Gospel 1

Gospel—Bob Thonney
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In our meeting tonight with #23 on our hem sheet.
Behold, behold the Lamb of God.
On the cross for us. He shed his precious blood on the cross.
Oh, here, the overwhelming cry.
Eli Lama Sabachthani, draw near and see the Savior die on the cross #23.
They hope.
Precious, precious blood of Jesus.
Shed on Calvary, Shed for rebels and for sinners, Shed for me.
Precious, precious life.
Instructions Friday instructs blah blah blah and I'm not going to exercise.
Very, very far. Now we're going to make it so very easy. There's a snake.
Lord, any extent he's going to red wine experience like deep breaths, so whatever.
Did he silence crabs? Just slowly? And I have to go ahead a lot of time.
Surprise gracious, gracious Mother of God.
Verses in Acts chapter 17.
And verse 30.
And the times of this ignorance God winked at, but now commandeth all men everywhere to repent, because he hath appointed a day in the which he will judge the world in righteousness.
By that man whom he hath ordained, whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him.
From the dead.
Let's pray. My purpose tonight is to speak on this question of righteousness. God has appointed a day in the which He will judge the world in righteousness. As we read the scriptures and as we look around in the world today, it is not hard to see that we are getting down to the very line when God will begin.
The most awful judgment that this world has ever seen. It's not my purpose to talk about that so much as the question of being right with God. In the Old Testament, a man called Job said. How should a man be just with God?
We might say, how can a man be right with God? And my purpose here tonight is to ask you, are you right with God?
Oh, how important it is. And in a world like we live in, where there are so many different ideas floating around and people think that they have the right to believe what they want to, Yes, they may have the right to believe what they want to, but when it comes to the judgment we're talking about.
You are not going to be judged on your own ideas, you are going to be judged on the ground of God's perfect righteousness.
I sometimes try to get the point across. We lived in Bolivia for a number of years, and supposing I was taken into custody by the police of Bolivia and charged with a certain crime, and when I am called before the judge, I say, well, in the United States we can do that, what would they say to me?
Sir, you are not in the United States of America. You are on Bolivian territory. You will be judged by Bolivian law. I do not have the right to impose my ideas on their system of justice. And so it is when it comes to being right with God. You have to be right with God on His standards, not on your own ideas. And people think they have the right to establish the basis upon which they will be judged.
They are sorely mistaken. No, we will be judged according to God's holy righteousness, His perfect righteousness. My purpose today is to go first of all to Romans chapter 3 to take up this question of how a person can be right with God.
You know, it wasn't too long ago in our meeting in Lawrenceville, a brother went to be with the Lord. He had a good testimony in the area and a lot of people said.
Well, if anybody is going to be in heaven, he's certainly in heaven.
And I had the responsibility of giving the gospel at his funeral, and the family asked me to tell the people he's not on heaven because he was a good man.
He's a Goodman because God saved him and made him righteous, and therefore he is in heaven.
Oh, how important. People do not get that straight. And it is important that you and I get it straight. We are in a world where this these ideas float around. And I fear that sometimes in many of our local meetings where the gospel is not preached very much, our young people are not getting the point of what the gospel really is if you're going to appreciate what God has done in the work of Christ.
You're going to have to understand his view of the human race, and we have it painted for us here in Romans chapter 3 and verse 10. Let me read it as it is written. There is none righteous. No, not one. Does that seem pretty hard to you? Can you say, well, maybe I can think of a few people that I know of to be pretty righteous?
My friend.
We are not talking about the way it appears to you. We are talking about the way God sees it. And as he looks at the human race in its entirety, by nature he says there is none righteous, no, not one. There is none that understandeth, There is none that seeketh after God.
There are all gone out of the way. They are together, become unprofitable. There is none that doeth good.
No, not one.
Their throat is an open sepulchre. Think of the stench as they open their mouths.
Their throne is an open sepulchre. With their tongues they have used deceit. The poison of ASP is under their lips, whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness. Their feet are swift to shed blood. Destruction and misery are in their ways and the way of peace. Have they not known there is No Fear of God before their eyes? Now we know that what things so ever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law.
That every mouth may be stopped.
In all the world may become guilty before God. This is the picture that God paints of the human race.
You know, as a young person was brought up in the meeting as most of you young people are.
Too. And I have the idea, the mistaken idea, that I lived a pretty sheltered life. I never really got out into the messy stuff of this world. I wasn't really that bad, even though it says that. Yeah, that's true. But I'm not really in that category.
And I had to learn that I needed to repent. Repent means a change in your thinking.
And if you are thinking that way, let me tell you, you need to repent. Yes, you who were brought up in the meeting, you need to repent and recognize the way God sees us a little later in this chapter. It says in verse 23, for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. There is no difference. It says at the end of verse 22.
Can take the worst criminal in the prison system in the United States and set him right up here beside me and what God says here there is no difference Oh yeah, you say he's done a lot of crime and you haven't that may be so but as God looks at the heart he says naturally speaking there is no difference all have sinned and come short of the glory of God it's extremely important for you to understand that if you're going to.
The salvation that we're going to talk about tonight, God has a righteousness that we can have that is so vital that you understand it, the basis of it.
Because we're getting close to the time when God is going to take in hand the question of sin in this world.
God takes sin seriously. People in this world, and sometimes even those who call themselves Christians, kind of laugh at it.
Make jokes about it.
Not God. God takes sin extremely seriously.
And if you don't, take it seriously and get it straight with God.
You are in serious trouble. Oh how important it is to understand God takes sin seriously. Why? Because sin wrecks the human race. Often mention how when God first created Adam and Eve.
They lived up to 930 years old. One of the descendants lived up to 969. Others lived up there too. What in the world happened to us? Why can't we? A few of us maybe get up to 100, but not very many.
Sin degenerates, and God is a God not only of light but of love, and he would not be a God of love if he left sin to continue to degenerate.
The human race, God is not going to let that happen. He is going to intervene directly and we are getting close to those times. God is giving warning signals.
That he's not going to let it continue to happen.
Are you listening or are you just going by what people say? Oh, how important it is to listen. All the world is guilty before God. Verse 20. Therefore by the deeds of the lost, there shall no flesh be justified in His sight, for by the law is the knowledge of sin. Verse 21. But now here is a change.
The righteousness of God without the Law is manifested, being witnessed by the Law and the prophets.
Even the righteousness of God, which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe, for there is no difference, for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Yes, this righteousness is unto all. God is not making any exception of persons not June or Gentile. Everyone is under the same banner of having come short of the glory of God.
And so this is unto all, but it is only upon all them that believe. In other words, there is a necessary, necessary response on your part. What have you done with the message? It is not enough just to sit there and to listen as the gospel is preached. You must believe it by faith. Personally, it's not enough that your dad and mom have believed it.
You must come to personally believe the message that God has given about His Son.
Then notice verse 24. And this is where we want to dwell a little bit.
Being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God has set forth to be a propitiation through faith in His blood.
Declare His righteousness for the remission of sins that are past through the forbearance of God. To declare, I say at this time his righteousness, that He might be just and the justifier of him that believeth in Jesus.
Oh, here we have the core of the gospel, the way you as a guilty Sinner, the way I as a guilty Sinner can be just with God, according to God's standard of righteousness.
Notice verse 24 speaks of redemption. Redemption is a word that means.
Paying a price to set free.
And I want to talk about that redemption. You know, there are many.
In the course of history, many price that prices that have been paid for the redemption of individuals. Remember when President Carter was president why the Iranian people took the US embassy over in Iran hostage and I forget how many.
Ingots of gold they had to pay to rescue. It was a tremendous price, but they were set free paying that price.
It's a story I like to tell of in South America several centuries ago, there was actually one of the last Inca kings rulers in the Inca Empire in Peru. His name was Atawalpa, and when the Spanish came with a relatively small group of soldiers mounted on horses, they were able to.
Get the victory over at Tawalpa because Ottawa had given the command not to kill any of these. He thought they were gods. You'd never seen horses before. And these men mounted on these horses, he thought were gods. And so he told them not to kill him. So they were able to take Ottawa captive. And in the course of time he made an offer to these Spaniards that a room that he had, I don't remember exactly how large the room was. It's I don't think it was as large as this room.
But it was fairly large room he offered. He says I will fill this room twice with silver and once with gold if you will let me free.
And so the Spaniard said, OK, we'll accept that. And the Incas peoples were told to bring in silver and gold and they brought in and they did just exactly it. In fact, it was on the wall as far as he could reach up. He was evidently a fairly tall man. And as far as he could reach up on the wall, that would be the where they would fill that room up with twice with silver and once with gold once that was done.
They thought.
He thought he would be set free, but the Spaniards strangled him to death. It wasn't enough to set him free. I want to tell you another story. That is the story of all stories of a redemption that was paid by God's beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. You know, God had one son and.
Seen the ruin into which?
The human race had fallen. He sent his own son into this world to redeem.
Us to God and the Lord Jesus, the glorious Son of God, the creator of the universe, was born into this world in Bethlehem. His mother wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in the Manger because there was no room for him. In the end. I just marvel at that.
You know, and royalty comes into the world when a new member of the royal family is born. They always make the greatest.
Preparations for the arrival of that new member of the royal family. When the glorious eternal Son of God came into the world, they told his poor mother, out there where the animals are, maybe you can find a space out there. And there the glorious Son of God came into this world.
As the angels viewed it.
They must have wondered.
Where are these people that have the Bible in their hands? They had the scriptures from the Old Testament that told where he was to be born.
And about the time frame he was to be born. Where were they? Nobody had a clue.
That God had entered his own creation in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ.
And the angels went off into the fields around Jerusalem and found some poor shepherds, and they were the ones that heard the news first of all, that a Savior had been born. The Lord Jesus grew up in relative obscurity. We only see him as a small babe, as a babe of two years old, perhaps, and then as a child of 12 years old. And then we don't know anything more about him until he was.
Approximately 30 years old, he was called the Carpenter.
He must have occupied in that place.
To help support the family he was part of. But then came his public ministry, and he went out in works of power to show and to preach the gospel and to show mankind the goodness that was in the heart of God. Wherever he went. He raised the sick, He healed the lepers. He raised the dead.
And he fed the hungry. And then at the end of those 33 1/2 years.
They took him to Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor, and condemned him to die. All this was in the determinate council of God that this would happen. But mankind has shown his hatred toward the Son of God, and even though Pilate knew that he was innocent, he ended up.
Condemning him to the most awful death in the course of human history, the death of crucifixion.
The soldiers took him away. They crowned him with thorns. They beat that thorn.
Into his brow.
They scourged him.
And then they took him outside the city of Jerusalem, and there they nailed him to a cross, and he hung between two thieves, so it would appear that he there were just three.
Malefactors that were being executed that day.
They crucified him about 9:00 in the morning, the way we calculate time.
He died at 3:00 in the afternoon. For six hours, he hung on that cross.
For the first three hours, from 9:00 till 12.
They passed in front of him, mocking him and spitting on him. When he got to 12 noon, everything became dark.
Nobody could see what was happening in those awful hours of darkness. Isaiah the prophet tells us what happened in those hours of darkness. He was wounded for our transgressions. He was bruised for our iniquities. The chastisement of our peace was upon him. With his stripes we are healed. Oh, we, like sheep have gone astray. We have turned everyone to his own way, and God has laid on him.
The iniquity of us all was in those three hours that Jesus paid the price of our redemption.
All those filthy sins that I've committed and I wouldn't want you to know what they are. I'd be ashamed if they were printed on this wall behind me.
But all those were laid on Jesus head.
And then the fury of divine judgment broke on the head of our Lord Jesus. For three solid hours the waves and billows of divine judgment rolled over him. No, no complaint came from his mouth in those three hours.
At the end of those three hours, there was a cry. My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
The God that was his strength and stay.
Per second that our most terrible agony. Why? Because he loved you. He doesn't want to forsake you. He wants to save you. And if God's going to save you, He has to have a righteous basis upon which to do it. And the only way is for somebody to pay the price.
Jesus paid that price in full on that cross.
Paid the price of our redemption.
And after he bowed his head and gave up his spirit, he died.
There is body hung dead on that cross, and a soldier came and pierced his side. He was commissioned to make sure that the three were dead.
They couldn't take his life. He gave it, but the other two were still alive. And the soldier came to the one and to the other, broke their legs, and they died. And then he came to Jesus. Jesus was dead already. Takes his spear and plunges it into the side of the blessed Son of God. Outflows blood and water.
Price of our redemption was paid.
In blood, the blood of the glorious Son of God on the cross of Calvary.
I can't grasp it properly, can't understand it.
But it's the truth of God. That's what God says in his word. Redemptions price has been paid in full by the blood of the Son of God on the cross of Calvary. Now God can offer you.
Full and free salvation. His standards of justice have been met in full.
Yes, God is righteous. There's a word here then verse 25 that is called propitiation. What is propitiation?
Appreciate propitiation. Is that part of the work of Christ that was necessary to vindicate the righteous character of God so that he would not be compromised when he comes forth to forgive the guilty Sinner? And I can say because of the work of the Lord Jesus, that the price has been paid in full. God is satisfied, and that's why.
God raised him from the dead.
There is a Savior on high in the glory.
How could he be there if there was any sin that was left?
In question, absolutely impossible. The fact that he's there in the glory of God means.
That God's own righteousness has been fully satisfied in the work.
Of redemption of our Lord Jesus.
Oh, how wonderful it is to grasp that.
To lay hold of that what is necessary for you, my friend, you guilty Sinner, let us sitting there what is necessary.
Believe it. Simply believe it. It's the truth of God. Believe it and God will not only forgive you your sins, He will do something even more wonderful. He will justify you. He will declare you.
Righteous Notice verse 25 whom God hath set forth, the Lord Jesus Christ.
To be a propitiation through faith in His blood to declare His righteousness for the remission of sins that are passed through the forbearance of God. What is it talking about when it talks about the remission of sins that are passed?
God forgave sins in the Old Testament. How could God be righteous and forgive those sins in the Old Testament? It was in view of what he was going to do at the cross of Christ and the person of the Lord Jesus and his work of redemption. Oh, how wonderful to understand what God has done. But now we come to this time, verse 26, to declare, I say at this time his righteousness that he might be.
Just and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.
God is just and the justifier of the person who believes in Jesus. I think this is so wonderful. You know, if I was caught.
During the crime.
Robert Bouillard might appear in court and try to justify me.
Would you be just in trying to justify me for my crime that I've committed?
Absolutely not. No way. You'd be unjust and they would probably be pretty clear to tell you that.
But how can God then be just and at the same time justify the person that believes in Jesus?
Because of the price of redemption that Jesus paid on that cross, God was so fully satisfied that now He is just and the justifier of the person that believes in Jesus. Oh the wonder of it all, You can be righteous.
Just and righteous is the same word, really. Basically, you can be righteous according to God's own standard, not by your own efforts, but by what Jesus did on the cross of Calvary. They took off his body from that cross. They buried him, and the third day after he was buried.
When the Angel came down to push the stone away from that tomb.
Not to let him out, but that's so everybody could see that he was no longer there. Jesus was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father. God was so fully satisfied with the payment of redemption that Jesus had made that he raised him from the dead and didn't quit raising him until he was far above all principality and power and might into me.
For the glory of it, to look up into the heavens and to see the Savior sitting there. The one who died for me is sitting there as a man of flesh and bones at God's right hand. There is a man in the glory of God right now.
And by faith, we can look up and see him there. Now, if you simply believe in him, not only will you have your sins forgiven, but you will be declared righteous. I'd like to stop to explain a little bit.
The difference between those two things says in the book of the Acts, Be it known unto you, therefore, men and brethren, that by this man is preached unto you the remission of sins. That's the forgiveness of sins. And by him all that believe are justified from all things by which you could not be justified. In the law of Moses. There's two things there. One is the forgiveness of sins, the other is justification.
You know, it's wonderful to be forgiven our sins.
To have the knowledge of the forgiveness of sins and I find that there are people that are not clear about that issue.
Even Christians sometimes are asking, forgive us our sins. They say the Lord Jesus taught us to pray that way. Yes, in the supposedly disciples, what we call the disciples prayer, that's what it says the Lord taught them to pray. Forgive us our sins as we forgive our debtors. But remember that was given to them before redemption's price had been paid, when Jesus paid the price of our redemption.
You look from the book of Acts on through the epistles. You will never find a place where it says that we should ask for the forgiveness of our sins. I want to be real clear about this because I find that people are not clear. And if I would come up to this young man here and offer him $100 bill.
Out of my hand. Are you going to sit there and continue to ask me? Please give me that $100 bail. What are you going to do exactly? You just reach out your hand and take it? Jesus paid the price for the redemption of of, for the redemption of our sins. And so now he offers full and free forgiveness to you. Are you going to keep on asking for it or are you going to simply accept it and say thanks?
God, for that forgiveness that you gave me in the Lord Jesus.
Preaching at a Washington State penitentiary one time.
And back in the back row. I don't know.
There's quite a group there that day of prisoners. We were talking about this question of the forgiveness of sins and how God offers it freely. It's a free gift. You don't even have to ask for it. All you have to do is accept it.
Anyhow, this man that was sitting way back in the back, I don't know what he was in there for at all.
After the meeting he came up and he said all these years I've been asking for the forgiveness of my sins. Tonight I accept it. Thank you God for giving me the forgiveness of sins. That's what it involves. People that continue to ask for the forgiveness of sins are not understanding the offer that God has made. Sometimes people say, what do you do then when you sin as a Christian, you don't ask for the forgiveness of sins.
We had that verse read today. We confess our sins. That's a far deeper thing than asking for forgiveness.
And that's what God wants from us as his children. If we sin as believers. Confession.
Anyhow, that's part of the blessing that God gives us, the forgiveness of sins. And to think that we have the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of his grace. I can look up into the heavens and say the God of the universe has given me the forgiveness of all my sins, has a wonderful, tremendous spiritual blessing that we have.
But there's something even more here in this third chapter of Romans.
Justification not only has he forgiven us our sins and maybe you would say, well I'm a forgiven Sinner, but you know what God does, He goes a step further and he says if you will simply believe the message of the Lord Jesus and what he's done on the cross of Calvary, not only will I forgive your sins, I will declare you righteous according to.
My standards.
Of righteousness wonderful Remember a story told of a.
Boy in a family and his this boy was quite unruly and bad and his dad didn't know how to control the boy. So he finally in his backyard, he put a post in the ground and he said, son, I don't know how to impress you, how bad you've been every time you do something bad, I'm going to put a nail in that post.
Out there, it wasn't long before that post looked like a porcupine.
Just full of nails.
One day the boy stopped and looked at the post while he. I've been that bad.
And he said dad.
I'm sorry that I've been so bad. And dad, his dad said, I'm going to forgive you your sins and I'm going to take all those nails out. And so he took his hammer and he pulled all those nails out. But after he had them all out, the son came back to his dad and said, but dad, the nail holes are still there.
And that's true if it was just the forgiveness of our sins.
The marks against us might still be there, but God goes one step further and He justifies the believer that believes in Jesus. Oh, the wonderfulness of this message of salvation, declared righteous by the God against whom we have sinned because of the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.
But it is unto all, and only upon.
All then that believe I want to stop to talk to you.
Each one here in this room, I don't know where you are. You know, I asked Tom if I could have a mic on my shirt here instead of this one here because I like sometimes when I'm preaching to come down right where you are so you listen a little better. We go to prison in Illinois and sometimes back in the back row, they're having a nice chat together while I'm trying to talk.
And I tried to single him out, say, hey, you're not going to do much listening while you're talking. This is important. So if you have something to say, I'll let you say it. Get it out so that you can continue to listen to what we have to say today.
And so it's important, where are you? Are you listening to what this message is telling you that you can have not only the forgiveness of all your sins, but that you can be declared righteous by this very God against whom we have sinned because of the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. It is so vital, so important that you believe it yourself.
We were in the prayer room before the gospel. A brother prayed. He said there must certainly be somebody that is not ready here tonight. I don't know who it is. I look around this room and you're all listening pretty good.
But amongst Jesus 12 disciples, one was false. Nobody else detected it. Only Jesus knew about it.
Where are you in relation to God tonight? I could come around 1 by 1 just to ask you, where are you?
In this question of God's righteousness, God is getting ready to judge this world in righteousness by that man whom he's ordained.
And it's going to be, by Jesus own words, the most awful judgment this world has ever known. We've seen some bad stuff happen in this world.
Second World War, what we call the Holocaust, What happened over in Japan, what happened down in Joplin, MO.
It's nothing in comparison to what's coming on this world. God is going to intervene. He is not going to let things go on without limit. It would not be a God of love to let this planet totally destroy itself. Man would do that if he was left to himself.
God is going to intervene. Jesus is coming again.
Wonderful thing to think about.
We as Christians really think the time is getting close. You know the Lords second coming has two parts. 1St is called what we call the rapture in which he's going to come and at a moments notice all those who are believers are going to be taken out of this world. The dead in Christ shall rise first, then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together to meet the Lord in the air that will take place.
At any moment.
Nobody knows exactly when. We are told numerous times to be ready and I ask you, Are you ready?
But then, after a time of terrible judgment in this world.
What is called the time of Tribulation or Great Tribulation?
The end of those seven years, the heavens are going to rip open.
And the Lord Jesus is going to come out on a White Horse. He's coming back to this world to set his feet back down on this planet and establish His Kingdom. And he's going to reign in righteousness from sea to sea. It will not be a day of grace in that day.
The acts will be laid to the root of the trees. He that is in sin is going to be cut off, and that's why it's so important for us to repent of our sins.
Sometimes even Christians get involved in, or I should say so-called Christians get involved in what is bad *********** fornication, drunkenness.
It's happened and I don't know if you're into any of that stuff.
You need to repent because.
The Lord is coming back again. You need to be ready when he comes back. He's coming back at the end of the tribulation period to establish His Kingdom. And when he comes back, scripture tells us there's a man that is called in the Scriptures the beast, because he has no reference to a God in heaven. His only interest is this earth.
You know, it's fascinating to me.
I've mentioned this a number of times, but to me it is very interesting. We were over in Europe in April.
Jim Highland and some others, and.
Europe is ripe for the rise of Antichrist.
Greece is bankrupt and it's followed followed by Portugal and Spain.
It's a very troubling situation that they're encountering over there, but.
They are ripe for Antichrist. In Spain they say half the people of that country are atheists. You try to mention God, they get angry with you as if you said a dirty word.
They're ready for Antichrist to rise up.
Couple years ago when I was over there.
I on the.
Subway system. They had a letter or a something written that said probably there's no God. Live your life like you want to live it.
That's the spirit of the age.
You know what? When Jesus came the first time Herod tried to kill him when he was two years old.
Pilot Both those men were agents of the Roman Empire.
Gave the order to have him crucified.
We're getting close to the time when Jesus is going to come again. And you know what's rising up over in Europe? It's already risen.
Is the revived Roman Empire there? It is. And when Jesus comes back, when he comes out of heaven, riding out of heaven on that White Horse with the armies of heaven that follow him, the beast, that man who heads up Western Europe is going to get all his armies together, Probably some of the most sophisticated arms.
That are available today and they're going to say there is let's go get them once for all and they're going to.
Perhaps fire all their sophisticated at him and it won't have absolutely any effect. Jesus with the sword of his mouth is boom boom boom and knock those armies out of Commission with a word from his mouth.
Oh, the glory of that moment when that man that hung on that cross, dead to pay the price of redemption, comes back and God publicly vindicates him as he takes the reins of government of this world and reigns supreme from sea to sea. This is the picture that Scripture paints for us. And oh brother, and we need to be awakened as never before. We're getting close to that time. You and I are going to be eyewitnesses when he comes again.
It's going to be tremendously glorious. In fact, brethren, when I look at Scripture and see how much was written about that time when Jesus comes back to take the kingdoms of this world.
There are probably no other spirit of time in human history that Scripture speaks so much about. Is that time? I believe it is going to be the most awesome display of power and glory.
This world has ever seen or ever will see when Jesus comes back in power and glory with His people to reign supreme in this world.
God has appointed a day in the which he will judge this world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained, given assurance to all men in having raised him from the dead.
You don't have it straight with God yet. I want to ask you to get it straight tonight. There's plenty of Christian brothers around or sisters too you can talk to. I'll be around if you want to talk to me.
And get it straight. It is so vital not to wait any longer, but get it straight tonight.
Let's just pray, Father, we're thankful.