Gospel—Chuy Garza
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Somebody can raise the tune please.
And they are saying.
Nsnoise Shining.
Father, we wanna put this time in your hands. Uh, we pray for those who has not make a decision to put their faith on the finished work of the cross. We ask you for your mercies and then and, uh, we ask you for you to bless the world that can come inside your hearts. And, uh, especially those who are not safe And you can, uh, give them life. They, they can have a new life.
Today, so we put this time in your hands. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, we pray.
We want to make it a little bit different today. I wanna be starting with the Spanish Bible. But we have a brother who is gonna help me. He's gonna be written in English. I'm not gonna be reading in Spanish. Maybe some verses. We, I wanna tell you the difference. You know, sometimes explain. I like the way it explains a little bit better. But we wanna read a story in the Bible.
That I think that he can make a a change today for somebody who has not put their faith on the Lord Jesus Christ. And also I think has a message for everybody and we can go to John, the Gospel of John chapter, Chapter 9.
And we wanna be reading from verses one through 11.
Through 11.
And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth, and his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man or his parents, that he was born blind? Jesus answered, Neither had this man sinned, nor his parents.
But that the works of God should be ma mana made manifest in Him. I must work the works of Him that sent me. While it is day, the night cometh when no man can work. As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world. When he had thus spoken, he spat on the ground and made clay of the spittle, and he anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay.
And he said unto him, Go and wash in the pool of salon, which is by interpretation, since he went his way therefore, and washed and came seen the neighbors therefore, and they which before had seen him, that he was blind, said, Is not this he that sat and begged? Some said, This is the others said, He is like him, that he said, I am he.
Therefore said they unto him, How were thine eyes opened? He answered and said, A man that is called Jesus made clay and anointed my eyes and said unto me, Go to the pool of salon and wash. And I went and washed and I received that. We see the story about this man that this happened almost 2000 years ago.
If we go back in history, we know that nobody really can do an operation or something to bring back his side. He testified about that and verse 32. We read verse 32.
Since the world began, was it not for any man open the eyes of one that was born blind? So he has a big problem now. He was born blind and really he was no hope for him. It was no way that he can recover his sight.
But really, I think the Lord was teaching us truly through this, what happened in this situation, the situation of mankind is the same situation of these men. We know that now the science has, uh, advanced and maybe somebody who is born blind maybe has a chance to recover sight. It can be, you know, it's a chance, it can be, you know, but.
Old humanity, the hope when we were born on this earth, everybody was born with a problem that cannot be fixed, that we cannot fix ourselves.
No, doctor, Nobody.
Cannot take away the problem that we are born with and I would like to go to some verses to see that. I would like to go to Romans chapter 5, verse 12.
Romans 5, verse 12.
Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world.
And death by sin. And so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned so.
Death came into the world through one man, through Adam. We all know the the story about Adam. Adam when God made him, he made him perfect. He was he was not a Sinner. The power of sin was not in him. And God tells Adam by telling him to do one thing.
So not to do one thing, to not take from the fruit of good and evil. And we know the story. Everybody maybe know the story here in this room. They disobey, they believe the lie of the serpent, and they win against God and they eat. And now all the power of sin entered through Adam, the frost man, and passed through all of us. We all was born at the image of Adam, if we go to Genesis.
Chapter 5.
In this chapter, chapter 5, by this time, God already brings judgment to men, and God already take Adam and Eve away from the Garden of Eve. We know the story. So now Adam is going to have a song, and this song is on the image of Adam with a cell phone nation outside the garden of Garden of Eve. Can you really grow?
What we're against is five verse three, Genesis 5 three. And Adam lived 130 years and begat a son in his own likeness after his image and called his name Seth. So now Adam have a son and this son has a sinful nature and not only that.
Is dead spiritually. He has no spiritual life. His death towards God. If I would like to read a verse in First Corinthians chapter 2.
Verse 14.
1St Corinthians 2 verse 14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness into him. Neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned so now.
These son of Adam who was born outside the garden of Ed, ** *** was born with a sinful nature, and now he's dead spiritually to God.
And he cannot understand the spiritual truth. So we see the what God tell Adam the the day they hit it from the fruit of the good and evil, the knowledge of good and evil, he will surely die. He died. He didn't die physically immediately, but he died spiritually with a life that is far away from God. And maybe somebody here has not give his life to Jesus yet.
Is how we are. It's how how we was born.
With a sinful nature, if you haven't give your life to Jesus, it's the position that you have now and that's why you do things. You have a sinful nature that controls you and is against God and God has to judge them. If we go to Romans chapter 3.
If we reverse the stand to throw.
Romans three 10312 As it is written, there is none righteous, no, not one. There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. They are all gone out of the way, they are together, become unprofitable. There is none that doeth good, no, not one. So the testimony that God give about men is that is not even one.
There is righteousness is not even one who came that God can be pleased and nobody really looked is seeking God is what the scripture says. So when men.
Fell to God, our sinful nature came inside of them, and now the normal life of this somebody without Christ is opposite for the holiness of God. So.
God is holy and he has to just send. If we go back to John Chapter 9.
Six, we see something that is kinda unusual. The Lord has the power to just talk to this blind man, and this blind man can receive his sight immediately because for for God, nothing is impossible. Jesus is God, but he's decided to do something different. He may clay, clay with a spill. When we think about that, we think that's something that doesn't.
It doesn't look too clean, you know, kind of nasty.
Why the Lord did that? Why did she did that and it comes to my mind how the Lord sees sin in the lives of humans. He sees it like that something that is that somebody says in another Bible study that we have the God hate sense God Hayson he cannot he he cannot approve sin and I think the Lord wanted to teach you something that really what keeps the humans.
Dead spiritually.
Is there a sense that had to deal with sense before he can give a human a new life and over here.
He he put this mud into his eyes and I wanna go to Romans 3 and see a little bit about of Romans one see a little bit how men how is his life without God? Romans one verse 19 to 3219 three 32 yes.
Stop that which may be known of God is manifest in them, for God hath showed it unto them. For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because that when they.
New God. They glorified him not as God. Neither were thankful that they came vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.
And change the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and four footed beasts, and creeping things. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves, who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshiped and served the creature more than the Creator.
Who is blessed forever? Amen. For this 'cause God gave them up unto vile affections for even their women, to change the natural use into that which is against nature. And likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lust one toward another men, with men working that which is unseemingly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error, which was meet, and even as they did not.
Like to regain retain God in their knowledge.
God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient, being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, malice, Ness full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity, whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud bolsters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents.
Without understanding covenant Breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful, who knowing the judgment of God that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them OK, so God shows how the heart of man is without God they.
The life of somebody who the person in this world who has not repent of his sin and put their faith on the Lord Jesus Christ.
Cannot please God and every cent that everybody does, God has to judge it. God is just and the Scripture says that the wishes of sin is dead, so God has to judge sin. So we need to recognize how is God God. God cannot decide one day and say, oh all the sense that you had committed, I want to forgive you.
And it's not a problem. You can come to heaven. It's not that way because God is just, He cannot allow sending His presence and He has to just send. So that's the next point that we wanna see in John Chapter 9, verse 6.
The Lord provides to this blind man salvation.
After he put Moxley in his eyes, he provide a way for him to be safe. Now these blind men after the Lord give his command. He had two options to obey to believe and do it or not believe and even get mad because the Lord did a social team of praying clay in his eyes, but we read verse.
28 Thus spoken, he spat on the ground and made clay of the spittle, and he anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay.
And said unto him, Go wash in the pool of salon, which is by interpretation of sin. He went his way therefore, and washed, and came seen. So we see that these blind men obey. He went and did it like the Lord said, and he recovered his sight. A miracle happened in his life.
The same thing we see the net you you guys notice the name of this uh, pound. The name of the pound is uh, is translated as scent.
You know the scriptures call us about one who was sent to this world. You see God.
He has to judge them. He's perfect and he he's justice. But also God is love and God doesn't want to punish sin on us. That's why he sent his only begotten Son to take her place in the cross. If we walk to John chapter 3.
Verse 16.
John 316 Fort God so loved the world.
That he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. So this verse tells how God loved us loved the world so much he didn't you know that God has to George in we wouldn't have read in a little bit more about the Lego fire. It's gonna be a a great white trunk where God is gonna just send and the scripture says that he prepared a place not for us.
Not for humans, he prepared for the angels and for Satan, but when men who live the life of Satan.
Send entering to the men and has to go to the same place, but God doesn't want us to go to that place because he didn't prepare for us and that's why overheating verse 16 says that he loves the world so much that he gives his only son. He's saying his son to this world he was born.
The scripture says that Jesus supposed to one of his name is Emmanuel. God with us. God came to this world. He became a man. He was the only who can give himself for our sense. He come to this world and he gives he live a life in obedience to God. He was obedient to the will of the Father. The will of the Father was for him to go to the cross.
And say the place of the center if we read verse 17.
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved.
So God didn't send Jesus to condemn the world. You know, if somebody reject Jesus today, if it's somebody here who is not safe.
The coming of Jesus to this world didn't condemn you is the rejection that you did towards Him. God provides a way for you to be safe but if you reject it is what takes you to to the lake of fire. If you read verse 18 bro.
He that believeth on him is not condemned, but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. So the one who believes is not condemned is no more judgment in the cross in Rome and 2nd Corinthians chapter 5, verse 21, the Scripture tells the one who knew no sin.
He was Mason for us, God putting him in the cross, the judgment that was on us. Everybody who is born on this world, it don't matter what age you are, you don't matter if you were born on a Christian family. You had to come up on a time in your life that you need to make a decision.
You need to repent of your sense and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior all you sense that you commit in your whole life.
Past, present, and future. And it's sad to say future because every time we send Jesus died for that sin. Jesus died for all our sins. God put the judgment that was on us in Jesus in the cross. Jesus was separated from God for three hours.
You said was separated from the father from the whole eternity. Jesus was one with the father, but in the cross he was made sense for us. That was very something very, very difficult for him. Uh, I believe that when he swept blood before he went to the cross was because in his mind was that that was in his mind that he was to be separate from God.
In the cross, that was something very difficult for him. But if we go to Revelations, everybody has to see Jesus one time.
You have to see Jesus one time either as a savior or as a judge. As a savior, He offer you every lasting life. He offers you to take all your sins in him. As a judge, you have to you have to suffer the consequences of every sin that you have committed.
Every cent, you know, now all the kids have phones or everybody has phones and a lot of these, uh, advanced phones has memory inside and they can put a lot, they can have the whole Bible inside.
And if we as humans, we can record a lot of information on a little piece like this. You know, imagine that the creator of the universe, he's gonna have everything that you have done, everything that was every cent that you have committed. The scripture says if you know how to do good and you don't do it, he said everything is gonna be recorded. We go to Revelation chapter.
We read verses 11 C.
The 15th.
Revelations 20 verse 11 And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away, and there was found no place for them. And I saw the dead falling great stand before God.
And the books were opened, and another book was opened, which is the book of life, and the dead were judged out of those things.
Which were written in the books according to their works. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it. And death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them. And they were judged every man according to their works. And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And whosoever was not found written in the Book of life.
Was cast into the lake of fire. If you refuse today to see Jesus as your savior, if you refuse today to see Jesus as the one who died in the cross for your sins, the scriptures say that you're gonna, you're gonna have a resurrection, you're gonna live. You're gonna live again. God is gonna give you a body.
See, with that body, you're gonna go and see the Lord. I was talking to a brother and I say how a Sinner, somebody who never repent of their sins after restor after having a a body to go to judgement, he's gonna stand and see the Lord and then being thrown to the lake of fire forever seeing the Lord for one time. That's gonna, I think that's gonna be something very impressive in their heart.
Now the scripture says that they gonna resurrect. So you think that that when you die everything is over?
It's now over. God is gonna resurrect you. You're gonna live again, and God is gonna bring up all the things and He's gonna judge you according to all that. But that's not necessary today. You can repent of your sins. In Acts chapter 17, verse 30, the Scripture says that God demands or commands everybody everywhere to repent. You can repent today of your sins.
You can pray to God today and say I'm a Sinner.
And I'm stepless. I cannot do nothing for myself to save myself.
The only way that I can be saved and put through the sacrifice of Jesus in the cross and you can put your faith today in Jesus. And you know something, the scripture says that if you believe in the Lord, in Jesus Christ, you have everlasting life. The Lord God is not a liar like a man. He can we can trust in his word if he say in the Scriptures.
That if you believe, if you repent of your sins and you put all your faith on Jesus Christ today, you have everlasting life. You know the Scripture says that when you believe in the gospel, in the message of the salvation, you are sealed with the Holy Spirit. God give you the Holy Spirit. That's the approval of your salvation. If you put your faith in Jesus today, you can have a trust, you can believe you. You will have no doubt that God is going to resurrect you.
Go to heaven one day. You see the death of Christ in the cross is enough. We can have that faith that if God in the Old Testament accept the sacrifices of animals is much more the blood of Jesus Christ in the cross. Now if we go back to John Chapter 9.
Something special happened to this blind man. Something very, very special.
People did not recognize him after he will recover his side and I think this message.
Is for both is for the ones who have not received this as as your saver. He wants to make you a new creation in the moment that you put your faith in Jesus Christ. The scripture says that you are a new creation. God give you a new life. Now you have the power to say no to sin. I want to share it with you guys a little story and a little bit about a little girl.
They got changed now in verses 8:00 and 9:00. Brother, you wanna read?
The neighbors therefore and they wish before had seen him that was blind said it's not this he that sat and begged and some said this is the others said he is like him but he said I am he. You see the impact that happened to this man after he come back from being on this pound.
Coal vessels, uh, that is a is a picture of the Lord Jesus Christ. When he come back, people did not recognize him. They thought that he was not him.
That he looked like like him, but he wasn't he was not the one something happened in his life that they didn't recognize him. He was a new creation and like I said earlier, when you put your faith in the Lord, he gives you a a new life an efficient we're not going to go there by efficient 25. The scripture says that when we was dead incent Lord God give you give you life.
This life when we was dead on our sins.
When we believe on the Lord, He gives you the Holy Spirit and gives you a new life. This man was changed. So the question that I want to give made to every, especially the youth here, is your life different than when you accept the Lord?
It's a dangerous right now because we live in the end of time on the last days of the grace when the suddenly about the church has put Christ upside and uh is worthly minded.
We have homes, we have TV's, we got computers and it's the the.
Scripture says for us not to feed or flesh.
We can feed our flesh with a lot of things. It's a very dangerous time because it's hard for the young people. You go to different places, you go to the mall, you go to the store and things are are not the way they're supposed to be. For the work is unholy. Everywhere you go is sand and it's very hard.
And the parents need to recognize that there is we live in a very, very hard time. Everywhere you turn is send. So you guys need to keep your heart. You guys need to guard your heart because.
You see, our conscience is what the Lord uses when we are not walking according to His will.
Our conscience can get hotter and hotter and we can get used to sand and, uh, it's not the will of God for a new creation and a new saved one, not to reflect his Son in Jesus Christ. I would like to go to frost John.
I like yesterday I see all the.
Reading the Bible, it was beautiful to walk and see them everywhere. Uh, I didn't have the camera. I wanted to take you guys a picture, but it was beautiful. Uh, I think, uh, I don't know, I hope that everybody does that every day in your house, but it's very, it's, it's, it's very important for you guys to spend time in the scriptures because if you spend time in the scriptures, the Lord is, uh, feeding you, feeding that you, feeding yourself with the word of God and the Holy Spirit use the word of God.
To judge you.
When you are now working to keep you away from sand. So it's very important that you guys keep reading in your house after you guys live here. You guys need to keep reading but still God prepare a way for those who accept Christ today. If you repent of your sin and Joseph Christ now you can come to God not as a judge but as a father. If you send God still be your father. He always gonna be your father, but you have to come and confess your sins. If we go to first John chapter one.
Verse 9.
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness, you see.
If you come and confess your sins to God one by one, don't come to God and say God I'm a Sinner. No, you need to come to God and say God, I fell to you this way and be specific with that.
We have a war, uh, a warranty that is. It has, it's gonna 100% warranty that he's gonna clean you for no sense. He's gonna working you hard and he's gonna give you the power to depart from sand. But you need to do it daily. I tell you that I wanted to share a story about a little girl.
Uh, her name is Emma. She's 12 years old.
This this little girl.
Uh, was living on a very, very rough environment. She leaves two houses away from the meeting room.
Back then when, uh, when we meet her, her mom was pregnant. She have this Emma have a sister and a brother.
They, they are very, very poor. Very poor. The parents, the, the dad, they didn't have nothing to eat. And you know what he did? He left the house. He left the house.
He decided that was the best thing. It's in his heart. The mom, her name is Kelly. She come to be to talk to us. She needed help. We help her. We preach the gospel to her. That's the best thing that you can give. And she believes and uh, she started reading the Bible a lot. She went to sleep with her Bible in her chest every day. She read the whole Bible quick. You know, it's all she did. She was pregnant.
The husband came back.
And she said, look, if you wanna come back, it's fine. But let me tell you, I have put my faith on Jesus and I, I'm not gonna stop reading the Bible and I'm gonna go to meetings. And you know, it's what she told her. Tell him, you know, she, she wants to make sure if he wanted to come back, you know, she will not change. Emma had a very bad attitude, baby. Something was, I think something was wrong with her. We wanted to go and kinda help because we didn't know she was maybe being molested or something, you know, but she.
She had a very, very bad attitude. She wanted to the things from the world and the mom because she had a new heart. She decided the things from the world will not enter her house. And she was strong. And Emma, I think she stayed in the room for a couple of weeks. She was so mad with the new life in the house that she stayed crying and crying. And finally the whole family came to meet him.
And Emma was safe. So Emma, you know, she now you see her very happy, always smiling. But one thing that I wanted to tell you about the story about Emma is one that she have a new life. We all can see her new life. God give her a new life. And this new life, you know, when you accept Christ as your Lord and Savior, God give you gifts. Maybe you can have the gift of servant.
You may have different gifts, not only one you know Emma have a special gift that we all can see and her gift is the gift of servant.
Now on Saturday, she goes and cleans the middle room. Nobody asked her to do it. She'll do it because she loves the Lord.
She we, we have to put tables to it. She's putting tables when she likes to serve. She's the, I think she's the last one to sit down and eat. She's always serving and she's always serving with a smile. You know, she's always happy. She's not doing it because nobody else wants to do it. It's because really the Lord gives her that gift and she's a little girl. Well, I wanted to bring this message to, to the Jews today or for everybody. God has give U.S. special gifts.
And they are very important for the growth of the church. I kind of changing the subject a little bit, but I think it's very important if we go to efficiency.
Chapter 4.
Timber 16.
From whom? The whole body?
Fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplied according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body into the edifying of itself. In love. You know, in his Spanish is a little bit different and I want, I want to translate the Spanish to English kind of literally the way it is. And he says that according to the activity.
Of each member.
The church is identified according to the activity of fishermen. This is what really dispersed teaching in Spanish. They got decided to give growth to the church with the activity of each member.
Is how Goddess design the growth of the church now the Jude who is here?
God, if you already believe on our Lord Jesus Christ, you have a special gift. At least one. Maybe you have more than one. Now what are you guys gonna do with that gift that God give you? I know that some gifts takes time to develop.
My way right now is not the time for you to use it, but the Lord already give you that gift, some of you gifts. You can use it right now and I wanna since we, uh, we've been talking, we started message on, on uh, Philippians chapter 3. I wanna.
I wanna see two points on par that we can take today and take it personal in the use of our gifts in the church. And I wanna go to First Timothy.
Pro, Timothy. Chapter One.
Birds clothes.
And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me for that He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry.
You know the word accounting, accounting faithful that means that God has thought as faithful before he even gives him the gift when in the heart of God was to give him that gift, he count him as faithful. And you know something I think is the same thing for every one of us. God has countless for faithful. That's why he gives us all the gifts that he give every gift that we have that give it to us for a reason he wanted for us to use us.
For the growing of the church. So every member is special it no matter what age you are, maybe you have the gift of preaching the gospel.
And you have another keys other kids in the school that you can preach the gospel that they're not safe. So you can be using your gift even though you are young. So first point is that that condos for faithful. So I think that should push our conscience.
The God thing that we're gonna be faithful. What about we're not faithful? That's kinda sad that we are not faithful because that counts for faithful. And I wanna see another birds in First Corinthians Chapter 9.
And this is a warning.
This a warning. Paul put himself a warning.
Or moved by the Holy Spirit, he puts himself a warning in First Corinthians Chapter 9, verse 16.
For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of, for necessity is laid upon me.
Yeah, woe is unto me if I preach not the gospel.
Law is on. To me, that's a warning.
If you wanna keep your gift, you know the Lord Jesus Christ is coming pretty soon. I hope everybody in this room really believes we wanna the Lord can come anytime and I think we should serve him with that with those with our eyes on that on his camel. He's we're gonna be in front of him and he's gonna see everything that we did and it's gonna be sad if we supposed to do something for him and we didn't do it. You know we wanna I think we wanna repent because.
Whatever the the lower is gonna do on the rewards has to do with the whole eternity. It's gonna be too late over here. You can serve gas in heaven is a chance. Maybe we're gonna serve him. Maybe we don't know that the scriptures say that he's gonna serve us. The Lord is gonna serve us, but the time is gonna be over as soon as the Lord come, the time is over and we're not gonna be able to serve him no more. So I think we should the young people.
Really, I wanna talk to you guys. They those two teams. The Lord thinks that you are faithful. He give you that gift because he's counting you for faithful that you're gonna do it. And it's a warning. You know, you give that you have is a need for the body of Christ is is the is a need for growth for the church to grow. And we are one body. You know, every true believer is one body.
In the whole world and every true believer, we need him for the growth of the shares. So the message of the gospel today, we're gonna see Jesus as a savior, but we're gonna see him as a judge.
If we see him as a Josh, we wanna, we wanna really suffer the rest of our lives in the lake of fire forever and ever. You wanna see the Lord and then you wanna be cast on the Lego fire for the whole eternity. That's gonna be something that we don't want. Nobody here wants if every, say 1 doesn't want you to go there. So I wanna talk to you who has not made the decision yet.
Repent of your sense.
That's the wheels that repent of your sense and accept the gift that God has give you already. This the death of Jesus in the cross is enough that if the whole world wants to repent and accept in believing heave is enough to save everybody. So it's room for you. So I want to encourage you today to make the decision if it's anybody here who wants to accept Christ and needs some help, you can come and talk to me or one of the brothers.
And anybody is gonna be very glad to help you if we can see him. Verse 4.
Number 4.
If somebody wants to raise the.
Father, we thank you for your, for your love torsos on sending your Son Jesus Christ to come to this world full of sin, to come and die in our place. Jesus, we thank you because you come in obedience to the Father.
And you come, and you give yourself as a sacrifice for our sins. We thank you because in your grace and your mercy, and you open our eyes to this true and your saviors, we ask you for those who are here.
That has not made a decision yet. We ask you for Your grace and Your mercies upon them, that they can understand the true and they can make a decision and accept you as their saver.
We thank you. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.