"It Is Not for Us."

“NON é per noi — it is not for us.”
So said a Venetian woman the other day, as she handed back an Italian tract which I had given her. We had had a little talk on other occasions, and she had accepted a tract then, but now she refused it firmly, though politely. Very likely the priest had been warning her against reading such books.
She meant, of course, that it was not for her as a Roman Catholic, but are there not many Protestants who say of God’s offer of salvation, “It is not for me?” Have you ever said it? Not with your lips perhaps, but do your actions say it? God offers you eternal life in His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ; have you accepted it?
If not, you show that you either think it is “not for you,” or, owning that it is for you, you yet refuse it. In either case you grievously insult the Giver.
Not for you” — when He has said, “Christ Jesus  ... .gave Himself a ransom for all!” (1 Tim. 2:5, 65For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; 6Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time. (1 Timothy 2:5‑6)). “Not for you” — when Jesus says, “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest!” (Matt. 11:2828Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)).
Oh, how can you, how dare you, in the face of such words as those, say that it is not for you? God is offering you that priceless gift; why do you insult Him by refusing to take it?
That poor Venetian woman no doubt thought she was doing her duty in refusing what her priests would tell her was a “heretical” book, but you have not that excuse. It is not the gift of a man or woman you are refusing, bat the gift of the eternal God.
O precious soul, for whom Christ died! stretch out your hand at once — an empty hand, mind! — take the offered gift, and thank the One Who gives it. Don’t go on saying for one moment longer, “It is not for me,” but sing with joyful heart,
“It is for me, it is for me,
Salvation full, salvation free;
For now my Saviour I can see,
And He has died for me.”
C. H. P.