It was a very fine, very expensive barometer. The buyer felt that a lifelong ambition had been realized, and he took it home proudly. But when he opened the box, what disappointment! It must be defective! The needle seemed to be stuck. It pointed to “Hurricane,” and couldn’t be moved.
After trying again and again to shake the needle loose, the man sat down and wrote a scorching letter to the store from which he had bought it. The next morning on his way to work he mailed the letter.
That evening he struggled homeward through wind and rain to find both the barometer and his home missing. The barometer needle had been right. The hurricane it had tried to warn its owner about had come.
How many people regard the Bible in the same way! When its warning needle points to the sure destruction of the sinner, the unbelieving reader judges the Bible to be wrong and tries to shake the accusing needle into a less-condemning position. Sooner or later he will discover to his sorrow that the Bible warnings are reliable and that he must pay a terrible penalty for his unbelief.