He once was here in human form, a Babe of lowly birth;
That we might know His Father's love He came from heaven to earth.
He once was here in Simeon's arms. So grand the sight, that he
Could say, "I now can die in peace! I Thy salvation see.”
He once was here in temple grand with scholars at His side,
Astonished they at what He knew, none with such wisdom vied.
He once was here, a Man 'mongst men: His every act was good;
He healed the sick, He raised the dead, gave to the hungry food.
He once was here on Calvary's mount, nailed to the accursed tree,
His holy head was bowed in death to show His love for me.
He once was here, and all the way the weary desert trod,
From Bethlehem to Calvary, back to the throne of God.
He is not here, for death's cold grasp must His command obey,
So from the, silent tomb He rose that resurrection day.
He is not here, for this poor world no place the Savior gave,
He's now upon the throne of God, omnipotent to save.
He will be here, for in His word so clearly we can see
That righteousness will cover earth as waters cover sea.
He will be here and reign o'er earth with His redeemed ere long,
And all creation join to sing the great redemption song.
How great that day when He who once a Man of humble birth—
Now sitting on the throne of God—will reign o'er heaven and earth.
Lord, haste that day when, at Thy feet, all creatures great and small,
With one united burst of praise will own Thee Lord of all!