Jesus is the Light of the World

Children—Brian Roossinck
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Morning. Glad to see everybody up and up in the front here. There's anybody else that wants to come up and sit in the front. There's a few left who has the first song. I don't want the back of our book here. The appendix. I think they are all from the most all of them.
Part of them are from the children's book and we know them. So those would be some good numbers. Or if you, if you don't know a number but you have a song you probably know by memory, you can just tell me what song you want to sing and I'm sure we can make our way through it. So which song will you?
51 Is that in the children's book?
Do you know which one you want to sing?
Sure if I know this.
They know the tune of this. We can do the first and last verse.
I gave my wife.
My friend something.
And breaking from the dead.
For me.
And I have brought to be down from my home.
Salvation full and free, my heart and my love.
My brain. My brain gracious to me.
One has brought to me. I pray, I pray and rich guests serve me. I must come proud to be.
That's a nice one to start today with.
Yes, Lord Jesus has given his life for us. What have we given for Him? Question.
#9 in the appendix.
Is that crazy? What are Titans good news? Yes, I bring you good news that.
Jay yes, US has come SAVE me has come to see yes.
All right, let's sing #9.
And he wants someone to be a wise new year.
You ask me and you're my father since I washed away.
Careful little eyes, all right. That one's not in here. Indeed. That's all right. We know that one, I think, by memory. Right. We'll be careful, little eyes, and we'll be careful.
Be careful and analyze what you see. There's all The Walking down the tenderloin. Be careful with otherwise what you see.
Be careful, it appears what you hear. Oh, be careful. And here's what you hear. There's a father up above looking down your tenderlove. Oh, be careful there. Billionaires like you hear. Be careful in what you say. I will be careful when I'm telling what you say.
There's a father up above, looking down the tenderlove.
Be careful, little tongue, what you say? Oh, be careful, little hands, like you do. Oh, be careful hands like you do. There is a father up above looking down the tenderloin. Be careful, little hands, what you do.
Be careful little bit where you go. I would be careful they don't think where you go.
There's the father of the bond looking down into your love. Well, be careful, little thing, where you go.
There's a father looking down the center. Moisturizer.
Yes, there's a lot of good verses to that. I know. Where there's another one we can sing. We'll be careful little mind what you think, and we'll be careful little heart who you trust. Another one Is it all very important, aren't they?
All right.
Give us up.
That's OK, I was just picking this.
39 all right.
Maybe the first and last person.
All right, the world says a song.
It doesn't have to be in her book.
Right in the back, right.
13 in the appendix. All right.
All right, why? Why is the ocean?
I claim for my.
Whoever is my to love and care for me.
Why? Why is me Ocean I?
Islam preaches me everywhere.
I wonder away from him by my strength, whatever the sound of his voice.
Is calling to me wherever I may be with you. Make my heart ring, Joy.
Why? Why does he ocean? I am into love.
Give him a second.
Teaches me that it's what reaches me.
All right.
Why don't we see if anybody wants to save hers and then we join?
More and we'll have.
Talk there anybody that has a verse that they want to say?
1St for this week, do you want to remember where it's found?
1St Corinthians, Thank you.
All right. Thanks.
Robert, 16/20/21.
All right. Sounded right.
For accreaching ourselves for Christ Jesus the Lord, and ourselves your servants for Jesus place for God, who commands the light shine of darkness, shall shine in our hearts to give the light of the glorious, to give the light of the knowledge, the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. Second, From these four 5/2.
224 Who himself watch, who himself wire sings in his own body to the tree, having died for us for righteousness.
My dad for us, for righteousness, but he strikes over here either 224.
No thanks.
So there you go. All right, anyone else want to say?
Anybody else not missing anybody?
All right, well, let's sing one more song. Is it all right if I give it out?
Is in the.
#17 you have been the shine.
In this World of Darkness, so we must shine, you and your small corner and I.
It's a shine first of all for him while he sees a nose.
Down from heaven to the sea of shrine, healing your small corner. And I had mine.
Jesus is the shine next for all around many kinds of darkness in this world about.
Sorrow so may not shine you and your small corner and body.
All right, let's just look to the Lord before we start.
Living Godfather, we just thank thee that we have such a wonderful Savior to sing about. And we just thank thee, Lord Jesus, for coming down to this world and to die for each one of us. And we just pray that each one here knows thee is their personal Savior. And if not, they would put their trust in me today. And we just would pray this. We just pray for the message that it'd be simple.
Can understand, be encouraged and so we just pray these things and thank you for thy love, thy name, Lord Jesus, Amen, Amen. All right.
What is this?
A light bulb, right?
What is this supposed to do?
Make light, right?
When does it make light?
Produce light. It's got it plugged in, doesn't it?
So this light bulb here, if I just hold it, you're saying it's never going to shine, never going to shine?
Hold it for a long time. Doesn't make a difference. No. OK, So it has to be plugged in. That's what you're saying. OK.
All right, so we plug it in and then it'll shine. That's what you're saying?
Or you plug it in something else too.
You don't think it'll just shine like this?
No, you're right, it does have to be plugged in.
All right, so it's plugged in.
Still is not giving off light.
Oh, turn on Switch. That's right.
Oh, oh, batteries. No, there's no batteries in it.
You know what I know I'm kind of picking on you, Isaac. There's power there. You know where the power sitting.
It is right there.
But it's not going to shine because it's sitting right there.
All we have to do is push that button.
You know what when you think about.
What is really going on here?
We have a generating, we have a power plant somewhere, right?
Somebody put that in and put in transmission lines. They're substations.
There's wires coming into this building. There's a lot of work, there's hours of work.
We're sitting right there.
Yeah, and.
Nobody's too afraid of being a little bit dark, are they? Okay, so.
So all it takes.
Is just to push this button.
And we've got light, right?
And there it is.
Now we're sitting in this room, we're sitting in the darkness. All we had to do was just push the button.
Right who here staying at the hotel?
Who's gone in and justice half the wall and the lights come on.
So simple to be in in likeness in it.
Takes like no effort.
But you know what? There's electricians that worked here for hours to make it possible that you could do that. And you know what?
What does it take for us to be saved?
Right. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Thou shalt be saved that easy.
We have a song that says at the heart store, the savior is waiting, right?
At the Heart store.
Did it take any work?
For us, no. Did somebody else have to do work?
Somebody else have hours of work, Three hours of darkness.
Doesn't take us any effort sometimes.
We think of just pushing the button and we have light.
But we don't know what went in and what all is behind it to make it work. And you know what? For our sins to be washed away. The Lord Jesus has made it so simple. He's at the heart store. He's right there, and all we have to do is accept Him.
He's already done all the work for us to have lights in our hotel room for us just to flick a switch here, the work's all done. All we have to do is just use the switch.
Don't you think that they would be pretty confused or upset if we went into our hotel rooms in the dark and we stubbed our toe on the bed and said, why don't you just tap the wall?
You know the Lord Jesus, He laid down His life for us and here He is at the heart store, Doc, and all we have to do is open the door and let Him in. It's that simple. We had the power here, sitting right here, and all we had to do was just push the button.
Another thing I wanted to talk about is.
Lord Jesus has said in.
John 10 or I'm sorry and John 812 Says I am the light of the world. He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but you'll have the light of life.
So Lord Jesus has.
Is the light of the world, isn't it? Is this world a dark place?
What does that mean? This world is a dark place? Does that mean you have?
Sun's outside, I had to put the curtains shut to get it darker in here.
Fall as soon right we have that song. I think it is actually in this book of my heart was stained with sin. We sang it in stellar till my heart was black with sin.
Sin is black, isn't it starkness?
And we sang in our song here to see which verse is it that.
Many kinds of darkness in this world abound, sin and want and sorrow. So we must shine.
And so this target, this world is a dark place, isn't it?
Then we have a verse. Maybe somebody for Matthew 517. Somebody has enough light, maybe somewhere in the front here.
Do you have enough light? We'll see. I can move over for you too.
516 I thought your legs are shining before then, that they may see your good words, and you glorify your Father, which is in heaven, right?
Right. Let your light so shine.
What does light do when this is completely dark if I turn this off?
It's hard to tell what color shirt everybody's wearing.
It's hard to tell who's here. We turn it on and then the light reveals.
I don't want to have more light, that's OK.
Gets the point across so the light reveals, doesn't it?
And it reveals things that sometimes we don't realize are there. You don't.
I do electrical for a living and so we're into a house this past week and we went into a place and there was a man who said that his house was rewired and all the wiring was up to date. It was all good. It was all new and you looked at it, there was new light fixtures. It looked really good and we took down one of the light fixtures and it was old wire that we called knob and tube. We went up into the attic and who is here? Ever been in an attic?
Yeah, all right. Who's been in the attic in a summer day?
Who likes being there?
All right, so there are a lot of light in the attic.
Pretty dark, isn't it? Well, I came with a light different than this.
And I looked down and there is a hole in the floor where we opened a piece of. We opened the boards up and we looked above the light and another light. And here the light revealed to me that had been done wrong.
What the man said was done was not done.
But you wouldn't have known.
Send darkness. You wouldn't see it. You couldn't see it.
And so.
That's what the Lord Jesus has done is and he's revealed that we know that we are in darkness, that we're in sin.
We have that same nature that we need to be safe, and we can reveal that because when we're saved, what is it? It's like this light bulb when it started, right? We take it out of there.
It has no light, the lights not coming from this light bulb. It's coming all the way from some power plant somewhere, all the way through all the lines and coming up and coming through here and so.
This light bulb just gives it off, so we can each be like this light bulb, can't we?
How can we shine for the Lord Jesus like the verse that.
The Caleb Red How can we shine for the Lord Jesus?
Righteous things for the Lord, yeah.
What else?
Preaching the Gospel.
Right, right. So who knows of an example in the Bible of somebody that was shining their light?
And oh, that's exactly where you think of Paul and Silas. That's what I was thinking of, right? Paul and Silas.
Right. Exactly how are they shining the light?
Singing, right? They were singing and praising God. So how did that, how was that like shining the light? Because you know, there's actually a verse in it that says that the, I think the jailer asked for a light to come in. So and they were singing at midnight. So it's probably dark.
So how does that seem like a light?
Is it kind of like?
Because the light revealed when they were singing and they were praising God, and here there was this earthquake and the prisoner realized he needed to be saved. And what did he say?
I already quoted it.
What do you say, Isaac?
What must I do to be saved? That's right. So they were shining their light and because of it.
Was the prisoner saved?
So House is safe, Yeah.
That's great.
Now what about? What about what happens, William, if we're maybe we're at.
Maybe we're out at the grocery store or maybe we're out somewhere and we say we're going to go to Sunday school. Mommy says we're going to go to Sunday school, and we say I don't want to go to Sunday school. Oh, so boring. I don't want to go to Sunday school.
What happens to our light?
You're saying Jesus, bits of shine says. And our light grows in.
It's still there, isn't it?
It's growing dim.
Can we do things that make our light grow dim?
Yeah. What's an example of that? What do you think, Emily?
We're doing bad things. You think of Paul and Silas. We're sitting in the prison. They were complaining. Why are we in here? I don't want to be in here.
And why are we still here? I thought we'd already get out.
And they're complaining I'm cold, I'm sore.
I don't think this is right.
Do we complain sometimes?
Yeah. Is that just the children that complain?
No, no, see the faces on the old one.
No, no.
So do you think it's just children that their light can go dim?
No, Would they? You don't think the if they were complaining the whole time? You think the prisoner might have ended up safe or the jail keeper?
I think you know they do we have any recording that they complained, you know we have it said that they sang and that they praised. They were praying and praying to the Lord. They let their light shine.
And here.
Jail keeper was saved because of it.
And so we have in our in the song that we sang, Jesus bids a shine with a pure clear light, you and your small corner and I and mine. So we think about, you know, it's not super bright in here, but.
If we each had a light in here, how bright would it be?
Right, very bright. And you know what?
If everybody had a light in here and I shut mine off.
You know, you may not really even notice.
And so I shut the curtain so we could really see this light. But if we.
And the curtains turn all the lights on. This one won't shine as bright, but that's not the point. We can't just say well.
Mr. Mullins shining his light. So I don't need to. Is that what the Lord Jesus says? No. Well, as long as mommy and daddy do, then I don't need to, right?
Well, Ronnie, Mommy and Daddy always with you when you're at school or wherever, even if we're just playing around at a conference here.
Maybe there would be maybe sometime when we would go to Sunday school, maybe we'd be nervous about sitting up front.
And you know, we could, we can shine for a light and maybe we'd say, here, come sit by me.
You know, arterial conference that happened.
Yep, there is. There's a little girl who said.
To another girl, here comes him by me. And she was nervous sitting up there and here she came up and sat next to her and then they had a nice time. They were sitting there.
So even when we're little, we can shine our light, for the Lord Jesus can't be.
We don't just rely on the Lord. Jesus has said that that we should shine our light, shouldn't we? Right, because we have.
We have those verses, right?
In Luke 8.
Luke needs.
We know these verses. Luke 8/16.
Says 16 No man, when he hath lighted a candle, covers it with a vessel, or put it under a bed, but said it, that on a Candlestick, that they which enter may see the light. So I put this light up high, right, because then it shines more. We don't put all our lights on the floor, do we? Have them up in the ceiling, and they shine, and they light the whole room, right?
But you know, I have to tell you honestly.
There's times in my life where I know that maybe I'd be a little bit nervous.
And hide the light a little bit because I didn't know where kids at school might think.
And I was a little shy and I missed the opportunity to shine my light.
Or, you know, my actions. Maybe sometime.
Even at work.
People are making fun of somebody else, so they're joking around and I laugh along.
And then what happens?
My light is growing dim.
So it's something that we all need to hear, isn't it? We need to be reminded of.
Because when we had when the power is out, you light a candle, you put it away in some corner and then hide something over it.
We let it shine. We want it to light up the room, right? We want it to light up the room.
So she.
Just a little reminder that we can shine our lights for the Lord Jesus.
It's something that we constantly need, isn't it?
Because we know that the Lord Jesus has said, thy word is lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path, right?
So with God's Word, we can shed that and we know where we're going.
Right, you know, on our way here.
We were coming in on the highway and we're moving right along and here I saw some flashers on the other side of the highway and there was some emergency vehicles there and then there was traffic backed up.
And we kept driving and there's more traffic backed up and more and more and kept going. And then we kept on going and then we saw where traffic was still flowing and they didn't get there yet and.
Course, around here there's turns and bends and hills, and I thought, look at those people there, they think they're just going down the highway, maybe they need to get somewhere at a certain time and they think traffic's flowing great. We're not Toronto or Montreal, we'll get there no problem.
But then they were about to see a lot of lights, a lot of red lights it.
See tailings. They didn't know what was ahead of them.
And, you know, sometimes you'll see cars the other side, they'll flash their lights because there's danger. Sometimes a warning and light tells us that, doesn't it? God's word tells us that there's coming a time when there will be outer darkness.
Outer darkness.
Anybody like to stay in the darkness for a long, long time?
No, no, we get called into people's houses because they want more light.
They're tired of straining their eyes and they want more light so they can see.
And so here these these cars were about to find out warning lights and the brake lights that.
That they're going to have to stop.
And so that's what we use our headlights for, right? We don't drive because your mom and dad drive at night with the headlights off in the darkness. They want to know where they're going. And so we have, we have this light, don't we? Tells us where we're going, gives us direction so we know.
We know where to go and you know sometimes if you're ever driving along, sometimes you'll see from the headlights of another vehicle, you'll see a deer or a moose, not even from your own but from somebody elses light. And when we shine off our light, you know, and we're working, sometimes we have multiple lights and I'll see from another ones light. I'll see what I needed to see. And you know that's what Paul and Silas did, they gave off, they shine their light for Lord Jesus.
Here they realized that they needed a savior, and they asked what must I do to be saving when they were satisfied?
And so how important it is that they shine their light.
All right, well, I don't want to go too long so.
We can sing. Maybe we'll just sing one more. Somebody has one more.
Hurt your eyes. It's home right now.
All right.
Who else has a song?
Independent 21 in the appendix. All right, Jesus wants me for a son, right? Jesus wants me for.
Every way. Try to please him at home as well that way.
My son made my son name. Jesus wants me for a son in a son in a son give a son give a son give a son name.
He just wants me to be.
And kind to all I see, showing her pleasant and happy is there no one can be.
Assigned me, my son, me. Jesus wants me for a son being, a son with a son being. I'll be a Sunday for him.
I will. Let's change the street to keep my heart from chain showing us and always shine for him.
I sunk in my sun name. Jesus wants me for a Sunday, a sun being a sunny I'll be here something for me.
OK, let's sing one more. It goes along with the verse. I read this little light of mine, right? Everybody know that one? Don't think it's in our book, This little light of mine. All right, OK, this little.
Of mine I go to shine and it shine. Let it shine, let it shine.
Don't. Let's say control here, I'm gonna let you let it shut.
I'm gonna let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.
Know I destroyed I.
I'm the way to shine when it shine when it shine when it shines.
Let it shine. Till Jesus comes, I'm gonna let it shine.
Let's try to Jesus comes.
All right, let's just look to the Lord.
Let me go and Father, we just thank you for being that perfect light and Lord chooses what an example we have. And so Lord Jesus, we just.
Ask for help for each one of us that we can just be a sunbeam for for the.
And so we just pray for just especially that this weekend and for this conference here and the testimony we can be here. And just then as we go back to our homes and back to our jobs and school, our neighborhoods, that we can just shine through thee. And so just ask for help in that. We'd have the courage and we'd have the strength to. And so we just pray again that if there's any here that.
Are still.
Just in darkness, so there have not accepted thee have not opened the door. Just so simple.
Just so simple to open the door and so Lord, we just.
We would just pray that we would let each one here has accepted you as their Savior is asking into their heart to wash away their sins. So we just would pray this. We thank Thee for Thy love and for dying for us. Just ask for help and guidance for the remainder of the day too. Were they impressed His name, Lord Jesus, Amen.