"I Am Smelling"

Some many years ago I was very anxious about our laundry woman, who was evidently in the last stage of consumption, but still seemed indifferent to the things of God. She would assent when I prayed with her or besought her to come to Jesus Christ for salvation. Talking of her to the Matron of my home, she said, “She has not yet tasted. It says, ‘Taste and see that the Lord is good.’” Ah, yes this was true, and I can only hope that she was saved at last. Reading of the missions in Japan, I was reminded of this by reading of a Japanese catechist who said in his address: “If a man does not eat yokan” (a sweetmeat) “he cannot tell whether it is sweet or not; so with Christianity, you cannot tell whether it is bad or good until you try.” One of the Japanese present seemed to enjoy the thought, and his face beamed with pleasure. He said, in the quaint Japanese way, “No, I have not yet tasted your religion; I am smelling it.” It is quite true there are many who have not yet tasted, but may they be led to seek the Lord while He may be found, and find that He is gracious and will forgive all their sin, washing them in the blood of Jesus Christ, that cleanses from all sin. Reader, have you tasted?
Emily P. Leakey.