Gospel 2

Gospel—Bob Thonney
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Start our meeting tonight with #11 on our hymn sheets.
Will your anchor hold?
We have an anchor that keeps the soul steadfast and shear wise, and the billows roll fasten to the rock which cannot move, grounded, firm and deep in the Savior's love.
Will your anchor.
Wolves pray for The Wailers. We are praying for the rest of the night. Oh my God, Oh my God. Gracie's granny.
I'd like to read some verses that were already read this afternoon, but just to read them without commentary in Hebrews chapter 6 beginning with verse.
17 We're in God willing more abundantly to show unto the heirs of promise. The immutability of his counsel confirmed it by an oath, that by two immutable things in which it was impossible for God to lie.
We might have.
A strong consolation who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us, which hope we have as an anchor of the soul both sure and steadfast, and which enter into that within the veil wherein whither the Forerunner is for us entered even Jesus.
Made an high priest forever after the Order of Melchizedek. Let's pray.
One more hymn.
My hope on nothing less is built than Jesus.
And the blood he spilled?
What a beautiful hymn.
I wanna speak tonight about.
Something that's been mentioned the number of times in these meetings and that's the internal security.
God makes it abundantly clear.
In scripture for those who truly believe in the Lord Jesus of their eternal security, one of the verses that is most clear like to read first of all in John chapter 10.
And verse 27, I want you to listen closely because it's what the Lord Jesus says that really counts. What I say about Scripture tonight may be clear or may not be clear. I trust it's helpful. That's my desire. But sometimes what we say doesn't help. And so just listen, please.
To what he says he's speaking here. John, 1027.
My sheep.
Hear my voice.
And I know them.
And they follow me, and I give unto them eternal life, and they shall never perish.
Neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My father, which gave them me, is greater than all.
And no man is able to pluck them out of my father's hand.
I and my father are one this beautiful promise.
But I want you to notice verse 27 to begin with, because there are people who like to apply these verses.
But don't pay attention to what the Lord Jesus says in verse 27. My sheep. What's the first thing it talks about? Three things about them.
Number one.
Hear my voice.
Do you really listen to God?
I noticed that sometimes people are here present and sure their ears are capturing what I say, but they're not really listening.
I ask you, please, if that's the case with you, please let down the barriers. It's not what I have to say about it that is important. It's what he is saying. And he says, my sheep hear my voice.
The second thing it says.
I know them, and as the Lord looks out over this audience tonight, He knows exactly where you stand with God.
You can put on a good front.
And fool me, but you cannot fool the Lord. He knows exactly where you stand in relation to Him.
And the last one is.
They follow me. Can I ask you, are you following the Lord? This is characteristic of his sheep.
And then it says, I give unto them eternal life, and they shall never perish. Understand that's a strength and negative.
In the Greek you could read it. They shall never, never perish forever. That's how secure it is. Neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father which gave them me is greater than all. And no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand. There is that person, that she in the hand of the Lord Jesus, and in the Father's hand.
Never, never to perish to me. Beautiful. You know, I've talked to people sometimes that think that you can lose your salvation once you have it. If that were the case, then they would have to say that the Lord Jesus is telling a lie here.
Because, he says, they shall never perish.
Are you gonna say that?
I don't think that's very wise to do that. Just simply accept what he says. They shall never, never perish. To me, it's most wonderful.
For the one who is a sheep of the Lord Jesus. But I want to read another another never in scripture. It's found in Matthew's Gospel Chapter 7.
And this is a different never.
Wanna contrast it with what we've read?
Matthew Chapter 7 and verse 21.
Listen to this.
Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of heaven, but he that doeth the will of my father, which is in heaven. Verse 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name, and in thy name have cast out devils, and in thy name have done many wonderful works?
And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you depart from me, ye that work iniquity. We're talking about people here that prophesied in his name. Prophesying simply means to speak the word of God.
They did. They cast out demons in the name of the Lord. They did wonderful works in the name of the Lord.
What does he say?
I never knew you, he didn't say. I knew you once and you went and got lost. No, doesn't say that.
I never knew. So the fact that the person can say Lord, Lord.
Doesn't necessarily mean that they are a sheep of the Lord Jesus.
I look around this room and I don't.
I'm not the judge. I can't see beyond the surface. Sometimes I can see indications of a person that's real.
By the way they listen. By the way they respond to the word of God.
And it's wonderful when there is a real response.
But only God knows your heart.
And I want you to know that you're dealing not with me up here tonight. Yes, I'll try to help you if you'd like some help, just like Tim did last night. But I want you to know that you have to do with God. He's looking down at you. He knows the condition of your heart before him. You can fool me. You cannot fool God. And it's with him that you have to do.
The question of sin must be addressed. You cannot ignore it.
It is important here are those that took an outward stance of being Christians. They preached the word.
Amongst them, one of the Lord's own 12 apostles. Imagine one of his 12 apostles.
Was a fake.
And none of the other 11 even seemed to have any clue that he was a fake. Judas Iscariot was a long for what he could get out of it monetarily wise. He had the bag, the treasury, he was the treasurer for the Lord and his disciples.
And he helped himself. He was a thief. The Scripture tells us he helped himself, but nobody knew about it. When the Lord at the end said, one of you shall betray me, they looked around. They didn't know who it was. He had pulled the wool over their eyes. The Lord knew.
Oh, how subtle, how deceitful our hearts are. We cannot trust them for a moment. Judas is in a lost eternity right now. Think of that so close to the Lord.
And I fear sometimes, as we come together in meetings like this, of those who are only putting on an outward show.
You know, I was brought up in a Christian home, too.
I was brought up in the meeting so-called.
I heard the gospel. I sat in Sunday school.
And I came to the point, I remember that I had to recognize I needed to be saved. I needed to deal with God about the question of sin. Sin is serious business with God. Sin wrecks people, erects homes. It wrecks hell. It will pay you with death.
At the end of your life.
You know, I think I may have told this story before, but it shook me to the core when we lived in Bolivia when we first went there, Barb and I, after we were married in 1974.
We arrived in Bolivia January 5th, 1975 and.
We decided to build a house.
On a lot that we had purchased. And so one of the men that was contracted to help out in the construction of the house was a man named Jaime Martinez, and he was a professing believer.
He was even breaking bread.
And I didn't know him that well. I just come there and I figured, well, he's just a new believer. Hasn't, uh, understood very much yet. Anyhow, once we were done with the construction, he went off and got employment somewhere else and I lost track of him.
You know if you ever come to Montero, Bolivia where we lived 1St 10 years of our time in Bolivia.
You will know that they have motorcycle taxis in that town. Just pay a guy on a motorcycle and they'll take you where you want to go in town.
These guys started appearing dead.
On the long side of a road, one place and another, and nobody could figure out who did it when one day there was a man picked up on the side of the road. He had a gunshot wound in his head, but the boys had gone around the side of his skull and he was still alive. And they took him into the hospital and he got better. And he told who it was that had done it.
Jaime Martinez.
And it was a military government at that time, and military governments handle things a little differently and democratic governments. And so he was taken into custody.
And he confessed.
To multiple homicides.
Again, if it was 10 or 12, you'd take in their motorcycles and sold them.
Not only did he confess to it, but he vowed to do even worse when he got loose.
No evidence of any repentance toward God.
Well, under military government, they have a way of dealing with criminals like that.
And under pretense of doing an investigation as to where he might have sold one of the motorcycles and took him out into the jungle area and kind of let him loose.
And he started running toward the forest or the jungle. They called out for him to stop, and he didn't stop. And so the police pulled out their pistols, and Jaime Martinez went into eternity.
And I stopped to think about it. A man I broke bread with burning and the flames of hell. I'm not the judge, but there was no evidence of any repentance at all.
I believe that's where he is.
Is there somebody here that still hasn't gotten it straight? I know you haven't done that kind of crime, but you are not right with God. You have not submitted to the lordship of Christ. You want to have your own way in life. You can't have your own way in life.
There has to be repentance toward God.
And faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.
Extremely important.
I do want to say before we get into the side of responsibility on your part toward God.
That what gives you.
Eternal security.
Is what we have been talking about today as to the work of the Lord Jesus, His person, His work. My hope on nothing less is built than Jesus.
And the blood he spilled, I don't want to point you inside. You know, an anchor in a ship is a very important thing. But as long as that anchor is in the ship, it doesn't do any good. It has to be thrown out into the ocean and then it will go down and hook on to something to hold that ship straight.
And so I'm not going to point you for security of your salvation to anything inside of you.
Should we reflect on your actions and your feelings? Yes, I believe we can from Scripture, but that is not the security you want security. It will come from what Jesus did, his person, his work. We've been talking about that today. Let's go back over to Hebrews Chapter 9 a little bit here because.
I just want to go over it again a bit because it's so wonderfully precious for the soul that has repented and believed in the Lord Jesus.
Hebrews 9, verse 11. But Christ being come, and high priest of good things to come by a greater and more perfect.
Tabernacle not made with hands, that is to say, not of this building.
Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption and notice for us is an italics. It's really added by the translators. The question is that he obtained eternal redemption. That's the work of Christ.
As we were talking about in this conference, there is that part of the work of Christ that is for us. Christ died for our sins. Yes, wonderful truth, but there is another part of the work of Christ that is towards God.
Christ died for God.
What do I mean?
You know man's sinful condition had called in question.
God's holy character.
When Jesus died on that cross, in his work he vindicated all God's holiness.
And the work he accomplished on that cross, he obtained eternal redemption. Wonderful, wonderful truth.
And I can tell you there is eternal redemption available for you tonight. But now notice verse 13. For if the blood of bulls and goats in the ashes of an heifer, sprinkling the unclean, sanctify it to the purifying of the flesh. That's the old way it was done under Judaism.
How much more shall the blood of Christ?
Who through the eternal Spirit, offered himself without spot to God? Purge your conscience.
From dead works to serve the living God. Do you notice that the three members of the Godhead are mentioned in verse 14?
The blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God. I just want to briefly give the story of what happened that day outside the city of Jerusalem when they led.
The Lord Jesus as a lamb to the slaughter, His head crowned with thorns.
His face marred more than any man's.
His back plowed upon by the Roman scourge, they.
Nailed his hands and his feet to that cross. They lifted him up there.
At that place of Golgotha, the place of the skull.
And there the Lord Jesus from 9:00 in the morning hung as the malefactor. He was not a malefactor. He was the holy One of God. He could say to the Jewish people that wanted to accuse him, Which of you convinces me of sin? There was no sin in him. He was the holy sinless.
Sacrifice. And there he hung from 9:00 in the morning till 3:00 in the afternoon. At 12 noon the sun got dark, and for three hours there was no.
Complaint from that center cross.
In those three hours.
And it was that Isaiah's prophecy was fulfilled.
He was wounded for our transgressions. He was bruised for our iniquities.
The chastisement of our peace was upon him, and with his stripes we are healed.
This is guilty person that stands here.
My sins were laid on his head.
That sinless holy sacrifice.
Than God's judgment that had to be satisfied if there was going to be forgiveness of sins, fell in all its fury.
On his blessed head for three hours. No complaints from that center cross.
He loves you. He loves me, you know. They cried himself he could not save. Was that true? That was sudden derision. Let me tell you it was true. He could not save himself.
God is love.
And to save your soul, somebody had to pay the price in this awful reality. And Jesus paid it all on that cross in those three hours. At the end of those three hours, he cries, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
The God that was his strength and stay abandoned him in that moment of the most awful meat.
Why? Because he doesn't want to abandon you in the lake of fire forever. That's the reason why God is love and it's shown at that moment like in no other.
Then he gives up his life.
Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit. He dies.
Soldier opens his side with a spear, outflows blood and water.
The Lord Jesus rose again the third day.
The Lord Jesus went back into the glory, having obtained eternal redemption. Oh, the wonder of it all.
But notice now in verse 14 again, what is the result for us? It purges our conscience from dead works to serve the living God.
Here is our part.
You have conscience of sin.
I don't have any clue as to how many times I may have sinned against God.
But given perhaps 10 times a day.
In a year it's 3650 times, in 10 years, 36,500 sins. Multiply it by the decades that I've lived.
Comes to an amount that is awful.
Do I not have any consciousness sins any longer? You know what? I have a purged conscience. I know that it has been paid. Not by anything I've done or any appreciation on my part. That's not what does it. It's because of Him and that blood that was shed on that cross.
Oh, the blessedness of it, to know that's that's where it was settled.
That's where it was settled.
Now go down to the end of the chapter. These verses were read too, but I'd just like to draw attention to them again because they have to do with this again, verse 26.
Well, let's read from verse 24. For Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands, which are the figures of the true, but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us. Nor yet that He should offer Himself often, as the high Priest entereth into the holy place every year with the blood of others. He's speaking about the Jewish system of sacrifice. For then must He often have suffered since the foundation of the world.
But now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself. You know in the Old Testament they killed the sacrifice yearly, and they caught the blood of a goat, and the high priest took that blood, and went into the immediate presence of God, and sprinkled that blood.
On the whole, on the Mercy seat, the gold plate that covered the Ark of the Covenant.
He sprinkled that blood. That was the great Day of Atonement. Atonement means a covering, and so there was a covering put it was covered with the blood of a sacrifice.
But you know what? Atonement doesn't occur in the New Testament.
The King James Version. It's used in Romans chapter 5.
But the real word there is not atonement, it's reconciliation.
Because in the New Testament, Jesus didn't merely cover sin.
He put away sin by the sacrifice of himself. He completely took it out of the picture.
And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment, so Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many.
And unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time, without sin unto salvation.
Did you notice that verse 28 he was once offered to bear the sins?
Of many.
When we consider the sacrifice of Christ towards God.
It's for the whole world.
Here's the propitiation for our sins and not for ours only.
But for the whole world.
But when it comes down to individuals, it doesn't ever say that He bore the sins of the whole world. You know, why would God be righteous in putting a person into hell if Christ had already borne his sins? That wouldn't be right. Scripture never says that. No, it says He bore the sins of many and those that put their trust in the Lord Jesus will be able to stay in that day he bore.
My sins. You can say that right now if you simply accept Him as your savior. He bore the sins of many.
So important it is to have these things straighten our mind. I know that many people have questions as to eternal security. It's important that you understand that it rests not in any experience of your own.
But on the work, the person and work of our Lord Jesus Christ.
But now I wanna probe a little bit as to the responsibility of people because it's scary to me to think that there might be the Lord would come tonight, people still sitting in the room that don't have it straight with God. Where are you? I don't know. But you know, if you don't have it straight. And my desire is that you would get it straight tonight.
It's so tremendously important. The Lord could come at any moment.
Let's go to Acts chapter 20.
For reverse, that is important. We've actually quoted this verse, but I want you to see it.
Apostle Paul is speaking to the Ephesian elders.
And he says.
Acts chapter 20 and verse 21 testifying.
Both to the Jews and also to the Greeks, repentance toward God.
And faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ. Two things he speaks about here that are very important to consider. Repentance. What is that? Let's read a verse.
In Luke's Gospel chapter 13.
Verse one through 5 I'll read.
They were present at that season. Some that told him that told Jesus of the Galileans, whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. And Jesus answering, said unto them, Suppose ye that these Galileans were sinners above all the Galileans, because they suffered such things? I tell you, Nay, but except ye repent, ye shall.
All likewise perish.
Or those 18 upon whom the tower of Silomon Siloam fell and slew them. Thank you that they were sinners above all men that dwell in Jerusalem. I tell you, Nay, but except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.
Repentance is something that is necessary for salvation.
What does repentance mean? It comes, I understand, from a Latin root. Pent means to think. In Spanish it's pensar to think.
Repent means to change your thinking. Repentance is a change in thinking. Remember the prodigal son when he got the inheritance from his father?
He took off. He was out of there. He wanted to get as far as possible from his father to have a good time with his friends.
And he soon spent it all.
And he ended up sitting with some pigs, wishing that he could eat the pig food.
It was really down there.
And it said he came.
To himself, there was a change in his thinking. He was still sitting with the pigs, but his thinking was changing. And he thought, how many hired servants of my father have bred enough and despair, and here I am perishing with hunger. I'm going to go back to my father.
That's repentance, a change in thinking.
This scares me when I hear sometimes about what young people do.
Sometimes they're older people, too.
You know, you can hide it from your parents, you can hide it from your brethren. You cannot hide it from God, and it's with God you have to do.
It was presented to me recently.
The terrible problem that *********** is in this country.
Say up to 80% of men are hooked on it.
It's more addicting, or I should say it's the same addicting power as cocaine.
It's only a click away on your computer.
Are you into that?
I'm here to say repent.
Change your thinking. That's gonna wreck you. Don't go that way.
Sometimes young women.
Don't cover themselves properly.
And they stir the passions of men.
Because they don't dress properly.
Does that describe anybody here? I leave it to your conscience, but if you're doing that, I ask you to repent.
Because those things are serious with God.
Scripture talks about them. You cannot deal with those things lightly. We had the verse read to us today that God has called us to sanctification.
Means to withdraw from evil stuff.
That we should abstain from fornication.
Free sex is such a big thing in this world today. People take it for granted. You can't do that lightly. God takes that seriously. He's the author of marriage, and there is a place for intimate relations between a man and a woman within.
The bonds of marriage sometimes like to say that marriage is like a river.
It flows within its banks. What a beautiful thing it is to have a river like that.
But if it gets too full and however extends its banks, it is terrible damage.
Are you involved in that? I don't know about it. I'm not talking about anything I know about, but you know, if you're involved in something like that.
Don't try to cover it up yourself. Confess it. Repent of it. That's what repentance is. The Lord is coming soon and you cannot hide it.
There has to be repentance. Without repentance there is no salvation.
Repentance is not what saves us, It is faith in Christ that saves us.
But repentance must take place for there to be salvation. The Lord Jesus says it twice here. Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. You know what perish means.
Been explained taking that word Perish.
Pass internally ruined into Satan's hell.
That's the alternative of not repending.
Don't go there. Please stop. Repent.
And then the other part is relieved in the Lord Jesus Christ. Like to go over to a verse in John's Gospel chapter 3.
Verse 36.
He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life, and he that believeth not the Son of God shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him.
It's a matter of believing. That's where faith comes in. Faith is believing. Faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. He's the Savior. He's the one that has.
Accomplished eternal redemption.
It's with him you need to do to obtain salvation.
But believing is a heart belief. It's not just a mere head belief. It tells us in the book of James that the demons believe and tremble.
Are they gonna be saved? No. No salvation, they believe.
Yes, they believe, but they don't. They're not safe.
You know, people say very lightly, I'm going to believe in the Lord, but I want to continue to live my life like I've been living it.
What's the problem with that?
There's no repentance there at all.
Are they saved?
God knows the hearts and so I don't pretend to judge, but I say doesn't appear to me that they're saved because there's been no repentance.
Sometimes give the illustration that after.
The meeting I get into my car and while I drive down the road towards.
Hotel where I'm standing.
But before I leave, one of your brothers comes up to me and says, Bob, don't go down that way. That's dangerous. There's somebody ambushing cars down that way.
So I say thank you, I believe you. So you may get into my car and just go right on down the road. Do I really believe you? Not really. I just said I believe you. That's what I'm saying. The believing that we have here is a hard belief.
And it's interesting in an alternative translation.
The second part of this verse said, He that believeth not says he that is not subject unto the Son shall not see life. It's a matter of your will. Are you willing to surrender to the Lord? Jesus says in Romans chapter 10 and verse nine, If thou shalt confess with thy mouth Jesus as Lord.
Leaving 9 heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
You know, it's amazing to me to see how God works with people.
And often he has to break people down.
And that's not a very pleasant process.
You know why he has to break him down? Because we have a nature, a sin nature, that is an enemy of God. We want to do our own thing and we don't want anybody telling us we can't do it.
That sin in the flesh and that sin in the flesh is an enemy of God. And so sometimes God has to break people. Not everybody is the same, so he doesn't often use the same tactics on different people. But it says.
It is the goodness of God that leads thee to repentance. Isn't that a wonderful verse?
God leads you to repentance. He allows things that maybe are hard for you to understand. He wants you to come to repentance, to grips about that question of sin. We have an example in the Scriptures of a man in the Old Testament.
Very interesting man, a man who's called King of Kings.
His name was Nebuchadnezzar.
He was the first king of the Babylonian Empire.
He was a despot. He killed whomsoever he willed to kill, and whomsoever he willed he kept alive.
He was on the throne of Babylon when Daniel and his three friends were taken into Babylon.
And it's interesting. He had a dream.
And he wanted to get the right interpretation of the dream.
And so.
He asked his wise men to tell him the dream and its interpretation.
Our King James version, it appears that he forgot it, but if you're reading the Darby translation, it's interesting that he didn't forget it. He just wanted to make sure to get the right interpretation. So he wanted somebody who knew his dream.
And they said, please tell us your dream and we'll tell you the interpretation. But you know, those wise men, they had a way of deceiving even the king.
So Daniel and his friends went to the Lord about it, and God revealed it to Daniel. Daniel came and told him his dream and the interpretation of it. Nebuchadnezzar was extremely impressed, and he declared that these men, Daniel, his three friends, should be exalted.
In the government of Babylon.
But there was no repentance with that be good measure.
The next chapter tells another interesting story.
Daniel doesn't appear in the next chapter, just his three friends. Somebody have suggested maybe Daniel was on a trip somewhere but.
Nebuchadnezzar raised up a golden idol.
In the plains of Babylon, and demanded that all should bow down to that idol, under penalty of death being thrown into the furnace of fire.
And these three friends of Daniel had another command from a higher authority than Nebuchadnezzar. God had said not to bow down to any image.
And so they would not bow down, and they were called into Nebuchadnezzar's presence to give account.
You How dare you defy my order?
I'm gonna give you another chance. I'm being really good to you. Bow down.
Or else you're gonna be thrown into the furnace.
And they said to the king Nebuchadnezzar, we're not careful to answer you about this matter. We cannot bow to your goals and image. And he was furious. How dare anybody contradict him? And he ordered the oven to be heated 7 times more, and he ordered them to be clothed in all their clothes.
And bound up and thrown into the furnace. And they were thrown into the furnace. The only thing that the fire burnt was the cords that had them bound up. And they fell down into the midst of that fiery furnace. And then they got up and they started walking around in the fiery furnace. And Nebuchadnezzar looks into that for any fiery furnace and said, didn't we throw three men in there?
I see four men and they're walking around in that furnace.
And he calls Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego come forth.
Since it was not an order that contradicted God's law, we came out and they didn't even have the smell of fire on them.
Nebuchadnezzar again, that's extremely impressed.
Their God has to be the true God, and He ordered that they would be exalted further in the Kingdom of Babylon.
But Nebuchadnezzar didn't repent. But God kept on working for me with him, and he gave him another dream and he warned him. But you know what? Nebuchadnezzar had eye problems he started bragging about.
Me, myself and I. And as he was doing it, he lost his reason.
And he was cast out for seven times. I don't know how long that might be, maybe seven years.
But he ate grass like an ox.
And his hair grew like eagle's feathers, and his nails grew like claws. I wouldn't wanna meet up with that kind of a man in an alleyway.
But that's the way he was, a beast.
There's another beast to arrive on planet earth as well. Fascinating. Our history repeats itself. But you know what? After seven times it passed, Nebuchadnezzar lifted his eyes to heaven and recognized the God of heaven. And God gave him back his sanity, and he had excellent glory added unto him. He returned to being king.
Of Babylon.
You know God wants to bless you.
But you have to repent of your sins. You cannot go on like you are.
It's so hard for people that have been brought up in Christian homes and think that they're all right. I'm not that bad of a guy. You might not be that bad of a guy, but you have to repent of your sins.
There is no other way to be saved and then.
To believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.
As your savior, the one who's paid the price of redemption on that cross.
I ask you tonight to get serious about this question of sin, to get it settled. As Tim said last night, there's anyone that has questions about it. We certainly are here at your disposal to answer any questions that you might have about eternal security or anything else. But please get it right, get it straight with God, and get it straight tonight. Don't wait for tomorrow.