"Inside" "All"

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 3
"It seemed to me that possibly most of my sins could be forgiven. They were bad enough! But then they were only the same sort of sins other people commit; and if others could be forgiven, why could not I?
"But there were some very dark spots in my life—sins that I was ashamed to think of; I could not bring myself to believe that there could be forgiveness for such sins as those.”
Hours passed, hours of darkness and sorrow, over this anxious one; and then at last the light broke in. A verse of Scripture was brought by the Holy Spirit to his mind.
"The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from ALL sin.”
"Ah, sir," said he as he continued to tell the story to the preacher whose ministry had been used to awaken him, "I just left the whole lot, little and great inside the word 'ALL.'”
Thank God for His message of assurance! He would not have us doubt. That word "ALL" is large indeed, though it be made up of but three letters.
"ALL sin"—Yes! Sin of every character and shade "the little sins," as people speak of them and the great ones too.
"ALL sin." None is too dark or desperate. The soul that comes to the Savior is completely cleansed.
"ALL sin." Oh, flee to the Savior now. He wants to bless. The door of mercy stands open wide. Soon the Master of the house of blessing will rise and close that portal of salvation. Think what it will be to have missed the cleansing, and to be linked with your sin and its doom forever.
"ALL sin." Let the words ring in your soul now and ever.
"The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin." 1 John 1:7.