Write Your Mother a "Love" Letter

Write your mother a “love” letter today. It is just a little thing to do, but how much she will appreciate it. Much more than you will know.
The following is a mother’s “love” letter. It was written by a young man who for years wandered along the broad highway of life, seeking happiness at the expense of his character, his mother, his God. Then he was brought face to face with Jesus Christ, the only deliverer from sin and the only true source of happiness. He was converted; he was saved.
“Dear Mother, —I do not know how many years you have prayed for me, but I do know your prayers have been answered. I have given my heart to Jesus. Oh, why did I not do it before? I wonder how many years it has been since you received a love letter. That is what this is―a message from your boy to tell you that when I awoke to my Saviour’s love I also awoke to yours. I now know your sacrifices, your tender solicitude, and, most of all, your wonderful faith in me all these years.
“How well I remember the winters when you sewed and baked for other people that we children might be kept in school, and only lately have I realized what a brave woman you were when you mortgaged the little home that I might go to medical college. And your letters, mother, meant more than you will ever know. Too many were the weeks when you received no letter from me. Oh, the heartaches I have caused you! But this is not a letter of remorse; it is a message of love to the dearest mother in the world from a son who thanks God it isn’t too late to tell her.
“This afternoon a little, gray-haired woman was brought to the hospital. She had been fatally hurt in an accident. Her son, who lived in a nearby town, arrived a half hour after she had died. I think I have never seen a grown mail suffer such grief as he did. He brokenly said to me: ‘If I had only had a chance to tell her how I loved her and what her sacrifices have meant to me—but it is too late! too late!’
“So I am not waiting until it is too late. I am telling you today, so good-by, Mother mine. — Your Saved Boy, “RICHARD.”
It may be your mother has gone to be with Jesus. The Bible tells us there is “joy in the presence of the angels over a sinner who repents.” “In the presence of the angels”―could that not mean your mother would sing with joy were you to give your heart to Jesus?
How can you give your heart to Jesus and be saved? “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:3131And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. (Acts 16:31)). “Believe” means repent, accept, confess, and obey. Do it now!
Clem Hunt Linn, Evangelist,
Oregon, Wisconsin.