It was no use. The doctors had done their best to save the woman, but the case was hopeless. At that point a minister was sent for.
The minister came, but what could he do? He could point to the Saviour, that Saviour so long neglected. He could show the road to be travelled, but faith alone can take that road. But the woman had no faith to believe in Him and no desire to look to Him.
He left, and as he left a visitor came in hoping to speak some words of help and comfort, but the patient could not now listen. Her strength was fast failing, and as it failed she cried out to her husband, “I thought the minister could send me to heaven, but he can’t—he can’t!”
The minister could not save, he could only point the way. Every individual must travel that way for himself or herself. Oh, do not hope that when you can enjoy the world no longer you will send for the minister to “send you to heaven.” A few words of counsel and a prayer repeated over you cannot put a lifetime of wrong right. Be warned in time, and turn with all your heart to Him who alone can save you.