The Ground of Being Gathered

Address—Robert Muir
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Number part of #21.
Have a father. We approach the.
And our Savior's precious name, please, I told you assembly. Now that the promised blessing.
Sing playing.
It's like and watch us live through him.
I so strong God.
And my spirit.
We'll just sing the second verse and not the 3rd or 4th.
In our fall.
Our family.
My Grace Horn.
Here, with love from men surgery.
You'll notice in the last.
6th line of that second verse, it says at thy table is our place.
I want to speak a better bed to the words table as part of what we.
Often here referred to as a grounded gathering.
I actually prefer to think of that subject as the ground of being gathered rather than the ground together. And we'll probably.
Understand a little bit better as we go along why I say that.
Before we start, let's ask for help our God and our Father, and thank thee that we can now call the ABBA Father.
We have a relationship so close to thee.
Because of the death of thy beloved son on the cross of Calgary.
Cannot be closer as we sometimes soon.
They're as close as ice as the Lord Jesus.
Cannot either be.
When we think.
Our God of how?
Lost we were before.
We are amazed at Tyler. We were without the our God and without hope in this world.
Lord Jesus, thou has sought, found us.
And now we thanks we can open thy word this afternoon.
And examine and look into some of the things which are very precious to thy heart and should be precious to ours as well. And so we ask for thy health this afternoon, and we do so, our God and Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior.
I'd like to turn first.
To the book of Matthew.
Turning to a few scriptures.
Bear with me if you heard me think about this subject before. You also have to bear with me at 2:00.
It's very precious to my heart and I think it's important for all of us, from younger ones to the older ones of us here. My grandson tells me that an old man, so I guess I'm classified as older. Very important for all of us to understand What?
Is very precious to the Lord.
To be to find ourselves at his table.
We have to start back a little bit and in Matthew chapter 16.
In the middle of verse 18.
The Lord says to Peter.
I will build my truth.
I will build my church.
You know, a few weeks ago.
There was a letter.
Dropped into the mailbox of the meeting room in Montreal.
It was a.
Rather politely critical letter.
No indication as to who wrote it or put it there.
And amongst other things in the letter.
The writer referred to.
Mr. Darby being the founder.
There's a nomination that met in that building.
You obviously PRT obviously had a bit of an axe to grind as the as the expression goes.
But I want to say right up front.
That those of us who are meeting here today in this room.
As well as all of those with whom were in fellowship around this world are not a den.
We trust that we are the Lord has brought us.
To get them to be gathered to his name alone by the power and the leading of the Spirit of God, and to be at his table. But we're not a denomination. And if anyone, if anyone, would object to.
Mr. Garvey being called the founder of the denomination, it would be the manager himself.
We hear, we read.
That the Lord Jesus says I will build my church.
So if we want to talk about founders and the Lord Jesus Christ himself is the founder of his church and the builder of his church.
And it belongs to him.
The word church.
Is a little bit misleading and misleading a lot of people just driving into St. John's we saw and driving in through the city.
We saw a lot of churches and just about any city that you want to live in in Canada.
Drive through, you're going to see a lot of church buildings.
But what the Lord Jesus is talking about here is not a building made of bricks or wood or stone.
It's a building of believers.
In himself.
Where I come from in Montreal, I'm no expert in French, I just get along in it.
In the language but.
We own those of you I guess from your Brunswick would know as well.
That the word for church in French is at least.
That as I understand it's more obvious in French.
The word church, or at least really comes from a Greek word called ekklesia.
This is what I've been told, which is very similar to the French Iglesias and that word the meaning of that word ecclesia in Greek.
I understand he was cold at once.
All the believers who have been called out of this world, as we heard this morning, we are really citizens of heaven now because of the work of the Lord Jesus on the cross.
So the church that the Lord Jesus is speaking about here is.
Are the are the believers in himself who have put their trust in you called in this world and their their part they make up his term so every believer in this room and I trust it is everyone.
If you're not, you're not believing in the Lord Jesus Christ. Don't even wait until the end of this meeting. Put your trust in Him now, as you say.
For every believer in this group and every believer in the city of Saint John's and all around the island of Newfoundland, and there are many.
And all around this world.
Our members of that.
The Lord Jesus has been as founded and is building.
Let's turn to Acts chapter 20.
Acts Chapter 20.
On the and verse, just the last part of verse 28.
2028 the last part.
It speaks of the Church of God.
Which he has purchased with his own.
Speaking of the church, which.
Lord Jesus said he would build, and it says here that he has purchased.
His own blood.
I think we're Sean spoke this morning about.
Or to the Lord Jesus.
Because of the price that he paid for you and me.
Well, this verse also tells us.
That the Lord Jesus purchased his church with his own blood, and we know that on the on the cross of Calvary.
He shed his precious blood to wash away your sins and mine.
That was the the price of the purchase of this trip.
Which shows us, I believe, how valuable this church was, how precious this truth is to him.
Let's turn now to Acts Chapter 2.
That's chapter 2.
Starting at verse one.
And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one at 4 in one place.
And suddenly there came a sound from having as of a rushing mighty wind.
And it filled all the house where they were sitting.
And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like us with fire, and it sat upon each of them, and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost.
Here is the account in the acts.
Of the founding of the church that we're speaking.
The church which the Lord Jesus said he would build.
Here it is where it took place.
Inverse in the very first verse it says they were all with one accord in one place that what that is all of those who.
Followers up and believe it believers in the Lord Jesus Christ.
We don't.
We now we have the whole word of God.
But just imagine you were.
One of these, one of these men like Peter or John or the other apostles or the other, the women, some of the women who believed in him.
This was totally brand new for them.
They didn't know what was going to happen. They they had the word, had promised that they would receive the Holy Spirit.
Not many days hence.
But here they were.
They had trusted in the Lord Jesus. Here they were all.
With one accord in one place. Beautiful.
With one accord in one place, all kinds of different people. And yet by the work of the Spirit of God, he had made sure that they were all together in one place, maybe something like this room.
So the Spirit of God was at work.
In order for them to be there even before he came down and invented.
And it says in verse four, they were all filled with the Holy Ghost. There's the indwelling of the Spirit of God and each and every believer, every one of them who was, who were there then.
And not only did they were they as well as individuals.
But it says at the end of verse two that.
The Spirit of God filled all the house where they were sitting.
So the Spirit of God came.
Down to that place where they were and he was there collectively.
Amongst them, not just in the indwelling individuals like he was there where that group of believers was and I might say.
That there were no believers missing.
On that occasion, the Spirit of God had made sure that they were all there.
And we know if we were to look through that, we're not going to turn to it, but we know if we were to read through the rest of the acts.
That the Spirit of God.
Says but it says later on that the Lord added to the truth something should be saved. So it wasn't just these hundred or so people who were there at that time. There were thousands at it at various times. And so today every believer.
All around this world.
Is a member has been in love by the Spirit of God and is a member of the church in which the word Jesus said we were killed.
Now let's go to Ephesians chapter one.
Evenings, chapter one.
I should have mentioned before, but.
When we were talking about this word church.
As we know in in Mr. Darby's translation of the Bible.
Uses the word assembly.
And that's probably a better word than than the word church. The church is, like I said, that we saw when we were driving into Saint John.
Church of this church, of that, this church, that church. Beautiful buildings.
But that's not what God was intended. That's not what the Lord Jesus built.
There are probably believers in a lot of those churches, believers in the Lord Jesus Christ.
They and we and every believer is a member.
Began at his school building.
Use the word church can be as I said before of it misleading and so we may be using the word assembly instead of that, but here in Ephesians chapter one.
Starting and then we just the beginning of verse 17.
And then go on to verse 22.
At the God of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Father of glory.
Go to the middle of verse 22 gave him the word Jesus to be the head over all things to the church, which is his body.
So here it's very clear.
Two things that God has made the word Jesus Christ the head of that church.
There are no there's no believer on Earth who is the head.
Of history. It belongs to the Lord Jesus, he said. It was my truth. He built it. He's still building it. He founded it. He's still building it.
It belongs to him, and God's Father has made him the head of that church.
There's no organized organization.
Of hierarchy that controls that Church, He is the head only, only Lord Jesus himself.
And here we get introduced second thing about this hostage, we get introduced that that church, that assembly as a whole is seen as his body. It says here that church or assembly, which is his body. So it's a body of believers, the members of that body.
Are is are they? They're comprised of every believer in the whole world.
Now we're going to look at First Corinthians 12.
Because that gives us.
A little more, a little confirmation, more confirmation of what we've been talking about.
1St Corinthians 12 starting at verse 12.
Whereas the body is one and has.
Many members, and all the members of that one body being many, are one body.
There he's speaking about all with the direction of the Holy Spirit is speaking about our bodies, our human bodies, as an example of what he wants to tell me.
So as the body is one and have many members, and all the members of that one body being many are one body, so also is Christ, or by 1 Spirit are we all baptized into one body.
Whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be other people, we be bond or free, and have been made, have all been, have been all made to drink into one spirit. For the body is not one member, but many.
There's 20, but now are there many members yet but one?
So here we have.
That just as you and I have.
Have two ears and two eyes, two hands, and so on.
Each with different functions in our human body.
So the body of Christ, which is His truth, has many members.
There's different functions. Some are good at this, some are good at that. Everyone has a purpose. Because he has purchased that church with his own black. He doesn't bring, I can say this reverently, he doesn't bring anyone into that.
True, that body of his, that is, that doesn't have any use.
They're all useful to him.
Sometimes it may take us a little while to to figure out what what it is he wants me or you to do.
But there's nobody in the body of Christ who is not valuable.
Lord Jesus Christ, He purchased, He paid for our salvation, and he wants us.
In his as members of his party.
And so, and we see here that there are many members of.
His body and by 1 Spirit, as we read it in Acts chapter 2, by 1 Spirit, we've all been baptized into one body. So there's, there aren't two bodies or multiple bodies of believers. There's one. And when the Lord looks down from heaven and he's up there now, looks down and he sees one body of believers.
We here in this room are a very, very small part of that one party.
The word looks down in these season believers on the other side of the world, Africa, India.
Australia. Wherever you want to name China Siberia.
One body. Everyone who believes in the word Jesus Christ is an equal and valuable member of that party.
You know, I'm sure that most of you have heard.
As I have heard these things spoken about many times.
But I really believe that we need to understand.
And examine what the Word of God says about these things sometimes we can get into.
Into a way of thinking that we know what this is all about.
And we might be.
In danger of just getting a little bit off subtracting.
I'm getting used to hearing expressions that have been used for many years.
But I think what I want to do this afternoon is.
Is to see what the word of God actually says and teaches us that there's this subject.
And so.
The next.
Thing I want to consider is.
The members, all the members of the body of Christ.
What does?
What does the lure was the head of the body.
Want each one of us to do. Now he may have different things different different work for each one to do, but there's one thing that he would like to have every member of the body of Christ do and I think you'll prompt most of you will probably know the answer. Let's turn to Luke chapter 22.
Luke, chapter 22.
Luke chapter 22, verse 19.
And he, the Lord Jesus, he took bread and gave thanks and break it, and.
Unto them saying, This is my body which is given for you, this do in remembrance of me. Likewise also the tough after supper, saying, This cup is the New Testament in my blood, which is said.
Here we have the Lord Jesus Himself.
The remembrance of himself.
With his disciples.
And this is what he's asking me to do. Let's do in remembrance of me.
And some people might say, well, that was only the 12 apostles or the 11 apostles.
But this is what he would like every believer to do.
To remember him in his cast.
Tomorrow morning if the Lord leaves us here.
He will do that in this room.
Just a few of the members of his party.
Out of probably millions in this world.
But we will do that that he has asked us to do.
Does the Lord Jesus want every member of the body of Christ to do that?
Every believer in the city of Saint John together.
Not with us.
But at his table.
Remembering that's what you would like to have.
And, you know, it's interesting that the Apostle Paul.
Who, by the direction of the Spirit, God wrote many of them.
Epistles in their testimony he was not here.
But let's turn over to 1St Corinthians 11.
And as we all know, we're going to see the apostles follow writing there.
I've been at the very same thing.
1St Corinthians 11.
And verse 23.
For I have received of the Lord he didn't receive it from.
Peter or John or any of the other?
He says here I received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you, that the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread, and when he had given thanks and break it and said take, eat, this is my body which is broken for you, this dude in remembrance of me after the same matter also he took the cup when he had sucked, saying this cup is the New Testament.
In my blood.
This Dewey is off as you drink it, and remembrance of me, or as often as he eat this bread and drink this cup, he who shows the Lord's death till he comes.
So here was the Apostle Paul writing this.
When he had not even been at that occasion.
In that upper room with the Lord Jesus.
We read about it in chapter 22. But the Lord had shown him we as we.
Somebody was referring to this morning. He had been caught up to the third covenant.
Told things that were unspeakable, and I'm sure that part of that was that the Lord had revealed to him that this is what He wanted Paul and every member of the body of Christ to do.
So that's, that's what he wants us to do, to remember him and ask. Turn back to Acts 20.
We see.
The disciples actually doing that 20 and the seven.
It says and upon the first day of the week when the disciples came together to break bread.
So here we see.
I'm doing exactly what the word has asked me to do.
And it was on the first day of the week.
It was not once a month.
Four times a year it was the first day of the week, and I presume it's pretty clear that it was the first day of everything.
Because the Lord had said through Paul and.
Corinthians 11 Said as often as he eats his bread, it was a regular. The Lord once said to me a regular.
Remembrance every week on the first day of the week.
So that's what he wants us to do. Remember himself in the in the breaking of bread.
And the taking of the cup, Speaking of his body that was given for us.
There are sins in his own body of the tree.
And the Trump speaking to us of his blood check.
Take away my city.
Now the question arises.
Where does he want us to do this?
Where is he want us to?
Let's go back to First Corinthians 10.
1St Corinthians 10 and in the middle of verse 21.
We're going to see.
We're going to see.
Reference to the Lord's Table.
Not going to go into the whole subject that always covering here.
But he refers to the Lord's table.
Now, as far as I can see, that's the only reference in the New Testament.
To his teeth, but it's there.
It's there.
There's a thing about the lunch table, guys.
Who does that belong to?
If we look at the way it's written, it belongs to the work.
Words table does not belong to any group of Christians.
Anywhere in this world, it belongs to the world.
And the other thing that we want to notice is that it's in single.
One table.
So it belongs to the Lord just like.
His church that was born that he purchased his own blood.
Belongs to him, so does the table. The worst table belong to the world.
There's no.
There's no group of Christians.
Not us here or anywhere else we say that we own or control the world state.
Belongs to him.
You know.
There are so many beautiful pictures in the Old Testament.
Of things which the Lord brought out in the New Testament.
Those things, one of those pictures that I love is is in Second Samuel Chapter 9.
I just want to look at that for a few moments.
Second Samuel 9. We all know the story quite well.
I don't think they're going to take the time to read the whole chapter, but I want to look at some of the verses.
Samuel, Second Samuel Chapter 9, verse one.
And David said, Is there yet any that is left of the House of Saul, that I may show him kindness for Jonathans sake?
Members three and the king said, Is there not yet any of the House of Saul, that I may told the kindness of God and to him.
Verse four. And the king said unto him, Where is he? On structure? Read the whole third person. And Zyba said unto the king, Jonathan hath yet a son, which is laying on his feet. And the king said unto him, Where is he?
Inside the Senate of the King, Behold, he is in the House of Making, the son of Annielle of our Inlord of Art.
And King David sent and fetched him out of the House of naked, the son of Anil from.
Now when the service is, the son of Jonathan, the son of Saul was coming to David. He fell in his face and did redness.
As David said in the furniture, and he answered, Behold.
Never said unto him, Fear not, for I will sorely show thee kindness and my Father's sake.
Where we all go and solve our Father.
Here is something we really want to know. Thou shalt eat bread.
And he and the Featherstone bowed himself, and said, What is thy servant? Thou shouldest look upon such a dead God as I did.
We'll drop down the middle of 1St 10 David speaking again, but my February 1St Masters son shall eat bread always at my table.
And then at the end of verse 11.
As former privileges, said the king, he shall eat at my table as one of the King's son.
And then verse 13 so the fibrosis well into the sword or he did he continually after King's tape and was laid on roses feet.
I just think this is such a beautiful picture.
How we should consider?
1St of all, efficient was from the house the family of Saul.
Naturally speaking.
You wouldn't think that David would want to have anything to do with anyone from that, that's all.
The way saw Peter David.
When Saul was king.
Yeah, David was the designated king.
You would think that the fibrosis would be the last person for whatever or anyone from there has solved would be the last person that David would want to have eating at his table.
Doesn't that show us?
Isn't that a picture of the love of the Lord Jesus for you and for me?
As as guilty sinners, we deserve nothing. We never deserved the salvation that He's accomplished for. But he wanted you and he wanted me.
To be part of his bride's house, and he. He took my sins and doors on the cross.
So that that could be possible.
So David wanted the.
And he went and searched him and brought him. He brought him to his table.
I think it's three times here we see in verse 6.
He fell on his face and had reference.
I can imagine.
When when he found out that David.
Grandfathers enemy wanted to have him at his table.
And he fell in his face.
And then in at the end of that verse.
Six, he says. He answers with the David, and said, Behold thy service.
You really took a very humbling real quick before before.
And then in verse eight, he bowed himself and said, What is thy servant that looked upon such a dead dog as I am?
He realized his.
And you know if we.
We wanted the that's the words take. We have to realize that we're nothing, that he's everything.
And he said. And that he's the one who wants us to be there.
So three times it seems to me that David that the Fellowship showed his his.
Real realization that means nothing for a four day.
But on the other hand, David.
Three times says.
First of all, at the end of verse 7, thou shall be spread at my table. Continue.
And then he repeats that in verse 10, the last part of verse 10. The Master Son shall eat prayer.
And at the end of verse 11, I was pretty.
Said to King, He shall eat it by tape.
To need such a beautiful picture as the Lord Jesus wants to have every believer.
At this table.
Might say, well that's impossible today.
In these days of such confusion amongst Christians.
Yes, there is, but it doesn't change the fact.
Doesn't change the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ, I believe, would like to have.
Every single belief patterns too.
You know, I before we leave the I just want to point out.
I don't think we ever read in this chapter.
Story that the privatisation.
Was so used, got so used to being there at Davis table.
That he felt like he owned.
And he felt like he owned the table and that he took that he could look after and tour.
We don't read anything. There's no indication of that that I can see. Seems to me that he was just. He must have been so thrilled that David even wanted him to be there.
That he was just happy to be there at.
Is to.
I've never got to the point where he felt like he like he could have any control over.
And you know brother, and that's.
Where the way I think we need to work to.
Take Yes, we need to be careful if the Lord has brought us there.
There are cases where we need to be careful.
I know what happens at that time.
You better realize that we do not.
It's only.
Let me just illustrate that I you may have heard me say this before, but.
Our brother and sister in St. John, NB, David Verda.
We've stayed with them, my wife and I have stayed with them many times and just about every time you drive through.
Saint John or or or want to stay in Saint John they have been.
Mary Hospital talked to her hospitality this morning. They were the epitome of hospitality.
But no matter how many times.
My wife and I have sat at their table and enjoyed fellowship with them.
I could never.
Get to the point where I could say that that house, their house belonged to me or that their table where we ate belong to me. It was still David and burgers too. I might just have the standard bar.
Have treated us the same way and we were just there.
We couldn't. I couldn't sit down and stand on barge table.
As we did last a week ago and say that that table belonged to me.
And if they've come to our place, they wouldn't think that either.
Just a little example of how we need to look at the words table.
Like my privilege says, we can be very thankful that the Lord has brought us there. We trust.
So let's never.
Now the question.
Final question is.
We need to move along here.
My question is how do we find? How do we know where towards table is?
If the Lord wants us to remember him, and we have seen that He.
It's obvious that he would want us to remember him at his table.
And we've seen the example of contributors being brought to Davis TER.
So today in 2019.
How do we know whether was table is?
Any of us, by his grace alone.
Believes that He has brought us to this table.
Some of us, you know, have been.
Brought there when we were very young, like some of these children. They've been brought there by our parents.
And some people might say, well, if you're.
Grandfather and father were there then. That's probably why you're there.
But you know, sooner or later.
And a lot of us have experienced this in the last.
30 years.
Sooner or later we get tested.
Even if our parents brought us to the assembly or the Lord's table is we get tested sooner or later.
And it's beautiful to see as we just had.
Brother in Montreal in the last year or so.
Who told us?
That he had hoped to find something.
Like he's now found.
He never knew that he could come to a place.
Where he's as he says, where the Lord has given his place as head over the church, and if he can just simply remember the war, gather to put to the name of the Lord Jesus.
And salaries is from Cuba.
And he lived in Montreal for 10 years, went to a number of different places.
And the word broader.
You know the Lord's works by fact, the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Very encouraging.
So let's turn to.
Let's go to Mark.
The Gospel of the Mark.
Last few minutes here. Mark 14.
Part 14 and verse 12.
And the first day of unleavened bread, when they built a household, or his disciples said unto him, Where will thou that we go and prepare for?
And he sendeth forth two of his disciples, and stuff unto them. Go ye into the city, and.
There's some you imagine bearing a picture of water. Follow him.
And wheresoever he shall go in, say ye to the Goodman of the house, the Master says, Where is the guest chamber? Where I shall eat the Passover with my disciples, and he will show you a large upper room, furnished and prepared. There make ready for us.
Disciples went forth and came into the city, and found, as he had said, into them.
So the question that the disciples asked the Lord Jesus here in verse 12 was, where will thou go and prepare?
And you know it.
Don't turn to the verse. I think you've all we're all familiar with it. And in second Timothy chapter 20, chapter two was 22. It speaks itself then that call on the war kind of a pure heart.
I believe that here the disciples were asking the Lord as a pure heart, where will thou be prepared?
And I believe that that's what every believer needs to do.
Whether it was the disciples back here in Mark 14 and like we've added 22 or whether it's us now 2000 years later.
If we ask if any believer today.
Your part, where will thou go and prepare?
So the word showed the disciples here.
Sent them into the city.
We read and it says he said there so a man meet you. Did he say go into the city and look for a man? He said there is a man, a man will meet you.
Not none, as we've lost her as a picture of security.
And they were a full of his.
Didn't need to look for a place. I didn't need to look for a man.
Just to go into the city and the man would beat them. Because the Spirit of God knows when you ask for your heart, where should I go? He's going to show you. He's going to show you where to go, where to find the worst tank. So they met.
The man was going to meet them, and they would have followed him wheresoever he shall go in and.
And he?
Master of the house, he will show you a large upper room.
Furnished and prepared, That room that they were brought to was already. Lord Jesus has his table already.
It's not something that any group of Christians has to start up for establishing the word. Jesus has it already prepared.
The question is to be one of.
Do we want him to show us where it is or am I going to try to look for it myself? I try to look for it myself. I would probably, very likely end up in a running place.
But if I ask the Lord Jesus said about your heart, where will thou that I go?
Spirit of God will will sow me some of you and go so and we believe where the Lords Table is.
I want to just turn one last verse.
Very familiar course.
Matthew, Chapter 18.
And verse 20.
Well, we're two or three are gathered together in my.
The Lord Jesus said that here to his disciples, for two or three are gathered together in the morning.
Now I.
I'm going to tell you that.
If you look at a French Bible.
The way that reads in French.
When it says our gathering.
And I've checked the service with my French brothers in Montreal.
Wordings in French is extremely clear that it's a, it's an outside force and outside power that does the gathering. You know, in English it's a little bit you can say, well, we're all gathered here. It might just be gathered for some social event.
You know, a group of people were all gathered here.
But in French, when you say our gathering, sometimes someday it means that something gathered something, or somebody gathered you together.
And we know the Spirit of God does the gather.
So if I.
You know, if you and I were to say, well, now let's.
Let's start up a little gathering.
Somewhere else, let's say, and we'll follow everything in the Word of God.
And try to do everything right according to the word of God.
That would be that would be us trying to do together.
It has to be done by the Spirit of God. Spirit of God is the one who has to gather and so it says here where two or three are gathered together.
My name.
That's where the Lord wants us to.
And when the Spirit of God does that?
When he gathers believers together in his name.
The words presence is there.
I can put it this way, the word does not look down and say and see four different groups. I'd say I believe this.
And he doesn't look at it, those four groups and say, well, this one here is the most peaceful, so my presence is going to be there.
What he does as he gathers.
All believers who are willing to be gathered.
By the power of the Spirit of God around himself, His name at his table.
Sometimes we hear the expression.
That we gather on the ground if it went away.
I don't believe that that script.
That we are gathered by the Spirit of God.
And if we're gathered by the Spirit of God, it will be on the ground of the one body.
But I can.
I can't say that I do it myself, and I'm not.
The Assembly as a whole, all members of the Body of Christ throughout the world.
Go on to belongs to him. To the world, his table belongs to him.
A local? A local assembly, right?
Gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus and Corbett.
That little assembly, and there are many.
Here encountered in the US and around the world.
Belongs each little assembly locally belongs to the Lord Jesus himself.
None of us. No group of believers, not ourselves or anyone else.
Say that the assembly belongs to us.
We sometimes say our our symptom or our faith.
But I don't believe that's really what.
Yes, somewhere belongs to him. His table belongs to him.
The desires that every believer might be there gathered to his name around 15.
That's great, Our God and our Father.
We have looked at many verses from my word and we just pray that was exercise each one of our hearts.
Speaker included.
To value the things that we have considered as I were.
And to be like the fibrous.
To be very.
Happy to have been gathered with trust at Timetable.
But to always realize who reduce us?
That it goes to.
And to value the privilege.
Remembering the in my death.
Now it's so easy.
And we ask these things.
Give thanks to the Arab Garden father for the left. I love made this person.
And we do so in the word Jesus Christ, our city.