Heaven or Hell.

DEAR friend, you are going on almost imperceptibly, but most surely, to ETERNITY, those endless ages which you must spend either in HEAVEN or in HELL. Everything here is fleeting—joy or sorrow, pleasure or pain, riches or poverty, sickness or health; the life which you are spending here may be cut off at any moment, and cannot be very long, but beyond it ...... ETERNITY. Oh! consider, what is your eternity to be? You cannot escape it; and if you knew that yon were SAVED, your deepest joy would be to know that that eternity would be spent in heaven with Christ; but are you saved? You are a sinner, and God is holy; if you would know the joy of His presence, your sins must be forgiven and put away; nothing that you can do can atone for one sin; you cannot deliver yourself; but, thank God, He has provided a SAVIOUR, Jesus the Son of God, Who became a man that He might take the guilty sinner’s place, and die under the judgment of God against sin; He shed that precious blood which alone can atone for sin; God is satisfied; and the sinner, the lost sinner, who owns his sin, and trusts in Christ, is SAVED. “The blood of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, cleanseth us from all sin.” “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” “He that believeth on the Son, hath everlasting life.”