Articles on

Isaiah 26

Is. 26:5 KJV (With Strong’s)

For he bringeth down
shachach (Hebrew #7817)
to sink or depress (reflexive or causative)
KJV usage: bend, bow (down), bring (cast) down, couch, humble self, be (bring) low, stoop.
Pronounce: shaw-khakh'
Origin: a primitive root
them that dwell
yashab (Hebrew #3427)
properly, to sit down (specifically as judge. in ambush, in quiet); by implication, to dwell, to remain; causatively, to settle, to marry
KJV usage: (make to) abide(-ing), continue, (cause to, make to) dwell(-ing), ease self, endure, establish, X fail, habitation, haunt, (make to) inhabit(-ant), make to keep (house), lurking, X marry(-ing), (bring again to) place, remain, return, seat, set(- tle), (down-)sit(-down, still, -ting down, -ting (place) -uate), take, tarry.
Pronounce: yaw-shab'
Origin: a primitive root
on high
marowm (Hebrew #4791)
altitude, i.e. concretely (an elevated place), abstractly (elevation, figuratively (elation), or adverbially (aloft)
KJV usage: (far) above, dignity, haughty, height, (most, on) high (one, place), loftily, upward.
Pronounce: maw-rome'
Origin: from 7311
; the lofty
sagab (Hebrew #7682)
a primitive root; to be (causatively, make) lofty, especially inaccessible; by implication, safe, strong; used literally and figuratively --defend, exalt, be excellent, (be, set on) high, lofty, be safe, set up (on high), be too strong.
Pronounce: saw-gab'
qiryah (Hebrew #7151)
a city
KJV usage: city.
Pronounce: kir-yaw'
Origin: from 7136 in the sense of flooring, i.e. building
, he layeth it low
shaphel (Hebrew #8213)
to depress or sink (expec. figuratively, to humiliate, intransitive or transitive)
KJV usage: abase, bring (cast, put) down, debase, humble (self), be (bring, lay, make, put) low(-er).
Pronounce: shaw-fale'
Origin: a primitive root
; he layeth it low
shaphel (Hebrew #8213)
to depress or sink (expec. figuratively, to humiliate, intransitive or transitive)
KJV usage: abase, bring (cast, put) down, debase, humble (self), be (bring, lay, make, put) low(-er).
Pronounce: shaw-fale'
Origin: a primitive root
, even to the ground
'erets (Hebrew #776)
the earth (at large, or partitively a land)
KJV usage: X common, country, earth, field, ground, land, X natins, way, + wilderness, world.
Pronounce: eh'-rets
Origin: from an unused root probably meaning to be firm
; he bringeth
naga` (Hebrew #5060)
properly, to touch, i.e. lay the hand upon (for any purpose; euphem., to lie with a woman); by implication, to reach (figuratively, to arrive, acquire); violently, to strike (punish, defeat, destroy, etc.)
KJV usage: beat, (X be able to) bring (down), cast, come (nigh), draw near (nigh), get up, happen, join, near, plague, reach (up), smite, strike, touch.
Pronounce: naw-gah'
Origin: a primitive root
it even to the dust
`aphar (Hebrew #6083)
dust (as powdered or gray); hence, clay, earth, mud
KJV usage: ashes, dust, earth, ground, morter, powder, rubbish.
Pronounce: aw-fawr'
Origin: from 6080

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Ministry on This Verse

the lofty.
Is. 25:12• 12Y allanará la fortaleza de tus altos muros: la humillará y echará á tierra, hasta el polvo. (Is. 25:12)
Is. 32:19• 19Y el granizo, cuando descendiere será en los montes; y la ciudad será del todo abatida. (Is. 32:19)
Is. 47:1• 1Desciende, y siéntate en el polvo, virgen hija de Babilonia, siéntate en la tierra sin trono, hija de los Caldeos: que nunca más te llamarán tierna y delicada. (Is. 47:1)
Jer. 50:31‑32• 31He aquí yo contra ti, oh soberbio, dice el Señor Jehová de los ejércitos: porque tu día es venido, el tiempo en que te visitaré.
32Y el soberbio tropezará y caerá, y no tendrá quien lo levante: y encenderé fuego en sus ciudades, y quemaré todos sus alrededores.
(Jer. 50:31‑32)
Jer. 51:25‑26,37,64• 25He aquí yo contra ti, oh monte destruidor, dice Jehová, que destruiste toda la tierra; y extenderé mi mano sobre ti, y te haré rodar de las peñas, y te tornaré monte quemado.
26Y nadie tomará de ti piedra para esquina, ni piedra para cimiento; porque perpetuos asolamientos serás, ha dicho Jehová.
37Y será Babilonia para montones, morada de chacales, espanto y silbo, sin morador.
64Y dirás: Así será anegada Babilonia, y no se levantará del mal que yo traigo sobre ella; y serán rendidos. Hasta aquí son las palabras de Jeremías.
(Jer. 51:25‑26,37,64)
Ap. 18:2• 2Y clamó con fortaleza en alta voz, diciendo: Caída es, caída es la grande Babilonia, y es hecha habitación de demonios, y guarida de todo espíritu inmundo, y albergue de todas aves sucias y aborrecibles. (Ap. 18:2)
 This deliverance for the godly will involve the work of judgment upon the world of the ungodly, as verses 5-11 show. (Isaiah 26 by F.B. Hole)

J. N. Darby Translation

For he bringeth down them that dwell on high; the lofty city, he layeth it low, he layeth it low to the ground, he bringeth it even to the dust.