Gospel 2

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Gospel—Bob Thonney
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Have you been to Jesus for this cleansing power?
Are you washed in the blood of the lamb #14 Are you fully trusting in His grace this hour?
Are you washed in the blood of the lamb #14?
Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing power? Are you watching the blood of the Lamb? Are you fully trusting in His graces sock?
Are you washed in the blood of the lamb?
Are you washed in the blood? In the soul blending flood of the land?
Our air garment spotless. Are they white guys? So are you washed in the blood of the land?
Are you walking daily by the Savior side?
Are you washed in the blood of the land?
Do you rush a man in the crucified? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb?
Are you wise in the blood in the school? Glenn's in blood of the world?
Are your garments?
God bless. Are they white as snow? Are you washed in my blood of the land?
When the bridegroom comes, will your ropes be white? Your employer in the blood of the lamb?
Will your soul be ready for the mansions bright and be washed in the blood of the land?
Are you always in the blood, in the soul, planting blood of the land?
Spotless. Are they white as snow? Are you washed in the blood of land?
You are not redeemed with corruptible things as silver and gold, but with the precious blood of Christ as of a Lamb, without blemish and without spot. Let's pray. Gracious God our Father, oh how we thank Thee for the power of the blood of the Lamb to remove the stains of sin.
From before thy sight.
This evening we're here to open Thy precious Word and to speak the gospel, and we pray that Thy Spirit may have liberty.
To speak it rightly.
We don't know the condition of each person here.
In this within the sound of our voices, but we pray that if there's somebody that still hasn't got it settled that tonight he might get it settled. We pray wherever the message goes out for blessing in the name of our Lord Jesus.
Re going to sing another hymn here number.
Precious, precious blood of Jesus.
Precious, precious blood of Jesus.
Shed on gathering.
Chamberlain and *********.
For free.
Precious, precious.
What a Jesus.
All right.
By now, it's often.
Lord, I sheds, I read like prison.
Even Scarlet Glory.
We live in very serious times in the history of the world. The Word of God speaks about a time of judgment that.
Seems to be just right on the horizon of this world's history.
And the words of the Lord Jesus are that there was not a time so awful before, nor will there ever be such a time.
As this time, that's just ahead.
Seems like the enemy of our souls tries to lull us to sleep.
But I want to say tonight, God is serious about sin. He takes it extremely serious.
And he has addressed the problem of sin in the person of his own son. We want to speak about that tonight.
In the Old Testament it is said.
The life of the flesh is in the blood.
And I have given it to you for an atonement upon the altar.
For it is the blood that maketh atonement for the soul. You know, blood is not exactly a pleasant subject, and I find that sometimes people kind of turn off on the subject. But God addresses the question of blood kind of gruesome.
To remember one time in the Dominican Republic.
In the north of the island.
We were there for some special meetings. One of the brothers brought a young steer to be slaughtered for the food for the occasion.
They had him tied outside.
And it was not exactly pleasant to watch that animal being slaughtered. They tied him so he couldn't get away.
One of the brothers took a knife and rammed it into where his heart was and then the blood started gushing out.
Gushed as the heart pumped, the gushed out. The poor animal cried out in pain, stood there for quite a while, and then finally lost so much blood. He finally staggered to his knees and then fell over dead.
The life of the flesh is in the blood. That's the kind of life we know down here.
But why do we have to speak about these things? Because of the question of sin. We've been dealing with the question of sin in our Bible studies here. It is lawlessness. It is that principle that we all have in our nature. We don't like anybody to tell us what to do.
All do what I like and don't you tell me.
No, and I have the right to do it.
Well, you might feel that you have the rights under human government, but I want to say to you, God has something to say to that question of sin. And you and I, because I'm a Sinner just as much as anyone else here, have to face this question. If you refuse to face it now, you will face it in a future day with God, because He is the ultimate authority.
You know, sometimes people think I have my rights to my own religion, my own thinking. Yes, you may have your rights to your own religion, to your own thinking, but in the end there is a God from whom no one will escape. You have to meet him.
And you have to do with a question of your sins. There is no way out.
And God has dealt with this question in the Old Testament. We have many.
Stories of blood fact, the first perhaps, took place.
Just after Adam and Eve.
Sinned and God clothed them with coats of skins. Necessarily there had to be victims that died so that they could be clothed with skins.
Yes, sin brings death.
But God has addressed that question and, you know, all through the Old Testament story. I just want to run through a few of those stories because they are so helpful. People of Israel were in the land of Egypt.
And God, so that Pharaoh would let his people go, sent plague after plague after plague upon Pharaoh.
And his people, The Egyptians.
Sometimes he was able to exempt his own people from those plagues, but at the last he sent one more plague, and he said, with this plague, Pharaoh will let you go. It was to be the death of the first born. And since sin, since death is the result of sin.
God could not make an exception.
For his people there because they were sinners, just like the Egyptians, but God gave his people, the children of Israel, a substitute.
A lamb. They were to take a lamb on the 10th day of the first month. They were to keep it up till the 14th day of that same month. For four days they were to observe that land to make sure it was without blemish.
You know God from Adam to Christ.
Was 4000 years that God was observing the whole human race to see if there was anyone that had not corrupted their way? And he gives the sentence in Psalm that he found no one, they were all corrupt, they are all had gone their own way until one day.
The Lord Jesus came onto the scene and John the Baptist seeing Jesus, says behold the Lamb of God which takes away the sin of the world.
What a wonderful, wonderful declaration. But going back to Egypt, there were the children of Israel, and they were told to take that lamb that they observed for four days, and on the 14th day of that month they were to kill it.
In the evening and they were to catch its blood.
Was not enough that the blood be shed, it had to be applied and they were to take that blood and they were to apply it to the two doorposts on the outside of their houses in the upper door post. They were to paint that blood on the door and then they were to go inside and eat that lamb that night.
At midnight.
God told Moses that He was going to pass through the land of Egypt and he was going to execute judgment. There had to be death in every single home in Egypt that night. If it was not the death of the Passover lamb, it was the death of the first born. And there was only one question asked as the.
Destroying Angel went from house to house through the land of Egypt.
Is there blood on the door?
So here we come to a house. Maybe there are nice people that lived in that house.
Renata, any questions asked, are these nice people or are they bad people? No question like that asked. The only question is there blood on the door? If there was blood on the door, he passed over that house. That's why it's called the Passover next house.
Is there blood on the door? No, no blood on the door. In he went. Where's the first born?
Kill them immediately.
There was not one house in that. There were. There was not one dead.
What a solemn thing.
The only thing that protected them from the judgment of God.
Was the blood not only the blood shed, but the blood applied to the door of the houses where they were?
And I know everybody here understands and has heard the story of how Jesus died. And that's why we're going to what we're going to talk about tonight.
But it's not enough to know that Jesus died. It has to be applied that blood does. And I ask you tonight.
Dear children, dear young people, you know that Jesus died. You know that he shed his blood. But have you applied the value of that precious blood to your own soul? Are you washed in the blood?
Of the lamb.
Rather, last night spoke about propitiation.
And that blood that was on the mercy seat, that first goat that died on the great Day of Atonement.
The high priest took it in.
To the holy place, in little further to the Most holy place, and there on the mercy seat, that golden plate that covered the Ark of the Covenant, where the two cherubims, the executors of God's judgment, were looking down there, he took that blood and sprinkled it on the mercy seat.
Atonement means a covering, and so sin was covered once more by the blood of that goat.
In the New Testament, it's interesting that we really don't have the question of atonement because it's not merely covered in the New Testament, it's completely put away by the sacrifice of himself. Wonderful, wonderful truth.
Well, that's the story of what happened in the land of Egypt that night. Only one thing could save them from the wrath of God. It was the blood of the Passover lamb. And I say to you tonight, there's only one thing that will protect you from the the judgment that soon to fall on this world.
I tremble and I think of how awful it's going to be right here in the United States of America.
I don't know how many people are going to be absent after the Rapture.
I've tried to think about it sometimes. I don't know. I don't speculate too much on that, but the United States people are fairly well armed and you can just imagine the awful, awful scenarios that are going to take place in a city like Chicago.
Terrible. I'm thankful that I'm not going to be here at that time.
But I'm concerned lest there's somebody here who up to this time has made a profession of faith but is not real.
You know.
In recent years there's been a number of young people.
That have been breaking bread at the Lord's Table, and today they profess to be atheists.
I cannot look down into your heart to see where you stand with God.
But something happened.
Something happened.
And I want you, in the presence of God, to search your soul. Are you real with God or are you faking it?
Please, for the good of your own soul, consider where you stand with God tonight. There's only one thing that will protect you from the wrath of God. It's the blood of the Lamb.
Children of Israel were still in Egypt.
God didn't leave them there that very night. They marched to leave the land of Egypt. They came to the Red Sea and God, by Moses rod of power and judgment, opened the Red Sea and they marched through to the other side.
That's redemption by power. God took them completely out of the land of Egypt. And you know what if you are a believer in the Lord Jesus, God does not even look at you as in this world any longer. Yes, we are here in physical presence, but we are not part of this world system. We've been protected by from the.
Judgment of God by the blood of the Lamb, but God.
Has taken us completely out of Egypt. We are not looked at as being in that position any longer before God.
Well, we go on in the history of Israel, and we find that many, many sacrifices were made in the Old Testament.
Perhaps the largest sacrifice that we read about in the Scriptures is at the dedication of the Temple. Solomon offered a sacrifice of peace offerings. You remember how many animals he offered.
22,000 Bullocks.
120,000 sheep. I can't even imagine of that number of animals.
I've seen large flocks of sheep out western United States and I understand that some shepherds take care of maybe as many as 5000 but think of it 120,000 sheep and A and 22,000 oxygen.
Rivers of blood flowed.
Rivers of blood. Did that satisfy God? You know what? It was only a foreshadowing of another sacrifice that was going to be made. Let's go to John's Gospel chapter one to begin with.
We've already quoted a verse from this chapter.
But let's start from the first verse. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God.
All things were made by him, and without him was not anything made that was made.
In him was life and.
The life was the light of men, and the light shineth in darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not.
Verse 14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. Verse 18 No man hath seen God at any time, the only.
Begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, He hath declared him.
Now, verse 26.
John, this is John the Baptist, answered them. The ones that were sent from the Pharisees.
Saying, I baptize with water, but there standeth one among you whom ye know not he it is who coming after me is preferred before me.
Whose shoes latch it I am not worthy to unloose? These things were done in Bethabara beyond Jordan, where John was baptizing the next day.
John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.
Here we have the Lord Jesus presented as the Lamb of God.
But I want to stop a moment.
To meditate on just who is this person, the Lamb of God? In verse one it says in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.
Word is what we use to express ourselves. If I stood up here this evening and didn't use any words, just looked at you, you'd say, what in the world is he trying to communicate?
We use words to communicate. God is so great.
So infinite in his understanding, there is no way that we could comprehend him in our human condition.
God has become a man in the person of the Lord Jesus. He is the Word of God, and it says the Word was with God. In other words, in the Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, He was a distinct personality. He was with God, but the Word was God.
Isn't that just blow your mind? The person that we're talking about is no less than God.
Incarnate, the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. Incredible. Totally incredible.
I mean, it says in verse three that it was through him that all things were made.
And that without Him, nothing was made that was made. He is the creator of all things.
Can you imagine the vastness of the universe that he made?
You know, I don't think we grasp it.
I love going down to the Andes, the South American going across them.
There's something about the untamed wildness of those Andes.
Some of you have been down there, not everybody.
But in Peru, Bolivia, there are two major ranges.
Of the Andes mountains, what they call the inner Andes and the outer Andes. And in between those two ranges there is what is called the Altiplano, and it's a High Plains that varies maybe 75 to 150 miles wide that runs down through those countries between those two ranges.
This last March I was down there in.
We visited the city of Porto Sea, which is to the east of the well. I should say it's on the inner Andes, more to the east of the Andes range.
What I see is a city of about 13,000 feet altitude and after we broke bread with the brethren in Potosi, we decided to take the road across to the city of Uyuni, which is on the High Plains and it's a brand new paved Rd. across there now. And we got there and you get to the edge of the Andes and then you drop off to the 12,000 feet altiplano and as you're looking out across there.
It looks so flat. Looks like you could actually walk off the edge of the earth out there.
But in certain areas, there's these huge Andes that stick way up above the level of the Alteplano.
There's something about just standing there and taking in the vastness of it. But you know what? That's nothing in comparison with the universe that you and I are part of, because we live on planet Earth, and planet Earth is a pinpoint in the Galaxy we live in.
I think some of you are acquainted with the fact that in our Galaxy there are probably at least they calculate now something like 200.
Billion stars in a circular format that is whirling around in space.
200 billion and from 1 edge of this Galaxy to the other edge is 100,000 light years light traveling at the rate of 186,000 miles per second.
Takes 100,000 years to cross our Galaxy alone.
Stop and think about this. The light that started crossing the Galaxy when Adam was placed in this world is not even a tenth of the way across our Galaxy yet. That's how vast this Galaxy is. And we're not talking merely about this.
They calculate that there's at least another 100 billion galaxies in the universe.
The person we're talking about is the one that created it all.
He spoke and it was done. He commanded, and it stood fast. He gave the word and whirled them all out there. You grasp the immensity of this person we're talking about.
Just blows my mind.
And yet the moment came when he was born into this world.
A seemingly.
Helpless little baby.
I say seemingly helpless, because at the same time he was lying in that Manger.
Where his mother wrapped him in swaddling clothes the same time he was maintaining the whole universe with the word of his power.
But he came.
To pay a price.
You know God is love. We heard about that last night. God loves us.
That God manifested His love in giving His only begotten Son.
I've often mentioned it this way.
I have two sons in my family.
I would have a tough time.
Giving up one son to die for an enemy.
God had only one son.
If I was looking out the window of my house one day and saw people torturing my son outside.
You think I could just sit there and watch it happen?
I'd run out there and say hey, you leave him alone.
You can beat on me, but don't you touch him.
But God watched.
When they took his own son and they planted their fists in his face.
He came up and spit in his face.
I can't think of a worse insult to come up to a person and spit square in their face, and that's what they did to him.
Like to go to John's Gospel chapter 19 where we have.
The story according to John's Gospel.
Of what took place at the end of the Lord's life down here.
John's Gospel, chapter 19.
Here is the Lamb of God.
The word of God.
The Son of God.
Verse one.
Then Pilate therefore took Jesus and scourged.
Him and the soldiers plaited a crown of thorns and put it on his head.
That put on him a purple robe and said hail.
Of the Jews, they smote him with their hands.
Pilate therefore went forth again, and saith unto them, Behold, I bring him forth to you, that ye may know that I find.
No fault in him.
Isn't there something out of order here?
Here he says, I find no fault in him, and yet in verse one he took him and scourged him.
If you read books about the Roman scourging, it was awful.