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Gospel—H. Short
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Perhaps the Lord might have a look tonight in John's Gospel chapter 4.
We might think as we take up this account of this poor, wretched woman.
And that you might not know. People like that. It's not the kind of friends we have.
We don't associate with them.
But when do we really know our own heart?
We don't. You know, we know far more about the heart of God than we do about our own heart.
And whenever you hear of anything that has happened that man has done or a woman has done.
I don't ever think that you couldn't do it.
John's Gospel, chapter 4. When therefore the Lord knew how the Pharisees had heard that Jesus made and baptized more decisive than John, though Jesus himself baptized not but his disciples. That is, the disciples were the ones who were making disciples by baptism.
He left today and departed again into Galilee.
You know the Lord wasn't interested.
In baptized disciple.
He had on his heart and someone who wanted more than religion.
You know there's nothing wrong with baptism.
But it's only good for earth. It's not good at all for heaven. All it will do for you in respect to heaven is bring the judgment of God the Lord in heaven down upon you if you've been baptized.
As more responsible than someone who has not been baptized.
And so, though there were seen to be many who were being baptized, the Lord leave that land.
That Judea.
Knoweth the Lord's land. He is the lion of the tribe of Judah. He was born of Judah and he's going to leave it for Samaria.
He was looking for a heart to respond to him.
We occupy what would answer to Judea today. That is we here in the meeting room and here in fellow We live in a process generally obsessed Christian community.
But when the Lord doesn't find any heart.
They are responding to him. He's going to leave this land.
I speak in a figure now he's going to leave Christendom and go back to, as it were, Judea.
Where he will have a people who will be made willing in the day of his power.
They're going to be a little. There's going to be a little company in Israel amongst Judah, who will be crying for the Lord and crying out for the Lord, and he's going to leave the Christian profession because there were no hearts there to open there for him.
How about you tonight, as he said this afternoon, our relationship with the Lord.
Baptism isn't enough.
And profession is not enough.
What is here?
What does he see in your heart? See me as he looks down?
Does he see one who feels that they ought to finish?
And have a heart read of Christ.
That's what he is looking for. And so it says in verse four he must need to go through Samaria. You know the Lord is just passing through. He lived on this earth for 33 years and he just passed through.
And he's just passing through now. The Lord isn't taking up a permanent dwelling here on earth. He's just passing through and you don't have much time.
If you're caring for a better hour, more convenient time, I just would warn you.
No one here tonight can tell you how much time you have, but you can't do it.
The Lord is just passing through. You must need to go through scenario. Then cometh he to a city of scenario, which is called Psycho, near to the parcel of ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph. Now Jacob, well was there, Jesus therefore being wearied with his journey.
Sat up on the well.
I wonder, friend, how old you are tonight.
And the Lord has been, as it were, journeying with you.
Has it been a worrisome journey to the Lord?
Is that nothing in your life? As he passed amongst these baptized one, was there no refreshment for him? And so he comes to this well, and he sits down, but he's weary with the journey, you know, he says of his own. Ye have wearied me.
Sayeth the Lord those who profess to know him.
Would he say that tonight to you or to me? You've just wearied me. My journey with you has caused me weariness. I haven't gotten the refreshment. I haven't gotten the bread. I haven't gotten the nourishment from you that I would have liked to have. You know when the Lord found that big tree which speaks of profession with no figs on it.
Cursed and it dried up tonight. Is the pigs on your tree? Is there water in your well to refresh the Lord?
Well as well have been a long round, a long, long time. The Lord sits at it.
And it says, Jacob dwell was there Jesus therefore being wearied with his journey, S thus on the well at the well. And it was about six hours. Then cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water. Who were these Samaritans? Well, they were transplants that had been put into the land of Israel.
For the purchase of keeping the beast out of it. The beast was playing them and they had to be taught.
The religion.
Of the Jews. And so they sent countries back there to teach them the laws of Jehovah so the bees wouldn't devalue them.
That kind of religion you have tonight, I mean by that, you're not on drugs.
You're not frequenting the bars.
And they're not picking you up at the jail.
And you're not.
Being pursued by the police for crimes you've done, but you don't make pride.
You've got enough religion. You've been taught enough religion to keep you out of the gutter.
Don't have Christ. This woman had religion. She'd been taught it. Her parents, her fathers and forefathers had been taught by the Jews. They've been corrupted, but it had kept the beast some devouring them in the land.
Is that satisfactory for you? Just to have a good life? We need people all the time who haven't done anything too bad.
And we need people who you could trust your billfold with. Good people, but they don't know Christ. The beasts haven't devoured them. They've got enough religion to keep that from happening.
That they don't know. Christ, is that the religion tonight that you have this woman was a Samaritan.
And she comes to draw water. Verse 7 And it said, Jesus saith unto her, Give me to drink. If he's saying that to you tonight, friend, give me the drink. Have you ever saw of those words that the Lord spoke when he sent his disciples after that donkey? And said, the Lord hath need of him?
Do you ever think about the Lord and his relationship with you? That he has need of you? And so he takes that place before this woman hears it, where it says I have needed you. I am thirsty. Will you give me a dream? Have you ever given a dream to the Lord? Have you ever only thought this about yourself? And what is in life for me? Where is the Lord?
Slide. Nothing. Where is the inside? As he says, I will come into you and stop with you, and you with me. Have you provided refreshment for the Lord? Well, this dear woman, she comes to the well alone and alone. She needs the Lord Jesus. And he says, give me to drink. You know, this is a good word for us who are fished in the little nice pattern.
We always would like to do good things for our neighbors.
And we should. But it's good once in a while to let people do something for you.
It'll open the door for you if you have a need and you let that neighbor help you with that need.
It may open the door that you helping him won't open, and so he takes this place of lowly dependence upon this poor woman. Give me to drink.
And it says in verse eight, for his disciples were gone away into the city to buy. The disciples went there to give him a drink. He turned to the Samaritan woman.
Then saith the woman of Samaria unto him in verse 9.
How is it that thou, being a Jew, asked the strength of me, which I'm a woman of Samaria, for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans, nor the Jews couldn't help the Samaritans. The Jews were dead in their sins, and the Samaritans were dead in their sins, and the Jews had nothing to offer. This American had no dealings with them, their religion.
Had set them apart from the Samaritans, made them feel themselves superior to the Samaritans.
Perhaps that's the way your religion has left you tonight. You just feel that I am not so bad at all. Remember, it was the Jews that the Lord had left in search of a heart that would receive him. Perhaps tonight you feel complacent about yourself. You have a religion that is higher than those around you. The Jews have that kind of a religion. They had Jerusalem. Perhaps you have Jerusalem. We talked about it this afternoon. Perhaps you've been raised in the meeting. You know more than any other believer.
In the city of Pella knows about the Bible, but do you have Christ the Lord left the Jews and he goes to this American woman?
And he says to her, give me a drink. And she says the Jews have no dealings with Samantha. Before friends, the Lord Jesus was more than a Jew.
Yes, he was. He was more than a Jew. This is the Son of God. This is the Son of God. Become flesh. Yes, they do. The Lord was. They do. But he was more than a Jew.
And he has dealings with Samaritans. He does have dealings with Samaritans. They were the most despised people. They when he speaks of that illustration of the Good Samaritan that we say the Good Samaritan, he is talking about himself. He was in the eyes of the Jews the same category as the Samaritan tour, but he was the only one who could bring blessings to those with souls need.
The Jews couldn't do it. They had nothing to offer the Samaritan fridge verse 10, the Lord says, but it says. Jesus answered and said unto her.
We don't call the Lord Jesus when we're talking to him.
None of the disciples called him Jesus.
When they were talking to him.
Because he is our authority and Jesus was the name given him.
In his humiliation. But Jesus is the name given to him by God in his exaltation too. But we call him Lord Jesus. But the scripture says Jesus answered that's how close he has come to the human race. That's how close.
The Lord came to man. He came right to where he was. The Samaritan went down, it says in the New Translation. He went down to him in business. The Lord has gone to the desk.
Calvary's cross that he might bring us to himself. So he comes to this woman, and he says to her, If thou knew it, the gift of God, or the giving of God, and who it is that saith unto thee, give me to dreams, I would have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water.
Do you know who it is tonight and?
If thou knewest who it was.
Two wonderful things to get to know the Lord. You know, I met a man. I said to him, do you know the Lord? He said not as well as I'm going to. Well, that's true of all of us. But it's wonderful to know the Lord. It's only in this measure of this measure. It's a wonderful thing to know the Lord. This woman didn't know him to you. Do you think he's a Jew?
That all he means to you?
Or is he this man who can give living water?
The woman saith unto him, Sir, thou hast nothing to draw with the well of sheep. I remember, you know, when those were my thoughts about the Lord, I I I fell the need in my heart. And but I wasn't sure that the Lord had anything to draw with. I wasn't sure that the Lord could meet my need. And so I kept going back to Jesus. Well, and drinking, and drinking and drinking, and never getting my thirst.
Satisfied, but not sure that the Lord had anything to draw with.
That he died. And if you come to know him as your favor and as your Lord, you'll find him one who can satisfy the 3rd and you know.
Tonight, if you have a third, it's because you don't know the Lord. You haven't got this living water when you like it.
The well the from Winston hath thou that living wanted? I remember Mr. Lundy Speaking of this verse one time, and he said, the well is deep and it gets deeper every time you draw from it where I used to work.
One of the buildings offices are cleaned. The owner and president of that company.
Very nice man. You couldn't find a kinder man, very nice man. And in his office he had a little picture of a little Fled for boys and under it said something like this. Do you remember when all you wanted this was all that you wanted in life?
But you know, that's how our life is.
You're little and all you want maybe is a pacifier. You grow up and it's a doll and there's this wagon or sled, then a bicycle, maybe a car, and then a a way for overdone, then a hole. And we go from one thing, but it keeps getting bigger and more expensive. But if all this is our pursuit of life and we don't have Christ, the well gets deeper.
The longings get longings are greater in our hearts.
Cost us more to try to satisfy them.
And will never be satisfied. Isn't there wonderful someone said, The Lord has made a heart in such a way, and nothing but the Lord can satisfy.
So the well was he. She'd been there many times. She didn't see that the Lord had anything to draw with. Art thou greater than our father, Jacob? Yes, he is. He created Jacob. And you know what he said about Jacob? Her father, as she says, our father Jacob. You know what this man who was sitting at the well said about Jacob? He said.
Thou learn Jesus.
Yes, he takes the highest man.
That man has ever came to you.
Thou were taken.
She was going as high as she could go, but it was still just the worm that she thought would bring her blessing.
We are all greater than our father Jacob, which gave us the well, and drank their oath, himself and his children and his cattle. Well, where was Jacob?
Where was his children? Where were the cattle? It all died with this living water. Is that all you have in life is a religion that man has given you that leaves you to die?
Safe as well, Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosoever drinketh of this water shall first again. What a promise. Whosoever drinks of this water shall fish again. And it's true, you know, we were going over the bridge, and watching those people out on the lake, and having fun, but I know I never did that.
But I did other things on Sunday, similar things, and I know the feeling after day out, you know if we were out drag racing our motorcycles or racing them through.
Here or there or anywhere. I know what it's like to come home Sunday night tired, dirty, weary and disappointed.
That that all you got?
If you drink, you have to drink because it leaves your drinks. We saw drinking from this water.
There's again, what a promise, What a promise, and what a statement of the emptiness of the finest that this world has to offer.
Who sold drinks of this water shelters again, but whosoever drinks of the water that I shall give him, shall never.
Live but the water.
That I shall give him shall be in him a well of water, bringing up into everlasting life.
When you like that and you know, I think a little bit about the word of God for.
If spoken of as water too.
I just have been enjoying the last few months that I have a book that is inexhaustible.
Isn't wonderful. I mean to have a little volume that you can hold in one hand and have a treasure that is ineffectible. And and it is I. It's a wonderful thing to know the Lord and to have His word, to be able to sit down in the morning and open this book.
Expecting, expecting. My God.
Guitar Juliet thou were in anywhere he had passed to you. That's an inexhaustible source, that we have everlasting life. The woman sayeth unto him in verse 15.
Give me this water.
That I thirst not, neither come hit her to draw, she said.
Sir, I'm so tired. I'm so weary of. I'm more weary than you are, Sir.
Give me this water. Have you ever felt that first in your life?
Even as the believers had gotten away from the fountain.
Is this a well for you? A place where you go to get three, you know, total Agnes on our last trip West?
I have to get home.
I was thirsty and and I need to go back home.
So we came home.
But then, and it's a wonderful thing to know, the Lord Jesus, that eternal God who has given us his eternal word and has given me eternal life, and I don't ever have security again.
It's going to be a well bringing up, not a saying that's cool, but a well, the woman saith unto him. Sir, give me this water that I thirst not, neither come either to draw, Jesus saith unto her.
All right, your friends can come in that way.
You can't come in that way, Jesus saith unto her. Go call thy husband and come here, there. Why do you say that?
Well, if you're me had been talking to her, we wouldn't have said that, even if the Lord's mind.
He is going to make her feel her needs is the result of her being a Sinner because she was tired of drawing well, she was tired of the consequences of sin. But she hadn't said I am a senior and the Lord put his finger on her life. Has he ever done that within?
I shouldn't tell this story.
I was talking with some of my family members.
I said this.
Yeah, I feel like.
Your complete failure.
I don't even think that's the Christian thought.
No. One of these versions was my youngest daughter 2 weeks ago. I was walking with her and I said she was talking.
That I don't know if I do anything right. And I said that's interesting.
I said I knew a father once.
He was talking with his.
Said he sometimes just feel like you're complete alien, she said to him. No, she didn't.
And he walked in a few steps and she said, Dad, aren't you going to tell me who that was? I said with you.
But it didn't take much time in her life to make her feel.
She was a failure.
Do you feel that way then?
Be satisfied with your life.
Where you come to Jesus as a Sinner, that's the only way you can come and get eternal life. You can't come as a good person. The Lord had left Judea. They wouldn't have any dealings with Samaritans because Samaritans were sinners. And the Lord is saying to this woman then.
So you're thirsty because you're a Sinner? Go call your husband.
Woman answered and said after in verse 17.
Jesus sat under her.
A woman answered and said I have no husband.
What does that mean? I have my husband.
You know when Israel sinned against the Lord Jehovah.
In the book of Hosea, he says.
Say unto her, She is not my wife.
And I am not sure of you.
Sin is the Lord your husband.
You know he is getting a bride at this present time of which he is going to be the husband.
Do you have a husband? This woman was honest, she said. I have no husband. What is a husband thing? They husband is 1.
You know, person love. That's probably the chief feature of a husband.
Here's a man who loves his life. There can be no husband unless there is a wife.
Some words stand or fall because of another word. There can be no father unless there was a son. There can be no husband unless there is a wife. This woman, she said, I don't have a husband. I don't have anyone to love me. What else is a husband? You know, that's the thing. Good word is a husband meant a husband.
One who takes care of the vineyards in the field. One who cares for you. One who loves you and takes care of you.
I have no husband listening tonight. If you don't know the Lord Jesus as your savior, you better line up with this woman. You don't have a husband. You don't have anyone who loves you like he does, and you don't have anyone.
Who cares for you?
And this dear woman, she had lots of men in her life that she didn't have her.
And he says in verse 18 He whom thou now have, if not thy husband. In this thou sayest, sayeth thou truly Who do you have tonight, then, if you don't have the Lord?
They don't care who it is or what it is. If it's not the Lord, you don't have a husband. He and thou now have, tis not thy husband.
They're just being used. You know, the world will use us and they'll pay a price.
We'll pay a price for our services.
Until they have no need of them anymore.
Then they'll cast to law.
They'll cast you off. That's not what this man, the man, Christ Jesus, he will never lead you, nor for safety. But this woman didn't have her. She had a lot of men, but new husband.
And verse 29 or verse 19 The woman saith unto him, Sir, I proceed, that thou art a prophet. Why, you know those prophets? They were also called. In other words, they were called a fear.
And she was beginning to realize that this man was no ordinary man, never met her before, and he was looking right in here.
That he looked into your heart.
Is he saying, Thou sayest truly? Thou hast no husband. You don't know me. I am not your husband. You are not my wife.
Don't, don't say in that condition. You know what brings us joy as believers is.
A day coming and I don't know how far off it is.
Yeah, we're going to the marriage of the land.
To hear the joyful, joyful. It's a happy day in our lives. Those of us who.
Been able to be married and get a wife or get a husband. It was a joyous occasion and a happy occasion. But that great day someone said, for which all days were created. Is this marriage suffer from the lamb.
I'll ask my husband. Do you have one who's going to take you as his drive? I do.
And I'm going towards that day.
It says here woman reverse.
She's still struggling, trying to say her religion is good enough, left her thirsty, left her without a husband. But she says our fathers worship in this mountain, and you say that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship.
Hey Lord, maybe you don't know how religious I am. Maybe you don't know all the good things I've done for the folks in the meeting.
Do you have an open?
You know Christ is your Savior. The Lord isn't interested in our religion. And so he says to her, You worship, you know not what?
You don't even know what you're doing, and then it's true. You don't know what you're doing if you don't know the Lord. The Lord could say you know when they crucified Him, Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. All to say, he was the chief of sinners, but He obtained mercy because he did it ignorantly, That is, he didn't know what he was doing.
Friends, I wonder if you know what you're doing. I can say you don't know what you're doing if you don't know Christ as your savior.
Salvation is of the Jews. That is, the Lord had come unto his own. But in this gospel it says He came unto his own in the first chapter in his own received enough. And so he's turning to this Samaritan, but she's going to have to come in.
As a Sinner, let the hour cometh, and now is when true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth.
You know the Father.
It's a wonderful thing to know God as your father. You know those of us here tonight who are fathers.
We hardly can rise to that occasion. We're hardly worthy of that.
Honor and privilege of being called a father.
It's a wonderful thing to be a father.
It's an unspeakable privilege and a very, very great responsibility. I kind of think being a husband isn't very far behind it. The only reason I stay behind it is because I do know God the Father and God the Son was the closest intimate relationship that there ever has been.
But for us?
To be a husband and to be a father is wonderful.
But what a great responsibility. We're hardly worthy to be called either.
But the Lord is saying, I would like you to know the Father. Wonderful thing to know God as your father, not only in relationship but in practice. You know, he tells the Corinthians, Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord, God Almighty, and I will be unto you a Father, and it says, the Lord God Almighty. Why does he say that?
Well, what are you saying Paul is saying to the Corinthians? He said. If you'll stop providing for yourself by means of the will.
God will come in.
And do your file just provide for you? So now not only the Lord was going to give, but the Father was being brought forward to this woman. And then the Spirit verse 24 daughters, the spirit say that worship him must worship him in spirit and truth. So we have God the Son, God the Father, and God the Spirit the woman saith unto him, I know that Messiah cometh which is called Christ. Now she's getting closer.
She's starting to feel that.
Through religion isn't enough. And now she's starting to think not so much about religion, but about a person.
And she says, I know that Messiah comma which is called Christ when he is come he will tell us all things.
Jesus sayeth unto her, I that speak unto thee.
And he.
Well then you can't go beyond that.
The Lord Jesus took through religion, away from her. The Lord Jesus took her sin away from her and gave her himself. I would speak unto thee. And here tonight, do you realize that the Lord Jesus himself is speaking unto you? He wants you.
He wants to be your savior. He wants to take away your religion. He wants to take away your sins. He wants to be a husband to you. Want to come tonight? Just come right now as you are. He'll receive you as a Sinner. He won't receive you as a religious person, but he will receive you as a Sinner. Won't you, God?
Lord Jesus, we pray as we can.