A physician, an avowed infidel, had as his patient a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. Although the doctor took no stock, as he said, in "religion," his heart longed for peace and rest.
One day on a visit to the sick man, he asked him: "How can one get the faith that gives rest and peace?”
The Christian answered: "When I became sick, I committed myself into your hands, trusting you to do for me what I could not do—the healing of my body. In the same manner, finding myself a helpless sinner, I looked to the Lord Jesus to undertake for my soul, and in Him I found salvation and rest and peace.”
The physician was surprised at this simple way, and exclaimed: "Is that all? Oh, now I understand! Jesus is the Savior, the soul's Physician. He has done everything, and it just remains for us to submit ourselves into His hands.”
He too found peace and rest in believing—simply trusting in the finished work of Christ.
Faith in Christ will save me;
Trust in Him the risen One,
Trust the work that He has done;
Faith in Christ will save me.