Children—Bob Woods
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There might be some Bible references that I'll get you to read for me.
OK, it's uh, does anybody have a song they'd like to sing?
Yes #11.
Let's sing the first and last just so that we can sing a couple more songs.
Will your anchor hold in the storms of life, when the clouds unfold their wings of strife, when the strong tides lift and the cable strain? Will your anchor drift?
Or firm remains.
Will your eyes be holed through the morning?
Light and your anchors say I am pleased to honor when I saw an art.
So I got a prize for you. Thank you for giving him. Now. Anybody else have a hymn? Yeah.
We'll sing first and last again.
Come every so by thin a breath. There's mercy with the Lord.
And he will surely give you red by Christ singing it is one.
I think you had one too, didn't you? Do you have him? What number? Umm, 1616. What's your name? Ben. Thank you. What's your name? Tommy. Thank you very much. Tell me again, what's your What was the hymn 16? Thank you.
Whosoever hear us out about then the blasted tidings all the world around.
Spread the joyfulness.
Come, but must not delay now the door is over.
Enter while you may. Jesus is the truth, they only living way.
Whosoever will make.
Come whosoever.
Then the proclamation of the failure.
How about a girl?
Have you any run for?
Here for the Lord of sin.
As he knocks and I said admission.
Center where you let him in.
Room for days of Lord of glory.
Hasten now his word. Obey.
It's time for Jesus.
As in, Gracie calls again.
Oh, today is time.
Tomorrow you may call in vain.
Around four days, Florida.
Days and now his word obeyed.
Sway the art story.
Him. Enter what you've made.
What's your name?
Let's stop a minute. And at home what we usually do is we say a Sunday school verse. You know, I'd, I'd give anybody an opportunity to say the, the verse that's on our, our Sunday School paper or a, a, a verse that they've learned. Is there somebody that would wanna do either?
You don't have to.
Yep, you have one that you want to say.
You don't have to say one. If you want to, you can.
The verse for today is First Corinthians 118. The preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness, but unto us which are saved. It is the power of God.
You can stand up and say it.
Teaching of the Cross is unto them that perish foolishness, and.
On to.
US that are saved.
It is the power of God.
1St Corinthians 118 Tremendous.
The preaching of the cross is undid in that parish foolishness, but unto us which are saved, it is the power of God. First Corinthians 118 tremendous. I know that you've already got a, a prize, but that's, uh, you get another prize.
You get one too.
Thank you. Excellent. Anybody else wanna say today's verse?
Yes, go right ahead.
But unto us that are safe, that which are saved is is the color of God. First Corinthians 118 excellent.
Anybody else?
You sing another song. We might at the end.
Anybody else? I'm afraid today's verse. OK, let's uh, ask the Lord for His help.
Our God and Father, we thank you for the time to be here and, uh, talk, uh, talk to the, uh, in the Sunday school and we think of the, the cross of Christ and, uh, how much it means to us. And so as we, uh, look into that word, we, we ask for help as we, uh, talk about the, the gospel and the, uh.
Person and work of Christ. And we know Lord Jesus, how everything hinges on the cross of Christ and that death for us. So what a privilege it is to talk, to be able to present the way of salvation to whosoever will. And so we just ask for help with our time. In thy name we pray, Lord Jesus, Amen.
You know, let's that's really what I had on my heart to talk about was.
Cross of Christ and in that turn to Leviticus. This is the verse that I'd like to look at, the verse in the Old Testament.
But it this one verse brings out.
Four, four things that that that I had on my heart to talk about. And is there anybody that would want to help me in reading that verse if you find it and would like to read it?
Raise your hand. It's Leviticus.
Yes, Leviticus 429.
And Isha laid his hand upon the head of the spin offering and play to sin Afrin in the place of the burnt offering. Excellent, thank you very much for your help.
So as we read this verse.
Really what this is, is this is, uh, an Israelite that is, uh, coming before the priest with, uh, a sin offering and that sin offering, I just wrote this up here. It would probably be, this is not everyone, but it would probably be one of these. It might be something else, but it would be, uh, probably a lamb, a goat, or a Bullock.
And you know I don't just to pretend.
We'd say that this is our our sin offering and it would be here before the priest.
And he would lay his hand on the head of the sin offering. You know, as we, as we think about it, it's it shows us how the themes in the Bible run from beginning to end. You know, this, this offering is really pointing to the Lord Jesus on the cross. And so as we, as we think about this, one of the things that it brings to mind.
Dennis and Israelite were here and he was before the priest and he would have his hand on that sin offering.
He would really, he would really be saying that he's a Sinner. You know, he wouldn't even be here had he not in his own heart agreed that he was guilty of sin and and that he needed a sin offering. And so as we look at this verse here, one of the things that we immediately see is.
By faith, he is laying his hand on a sin offering.
He is owning to God that he is a guilty Sinner and that he needs to sacrifice for his sins. And you know, it points us to the gospel. It's really the first step of the gospel. It's really the first step is to own that we're a Sinner, that we're guilty before God. And really that's repentance. And you know, there's a verse that says.
God commandeth all men everywhere to repent and so really the 1St place, a blessing with the gospel is to see that we're guilty and that we're lost. And so if he lays his hand on that sin offering, he is really admitting that he's a guilty Sinner before God. You know the other thing that he's really.
In this.
And by faith laying his hand on this offering is that he deserved to die. That's the other thing is that really not only is he a Sinner, but.
But that he deserved to die. And you know, as we read that verse, read that verse one more time, somebody wanna read that verse one more time?
Yep, you can read it again. Read it real loud one more time.
And slay his sin offering in the place of the burnt offering. OK, here's the thing. When I ask, it doesn't say it, but we know that this is true. What can you say about that lamb or that goat? What can you say about that lamb or that goat?
Is there one thing that you can say about it?
No, it doesn't. That was the next thing I was gonna ask. But before we get to that, can you think of something else? You really. You said it and I'll. I'll say it for you. That's a live animal.
No, it's not. I know it's pretend.
But that is a that is a live animal and that animal is about to be sacrificed. It's about to to die. His life is going to be take he's going to be killed. And that's the that's really the other thing is that the Israelite, as he puts his hand on the live sacrifice, he's admitting to God that he deserved to die.
He deserves to die. He's guilty. He really deserves the death that this animal is about to.
This animal is innocent. This animal has not done anything. And so he's really deserving that he's really saying by faith as he lays his hand on the head of the the offering that God should punish me.
But this animal is going to die in my stead. And that's the third thing that I want to show you is. The second is, is that the punishment Really, I deserve that punishment. You and I deserve death. And you know, there's a verse that says the wages of sin is death, and you and I are sinners and you and I deserve to die.
We deserve this death, this penalty. That's the penalty. That's the wages for our sin. And so the next is.
The Israelite is standing here with the the sacrifice, the offering that's about to be killed.
He is agreeing with God.
That this is a substitute in his stead.
And that this animal is dying as a substitute for him. And you don't want to stop here just a minute because.
It's really a wonderful subject when we look at the cross of Christ and we see what the Lord has done and we see what God has done. God has made provision for guilty sinners such as us that our sins are not swept under the rugs, so to speak, The full penalty.
Of our sins were poured out on the substitute, that sacrifice, the Lamb of God, the Lord Jesus there on the cross. And so it's one of the most wonderful principles of Christianity. No other religion can boast that their God died for them. And you and I can. You and I can boast that our God died for us.
And So what a wonderful thing to think about. You know, there's a couple verses I would like to read.
Look at Luke 2241.
Whoever finds that can raise your hand if you'd like to read it.
Luke 22.
Yes, you can read it.
From about a stone, cast and kneel down and pray.
If they'll be willing to move this cup from me nevertheless. Not my will, but thine be done.
On therapy appeared an Angel under him from heaven, strengthening him. And the last one is 44.
And being in in agony, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was, as it were, great drops of blood falling down to the ground. Thank you very much.
Lord as he's here, he knows what's gonna happen. He knows that he is gonna be a sin offering. He knows that God is gonna place our sins on Him. And it's something that.
It says the being in agony as he approached the the death and where God would lay our sins on him.
It says he sweated his great drops of blood. And so as we think about it.
We marvel that God would provide a way that He could bless man.
That he could take care of the penalty for our sins and that you and I could be blessed and God could be righteous in blessing you and I. And so there's another one I'd like you to read to go to Psalm 69 one. Somebody else that hasn't read. Would you like to read Psalm 69 one?
Go right ahead.
69 One.
Save me, O God, for the waters, or come in unto my soul. Henry first five.
O God, thou knowest my fear, Smith, and my sins are not hid from these. You know, this is looking forward. This is, uh, prophetically looking forward to the cross. And as we read this verse five, we know that the Lord was without sin. And so how how interesting here that this verse would be here. Oh God, thou knowest my foolishness.
And my sins are not hid from the, you know, he claimed our sins as his own. And, you know, that's the next verse I'd like to read in first Peter.
First, Peter.
First Peter 2.
22 Who did no sin?
Verse 24 through his own self bear our sins in his own body on the tree and so.
The other thing that that I would like to say about this is as the Israelite was putting his hand on the head of the the sacrifice.
There was a transfer of his sins to that sacrifice.
You know, this is a wonderful thing because if the sins are transferred, they're no longer on me. They're taken off of me and put on the Lord Jesus. It says that there He took our sins in his own body on the truth.
He paid the debt that you and I deserved, and so we marvel at the goodness of God that He would provide a way that you and I could be blessed and full payment would be made for our debt, you know.
Substitution is a wonderful subject and there's a story that I'd like to try to tell if I can remember it. There was a a school that I don't know the date, but.
It was in in Virginia I believe and the school was a one room school where it wasn't first, second, third. It was all of the grades were together and it was all boys and there was.
The boys were were were very umm.
Unruly and difficult to, to handle and the number of, uh, school teachers that were there that tried to, uh, to take up to, to teach and to, to keep, uh, uh, to be a, a teacher at school. It, it was so difficult a job because the boys were so difficult that no teacher could stay.
And many times the, the boys in the class would beat the teacher up. And so the, the person that was the schoolmaster that was in charge of the, uh, that school had the applications and a fellow came up, a young fella came up and applied for the job. And he, the schoolmaster told him, he said this is not a normal job.
This is and he said, I know the circumstances and he said I'm willing to do it. And so as the teacher came to school the very first day, one of the things that he did, he got the class together and he said, let's put some, let's make some rules. And so, you know, the kids were all laughing at him. He was not a big fella. And they knew if it got down to any.
You know, physical thought that they would easily take care of this little, uh, teacher. But anyway, he said, uh, let's make some rules for, for before we start. And so they, they started shouting out rules and they, they said something like no stealing.
And then they said everybody had to be at school on time.
No foul language.
And so they went all the way down until they got to 10. They made 1010 rules.
So after they got done, the the teacher said, if they're one of these rules are broken, there has to be a consequence for those, those rules. And So what would be the consequence? And you know, again, these fellows were, you know, trying to to show their their stuff and all and they said.
10 lashes.
Across the back.
The coat.
And, uh, the teacher said, you know, that's very severe. They said, Oh yes, that's, that's what we're gonna do. If any of these are broken, that's the penalty.
For breaking a a rule. And so it wasn't long after school had been in session that Big Tom came up to the teacher and said that somebody has stolen my lunch.
And so, uh, the teacher came to, uh, came to the class and, and, and said, you know, we, we've got a problem. Somebody has, uh, stolen big Tom's lunch. And so the, the teacher said, everybody will have to get to your desk. And so he started going one by one down the road and looking in, in the desks to see if he could find the lunch and he got to little gyms desk.
And when he opened it up.
There was Big Toms lunch.
And the, the teacher said, uh, little Jim, you know that, uh, you know, we made the rule about no stealing and, you know, the, the consequences for, uh, stealing is UH-10 lashes across the back. And uh, uh, he said, we're gonna have to, we're gonna have to have the penalty for that. And, uh.
Little Jim said listen, he said.
In a, in a trembling voice, he said, you can, you can do the, the 10 lashes, but not without the coat off. And, uh, the teacher said that, but that's the rule. That's, that's what we said that it had to be that way. And he said, you'll have to take your coat off. And so little Jim took his coat off and he didn't have a shirt.
And all they had was just strings that were holding his pants up that were wrapped around his, his, his, uh, his skin. And the teacher said, little Jim, where, where's your shirt? And he said, my father passed away. It's very difficult to make ends meet. My mom is very poor. And he said today was wash day and I only have one shirt.
And he said I wore my brothers heavy coat so that I could keep warm.
Teachers heart design.
What am I going to do?
And as he stood there, he said he thought the penalty has to be carried out. And so as he was about to to raise the whip and to start the lashes, Big Tom jumped up out of the back of the room and came up to the front of the of the room. And he said, listen, I will be willing to take those 10 lashes for Little Jim.
And the teacher said.
There is a provision.
That we all have to agree that a substitute could take these flashes. And so Big Jim took his coat off. Uh, Big Tom took his coat off and the teacher administered those lashes. And as they were getting right to the end, Little Jim came running up sobbing and he jumped on Big Tom and he hugged his neck and he said.
I'm sorry, Thank you for taking these flashes. I will love you forever. You know, it's a poor illustration of what the Lord has done, but isn't it wonderful to see the provision that God has made by substitution, that the penalty that we deserve as guilty sinners and so as we see our guiltiness.
And are earned unworthiness. And then we see the love of God and the mercy and the grace that's been shown to us. Indeed, our hearts go out and thankfulness and praise for what God has done and for what the Lord has done. Now I want to go to the the last one.
You know, this one is just as important as the last one. And this is so wonderful to think about, too. And this is satisfaction. And if you and I ever were to doubt God's acceptance of that sacrifice, this is the answer. It's resurrection. It's the empty tomb.
He's not dead anymore, He's alive at God's right hand. And so there's a verse that I'd like to read with that.
Locate 1St Corinthians 15.
And it's somebody that hasn't read it read a verse would like to you can you can raise your hand 1St Corinthians 15.
Verse three and four. First Corinthians 15 three and four.
At the 10th 1St Corinthians 15 three stop.
For I.
Never answered you first of all that which I also received how that Christ died for hours since reporting to the.
Scriptures and verse four and.
That he was buried.
And that he rose again, and.
The third day, according according to the.
Ski shoes. Excellent. And then there's another verse that you get that someone can read. It's in Philippians 3.
Philippians 3.
If I forget you.
At the end, come up and you can get a price.
Anybody else wanna read a verse here? Are you breadwinner? You've read one. Is there somebody that hasn't read one?
I'll read it just because of times look at Philippians.
Philippians 2, verse 9.
Square 4. God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
So is there ever a doubt? We look at the empty tank? God accepts his sacrifice. It's an exclamation point that this offering for sin for you and I is acceptable. He is highly exalted at God's right hand.
Here's something else that's really wonderful. Our sins were transferred to the Lord as a substitute.
Where are they now?
They're gone. The Lord is in heaven. We read that verse where it says our sins were put on on Him, on his own, in his own body, on the tree. Where is the Lord now? He's in heaven. No sin can get to heaven. Our sins were transferred to the Lord and they're gone. It's so wonderful to see that not only does resurrection show God's acceptance.
Our sins are gone because the Lord is exalted at God's right hand. And so as we look at this, when we see that our debt has been paid in full, God's holiness was not compromised. And So what a wonderful thing that God can now bless you and I on a righteous basis. And So what a wonderful thing that a willing substitute was provided.
And now I wanna read one more verse. It's in Acts 1631. Our time is gone, but I wanna read this verse.
It's a well known verse, but we'll turn to it and read it.
X16 verse 31.
Verse 30 And the question is, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? Verse 31 And they said believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. You know, as we stand here and we look at Calvary, we're blessed by faith. We are looking back to a work that was done and a work that is completed. And you and I are blessed by faith in the work of another.
And so as we tell out the Gospel, there's two things that we see. We see the person of Christ and we see the work of Christ. And so we put our trust and belief in the person and work that was done on Calvary's cross. So when this verse that we hear believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved, that is what we're doing. We're putting our trust and bull and.
Everything our hope is built on the work on Calvary's cross and you know, the apostle Paul could say.
Glory in that cross, you know it means it's everything to us. Everything hinges on the work that was done on Calvary's cross. You know, when I, when I'm in closing, I want to tell you that just a short time ago, little boy asked me.
He said is it true that if a soul were to die and not be saved that they would be lost forever?
And he stressed that, and you know what that really means is that your faith is not resting. You don't believe on that work. And so read. The last verse we want to read is the last verse of John 3.
John, 336.
He that believeth on the sun hath everlasting life, and he that believeth not the sun shall not see life. And here's the answer. But the wrath of God abideth on him.
So the answer is, there's no second chance.
If a soul were to part this scene and was not saved, did not know the Lord Jesus, did not have their full trust on that finished work, there's no second chance.
Let's just write our God and Father, we thank thee for the cross of Christ. We thank thee for the the work that was done on Calvary's cross. We thank thee that could take centers such as us and bring us into a place of blessing and the righteousness and holiness not be compromised. Lord Jesus, we thank thee that doubt it's become a willing sacrifice.
For us, we thank, we are thankful for the atoning work and we know if there were any doubt, we see the.
Exalted at God's right hand, so we thank Thee for this time that we can be over Thy word, and we commit the the rest of the day to Thee, giving thanks and Thy worthy precious name, Lord Jesus. Amen. Amen.