessons on your need. Tell me it's in time.
And your daddy doing?
Come down that, Jesus.
Standing in him alone, gloriously, completely.
Let's start now and we'll ask the Lord for his help and then we'll say our verses, OK?
Our God and Father, we thank Thee for this time to be together, and we thank thee, our God and Father, for the plan of salvation. Think of our condition, ruin and undone. Think of how thou didst provide a Savior. And Lord Jesus, we thank Thee for that tremendous work without its due there on Calvary's cross.
As we say our verses and have this time together, we just ask for help and we pray that we might expound on what thou has done our God and Father, in providing a refuge and Lord Jesus and without its due for us there on Calvary's cross. We pray above all that every boy and girl here has accepted thee as their Savior. Lord Jesus, we pray this in thy name.
Jesus, Amen.
So you can say any verse, but the verse that we had today, yes.
Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Romans 10/13. Tremendous.
Who else?
Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall we save on Romans 10/13.
Who else?
Who survived their common name of the world of Ronson Hurry. Tremendous.
Woman 1013. Fantastic. Who else? Yeah, whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Tremendous. Tremendous.
Means tremendous. Want to say it.
Anybody else?
Yeah, whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Romans 10/13.
Shall call upon the name of the Lord. Shall be saved. Romans 10/13 Tremendous. Anybody else? Yep. Oh good, this is great.
Who shall ever call my family where she'll be saved?
Romans. Romans.
10101313 Great job who else?
Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall we save. Romans 10/13 Tremendous.
Are you saying the one that we had today? No, you had one of your own.
I'm sorry, I don't know which one it is.
Anybody else?
Let's all say it together.
Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Romans 10/13. You know, there's a verse that's very similar to this. It's in Joel. I'd like to go and read that one. It's in Joel two. So if we go to Daniel Hosea.
The reason I want to read this one in Hosea 2.
Send Joel.
232 And it shall come to pass that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be delivered. You know shall be saved is exactly what shall be delivered. It's a it's another another way of looking at it, and it has a more forceful.
It has a more forceful thought to it. And I'm thinking of an example this verse that we have whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. I'd like to go and look at a place in the Old Testament and look at how God acted and it it's a, it's really an example of how God is acting today. And so there's two things that God has done.
Any time that there's judgment.
He's always given a warning and provided a way of escape. And so I wanted to look at a Old Testament, a place in the Old Testament where that's brought out. And I just want you to.
Go through here and justice, take one of these out of here.
So if you were going to guess.
What story do you think we're going to look at?
What story do you think we'd be looking at?
Anybody have an idea?
You can get one too.
So what? Anybody have an idea? Yep, tell me.
You got it. Noah's Ark. That's what I want to look at. So here's the thing, you know what? Do you know what book of the Bible that's in or what book of that you got it? Anybody know what chapter?
Which Genesis?
It's very, very early in the book of the Bible. It's in Genesis chapter 6. You know, it's really remarkable that we don't have to go very far to talk about the subject that we've been talking about. You know, in Romans 3, the statement that's brought out there is all are guilty. And, you know, as we read this.
In Genesis chapter six, look at the very beginning of Genesis chapter 6.
And look at this verse, verse five. And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And then look at the next verse. Look at verse 12. And God looked upon the earth, and behold, it was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.
You know, it brings out the principle that we were looking at there in Romans 3.
All are guilty. And so look at what happens here in verse 13. And God said unto Noah, the end of all flesh is come before me, for the earth is filled with violence through them. And behold, I will destroy them with the earth. You know, it's a reminder. You know, we've been talking about the judgment.
That's coming on this earth and here.
God pronounces judgment on the earth here in Genesis chapter 6. And you know what's really remarkable is God provided a warning and He provided a way of escape. Look at the next verse. This is what he says to Noah in verse 14. Make thee an ark. You know, as we think of the verse that we were quoted today.
Shall call on the name of the Lord, shall be saved. You know the Lord Jesus is that refuge. Anyone that calls on the name of the Lord, that's the way of escape. You know judgment is coming and we can read about it. Look in the Acts X verse.
X 17. Look at this in Acts 17.
Act 17 and verse 30.
But God now commandeth all men everywhere to repent, because he hath appointed a day in which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained. So here at the very beginning, where in chapter 6 of Genesis, God, God pronounces judgment on this world. You know something I wanted to don't know if we can see this.
And you can move to a spot where you can see this, but I just thought it would be nice to.
I put up here being wrong books were here he was asleep with loud the rabbit there at the very beginning and even today our daughter is ruled in providing a royal estate. So here at the very beginning as we will because.
No one in verse 14 might make me hard.
This is the Rohingya. I think it's really convenient experience and it's going to put this.
So we are with the way of the Skype. The Wythens were gone forever.
OK, so look at, look at what he's saying like VNR.
And take down the wind, and all that way that is equally together for me. It shall be paid for thee and for them. And it appears to verse 22.
Thus it cannot work according to all that God communities so did he looks tremendous because over there was no one was lost, and the principle of you and I are blessed.
The way that our truck is finished work for the one week and we come to the north and flying to the north. He will fight us and we are trusting in the fast work of Lord Jesus. So we are blessed in the principle of faith. That's what happened in our world. Noah, it says here thus did Noah according to all that God community and then.
When we get to work for.
Run a genital 7 and virtual thank you. We got to Chapter 7 chapter 6 the very beginning in Genesis. Now look, isn't this wonderful what God says here? Look at Genesis Chapter 7 and verse one and the Lord said unto Noah come.
In that tremendous It's really what God is saying today, isn't it?
God is saying our verse, whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. So it's tremendous that there in the very beginning we see the same theme, don't we, that all are guilty. But God gave warning and a way of escape, and that was through the ark and so.
Noah and his family and all of the animals that went into the ark.
Had a place of refuge. So so isn't that wonderful that God saw that there was a a way of escape, He provided a way of escape and the ark was the refuge. And so today it's the same God has provided a way to bless all that coming to the Lord Jesus.
And so he says here in the in Chapter 7 verse one. And the Lord said unto Noah, Come thou and all of thy house into the ark.
And so look at verse.
Look at verse.
Seven and Noah went in and his sons and his wife and his sons wives with him into the ark because the waters of the flood. So isn't it tremendous that God gave ample warning? He provided an ark, a refuge, a way of escape, and that's the same today. The Lord Jesus is the way of escape. God is as we read there in Acts, God has been.
Commandeth all men everywhere to repent. And you know there's coming a day, and we talked about it yesterday, the day of the Lord. Look at this in Second Thessalonians, look at Second Thessalonians.
Chapter One.
It talks about the day of the Lord, the judgment that's going to fall on this world. Look at Two Thessalonians chapter one.
And look at verse seven, at the toward the middle of the verse, the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels in flaming fire, taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power? You know, what's really tremendous is God is offering a refuge, and that's the Lord Jesus. You know, let's go to to John 3.
Where we were yesterday.
Let's look at John 3.
Look at verse 14 and as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness.
Even so, must the Son of Man be lifted up? You know, as we think about the Lord Jesus going to the cross and dying, you know this is something.
The answer I think is so wonderful. This must The next verse answers why?
This has to be.
This must we think about the Lord Jesus having to go to Calvary's cross and die. We could say why the next verse, verse 15 that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have ever eternal life in that tremendous The answer is, is so that you and I.
Wouldn't have to die a refuge the finished work on Calvary's cross. This is the reason that the Lord Jesus had to die. And so then it it gives us the next verse that we know so well for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. You know it's so tremendous every one of those.
Animals that went into the ark. Noah and his family went into the ark and let's read it. There's another place besides the Old Testament. Look at this.
There's one in First Peter 320. Let's look at First Peter 320.
We'll read in verse 19 by which also he Noah went and preached into the spirits in prison, which sometimes were disobedient when once the long-suffering of God waited in the days of Noah while the ark was a preparing for in few that his eight souls were saved by water. So isn't it tremendous the long-suffering of God in Noah's day while the ark was preparing.
And so really it shows that God gave ample warning of judgment that was to come. And you know to day is the same. The Lord Jesus is going to come back and take us home. And it's a reminder when we think of the year that we live in in 2019, the long-suffering of God, not willing that any should perish, but all should come to repentance. Isn't it tremendous? God has provided.
Way. And it's so tremendous to think of the word whosoever. You know, when I was a little boy, I didn't know what that word meant.
I just knew if you would have asked me when I was a little boy what that word meant, I would have said it's the longest word in the Bible. Whosoever in Methuselah to me were the longest words in the Bible. You know, I looked it up in Isaiah 81.
That is the longest word in the Bible. I can't pronounce it, but if any of you want to go, you can look up that word. That is the longest word in the Bible. But when I was a little boy and I would say that verse, whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be so. I always thought that that was the longest word in the Bible, that in Methuselah. Here's the thing that that we can say.
That word means everybody.
It means anyone.
It means all. You know, it's really tremendous that we said yesterday and we can say this, the finished work on Calvary's cross with the Lord Jesus did dying there. That work was so great that every soul from Adam to now if they called on the name of the Lord.
That work is sufficient for every single soul. That tremendous.
The real blessing in this word is that we put our name in that word that we personally accept the Lord Jesus as our Savior. You know, when it says this, whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord, you know, let's just, let's just go through each one and you, you can tell me your name and, and count, let's count how many of us there are here on the front row. So just tell me.
Name and say we're going to count off 123, so say your name and we'll do a count.
You're #1.
Michaela too.
Logan 3.
Marcus 4.
Julia 5.
Rebecca 8.
You got it. You're saying your name.
Feel 8.
At least 10.
Page 11.
Lion 5.
Llamo 13.
Joy 14 Bob 15 so we isn't that tremendous. You know the reason I want you to do that, because when we say whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord, I want you to think of it as yourself. You know the verse that says.
The Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me. You know, as I was growing up, I told you that I really didn't know what that word, whosoever went.
Meant, but you know.
I realized that that word meant me. And you know, it's one of the reasons that I wanted to go around and you say your name because I'd like you to know that this way of salvation is for you individually. This word, whosoever, when you think of it, I want you to think of yourself. I want to tell you something as a parent.
If there was a way.
If there were something that a parent could do when a child was born that we could save our children, we would immediately. That would be the very first thing. If there was a requirement that a parent had to do that would save their children as soon as they're born, we would do it. You know, it's not it's an individual thing. And so I love this verse. Not only does this first.
Whosoever, as in anyone or everybody, but it means you individually. And so that's what I'd really like you to you know, if you've never called on the name of the Lord.
You need to do that and you're really caught by faith and you're putting your trust in the finished work that the Lord Jesus did there on Calvary's cross and you will be safe. You know, the Lord provided an ark for Noah and he said come. And Noah obeyed. And you know, we can read the verse in Hebrews 11.
It's really tremendous.
To read this in Hebrews 11 and what it says about Noah.
Hebrews 11.
And verse 7 by faith, Noah being warned of God, of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house by the which he condemned the world and became the heir of righteousness, which is by faith. You know, it's so tremendous. The writer of Hebrews, we're talking to Jewish believers.
And he was saying in in Hebrews 11, God always blessed.
On the principle of faith. And you know, we can see indeed that.
God bless there in the very beginning in Genesis chapter 6.
It shows us there in Hebrews 11 That.
Noah was blessed by faith when God said that it was going to rain, that judgment was coming. He's told Noah to to make an ark. Noah did it. It had never rained. And so you and I were blessed on that same principle. We're putting our trust in the name of the Lord.
And the work that the Lord has accomplished on Calvary's cross.
So we could say as we read there in John 3.
The Son of Man must be lifted up. Why? So that everybody that believes won't perish. We're putting our faith in the work of another. We're being blessed on the work that the Lord Jesus did on our behalf. And so as we come to this, this word, whosoever.
It's for us, each one individually. And so you put your trust in the Lord Jesus.
You'll be safe and there.
The verse that we read in Joel, you'll be delivered from judgment. And you know, it's a tremendous thing to know that.
With confidence, we don't fear the judgment that's coming. Now we can say there's another verse that's very solemn. It's in Revelation. It's those that don't. So look at this and it's interesting how it puts it. Look at in Revelations 20 and verse 15.
We can say that every single soul, you and I included, that have put our trust in the Lord Jesus and that finished work.
On Calvary's cross, that where whosoever will, here are those that reject, here are those that that don't accept. Look at what it says in Revelations 20 and verse 15, and whosoever was not found written in the book of Life was cast into the Lake of fire.
What a solemn thing. So for all of those that don't call on the name of them, that's.
In the very end, not only will there be destruction, but they'll be cast into the lake of fire. You know another thing I want to tell you about this that I think is so wonderful.
There's something that I want to read to you. Our time is just about gone, but look at this and Isaiah 59.
Look at Isaiah 59 and verse one. This is really tremendous. Behold, the Lords hand is not shortened that it cannot say neither it heavy that it cannot. You know what's what's really wonderful. We say this reverently, but if every single one of you all were to call on the name of the Lord.
He would hear you and he could save you, you know, if every one of you were to call on me.
If we I said let's get one more hymn and everybody called at the same time, my ear would be heavy. I wouldn't be able to answer. But it's not that way with our God. If every single soul in this world alive to day were to call on God, he would hear him and save him.
His ear is not heavy, his hand is not shortened in that tremendous to know with assurance that if you call on the name of the Lord, He will hear you, and He will save you. Now there's one other verse.
That I don't want to read to you. It's in John 6.
I remember as a little boy too. This is something that I always wondered about. This verse was a really a comfort to me and I want to read it to you. Look at John.
John VI, 37.
And it's at the very end him that cometh to me.
I will in no wise cast out. You know, this is something I used to wonder about if I were to come.
Would the Lord accept me?
We already said that yes, he would, but this is a verse that I always put my finger on as proof that I know when I go that he's not going to say no. That tremendous. So we can say that God is able, God is willing.
He'll, if you trust him, he'll save you in that tremendous and really that's what the word, the verse that we have to day. Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. You know, there's one last verse I want to read. It's in our chapter. I think this is really tremendous. Look at this in Romans. The writer of this book is the apostle Paul. Look at what he says.
At the very first of this chapter.
I think we can apply it to to everybody here and so as we as we pray, this is what we're going to look at what he says brethren, hearts desire and prayer to God for they might be saved. You know that's that's our prayer for you. Every single one of us that know the Lord Jesus as our Savior as we pray today. That's our prayer that every single one of you that we've gone through and named by name.
Bet you would be saved. That's our prayer. So let's just commit ourselves to Him.