I Have a Glorious Saviour

 •  1 min. read
I have a glorious Saviour,
Who died upon the tree;
My sins He bare, and suffered there
The wrath of God for me!
And my salvation now is sure
Since Christ the work has done,
For God displays, in righteousness,
His glory in His Son.
'Twas God who sent this Saviour,
This spotless Lamb, who died;
And trusting in His precious blood
I'm freely justified.
Ah! not for me by deeds of law
Salvation could be won:
Of grace alone, through righteousness,
God saves me by His Son.
Oh! Jesus is my Saviour;
"The Mighty God!" His name;
To seek and save the lost and vile
As Son of Man He came.
In all His great atoning work
The will of God is done;
And God delights in righteousness
To bless me by His Son.
He is the risen Saviour,
Alive forevermore;
He loves to ease the burdened heart
Of each whose sins He bore.
Believe—and God's salvation sure
Is free to every one;
In manifested righteousness
He honors thus His Son.