String Theory

Duration: 22min
Listen from:
YP Talk—Dave Ladore
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Hello, everybody. Can you hear me? More so on that side than this side. So I got the one speaker here, all right.
Now you 2 gentlemen here, if we could slide this bench over to this side here, we're going to need the room. Turn it a bit so you can let people through.
I know, where is the sound guy when you need one?
OK, so to start with.
I need a willing victim. I mean volunteer Kyle.
Yes, excellent, Kyle.
All right. Do you know how to tell you not kind of kind of all right, kind of good. We better pray then, OK.
All right, we'll just ask the Lord for help. Our Lord and Savior, we thank you for the wonderful time we've had today and over the last few days. Lord, and your safety.
Learning and growing closer to you, Lord God, just to be in your presence, Lord God, to think of you in so many different ways and to be able to be with their brothers and sisters and like mine, Lord God, now I just pray for your Holy Spirit to guide me and give me wisdom and words for this message, Lord God, that it would be from you and your name we pray, Amen.
All right.
We can tie that up to here.
Look at the technique. Amazing.
And we'll put this one on this side here.
After the bird stuff is removed.
All right, well, give them a great big round of applause, but he's not off the hook yet.
Well, he's making sure those knots are tight. He must be nervous.
All right, I'm sure you've all heard of quantum physics, The Big Bang theory. This evening we're going to talk about string theory.
Yeah, I know. OK, so.
Strings or rope, If anybody's ever done some mountain climbing or rock climbing, there's kind of two different types of ropes or caps that they use on ropes. There's what they call a static rope, and there's also a dynamic rope. And usually these ropes are rated for a static. So a static would be say 100 LB weight.
Just dangling here, OK, Now a dynamic load would be something that's hanging from there and bouncing around or getting blown around or dropping from a high height and then stretching to its limit before it breaks. So usually a static load is probably about double with the dynamic load would be OK. So how much do you weigh roughly? Kyle? One 35175 OK, let's say the static.
Load on this rope is £300.
So Kyle to hang from this rope over this edge. Now this is not the £300 rope by the way, so do not do this at home, OK? This is the far left, but he could happily hang over this ledge.
Until he got tired, but the rope wouldn't break.
Now if Kyle was to jump off that rope, the dynamic load is a lot higher than a static load and chances are it would be half. So we said the rating was about 300 lbs of dynamic. So sorry for the static. So dynamic load would be about 150 lbs. So Kyle would be about 25 lbs.
Short so Kyle would be.
Examining the pavement.
But to hang on it, he could hang there for a long time. I just got to grab my notes here quickly.
Thank you.
So we all know that there's static and dynamic loads. OK, so this rope here can hold tile. I need a young lady that would be willing to.
Hi, Kyle up.
It doesn't have to be his sister because she would tie it way too tight.
Any volunteers?
It won't be embarrassing, except for Kyle. Alright, come on up.
Hello, are you nervous?
That's OK, Good. OK. So.
Don't let go of the rope. It's a long fall. It's been OK. Yeah. So he's got something to hang on to here. Now, don't take this personally, OK? Are you a Christian, Kyle? Yes. You know, the Lord is your as your Savior. Yes. OK. We will pretend, hypothetically that you are not a Christian, OK.
So you don't have a lifeline.
Now, if you two were friends and hanging out and things like that and something happened.
You might be hanging on to Kyle.
So now his static load of 300 lbs and he's 175, and you're far less than that.
Not quite OK, but they would hold you, they would hold the two of you, right? Static loads going to hold them. There's no wind and waves. There's no problems here. But.
There's some troubles happen in your life.
Troubles are dynamic. They can change. They move.
They can be up and down kind of good times and bad times, so all of a sudden you're a little bit of a safety margin is gone.
And that can drag a Christian down. Like I said, she's a Christian. She's in disguise right now. But.
It can drag you down when you're with friends that are not Christians. I'm not saying you shouldn't have friends that are of this world. A lot of you will. And you know what? There's a good chance that you can sow some seeds that they will come to know the Lord as their Savior.
But when they're not saved, they can put a load on you as well, and you have to be aware of that.
And that's the end of it. No, I'm kidding. So I'm going to turn to 2nd Christians 614.
B. Not unequally yoked.
Together with unbelievers. For what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness, and what communion hath light with darkness?
We have to be very careful about our walk because we are here to witness and pray for those.
And we hope that they become Christians as well. But they can be a load on us, so we have to be sure in our own faith.
We have an anchor rope here.
And in Matthew 714 it talks about our path being straight and narrow.
Basically, we've got a rope that is fastened to our Lord and Savior.
I know what the beam, but for all intents and purposes, this is our Lord and Savior here, and He's attached to Him. So if the wind and waves are blowing him around, he's still anchored.
OK, now.
I am going to embarrass one of my sons who is not here tonight.
My youngest son, Zachary, is three years old.
OK, he has No Fear.
And because he hasn't been to school yet, he hasn't studied gravity, so he doesn't think it affects him.
So, Zachary. Sorry, Benjamin.
Yeah, sorry, Zach.
I like to stay up five minutes later tonight.
Zachary has some wisdom and he has steady gravity. He has seen the effects of it. Not as much because he's a little bit shorter to the ground, but he's probably bigger than me anyways and beat me up in the future.
So Benjamin, we have this playground in our backyard and there's stuff going up and it's about this high on the deck of it. So it's about 5 foot high. So we have this rope that's tied up about here.
Benjamin climbs up to the top.
Grabs onto the rope.
Jumps and swings like a Tarzan and goes back narrowly missing wood structures with his head and other appendages.
And he does it again, and again and again.
With No Fear.
But the one thing I have noticed, my wife is quite careful of this.
After a while his hands can burn a little bit because as you're swinging you tend to slide when there's stresses.
On the bottom of the rope.
We have.
Kind of a loop with a stopper knot.
So as he's swinging and if he slides down, he wraps his little legs and his backside around this and keeps from falling off of it and crashing into things.
So he has No Fear.
He does have a stop or not.
That stop or not.
Is assurance of our salvation because even if in life we start to slide.
When we're assured of our salvation, we have that stopper knot.
And if we read in John 10 verse 29.
My father, which gave me is greater than all, and no man is able to pluck them out of my father's hand.
Isn't that wonderful?
Sureness of our salvation. Not even though, even though when things get tough and we start to slide a little bit, we have a stopper knot and the Lord is our our salvation.
That little stop or not gives us something to kind of rest on and we can kind of start pulling back up with the Lord's help because as Christians, there are times when we slide back a little bit. I know I have.
I'm sure others have as well, but it's nice to know I'm not going to fall off that rope. Even if my hands get tired, I can kind of fit.
Hold on for a bit and then draw my strength in the Lord to kind of climb back up a bit.
So that's kind of one portion of my string theory for tonight.
You have to be sure of your salvation. You have to be careful about loads and how you're yoked or how you're balanced with those around you.
So let's go to a little bit different Ave. now with our string theory.
And I need two more volunteers.
Would you like to volunteer?
Sure. All right. Come on up.
You got your stop or not in there, Kyle. No, just put a stop or not in that one.
And her Christian, she has a stopper knot already.
Do you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Perfect. Let's put in there. Stop. Or not in there just to be, you know, just to be safe. All right, we have another gentleman.
Come on up. First one up. Perfect.
Do you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Yes, I do. All right, put a stopper knot in.
All right, we got two ropes left.
That's good, good, good. OK. So if we can get you all to kind of come out this way and kind of stretch the ropes a little bit.
OK, our Christian walk. We're all going in the same direction to our Lord and Savior. We might have slightly different paths, but the end result is the same.
Now, sometimes there's people we meet and we may think, hey, this might be the one for me.
But we never really know until God tells us. So sometimes our lives can be intertwined. So you can come this way and over wrap on this rope here.
Not bad. Now if you can come over top.
All right, so if we think of the camp we're at this weekend.
We're all Christians, we're all going the same place and for this weekend our lives are entwined for a short time and it is a wonderful time to be together with other Christians.
It doesn't mean that we're going to be on the same path, so that the road is going to be the exact same streets. Some of us are going through Canada, some through the US, some through Mexico. So we all know that we're going to reach heaven in the end.
But there are times when we will be together. We don't know if that's short term or long term. You know, we may meet someone and say, hey, that could be somebody that.
Saw me out for me.
But you really have to wait on the Lord, otherwise you might be getting off your path a little bit and getting entangled.
Because the Lord does have someone that's chosen for you, that one person. And it's best not to mess with the emotions of others because.
Santa Rita, Colossians 3/2.
Sorry, yeah, 32 Set your affections on things above, not on things on the earth.
It's great to have friends and fellowship, but set your affections on things above.
Not on things on the earth. Well, why is that?
Because you want God to be in control, not our emotions.
Not our hearts in a sense, because they can sometimes lead us astray, but God will never lead us astray.
So I am going to turn to Matthew 633.
But seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.
Don't seek your spouse. Don't seek a girlfriend or a boyfriend. Yes, see friends, especially Christians.
Seek to be the Lord's bidding and to preach His word, and be a witness that seek ye first the things of God, the Kingdom of heaven, and all these things will be added to you.
Be it God's will. We don't always know God's will in our life. We know we're going to end up, but our emotions can kind of get in the way of that sometimes.
So I need two more volunteers. They know who they are.
And I'm just going to pre and find them because we're all here on the weekend, right?
Yes, need to tie the knot here.
Not together yet.
I know that was a setup.
Very nice, very nice. Sorry I missed the wedding.
Thank you.
In in our conference, there's been one verse that was on the invitations and on the timetables that keeps coming up and it's been on my heart a bit too, and that's Philippians 310.
That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made comfortable unto his death.
That I may know him.
It's a wonderful thing to know him.
And on this path in our life, we don't always know who we're going to be with or who we're going to meet, but it's wonderful when we wait upon the Lord.
And do his things because we don't know if we're going to be married or when or how long it's going to be until we are married until we meet that person.
It could be today, it could be tomorrow, it could be 10 years from now. You don't always know that that person the Lord has intended to you intended for you to last forever. And so the Lord is the one that ties the knot between those He has chosen.
We don't tie the knot.
The Lord kind of does.
So we're all intertwined, we're all friends, we're all family, brothers and sisters in Christ. But if that's the way down from the Lord and in His time, you can tie the knot.
Thank you. You may all release or not, but you're not going to lose your path.
I have a warm round of applause for our volunteers.
It's good to see the newlyweds, isn't it?
That was your model.
Very nice, you can keep the rope.
Oh, thank you.
So I do think everybody for listening to the guy who normally is not making sound, but he's behind the sound table. It's not my normal place, but umm, I do appreciate your patience and I suppose we should give thanks for the snacks.
Our Lord and Savior, we do thank you Lord God for this time of friendship and fellowship and being with family, Lord God and making new friends. Lord, we just thank you that you were the focus of our time together, Lord. And we just pray a blessing upon the food and the snacks, the beverages, Lord God, that it would nourish our our bodies, Lord God, that we would continue on thinking of you and talking of you and nursing our souls. In your name we pray, Amen.