Hurai (Hebrew #2360)

1 Chronicles
11:32   Hurai
Chuwray (Hebrew #2360)
Churai, an Israelite
KJV usage: Hurai.
Pronounce: khoo-rah'ee
Origin: probably an orthographical variation for 2359
of the brooks
nachal (Hebrew #5158)
or nachalah (Ezekiel 47:19; 48:28) {nakh-al-aw'}; from 5157 in its original sense; a stream, especially a winter torrent; (by implication) a (narrow) valley (in which a brook runs); also a shaft (of a mine)
KJV usage: brook, flood, river, stream, valley.
Pronounce: nakh'-al
Origin: or (feminine) nachlah (Psalm 124:4) {nakh'-law}
of Gaash
Ga`ash (Hebrew #1608)
a quaking; Gaash, a hill in Palestine
KJV usage: Gaash.
Pronounce: ga'-ash
Origin: from 1607
, Abiel
'Abiy'el (Hebrew #22)
father (i.e. possessor) of God; Abiel, the name of two Israelites
KJV usage: Abiel.
Pronounce: ab-ee-ale'
Origin: from 1 and 410
the Arbathite
`Arbathiy (Hebrew #6164)
an Arbathite or inhabitant of (Beth-)Arabah
KJV usage: Arbahite.
Pronounce: ar-baw-thee'
Origin: patrial from 1026